Chapter 45

After a meeting that dragged on until evening, the Paladins and Priests ultimately decided to abandon the search operation.

They were concerned that if Adventurers turned into Undead, it would only strengthen the enemy’s forces.

Just as they feared, the Undead created from Adventurers would likely resurrect as stronger than existing Undead.

The freshness of the corpses and their armament were entirely different levels.

Just like selecting fresh and high-quality meat to make a delicious steak, Undead typically became stronger when good corpses were used as material.

“So, what are we going to do?”

“They’re planning to tidy up around the dungeon entrance and hold out,” I explained to my party the meeting details relayed by the Paladins.

It wasn’t exactly a grand conclusion.

Seeing as the Abyss Priest kept charging at us instead of fleeing, it seemed this dungeon was a key stronghold for him, so the only plan was to dig in at the entrance and hold on until the main forces below returned with the reinforcements.

In short, they were disbanding the search party and reassigning them all to the defense.

While it wasn’t particularly appealing due to its overly passive approach, it was the best option for now.

Charging into the forest with lacking skill would only get us eaten by Undead or become one of them.

“What do you think?”

“Hmm. Are we going to hold the entrance and wait for an offensive? Not bad. Much better than wandering in the forest and getting hunted down.”

“Uh, um, isn’t that okay? Honestly, I don’t really mind either way.”

Amy and Friede showed somewhat positive reactions to the purge team’s plan.

Amy, well, she wasn’t thrilled about the search team from the start, so that made sense. Friede’s indifference was a bit unexpected, though.

Despite her hesitant tone, one could sense her overflowing confidence in her abilities.

Even if we ran into a horde of Undead or the Abyss Priest in the forest, she seemed to think it wouldn’t be a problem at all.

Sure, she was stronger than the average Adventurer, but it felt a bit excessive to be so confident.

Well, considering she exhibited one of the fastest level-up speeds among Adventurers, it’s not too strange for her to overestimate herself.

As the party leader, it was my job to keep her from acting recklessly due to arrogance and overconfidence.

“If we’ve decided to focus on defense, we should set some traps at the entrance. It’ll help in many ways.”

Gerda provided a response typical of her.

“That makes sense. The Paladins seem to be looking for skilled Adventurers for that. Are you interested?”

“I wouldn’t say I’m that skilled… but it does pique my interest.”

Gerda nodded, glancing toward the Paladins’ tent.

I told her the name of the Paladin who was looking for Adventurers capable of setting traps. I suggested she could volunteer if she wanted.

Such things usually become party assets, after all.


Anyway, having made a decision, the purge team gathered all the personnel remaining in the barracks and thoroughly cleaned up the ruins connected to the dungeon entrance.

There was no need to use sacred miracles.

Since the second assault team had already swept through the area, only about ten Undead remained.

“Set up a defensive line here! Adventurers, we hope for your cooperation!”

After organizing the ruins, a middle-aged Paladin in charge barked out orders in a somewhat overbearing tone.

They surrounded the perimeter with the barricades they had carried on their backs, setting various traps between the woods and those barricades, and pitched tents of various sizes inside the ruins.

It was a makeshift fortification. Though, it was far too shabby to be called a fortress.

“Hodric, how much holy water do we have left?”

“About five bottles. We used up quite a lot during the first skirmish, and we’ve concentrated the remaining supply on the initial assault team….”

Hodric, the priest, shook his head and sighed.

“That’s unfortunate. Can we make more?”

“It’s difficult. As you know, creating proper holy water requires substantial effort in the blessing….”

“So it’s not impossible. Then put in the effort!”

That guy should have joined the Marine Corps instead of being a Paladin. Who would have thought I’d see this ‘Can do’ attitude in another world?

“Yes. I’ll give it a try….”

Poor Hodric, who was too overwhelmed to even counter and could only sigh deeply, looked almost pitiful.

Anyway, after finishing all preparations, we took a good rest as we waited for the Undead to attack.

The ambush was likely to occur at night, so we took turns sleeping despite it still being light out.

Several hours passed, and finally, the night came.




Uninvited guests that we were waiting for but didn’t want to see appeared.

“Undead! They’re coming! All knights!!!”

The guards watching the forests pounded on metal pots, waking everyone from their slumber.

“Damn it, can’t they just wait a moment longer before popping up while I’m asleep?!”

“If you wanna sleep forever, keep lying down, you loser.”

“Shield! My shield… Ah, here it is.”

“They’re finally here!”

Adventurers, who had been lounging in their sleeping bags, leapt up, ready to fight, while the Paladins and Priests drew holy symbols and mumbled prayers, gradually illuminating the area with brilliant holy light.

“Amy, fight while hiding behind a wall or pillar. Don’t expose yourself at all.”

“Got it! Hilde, you be careful too!”

Our party immediately jumped out and got into battle formation.

Amy pulled out her spellbook from her bag and dashed behind the crumbling wall while Gerda hid behind some debris, nocking an arrow in her crossbow.

“Friede, just deal with the ones that come over the barricade, okay? You know what to do, right? If you run out alone, I can’t help you.”

“Leave it to me!”

I sprinted with Friede to our assigned defensive area, drawing my sword at my waist.

The enemies appeared to number at least dozens. Including those hidden in the darkness of night, the actual count would likely be several times that.

The Abyss Priest probably poured most of his available forces into this night raid.

Sending waves of attacks against the Paladins’ defenses would only lead them to be knocked out one by one.


Crash! Crash!

The stench of decay and beast-like growls surged forth. The Undead stepped into the moonlight, revealing their rotting bodies and raising their claws and crude weapons.

Most of them were just skeletons or Revenants wielding shoddy weapons, but among them were also several equipped with quality weapons and armor.

Some of their faces looked familiar.

Though they were ten times uglier than before they died, they were undoubtedly Adventurers who hadn’t made it back after supporting the search party.

Ah, technically they did return. Just their bodies did, which is the problem.

“Uh, that one….”

“Rud…! Damn it, so they really met their end…!”

A faint panic spread among the Adventurers who recognized them.

Having your comrade or acquaintance turn into a monster is not something even experienced Adventurers can brush off lightly.

While they probably suspected this would happen in their minds, seeing it unfold in front of them hit differently.

That’s just how humans are.

Even if a person is sure their spouse is cheating, witnessing it first-hand can shock and enrage them.

The Adventurers’ reactions weren’t much different.

While they were all experienced and accustomed to seeing corpses, it was evident their mental state had been affected.

“Stay calm! Paladin squad, prepare for battle—!”

Realizing this, the commanding Paladin shouted with a brilliant beam of light erupting from him.

The light he emitted twisted and coiled in the air and transformed into long, sharp spears of light.

The representative offensive miracle of the goddess’s church, “Holy Spear.”

It was as if the holy spear, symbolizing the Paladin, brightened the dark night.

“Send the unclean things that defy the natural order back to where they belong! The goddess wishes it, and we are her spear and sword!”

As the commander firmly threw the Holy Spear toward the mass of Undead,

“Goddess commands it!”

“What are you doing?! Those at range! Don’t freeze up, attack!”

“Fire! Pour everything you have!”

“Ignis sagitta!”

“G, Glacies térĕbra!”

Arrows, flames, icicles, and brilliant beams followed in a deluge.