Chapter 86

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 86: School Life

After Fiera swiftly defeated Daito in their duel, we returned to the classroom and took seats wherever we liked.

“Um, let’s get started with the introduction of the new students. We have 7 newcomers joining Class S. Let’s have each one introduce themselves, starting with Sonia.”

“Hi! I’m Sonia Scarlet. Until recently, I couldn’t use magic, but I finally became able to use it the other day. I’m still in practice, but I’m good at dark magic. Nice to meet you all!”

Sonia finished her introduction smoothly, bowed to the class, and then took her seat.

“Thanks! Next, moving on to Shuvina.”

“I am Shuvina. My specialties are water and wind magic. I can also use spirit magic. I think my time here will be brief, but nice to meet you.”

As Shuvina introduced herself, the boys around her became entranced by her beauty, their gazes heating up.

“Next up is Eir.”

“I’m Eir. I probably won’t attend classes much, but nice to meet you.”

Having already lost all motivation for the day due to the Daito incident, I hastily introduced myself and sat down.

“Hmm. I was hoping you’d say a little more, but oh well. Next, Fiera.”

“Mm. Fiera. Nice to meet you.”

Fiera introduced herself even shorter than I did, sitting down and silently urging Hamiru to move on.

“You all really do look alike. Ugh, I’m getting kinda tired. Next…”

Hamiru showed a bit of fatigue as he let the other three introduce themselves, handing out something like adventurer cards to each one.

“What I gave you is your student ID. Flow your magic power into that card.”

Following his instructions, we poured our magic power into the cards, our names and the phrase “Class S” appearing.

“That card only displays the name and class when the first person to use it channels their magic into it. Some facilities can’t be used without it, so don’t lose it.

Also, there’s a cafeteria in the building next door, and if you show your card there, you might get a discount. Some shops in town will also give you a discount if you show this card, so definitely give it a try. Any questions so far?”

Finishing his explanation about the student ID, Hamiru asked if there were any questions, but no one seemed to have any, so he moved on to the next topic.

“Next is about classes. Class S is a bit different from the others. Outside of attending the basic magic classes, you’re basically free to do as you please.

You can study in the library, learn from teachers who don’t have classes, or practice magic at the training grounds—whatever you want, it’s up to each individual.

However, the exams that take place every six months will be tougher than other classes, and your grades from monster subjugation practices will also be important.

So just because you’re free, don’t slack off too much, or you might find yourself dropping down to a lower class.”

After finishing his explanation, Hamiru said we would now start the basics lesson and instructed us to open our textbooks.

The content was truly basic—how to handle magic power, how important imagination is when casting spells, and which parts of incantations are crucial. All very simple things.

Given that this was a foundation course for primary classes, it made sense, but for me, it was all knowledge I already knew, so it was hardly useful.

We also had a drawing lesson to clarify magic by drawing spells according to their attributes, but unsurprisingly, it was just boring.

However, there was one amusing thing: Shuvina’s drawing was horrifically bad.

During the drawing lesson, the teacher instructed us to draw something related to our most proficient type of magic to visualize it better.

I casually drew fire, Fiera drew something resembling a solid object imagining body enhancement, and Sonia drew a black spear for dark magic, but Shuvina drew Dōna, her contracted spirit.

She proudly showed it off, but the drawing looked like a child’s doodle, with facial features a mess and hair all over the place, not to mention limbs bent at odd angles.


“What’s wrong? You all think I drew it well, right?”

“Sonia, say something.”

“Huh?! Well, u-um… I think it’s really unique and has a nice vibe! Yeah, it’s got a Shuvina touch to it!”

“Y-yeah! Dōna will surely be happy! I have to show her right away!”


We tried to stop her, knowing this was bad, but Shuvina summoned Dōna before we could.

“Dōna! I drew you! Isn’t it cute?”

At first, Dōna looked happy to see a drawing of herself, but the moment she saw it, her smile vanished, her eyes lost their sparkle, and she flew to my shoulder, turning away in silence.

“W-what’s wrong, Dōna? Look, it’s you! I worked hard on it!”

Shuvina desperately tried to show the drawing to Dōna, but that only backfired and made Dōna even grumpier.

“Shuvina. For now, put the drawing down and calm down.”

Then, Fiera, who had been watching silently, spoke up, prompting Shuvina to reluctantly lower the drawing she held.

“Am I… maybe bad at drawing…?”

With slightly glistening eyes, Shuvina looked up at us, but we couldn’t find the words to say, given Dōna’s displeasure, and she pieced everything together.

“Ugh… I tried so hard.”

“Ah, well… you know, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. You know that well, right?”

I said, glancing at Fiera, and Shuvina figured out what I meant by that and regained a bit of her spirit.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Fiera and Sonia looked at us a bit curiously, but they didn’t pry any deeper, and afterward, Shuvina did various things to earn Dōna’s forgiveness, who was still in a grumpy mood.

By the way, half a month has passed, and we’ve somewhat adjusted to life at the academy.

Prior to this, we had been rushing around and battling non-stop, so I find it not so bad to chill like this every now and then.

Incidentally, Daito, who lost to Fiera in their duel two weeks ago, initially tried to make excuses to stay at the academy but soon dropped out, unable to endure the pain from the restraining magic.

After getting decked in the face by Fiera during the duel, he unfortunately had lost a front tooth, making it hard to understand what he was mumbling when complaining—just a side note.

Moreover, when leaving the academy, he inexplicably glared at me instead of Fiera, making him really bothersome.

Additionally, according to Hamiru later, Daito wasn’t very talented in magic and had used his royal status to pressure other teachers to force his admission into Class S while the headmaster was absent.

No wonder he was weak!

Anyway, I couldn’t care less about Daito, as these past couple of weeks, I’ve spent almost no time in class and kept sneaking into the restricted library.

Fiera and the others went off three together for classes and combat training for Sonia, while I basically went solo while at the academy.

“Sigh. No relevant information today either.”

However, in this past half month, I’ve read quite a few books in the library, but they only covered curse-type magic used by demons, excessively powerful spells, or questionable historical accounts of nations, and I hadn’t stumbled upon anything really important.

“What is Oriens trying to make me do here? …No, really, whether I can trust her is also a mystery.”

Whether or not I trust Oriens, one thing is certain—I’m lacking information, so I keep reading books.

Also, there’s a lot of unknown knowledge about magic in the books here, so I decided to go through them for future growth.

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