Chapter 93

Chapter: 93


Ashley’s performance definitely seemed pretty good.

I felt a bit sorry for thinking like it was about a game character, but really, is it not like that?

Looking at the newly remodeled garden outside, I couldn’t help but think that.

“I should have just made them do it during the last remodeling, huh?”

It was so quick and well done, I thought that.

We had remodeled the garden into a garden once before, and that time I had done it with Ashley, but this time it was all Ashley alone.

Still, the speed was really fast; even though she took a nap in the middle of it, it got done in three days.

“I think I made a good choice.”

That thought naturally came to mind.

Of course, it seemed like I wouldn’t be able to ask Ashley to do anything for a while after this?

-Clomp, clomp…

And then, from my room where I could see the garden outside.

I walked toward Ashley’s Room where Ashley was resting.

“Teacher, are you resting well?”

“G-got muscle soreness…”


As I entered Ashley’s Room, I saw Ashley, unable to get out of bed instead of sleeping.

I didn’t even give her an extremely short deadline.

She was just working as quickly as she could and ended up like this.

“Then why did you rush so much?”

“I was trying to finish quickly… to rest… Umm…”


“I-I can’t move…”

“Well, you should exercise a bit and move around more.”

Of course, I wasn’t exactly in a position to say that since I was also lacking exercise.

I wasn’t as bad as Ashley, but yeah, I was lacking in exercise too…?

I mean, just because I’d walked a bit outside like Ashley didn’t mean I’d get such serious muscle soreness.

It was just hard to think that Ashley hadn’t exercised much until now, or rather, hadn’t moved at all…


“Does it hurt a lot?”


She looked sleepy, but was it because she couldn’t sleep due to pain…? Ashley kept squirming her sore body.

It was quite amusing to see her rolling around alone on the bed like that.

“Teacher, teacher.”

I moved closer to Ashley, who was still tossing and turning on the bed.

“Do you want a massage?”

“A massage?”

“Yeah, your shoulders or back… it must hurt a lot right now? I think it would feel better if I rubbed them a bit.”


Well, to be honest, with my small hands, it wouldn’t really change much.

But seeing Ashley suffering so much was a bit… pitiful.

Of course, I wouldn’t mind just watching the struggling Ashley without helping her, that might be interesting too?

“Just lie down properly. I’ll massage you.”


Following my words, Ashley slowly started to lie down properly on the bed.

Unlike before when she was twisting around all weirdly, now she was lying down in a normal, neat position.

Wow… when she was like this, quietly and normally… she was a real beauty.

With her sparkling sky-blue hair and eyes, an extremely ample chest and figure… she was objectively quite a beauty.




I decided to massage my beautiful teacher who was suffering from muscle soreness, lack of exercise, and outdoor activity.



“Does it hurt here?”


I gently pressed the muscles just below her collarbone.

Really just lightly.

Just below the collarbone… that is… a little higher than the chest?

As soon as I pressed there…











Oh… this is fun.

It was somehow amusing as sounds came out each time I pressed down, it was just an interesting reaction.

Originally, I meant to help her, to give a massage.

But rather, it became so fun that I wanted to do it more.


“It seems this place is especially uncomfortable.”

“Ah… umm… something like that…”

Ashley must have a lot of tension in the upper part of her chest, after all.

I mean, she’s carrying around something as big as her own head; wouldn’t it be weirder if this didn’t feel uncomfortable?

I had a feeling her shoulders were probably about the same, maybe even worse.


Thinking that, I pressed her shoulders this time.

The center of her shoulder line… press…



“That feels amazing…”

Without needing to say it, Ashley’s enjoyment was clear from her reactions.

I had grown a bit more busty compared to before, but it wasn’t at Ashley’s level yet, so I didn’t know how it felt.

If it grew this big, it would seem uncomfortable, so personally, I didn’t really want to reach that point…?

Anyway, it was because Ashley had worked hard this time due to the garden remodeling that she ended up like this.

So I decided to help her ease her muscle soreness.



“Ugh… oof… that spot…”

I spent some time giving her a massage on her shoulders and upper chest.

Ashley reacting each time I pressed with my fingers was amusing, and it was even more entertaining to feel like I was playing with her using my fingers.

Without realizing it, I ended up doing it longer than I planned.

“Heh… ha…”

“How was it?”

“Best… ever…”

Seeing her respond so positively made me feel a bit good too.

“Should I keep going?”


“Why, teacher? Did you dislike it?”

“No, it’s not that… but it feels a bit inappropriate to be like this with a student…?”

…Now you say that?

You’ve been fine so far with eating, sleeping, and living in an easy-going way, and you’re suddenly worried about a massage?

I was curious about what was going on in Ashley’s mind, but I decided not to think too much about it.

After all, I had already known that there was a big difference between sleepy Ashley and awake Ashley, so it was better not to ask.

“I’ll keep going.”


[Advanced Magic: Telekinesis]

I turned Ashley’s body with the magic so that her back was facing the ceiling.

“You shouldn’t bother…”

“Teacher, even if you say that? You’re still lying there quietly, aren’t you?”

“This is because… my muscles are relaxed from the massage…?”

“Yes, I’ll continue.”

And so, I moved closer to Ashley, who was lying there.

Honestly, this was a chance for Ashley to relieve her muscle soreness, and also a fun opportunity for me.

Couldn’t we be helping each other out here?

Of course, Ashley had said it was fine, but this was just a cute intention from a student for the teacher.




“Ah… feeling much better now, right? Shoulders, back, and legs.”



I finished the massage for the beautiful teacher.

My small fingers hurt a little, but seeing Ashley’s reaction gave me a sense of pride.

“Hehe… I’m glad the teacher liked it so much.”


As Ashley, who had been ticklish, in pain, and enjoying it during the massage, now lay completely collapsed.

I had just been relieving her muscle soreness, that was it.

Maybe I did it too well; she was completely unable to move anymore.


Looks nice!

“Teacher, if you ever get muscle soreness again, should I help relieve it for you?”

“Uh… uh-huh…”

“I won’t have you do any work for a while. Just rest comfortably.”


Now that I felt I had played enough with Ashley.

It was about time I thought to leave the room.

Though I had come to visit unexpectedly, I still had a bit more to do today.

“Um… Camelia…?”

“Yes, teacher.”

“…Never mind. It’s nothing.”

What was that?

Ashley seemed to halt her words as if she was about to say something.

For a moment, I thought about asking what was up, but since she was the one who interrupted herself…

It didn’t seem to be particularly important.

“Then sleep comfortably? And next time… please work hard for me again.”


Saying that, I exited Ashley’s Room.

With a smile.


As I left Ashley’s Room, I felt a laugh bubbling up again.

I had just massaged Ashley, but it was somehow more fun and enjoyable than I had expected.

While the massage itself wasn’t thrilling, Ashley’s amusing reactions whenever I pressed down were just too entertaining…


I felt like I wanted to do it one more time.

I thought about how I wanted to make Ashley work hard until she got sore again and then do it all over.

“I’m being a bit of a creep…”

I thought it was a bit sus, but…

This was the first time Ashley had reacted like that.

So far, I had mostly seen her with sleepy expressions, but it turned out there were fun parts like this too.

When sleepy, she was such a beautiful person who did nothing, and when awake, she was super cool and pretty…

“I’ll have to tease her more before entering the Academy.”


“I’m not teasing. Just having… fun… isn’t it the same thing…?”


Lately, I had been feeling a bit bored with nothing to do, but I think I just found a new hobby.

“Young Lady.”

“Yeah, Rize. Did you bring what I asked for?”

While I was resting comfortably on the chair by myself, Rize came into my room.

She must have come because she had completed the task I assigned to her.

“Yes, here it is. Research results on the key figures entering the Academy.”

“Thank you.”

Since entering the Academy wasn’t something you just did on a whim.

It had some degree of purpose, and that purpose was always to gain some political or business advantage.

Gathering this kind of information before entering the Academy was essential.

Even if I found the Academy-related tasks troublesome and didn’t care much about it, gathering information was a given.

“Ugh, entering the Academy is so annoying…”

I accepted the documents from Rize, but I buried my head on the desk and complained like that.

Really, spending a comfortable tea time with Rosalyn, dressing Rize in something other than a maid outfit, or teasing Ashley like today seemed much… way more fun.