Chapter 92


In the context of internet broadcasting, it refers to acts that interfere with a show’s progression and attract attention, often paired with a gaming match against the broadcaster.

At times, it can lead to extraordinary viewing moments, while other times it may cause irritation, and in severe cases, even bring tears to the broadcaster’s eyes. This infamous act was something I had been slightly disregarding.

No, I was just forgetting about it.

This fear.

“W-What do we do?”

I felt overwhelmed by the scene before me and sought an answer from Tenshi.


[Umm… So…]

Even Tenshi, who had considerable experience in FPS games, seemed at a loss for words.

Well, how could we handle this situation?

— Hahahaha

— We’re screwed, hahaha

— Wasn’t this a duo game?

— How many of those guys are there? Haha

I looked around. Cars were circling around Tenshi and me, who were just running on the road without any real gear.

How many are there?

I mean, if it’s a duo game, the party should only consist of two, yet the number of cars clearly exceeded that.

Shortly after getting out, I only had a pistol, and I had just spent all my ammunition, so there was nothing I could do.

Not all of them are my viewers.

That’s because when I happened to catch one with my pistol earlier, their nickname was definitely in Japanese.

So, they must all be Tenshi’s viewers, or it means we’re in some kind of Japan-Korea crossover.

Most likely the latter.

“Crazy guys, is this the Bermuda Triangle or what?”


“Oh, no.”

— No cursing, please.

— Tenshi is getting flustered, haha

[But what should we do?]

“I do have a method that just popped into my head.”

After all, who am I? The quick-witted Miro.

I managed to come up with an idea despite this chaotic situation.

[Really? What is it?]

“On the road, we don’t have a car, and there are a ton of cars around us. What should we do?”

[Umm… I don’t know.]

“We should hitchhike!”

They’re not a gang or anything, so will they have the resolve to stick together?

It’s just a temporary alliance, one that came about spontaneously.

Snipers are clearly attention seekers; they’re probably loving the spotlight right now, but if you throw bigger bait, they might even betray their comrades for more aggro.

“Alright, first come, first served! Here’s your chance to go for a drive with Korea’s top VTuber Miro and Japan’s major VTuber Murasaki Tenshi! Come on up!”

They must be watching my stream anyway. It would be hard for them to resist what I just said, right?

— Hahahahaha

— ????

— Crazy girl;

— Who’s the number one? You??

If they hop in with Tenshi, they could become the stars of the broadcast in that moment, wouldn’t they want that?

Vroom— Vroooo—


It seemed this was too irresistible, as a few of the cars circling began moving closer to us.

“Tenshi! Get in now!”

[Huh? Alright!]

I spammed the F key to jump into any car.

A few had already betrayed us, so our ranks were crumbling.

What would those who had been betrayed do?

What else—aim to run over the one who might become the main character.

First, I had to get in and ensure my survival.

I successfully jumped into the car that was rushing towards us with great momentum.




— Hahahahaha

— No, you were supposed to take the other car.

— That’s a two-seater, you fool, haha

I ended up in a different car than Tenshi. It wasn’t like I could just get out now.

“See you when we’re alive!”


“In two years! For the Shabondi Islands!”

[Huh… Alright!]

— Wow, hahahaha

— Two years, lol

— The Shabondi Islands sound good, haha

Thus, the car I was in and the car with Tenshi continued on separate paths.

There was nothing I could do; I thought it was the best decision.

After that.


I heard a sound, and it looked like Tenshi was on a call.

Maybe she’d come back in when we met again?

Wow… Is this what a skilled VTuber is like? The immersion is on another level.

Pushing the call to that future meeting, I was left wondering…

“Where are we heading?”

I asked the sniper driving the car I was in.

They must be watching the stream, right?

“If you’re listening, honk once.”

After I said that, there was a moment of silence.



Hmm… Looks like they’re tuned in.

Maybe the delay on the stream was just a bit.

— Hahaha

— Not cool, lol

— Illegal duo, haha

“Alright, from now on, one honk means yes, two honks means no. Got it?”


“Good, excellent.”

Alright, we can communicate. At least they could be considered a decent teammate.

Now, we needed to go to a place good for farming.

“Do you know this map well?”


“Great, do you know any good farming spots? This is my first time here.”

[Honk! Honk!]

“What do you mean you don’t know? Then, let’s just head to a place with plenty of buildings.”


— What the heck, haha

— How did this happen??

— So funny

— This is ridiculous

I was a bit taken aback as well. Why are they obeying me so well? Aren’t all my fans supposed to be contrarians?

Since I couldn’t mute the broadcast sound while on the go, I decided to chat a bit with this driver.

“Have you watched the stream?”


“Any other members of the stream you’ve watched?”


Hmm… They watch everything, huh? Then, this question couldn’t be avoided.

“Then, who do you like best from the Celestial Realm? In order of age, one honk isn’t Anna, and six honks is me.”

[Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!]

“Five honks?”


This guy? While sniping me, he claims he likes Loa the best?

I can’t accept that.

— Hahahaha

— Loa, huh?

— Major Loa

— She’s better than Miro

“Hmm, last time six honks, huh? You really like me the best then.”

— ???

— That’s a lie

— So pathetic, haha

[Honk! Honk!]

“Whoa, whoa, less aggro, please.”


“Why so noisy? If you’re with Miro, show some class.”

[Honk! Honk!]

— He says he’s not with Miro? Haha

— Should we teach him a lesson?

— I’m so jealous of you guys getting to drive with Miro one-on-one.

Thus, with this makeshift Miro squad, we continued down the road and arrived in a small town.

“Let’s farm here for now. Don’t betray me.”


“Really? I’ll trust you.”

After saying that, I got out of the car, headed into any house, and started grabbing weapons indiscriminately.

It felt like the game had been going on for a while now, and I was only just starting to farm.

I ended up discarding the pistol with no bullets and picked up an AK47 and some grenades.

No need for a sniper rifle. After all, everyone would be rushing toward my direction, right? I just need to gather plenty of ammo.

After finishing some farming, I checked the safe zone.

“Oh no.”

The safe zone didn’t look good at all.

We had to leave right away.

“Getting ready to move, so come to the car.”

After saying that to the guy who was still driving along, I saw someone running toward us.

“Quickly, hurry up!”

— Wow, haha

— He’s become a comrade now

— What’s with that guy’s outfit?

— He farmed really well, haha

It seemed this guy had farmed really well like in the chat, and I waited for him to dash over reassuringly.

“Alright then.”

And after that, I raised my grenade to aim.

I could see the opponent startled as I aimed, but they were already within my range.

Bang! Bang!

With a powerful recoil, my gun fired twice.

And suddenly, the momentary companion who had been with me here had turned into a cold corpse.

“Now you’re not needed, go enjoy Loa’s stream.”

— Hahahahahahahahahaha

— Hahahahahaha

— What the heck, haha

— This guy is for real.

— So cleanly executed.

— Let’s go farm, haha

“I’ll be taking all this guy’s stuff first.”

I landed two shots to the torso, so the car was still in working order.

Having quickly obtained the items of two players, I hopped back into my vehicle and sped towards the center of the map.

By the way, the kill log in the top right corner is way too sparse.

Are these guys just avoiding fighting and searching for me and Tenshi?

That would be a real problem.

The game time had already progressed to some extent, and the zone was gradually shrinking.

With the number of players being this many… it’d likely become quite saturated.

From now on, I had to be careful.

“I’m entering the building right in front of me.”

In a game like Royale Ground, those who hold their positions in advance often have the upper hand.

So now that we were inside the safe zone, I had to pick a spot for my base and let luck do the rest.

I parked in front of a two-story building I spotted and checked the surroundings.

The door was closed, and the items visible from the window were intact.

Was no one here?

Or perhaps it could be a trap.

Carefully brandishing my grenades, I entered the building, checking each room, then proceeded to the second floor.

“Okay, clear.”

Fortunately, it seems no one is in this building.

Alright, I’ll set up here and wait for the next safe zone.

With that mindset, I began tidying up my gear when suddenly…



I heard the sound of car engines approaching from afar.

They’ve come?

The snipers must know my location well enough.

So, I began peeking out the window, ready to unleash an AK47 barrage.




The scene beyond the window was completely different from what I had imagined.

“What’s going on?”

I involuntarily blurted that out. After all, I had seen this scene just a while ago.

Vehicles of all shapes and sizes were gathering here.

As if they had some sort of agreement, they approached without colliding with each other, orderly closing in on my location.

“What kind of force are these guys? Their unity is astonishing.”

— For real, haha

— I’m losing it, haha

— This is insane

— I’ve never seen anything like this;

With no one daring to touch each other, the cars drawing near naturally began surrounding my house.

“Don’t even think about stepping here!”

Bang! Bang!

I couldn’t just sit still, so I fired warning shots.


Tat, tat, tat, tat! Bang!

The bullets I shot were swiftly met by a barrage of bullets at the spot where my head had just been sticking out of the window.

— Wow

— This is intense, haha

What the heck…?

Now, I can barely poke my head out.

How could this happen? Is this how it ends?

Yet, summoning my courage, I peeked outside again, and there was something different this time.

The cars that had just been circling around, when I was with Tenshi, were now tightening their encirclement.

As the encirclement became ever more dense, I knew the moment they reached their peak…

They would all come into this building to take my life.


Still, I couldn’t go down like this.

I checked the number of grenades and smoke bombs in my inventory.

At the very least, I was taking at least four of them down with me.

As I steeled myself and listened to the engines growing closer, suddenly…

…Vrooo! Vroooo—!

I heard yet another engine noise outside the window.

It seemed a bit distant, but the sound was different from the other cars, piquing my curiosity as I leaned out the window to look.

A distant armored vehicle was barreling towards me from far away.

The best vehicle only available as a supply drop in Royal Ground was heading straight towards my place, expertly avoiding obstacles and other cars surrounding it.

And atop that armored car was a white name, one that was familiar to me, composed of English letters and numbers.


“Ha… Finally.”

Yes, she has returned.

After so long, she was back to meet me.

— Wow, hahahaha

— Japan is the best..! Japan is the best..! Japan is the best..!

— For now, we’re temporary allies, you Jap! For now, we’re temporary allies, you Jap! For now, we’re temporary allies, you Jap..!

— Don’t hold me back~ don’t hold me back~ don’t hold me back~

— Damn, lol

— This is insane, haha

Right now, this very moment, this place is the Shabondi Islands.