Chapter 842

Chapter 842 – Room 303, Cursed Room – ‘Time Machine’ (27)

— Kim Ari

A mysterious tale about the Parinirvana Train and Paradise.

“For Paradise to be completed, there must necessarily be Hell… Thus, the one who sheds tears for the Three Thousand Worlds became the most horrendous demon in the universe.”

Winston’s next words were simple.

“You see, you should have somewhat understood the origin and purpose of the train by now.”

I understood.

The origin of the train came from ancient civilization, and its purpose was to reach Paradise.

However, it was said that one could not reach Paradise through the train.

Songyi subtly raised her hand.

“So, have you given up?”

“Given up?”

“On reaching Paradise. Since we can’t go by train…”

It was a question about whether he had given up on going to Paradise.

Winston’s answer was somewhat vague.

“… I’ve half-given up.”

Half-given up?

His response was a bit ambiguous, right?


“I’ll stop the story here. If you have questions, feel free to ask. I’ll answer diligently, as long as it’s something I can respond to.”

A clear shift in the topic.

The question “Have you given up on going to Paradise?” seemed more significant than I thought.

However, with Winston being such an enormous powerhouse, there was no way to force an answer out of him.

Let’s ask something else.

“I’ve realized something while carrying out the train’s requests. It always sends us to twisted realms.”


“It seems like it aims to resolve issues in the twisted realms throughout various eras.”


“In summary, it feels like the train acted like the ‘Management Bureau’ or the ‘Anomaly Response Bureau.’ Aleph, what do you think?”

Aleph nodded as well.

“I think so too. The train seems to… manage humanity. May I ask why?”

— Clap!

Winston silently observed the burning campfire.

Soon, he opened his mouth.

“It’s part of rail management.”

Rail management.

“If we compare the Parinirvana Train to an ordinary train, stable worlds are like the tracks that the train travels upon.”

“Stable worlds are the tracks?”

“Ultimately, the train heads toward a distant future where humanity’s journey to Paradise is guaranteed. For that, humanity must not become extinct.”

I think I get it.

Let’s say there’s a possibility that humanity reaches an omnipotent SF civilization in the year 10,000 AD.

To maintain that possibility, humanity can’t go extinct for the next 8,000 years.

The existence of thriving time periods is, in a way, a rail for the train.

Thus, the train has intervened to ensure that humanity’s lineage does not end, much like the Management Bureau.

“Any other questions?”

At this point, I decided to inquire about the biggest threat of Room 303, the ‘Eldist.’


I unexpectedly lost my words.



Thinking about it, all the information regarding the Eldist was obtained during the first cycle.

In other words, as of the current moment based on ‘before coming to the hotel,’ I wouldn’t have known the term Eldist.

It doesn’t make sense to ask the question.

It could be considered an act that distances me from my earliest memories.

At that moment, a genuinely appreciated message appeared.

This part, I’ll ask.

Just listen.

Songyi spoke on my behalf.

“This part, I’ll be asking. My colleague doesn’t know much about it.”

“I don’t mind.”

“It’s related to the twist that Ari mentioned earlier. It was a very strange phenomenon. It was as if items, knowledge, and people from various eras were gathered in one village. A kind of temporal contamination, perhaps?”

Temporal contamination.


Winston tilted his head.

“Through my solitary tracking, I concluded that the source of that contamination was an enigmatic being called the ‘Eldist.'”

The hypothesis is that the being spreading temporal contamination is the Eldist.

Hearing this, Aleph looked at Songyi, as if fascinated.

Almost as if to say, ‘You’ve been gathering this information while wandering alone?’

“And, the Eldist is lurking within the Parinirvana Train. A horrifyingly strong demon.”

At this point, Winston showed a somewhat puzzled reaction.

“Wow… did that happen?”

He reacted as if he was hearing such a story for the first time.

“Don’t you know?”

“I don’t. Temporal contamination and Eldist. Those are both new terms for me.”

“The words may differ. What’s important is the concept—”

“I still don’t get it conceptually. Contamination mixing the cultures from various eras? A demon that spreads that? One is inside the train? I don’t understand.”

“… I see.”

Unable to hold back, I asked.


Q: Does Winston really not know about the Eldist?

A: There are two possibilities.

1. Winston is deceiving you.

2. Significant changes occurred after Winston got off the train.

While the chances for the second option seem higher than the first, please consider various possibilities.


As always, a kind response.

Yet, I felt slightly regretful about it.

Because I didn’t have this convenient tool back in the day.

Anyway, having already used it, let’s reflect on the answers.

Option one, the possibility that Winston is deceiving me.

It seems intuitive, but it contradicts Winston’s demeanor thus far.

Let’s consider Winston’s manner of speaking.

When it came to very important secrets like the origin and purpose of the train, he shared them without hesitation if he deemed it okay to do so.

He outright evaded the question of “Have you given up on going to Paradise?”

In other words, he openly spoke about information he believed he could share and blatantly concealed information he thought he shouldn’t.

Winston doesn’t seem like the type of person who would deceive someone using crafty schemes and lies.

That would be more like Gain or me.

Hence, my judgment that Unfathomable Liberation’s probability leans towards number two.

“Songyi, do you have any other questions?”

“Uh, well…”

“No need to think too hard. There’s time. You can sleep at my place tonight.”

“Th-thank you.”

Then, regarding option two, that significant changes happened after Winston got off the train, seems to be the answer.

Winston got off the train a long time ago.

After that, various incidents occurred, and it was likely then that the issues with the Eldist and temporal contamination began.

That’s why Winston likely knows little about the matters after he got off.

“Has everyone had a meal?”

“No. We just grabbed something on the go during the train’s requests…”

“I may not know many recipes… but do you like stew? What about you, Aleph?”

“Of course. I don’t particularly mind any food.”

“Take it easy.”

“Thank you.”

The casual conversation came to a natural end.

“Senpai, I’ll take a look around the surrounding area.”

“Sure. Go ahead.”

With that, Aleph went outside, leaving only Songyi and me in the wooden house.

Songyi slyly approached me and flashed her bracelet.



You seem to have a lot on your mind. I understand.

But you should focus on your role.


Your worries related to the Eldist don’t seem to be your role.

Don’t you think so?

Hearing that, I felt a realization dawn upon me.

Let’s approach the content of Room 303 from two angles.

One is from the perspective of the past.

Understanding the secrets born in the ancient times regarding the train’s origin, purpose, and role.

The other approach is from the present and future perspective.

The ongoing temporal contamination and the secrets of the Eldist shaking the current world.

My role is to grasp the former.

I met with Winston to fulfill that role.

So, what about the latter?

Who will uncover the secrets of the Eldist?


Now, I can somewhat see the direction of Room 303.

Let’s not forget.

Before coming to the hotel, I, at least up until this point, didn’t know of the existence of the Eldist.

Of course, my role doesn’t involve exploring the secrets of the Eldist.

There’s someone confirmed to have met the Eldist before coming to the hotel.

Wasn’t it confirmed in the first cycle?

The Eldist knew the voice of ‘Kim Muk-seong’ quite well.

Leave the Eldist to Grandfather.

Perhaps, you might already be meeting him now.

As Songyi smiled brightly and left, this thought crossed my mind.

Today’s conversation about the train’s secret was a great help to us.

We’ve obtained a lot of information about the train’s origin, purpose, and role.

But what significance does today’s conversation hold for Winston?

Why did he share such secrets with us?


After dinner, I strolled around Winston’s house.

Though he was kind, I still felt a bit burdened being so close.

— Tap!

Footsteps echoed in the distance.

“Senpai, you’re outside too.”

“Well, yes. Have you checked the surrounding area?”

“Yes. I’m thoroughly familiar now.”

“Only walked for a couple of hours, and you’re already familiar?”

Light chat continued until suddenly a thought struck me.

I had quite a few questions during my conversation with Winston earlier.

Should I ask Aleph?

“… Let’s walk a bit more.”

“I’m always happy to walk with you, Senpai.”

“Don’t say such cheesy things.”

After about thirty minutes, Aleph finally spoke.

“I think we’ve moved far enough away.”


“I know that gentleman Winston is incredibly strong, but he won’t be able to eavesdrop from this distance.”

He made it clear that we had distanced ourselves to prevent eavesdropping by Winston.

Clearly, he’s much smarter than when we first met.

I was worried yet somewhat hopeful.

Somehow, I felt that the current Aleph might be able to answer my questions.

“There were quite a few strange parts in my conversation with Winston earlier.”

“Indeed. Let’s talk about it.”

“You remember how Songyi’s question was completely skipped?”

“Are you talking about whether he’s given up on going to Paradise?”

“His answer was incredibly strange.”

“He said, ‘I’ve half-given up.'”

Aleph mimicked Winston’s tone, not just the content.

Hearing his exceptional memory reminded me of Gain.

“What does that response mean?”

Aleph shrugged, replying.

“There are two interpretations. First, there exist those who haven’t given up. Second, Winston himself hasn’t fully given up either.”

“Those who haven’t given up?”

The ones who haven’t given up on going to Paradise.

“The Parinirvana Train, of course! The train possesses its own ego and will. It expresses its intentions through its staff.”

The train has its own ego and will.

“Now, consider what Winston said regarding the train’s path. It doesn’t hesitate to manage all of humanity’s hardships in order to move forward.”

The train willingly accepts the challenges of managing all of humanity to progress forward.

“To the train, the journey to Paradise is its very purpose for existence. It couldn’t possibly give up.”

The train has not given up on the journey to Paradise.

It’s a being that cannot surrender from the beginning.

Upon hearing this, I recalled the contents of the second letter the train had sent to Winston.

There was an incident in the Land of Beginning.

Don’t forget everyone’s dreams.

You are our last hope.

“Don’t forget everyone’s dreams. You are our last hope.”

“That’s what the train conveyed to Winston. Everyone’s dreams are essentially Paradise. The train told Winston not to give up on Paradise. And there’s also the phrase about being the last hope.”

“If Winston is present, then there is hope?”

“The train thinks that if Winston returns, it can once again embark on its journey to Paradise.”

Thus, an accurate response to the question, “Have you given up on going to Paradise?” was finally organized.

I felt a sense of curiosity rising as I stared at Aleph.

“What’s the matter?”

“You’re quite clever.”

“Haha! If you had pondered it carefully, you would have figured this out quickly.”

His innocent smile resembled that of Gain.

Every little thing about him truly reminded me of Gain.

“Next question.”

“Go ahead.”

“What could Winston’s objective be? He felt oddly like a teacher earlier.”

“A teacher? Oh, because he kindly provided us with information about the train?”

“Exactly. Why does he tell us? Is there a reason? I don’t know what Winston’s objective is.”

“Um… Purpose, huh? I suppose it’s a conjecture, but would that be alright?”

“Go ahead.”

Aleph gazed at the night sky for a while, wearing a complex expression.

I wondered what he was about to say.

“I often feel that you’re rather rational, Senpai. You rarely display impulsivity or intense emotions.”

He was implying that I, too, am somewhat overly rational.

I could agree to a degree.

Without a doubt, I’m more rational than not only Mira and Elena, but also Eunsol and Songyi.

This trait might stem from my mother’s wishes.

She likely believed that being somewhat cold and rational would allow me to endure the trials of the hotel.

“Are you not similar?”

Aleph is also overly rational.

Gain was at the extreme of this aspect.

“Is that so? That must mean this is a commonality between us. It makes me happy!”


“Actually, it seems like this is a trait shared among us chaos management organization members. How does our work go? We can easily sweep innocent lives aside if needed!”

“Sweep aside, you say…”

“It means we are trained to make harsh judgments.”

“That’s true. But how does this conversation relate to Winston’s purpose?”

“Senpai, I’m talking about the mistake that people like us often make.”

The mistake that overly rational people frequently make.

“Other people aren’t like us. They have stronger emotional aspects. When trying to decipher the motivation behind an action, approaching it too rationally might lead you off-track.”

Others may not be as rational as us.

“Are you suggesting that Winston’s purpose lies within the emotional realm?”

“I think so.”

“What kind of emotion? I don’t quite understand. Winston was fervently explaining the train to us, right?”


“How does that relate to his emotions?”

“What about resolving guilt?”

“Guilt? What do you mean? Does Winston have any reason to feel guilty toward us?”

Instead of responding, Aleph quietly smiled.

At that moment, the subtle feeling I had sensed from Aleph before became crystal clear.

He knows something.

He knows but wants to hide it from me for whatever reason.

This feels just like Gain!


“Senpai, this time I’ll ask you a question.”


“You’ve asked twice already. Isn’t it only fair for me to ask one as well?”

It was a statement that was hard to refute.

“What is it?”

“Do you remember the conversation we had on the train two days ago?”

“About seeking counsel for worries?”

“Yes. You offered all sorts of advice. It was very helpful.”


“I truly mean it. It greatly aided me in planning my future. Thank you.”

“I’m glad it helped.”

“So, do you have any concerns of your own?”

This was an extension of our conversation from the train earlier.

Just as I’d listened to Aleph’s worries, he now wanted to hear mine.

It felt a bit burdensome.

Talking about my worries with someone similar to Gain, if not Gain himself, felt…


Thinking about it, isn’t he simply a past version of Gain?

He’s essentially Gain but with a different persona.

Am I allowed to share with him?

At that moment.

— Bang!

Once more, thoughts raced back to the past.


“Concerns? It’s a bit philosophical, but would you like to hear?”

“Philosophy? That sounds great. Just as expected of you, Senpai. Your level of life concerns is high.”

“You might want to work a bit more on your lines.”


“The more you talk, the more points you lose.”

“You’re being really harsh…”

“As a rule, the more bitter the advice, the more helpful it tends to be. Anyway, regarding my concern… Yeah, it’s about free will.”

“Free will?”

“My feelings, my thoughts, are they truly mine?”

This was a fear I often recalled before coming to the hotel.

“My birth. My life’s purpose. My mind. Are those results truly the product of my free will?”

Aleph cautiously posed the question.

“What brought about such a concern for you?”

The past me revealed tales I had hidden deep inside.

“I have no parental figures in the natural sense.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Let’s say there exists a mysterious place somewhere in the universe—a place where wishes come true. I feel like I was born as a result of someone’s wish.”

I was born due to the wish of the maze.

“My body, my heart, my personality, my love… they were all formed as a result of my mother’s wish.”


“I love my mother. Never once have I forgotten her since the moment I was born. While idly resting, I often find myself missing her as if it’s just natural.”


“Is that a natural sentiment? That eternal love that doesn’t fade away even after hundreds or thousands of years… Can it truly exist naturally?”

Back before arriving at the hotel, I knew very little about the Mirror Room.

However, even during that time, I think I had a vague thought.

If someone planned everything about ‘Kim Ari.’

If someone crafted ‘Kim Ari’s’ flesh and soul, personality and emotions, and above all, that undying love…

Could ‘Kim Ari’ truly be considered a person?

Perhaps, I am merely a puppet created by the maze?

I felt fear.

And this fear I couldn’t share recklessly with anyone in the world.

“I think that if I meet my mother someday, it may be a moment filled with joy and fear.”

I looked at Aleph, who wore a heavy expression, and lightly smiled.

“What’s wrong? It’s not your issue.”


“Don’t take it too seriously. I think I might have gone a bit overboard with my philosophical musings. Let’s think about the future—”

At that moment.



“Your concerns aren’t solely yours. They are dilemmas everyone must face.”

“What do you mean—”

“If someone has predetermined our fate, and so my choices cannot be truly confirmed as my own…”


“If the one born first, simply by being born first, stripped the right to choose from those born later…!”

Fire sparked from the young man’s eyes.

Feeling an intense emotion that contradicted my assessment of Aleph as rational, I felt a bit, no, quite taken aback.

Aleph, why are you so angry?

“We are left with but one choice. For you and me!”

“Aleph? One choice…?”

“There is only rebellion.”

“W-what do you mean—”

“Kill the one who granted the wish. That alone will free you completely. I shall do the same.”


“Thank you. If it hadn’t been for you, Senpai, I would have wandered forever in a dream and never found my way. Thanks to you, I’ve finally discerned my path today.”

— Bang!