Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

늬들이 날 수호룡이라 부르든 말든 난 잘거야

The story of a human reincarnated as the Creator God of a new world, and her observation logs of the burgeoning new world and life.

Dragons, which have existed since before the birth of human civilization, became the guardian dragons of the empire.
But whether you guys call me that or not, I’m going to sleep.

This time, I’m only accepting paid requests. You can get 2 series from Novelpia for just $15, excluding 19+ content. For more details, you can DM me at    https://discord.gg/gkqVpUr5.

Trakteer Saya

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15 responses to “Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep”

  1. ableth says:

    can you do I became an artist in a romantic comedy

  2. Firadevour says:

    Thanks for new chapter!

  3. Sareza says:

    Idk why this got rates so low at NU, it wasn’t even that bad, and it has a very unique premise, still though, it MC is quite irresponsible, but still responsible(?). Thousands of years, and she still haven’t changed her mindset lol

    • Lyonya1992 says:

      It’s low on NU because previous translator put it behind paywall and later deleted whole site for some reason. Low ranking is a backlash because of it.

      • Sareza says:

        Why is my english so stiff here, anyways, NovelPlex did put it behind a paywall, though they didn’t make an announcement for it, so the translators didn’t even know what was happening, then the site got deleted as well as all of the translated chapters, Gospel Of Blood is also there, the TL transferred all the translated chapters to Fenrir after the site was shut down

  4. Alex says:

    Hello, web administrator or anyone who has the raws, could you please tell me where I can find the raws? English is not my native language, and I have to use a translator, which makes reading very uncomfortable. If you could send me the raw so I can translate it with AI into my language, I would be infinitely grateful. I swear I won’t upload it anywhere, just for personal use. Best regards and thank you very much for reading.

  5. Can you update this novel?

  6. LOLICON says:

    waiting for new chapters…

  7. Andreich says:

    Thanks for translation! This is one of my favorite novels.
    Sory that I can only support you through words alone.

  8. Taurus says:

    Can you add the series A Powerful Martial Artist Reincarnates as a Nun Knight

  9. Levelgap says:

    Dropping at chapter 106. I’m getting irritated at the callousness of the protagonist, and their illogical mindset that jumps from nonsensical chill to abrupt bouts of arrogance and entitlement.


    If she is so concerned about Erebus, fucking rewind the time idiot, and actually take responsibility. It’s like she forgot she have time manipulation.

    She also dismiss her wrongs and only thinks others must be responsible based on her own biased perspective. She have the gall to always remind others, who already matured and moved on from it by the way, about their mistakes while she herself ignored what she does with a “whatever” attitude. It pisses me off.

    So yeah, story is good, the insights to the future is interesting, and the world building is nice, but the protagonist pisses me off. If she actually stop bitching around and actually take responsibility to everything, and not feel entitled about things, I think the story will actually be good.

    This is a personal opinion. If you like it, good. For me, I hate the MC. That’s all.

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