Another World Reincarnation Chronicle

Another World Reincarnation Chronicle

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Another World Reincarnation Chronicle

When I suddenly regained my senses, the first thing that came into view was the vast sky.

I blinked and absentmindedly admired the clouds drifting by.

The sky was being painted in a brilliant sunset hue, as if to tell me that the sun was setting.

How long has it been since I admired the sky in such a daze?

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12 responses to “Another World Reincarnation Chronicle”

  1. Sunny.Sphynx says:

    Thanks for adding it!

  2. Kuri says:

    Thanks for adding this!

  3. Chapter 93 is missing

  4. Grunhilde says:

    This is great adventure novel

  5. Ts enjoyer says:

    Best ts I have read this year

  6. Sitidara says:

    Kukukuku siapa yang bilang ini cerita terbaik atau hebat apalah itu

    Yah cukup lumayan dengan perjalanannya sebagai pendekar pedang, tapi apa yang paling ku benci di dunia ini? Adalah manusia yang egois yang hanya memikirkan dirinya, meskipun lu MC berasal dari dunia lain tapi lu gak respect pada ibumu di dunia lain ini,meskipun lu ogah nikah setidaknya lu harus menjawabnya kalau lu menolaknya bukan langsung tinggal merantau ke antah berantah dengan menulis surat ‘jangan cari aku lagi’ itu bajingan , itu ibu yang memberi lu makan saat pertama kali dan melahirkan lu tolol

    Et dah, apapun komentar di atas dan ada di nu, plis jangan menormalkan MC ini, yang mana udah kelewat egoisnya minta ampun

  7. spacekitten87 says:

    This was a surprisingly good read~

  8. Jonum says:

    I’ve read it to the end it’s a good story it’s just that the end part makes me ask question is emely married or at just leaving his sword alone?

  9. Ex says:

    9/10. it’s been so long i gotten binged read until the end of novel.

  10. Emre says:

    This was a surprisingly good read indeed. It is just pure adventure and mystery that made me feel refreshed. 9/10 definitely recommend.

  11. yangu says:

    If you’re thinking of reading this novel but don’t know what to expect, it follows a conventional pattern where the MC starts of as kid that abandons her town in search for greater and becomes more and more powerful, relying on knowledge from her old life.

    Like other novels, the MC’s power grows ridiculously fast. However that could be seen more as a quirk of the genre rather than a real issue.

    The ending was wrapped up nicely, after everything she has done she goes back to where it began to live the life shegave up for adventuring. And as for the last bit, it seems she wasn’t satisfied with the quiet life and went back to adventuring,

    Her adventures are truly extraordinary, visiting places from fairytales, discovering worlds and befriending myths, luckily she wrote this book otherwise her exploits would be unknown among her people kek

    8/10 overall, I recommend this novel to those that want a story focusing more on discovering more about the world and culture rather than adapting to TS or the past. I almost forgot it was a TS isekai because of how rarely it was mentioned and how little relevance it had lol

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