Volume 3 Chapter 23: “The Self-Proclaimed Knight and the Knight”
――How many times have I been knocked down to the ground like this?
As I taste the hard ground with my face, Subaru absentmindedly thinks about that.
My mouth is a mess of blood and gravel, and my battered body feels like it’s burning with heat.
My head is spinning, and there’s no clarity of thought; the swollen left eye is completely shut, leaving me with no proper line of sight.
I am in a pitiful state, like a ragged cloth.
Even so, due to the overwhelming skill of my opponent, no injuries appear to present critical hindrance to my movements for the time being.
I can move my arms and legs, and setting aside the pain, there are no parts of my body that don’t respond to my commands.
Saying that I’m used to being beaten is laden with malice, but there is undeniable proof engraved all over my body that it must be the case.
“——I think this is just a waste of time, don’t you?”
From far away, a voice looks down on me.
Lying face down on the ground, I lazily turn my face in the direction of the voice. In my tilted view, a purple-haired youth sways the tip of his wooden sword in his hands.
His ceremonial white outfit is spotless, and naturally, there’s not a scratch on his visible skin, not even a hint of sweat. However, the wooden sword he holds is stained with the blood of those he’s struck, standing out dramatically amidst his graceful demeanor.
“Let’s retract my previous statement. If you’re willing to bow your head, let’s end this here. How about it?”
It’s a question that has been thrown at me multiple times since earlier.
He savagely pummels my body, relentlessly landing blow after blow, and without fail follows up with an insistence for my surrender. My answer to that has, of course, been decided.
“……I’m not gonna lower my head.”
My arms shake. Even as I try to rise, my upper body refuses to respond. Rolling over, I brace myself against my shoulder, then force my lower half to pull up my torso. I stab the wooden sword into the ground, clinging to it as I stand. Throughout this ordeal, my opponent does not press the advantage on my vulnerable self, merely shrugging his shoulders in tiredness.
The difference in our abilities is glaringly obvious. The outcome is evident. The chances of victory are minuscule, and unless a miracle occurs, even achieving a counterattack is impossible.
It doesn’t matter, I think. Everything else can be dismissed here.
It is painfully obvious that I cannot win. I know I won’t reach him. To think that I could obtain satisfying results, being inferior to everyone else has never crossed my mind.
Then at least, at least, I will—
“……It’s not you who gets to take back your word…!”
My split mouth hurts, and as I try to deliver my retort, I find myself shouting too slowly.
Putting my life on the line for this strike—resulting in—
“There exists a gap that cannot be bridged, even if you stake everything. That is also simply born from your inherent nature, you know.”
It gets deflected, and the tip of the wooden sword strikes hard against my forehead.
Red sparks fill my vision, and my cracked forehead bleeds, staining my already dim view a vivid red.
“How many times has it been now?”
I grit my teeth against the pain, wiping the blood-soaked view with the back of my hand.
In that gap, a thrust strikes my solar plexus, sending me flying backward.
Unable to take a protective stance, I tumble on the ground, falling back to the large letter ‘十’.
The impact to my chest creates a spasm that restricts my lungs, flooding me with the agony of breathlessness. Cornered by pain and a lack of oxygen, far from losing consciousness, my awareness still burns with rage.
The blue sky I gaze up at is distant and high, and I can see nothing beyond it.
In the face of that annoying blue, Subaru resolves to muster every ounce of strength and stand once more.
――No matter how many times it takes, I will do it again.
Feeding on my unending anger, I endure the searing pain coursing through me, looking ahead.
Whether that anger’s target is right or wrong, I turn my eyes away from such trivial matters.
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
――The moment Subaru became aware that the story was moving without him was when Reinhardt and Felix, each revealing opposite emotions, entered the waiting room where he slumped.
“So, the Royal Selection is finally underway. After all, Subaru-kun is Emilia-sama’s knight, right? Let’s both do our best out there.”
Despite having witnessed Subaru’s behavior in the hall and its consequences, Felix speaks as if entirely unaware of it all.
Beside him, Reinhardt looks at Subaru with eyes filled with concern. He doesn’t comment on Felix’s attitude, merely smiling at the exhausted Subaru as he sits down.
“I don’t think it’s as simple a matter as Felix says, but I agree with the desire to maintain a relationship where we can learn and grow together. Subaru, let’s proceed honorably.”
“…Ah, yeah.”
When spoken to with such a gloriously upbeat expression, Subaru can only respond in a vague manner. Their intentions are clear, and Subaru knows he should be desperate to think about his future path.
Yet right now, there was something he needed to confirm, leaving all that serious stuff behind.
Yet, even knowing this, the crucial words won’t come out.
The cowardly, sneaky, and self-deprecating part of him tries to dismiss everything that must be corrected.
Feeling the shame of this self-awareness, he can only bite his lip, his eyes swimming as he fails to look up at either Reinhardt or Felix.
“——Subaru, that old man is safe. Thanks to Felt-sama’s intervention, his safety is guaranteed.”
As if reading Subaru’s cowardly heart, the answer to the question he wanted to ask but couldn’t flows from the red-haired youth.
Subaru’s face stiffens in shock, and he looks at Reinhardt, who nods once.
“Considering the relationship with the corridor between the hall and here, it’s difficult to say you passed by that old man without running into him. I already know you two are acquainted, judging by your current troubled expression, it’s easy to read what troubles you.”
Reinhardt anticipates what Subaru wants to express, and as his gaze locks with Subaru, his blue eyes swim deeply with emotions.
Then he turns his attention back to Julius.
“Assassination is no light matter.”
“Of course, resorting to such methods would be an insult to the throne. However, we should be exceedingly cautious. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yeah, there’s nothing but trouble since that huge incident six months ago. I certainly don’t want to go through that again.”
Reinhardt’s words evoke a calm rebuttal from Julius, and as he witnesses their shared agreement, Subaru feels like an outcast once more.
“So, what rubbish have you come here for?”
Subaru turns with an unfriendly stance toward Julius.
Given his role as the source of Subaru’s feelings of isolation, and his involvement in the reasons Subaru left the hall, he can’t find common ground with him.
As Subaru openly displays hostility, Julius walks forward with a calm demeanor. Reinhardt attempts to subtly block his path, but he cannot deter Julius from his determined advance.
Standing face to face, Subaru looks up at the tall, slender Julius.
“Isn’t it a little weird that the so-called best knight isn’t by the princess’s side at such a critical moment? For all we know, the castle’s security might be lax and intruders could waltz right in?”
“——In the current situation, with those involved in the Royal Selection gathered, the royal castle is one of the most crucial locations in the land. Naturally, the guards are tackling this task with appropriate diligence. There is no reason for you to worry.”
“…No, with that mindset, I think you’re in real trouble. At the very least, there’s definitely reason for me to be more worried about you than anyone else.”
Subaru replies to Julius’s confident demeanor with a sigh, lamenting the apparent laxity of the royal castle’s defenses.
After all, he’d managed to sneak in without any notable skills or special training. What would happen if real experts came?
“They’d be blissfully unaware until they were bombed by a legendary mercenary with a cardboard box strapped to their back. And that’s what you call being ready? Now that’s laughably ridiculous.”
“I don’t understand what you mean, but I can tell it’s an insult.——That’s twice now.”
As Julius turns his face away, he casually walks past Subaru into the room’s interior. Subaru’s gaze follows after him until he stands by a window in the back of the waiting room, glancing down toward the castle’s rear.
“Now, you asked me why I came here.”
Looking out the window, Julius questions with a steady voice that betrays no emotion. While Subaru tilts his chin in silent affirmation, Julius seems to notice this from his posture.
“Then let me answer: I came here to see you. I have something I would like your assistance with.”
He spreads his hands wide, inviting Subaru’s response.
While he presents choices, the atmosphere is thick with an edge, making it hard to view this as a friendly proposition.
“Considering the location and purpose are both unclear, I have no answer to give. Actually, I can say no.”
“The location is the training grounds, and the purpose is… well, how about this: to teach you a bit of reality?”
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Stepping onto the packed sandy ground, Subaru cocks his head.
Having shifted locations from the royal castle’s waiting room to a separate barracks for the knights beside the castle.
The rugged red-brown ground wears the marks of time, surrounded by sturdy walls where the guards hone their physical bodies through daily training—known as the training grounds.
The size of the property might rival a typical schoolyard, perhaps even half again as much.
It provides ample space for both running and swordplay, making it a generous area.
Standing in the center of such a place, Subaru begins to stretch, bending and straightening his legs to warm up and send heat to his cold body.
While Subaru goes about his preparations, standing about fifteen meters away, Julius too is calmly proceeding with his own preparation.
But he is not alone—Reinhardt stands in protest against him.
“Julius, you should stop this. This isn’t like you.”
There’s no anger or urgency on Reinhardt’s face or tone, only a palpable worry.
Reinhardt gazes into Julius’s blue eyes, filled with concern.
“Certainly, I admit there are moments where I’ve gone too far, but that’s something that can be corrected with a bit of guidance. Normally, you would recognize that as well.”
“Normally. Strangely enough, you’re right, my friend Reinhardt.”
Dressed in ceremonial white, Julius carefully removes the excessive decorations adorning his outfit and hands them off to one of the knights beside him.
While he continues this work, he directs a resolute, emotionless gaze at Reinhardt.
“If it were not for today, or if we had met in different circumstances, I might have left him to his fate. But that did not happen.”
He cuts off Reinhardt with those words, turning his gaze back to the front, locking it onto Subaru as he stretches.
Then, removing his knight’s sword from his waist, he holds it straight up into the air.
“He has demeaned the knights before those connected to the crown and has made disrespectful remarks about our chivalry. Without a hint of an apology, he has continued to insult me.”
A hush falls over the previously bustling training grounds.
Only Julius’s melodious voice echoes, compelling the attention of everyone present.
The eyes of the crowd turn to him, as he surveys the spectators around him.
“——From this moment on, I will deliver retribution to the brazen fool who sullied the honor of knights! Is there any objection?!”
An inaudible whirlwind suddenly strikes the atmosphere of the training grounds.
The sharp wind comes from the heat and voices of the excitable spectators.
They eagerly await the clash between Subaru—the one who has insulted them collectively—and the representative Julius who stands against him.
“The odds of anyone betting on me is at zero. Goodness, even I’m flabbergasted.”
Having become the most hated, Subaru shrugs at the hostile glares directed toward him.
It’s a new experience to be faced with such intense animosity from so many people. To be honest, it chills his heart, and a sense of heavy pressure weighs down on his legs.
Even so, his heartbeat remains steady; his limbs feel heavy, yet they move just fine.
He finds himself in an odd mental state, neither determined nor entirely daunted.
“Before we start, let me ask you again: do you intend to apologize for your earlier rudeness and beg for forgiveness? If you apologize properly now, I shall consider letting you off the hook.”
“I can’t think of any rudeness that seems worth apologizing for… so, how should I apologize?”
“How about we put your forehead to the ground, tears included? Or perhaps, lie down like a submissive dog, belly exposed to ingratiate yourself with me?”
“Both lack elegance, so I’ll pass.”
Playing the fool is something he’s quite adept at, but it only holds value when the intended audience is engaging. Performing before a crowd of unsympathetic folks is certainly out of the question.
Having expected no different from the response Subaru provided, Julius simply replies with a curt “I see,” discarding the exchange as he hands his sword to a knight beside him.
In its place, he receives two wooden swords that the knight presents to him.
“Normally, your rudeness would warrant being cut down. However, as you are inadvertently Emilia-sama’s retainer, we shall conduct this match with wooden swords.”
Seeing no objections, Subaru responds nonchalantly with a hand signal saying “No problem.” Reading the judgment in Subaru’s body language, Julius nods and continues.
“I’m glad we reached an understanding. I too promise to fight fairly, using only our swords. I swear not to employ magic.”
“Oh, so you’re one of those knights who can use magic?”
“That’s all part of being the ‘best.’—Now, the referee will be Felix.”
“Yes yes!”
With a sideways glance at Julius, Felix, raising a hand and waving it cheerfully, seems to readily accept the role. What he thinks about this imminent clash of violence, however, remains unreadable.
“Alright then, let’s both give it our all. No matter how serious the injuries, as long as you don’t die, I will help you through it, Subaru-kun.”
“Why do you only say that to me? You ought to worry about your own side, too.”
“Wow, feeling bold! Did you hear that, everyone? On three, we start!”
In response to Felix’s dramatic gesture, the spectators collectively laugh—earning Subaru the derision for his reckless behavior.
After noting that emotional wave, Felix wiggles his cat ears as he declares,
“That’s the betting odds we’re looking at, but what’s your call, Subaru-kun?”
Fumbling through his pockets, Subaru feels the coolness of a coin and flicks it toward Felix.
Watching as the coin arcs and lands neatly in Félix’s palm, he declares, “Fine, place the bet. If I win, I’ll take everything, stripping you all bare.”
“Yikes! You pervert! You’re planning something nasty with Felix, aren’t you? Just like a filthy book! Just like a filthy book!”
Ignoring the theatrics of the androgynous figure, Subaru turns to Julius.
Seeing Julius already in high spirits, Subaru exhales slowly, gradually closing the distance. He accepts one of the wooden swords, and the duel commences.
Though he trained through practice swings at Roswaal’s mansion for fitness, just how effective would that prove?
“Honestly, I feel a bit swept along to get here, but I don’t quite recall agreeing to this playfight.”
“And yet, you came here. Moreover, you look at me without evading the confrontation. Shouldn’t that be enough?”
“Hey, the Natsuki Subaru, known for championing non-violence and non-nuclear principles, isn’t just going to fall in line with some aggressive tactics.”
Lacing his words with nonchalance, Subaru stands squarely before Julius.
Despite the exterior banter, Subaru’s body, warmed by the stretching, is invigorated. When the signal to start it comes, he feels ready to act immediately.
Satisfied with Subaru’s condition, Julius squints pleasantly.
“I’m glad you’re motivated. Now, shall we begin?”
Holding one of the wooden swords toward Subaru, Julius announces the start of their mock duel.
Naturally, Subaru feels the spectators’ enthusiasm rising around him as he lightly swings the sword he received, getting accustomed, and steps away from Julius—
“Oh, hold on. I’m getting a weird vibe from this sword.”
As he spins the wooden sword in his hand, he turns back to complain.
Hearing that, Julius looks taken aback. “Really? I didn’t think it would make much of a difference, but would you like to try this one?”
“Yeah, sorry about that. But you see, I’m the kind of pampered brat who doesn’t do well with mismatched items,” Subaru replies casually.
As he takes the sword Julius extended him, he indeed offers up the first one back,
Before it could catch the tip of Julius’s fingers, the sword drops from Subaru’s grasp. Quickly leaning forward, Julius instinctively reaches for the falling sword.
In that moment, the height difference diminishes.
With a forward push, Subaru lightly pulls back the wooden sword he holds. Twisting his wrist, he aims for Julius’s chin.
Simultaneously, he thrusts his left hand forward, aiming a handful of sand he had been secretly clutching at Julius’s eyes—his two-pronged strategy of distraction and surprise.
――I gotcha, an evil grin curls across Subaru’s lips with glee.
In the next instant,
“You seem to lack even the faintest semblance of pride. How shameful that must be to live like this. I can’t help but feel sorry for you.”
A voice echoes right in his ear. A split second later, a shock hits him, a hard, sharp sensation hits his solar plexus.
The air trapped in his lungs explodes and escapes his mouth, letting out a pained gasp. Pivoting around the impact point at his chest, Subaru’s body lifts off the ground. His feet leave the earth, flipping upside down, and moments later, his face smashes into the ground.
Rubbing the sand from his face, he spills bile as the crushing pain sears through him, and as heat spreads into his mind, he becomes aware of the high-energy excitement building in the training ground.
The reckless defiance of his limitations and recklessness is about to rain down on Subaru with unforgiving force.
In the high sky over the training grounds, the delayed wails of pain now echo in protest.
High. High. Far. Far.