Chapter 83

– We’ve done enough, let’s hand the case over to the guards now!

It sounds really impressive, doesn’t it?

It feels like the attitude that a city councilor should take if they’re truly concerned about the city.

However, the ecosystem of the city councilor was never that ideal.

Be it caring for the city or just looking out for their own livelihoods,

they needed a corresponding level of power to impose their will within the city.

Thus, the councilors fought tooth and nail for various interests and rights around Bondales.

That’s why Ran couldn’t easily hand the case over to the guards.

The guards, on the surface, are the fine individuals responsible for the safety and peace of Bondales, but in reality, they were a group that wielded power under the guise of public order.

Since the guards came under the control of Gaddum, the back alleys of Bondales had seen unprecedented prosperity.

All sorts of illegal businesses thrived, with massive money flowing in from unknown sources and out to untold places.

It was from that time that Gaddum began to grow his influence within the city based on the tremendous financial resources he commanded.

What would happen if he handed this cult case over to Gaddum?

Shouldn’t Ran be commended for her hard work in maintaining the city’s order?

‘Not a chance.’

This cult case occurred in Ran’s jurisdiction.

Ran was certain of one thing.

If she couldn’t solve this incident herself and handed it over to the guards, they would use this opportunity to invade her territory.

Once the guards began to run rampant in her area, it would only be a matter of time before every corner became a hotbed for illegal activities.

On the other hand, if she resolved the incident herself?

In that case, she would not only protect her territory but also gain a justification to take the guards’ authority.

– While you guards sit and twiddle your thumbs, we’ve been capturing the cultists trying to make a mess of the city.

What a beautiful and solid justification!

Therefore, Ran hoped to handle this cult case in any way she could.

You say the White Shadow Church is deeply involved, making it virtually impossible?

Then at the very least, she hoped to secure some credit for herself.

For that, the assistance of Shakan, Maldad, and Balrod was absolutely essential.

Even if she handed the cult case to the guards, if they were to lead the hunt as responsible figures, Ran’s achievements would be significantly safeguarded.

Thus, Ran was calling the three of them separately to negotiate further.

She promised shocking conditions, asking for their cooperation.

However, the reaction of the three was not very positive.



Balrod and Maldad hesitated to answer, deep in thought.


During this silence, Shakan spoke up.

“I like you. So I want to help you as much as I can.”


“But, to be honest, I have no desire to get caught up in the power struggles of other neighborhoods.”


The beastfolk warrior from the barbarian tribe spoke her mind quite frankly.

And that honesty reflected the thoughts of Maldad and Balrod, who were struggling to articulate their concerns.

At the point where it became evident that handing the case over to the guards was the right move, Ran’s additional request was not too different from asking for personal support against council disputes.

It was not easy for people of their stature to dip their toes into the power struggles of a large city like Bondales.

In fact, for figures like them, it was even more complicated.

As prominent persons within their respective groups, their opinions echoed the sentiments of the entire faction.


The young councilor Ran was left speechless.

She felt her face flush with embarrassment.

Lost in the role of needing to protect citizens from cultists and corrupt powers, she belatedly realized she was imposing her will on them.

“I’m sorry. I realize now that I was being unreasonable.”

The young and upright councilor, who sought to protect her people from corrupt powers, finally bowed her head.



The expressions of the three, who had succeeded in persuading Ran, weren’t exactly clear either.

Ran was someone trying to be as upright and honorable as a councilor of Bondales could be.

It was precisely because they were aware of this side of her that they had come rushing upon receiving her letter.

Without a doubt, that was one of Ran’s greatest virtues.

…And also her weakness.

It was now an old story that Ran’s family, the Pellos, was the greatest house in Bondales.

Bondales had changed.

The power players began to reveal their ambitions more aggressively, and in that process, the competition had grown even fiercer and more disgraceful.

Amidst this, the influence of the Pellos family was dwindling day by day.

If Ran were the kind of person who would go to any length for power, she might have found a more efficient way than asking the three and being turned down.

She wouldn’t have wasted time hesitating and bumping heads with other corrupt powers while claiming to protect her people and citizens.

Because of this incident, the stature of councilor Ran and the Pellos family would diminish even further.

Bondales would drift further from the virtues of integrity and honor.

Regrettably, that was all indifferent to the three outsiders.

Though unfortunate, they had no reason to jeopardize their own and their group’s safety.

“Tsk. If only I could just get a clear read on their capabilities. There would’ve been a chance to intervene.”

Shakan muttered an impossible excuse for something that was fundamentally unachievable.

The White Shadow Church, operating as a loose organization, was simply too rooted to be uprooted easily.

At the very least, even the priest Goldina likely didn’t know exactly who she was supposed to meet.

In such a situation, how could they accurately gauge their detailed capabilities?

The atmosphere in the place had sunk as if it were bogged down in a swamp.

In their minds, the bleak future of Bondales was strikingly and simply laid out.

“Everyone. I believe I have a grasp on the personnel composition of the White Shadow Church that will appear at the meeting location.”


It was then that a sudden voice interrupted them.

They all turned to look at the door in unison.

There stood a man holding a crystal ball, carefully scanning the surroundings.

“What should we do? Should we strike first?”



The three of them had already left Bondales in spirit.

Now, all that remained was for their bodies to follow suit.

Yet, the three found themselves forcibly summoned back to Bondales.

They moved back to the meeting room and took their places.

Shakan perched on the windowsill.

Balrod sank into a chair.

Maldad leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

Though their postures varied, all their gazes were fixed on Ricir.

And for some inexplicable reason, their eyes were all filled with a distinct look of apprehension.

“What did you do this time?”

Shakan said wearily.

In that moment, Ricir’s crystal ball caught Shakan’s eye.

‘Oh? Was it that color?’

Shakan pushed that question aside and spoke.

“Don’t tell me, the demon told you?”

– You filthy half-breed!!!

The demon.

At that word, Dangalion, the resident of the crystal ball, roared out.

– You should choose your words wisely! For I am Dangalion, the black flame who has left a mark on the history of the continent!!!


The overwhelming presence in that outcry made Shakan instinctively stand to attention.

Balrod and Maldad felt the same way.

The black flaming Dangalion.

That name, which left a distinct mark in the history of the continent, was not something that could be taken lightly, even by the red mages who wielded fire or demon hunters chasing demons or warriors following their ancestors.

The three felt a chill run down their spines as they recalled the forgotten dread of the demon.

Why did I forget about that demon?

“Hey, Dangalion. Why are you talking like that? Half-breed or whatnot.”

– But behold those grotesque ears and tails!

“Looks just fine to me.”

– On closer inspection, perhaps! Your fur seems rather oily! It would burn well if lit! Half-breed, be joyful! The Great One has found value in your pitiful body!

“Ha… Just, be quiet since it’s all settled now.”


That’s why it was like this.

They felt another wave of confusion wash over them.

How was it that such an arrogant demon, who looked down on mortals, had become subservient to a human?

The fact that the three were still in Bondales was entirely due to that ridiculous portrayal.

It was never boring, always fresh and exhilarating, no matter how many times they looked.

“Now, getting back to the point, yes. That’s right. The personnel composition of those who will appear at the meeting spot was conveyed by this creature. Furthermore, it also shared the overall plans of the White Shadow Church with me.”

“Ricir, let me just say this out of caution; trusting a demon’s words outright isn’t wise.”

Maldad stated while Balrod nodded in agreement.

“He was in the keeping of councilor Ran for some time. Even if he were telling the truth, the information could have twisted during that period. The meeting place and time are likely to change frequently depending on circumstances.”

“Oh, there’s no need to worry about that.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because the information was just obtained.”


Ricir recounted what had just occurred moments before.





All four, including Ran, wore puzzled expressions.

A demon is loyal to a human?

And to prove that loyalty, it sacrificed most of its power?

Hiding among the demon followers, gathering their information?

If a storyteller were to spin such a tale, they would surely be met with ridicule.


“I see. Since you say so, I’ll choose to believe it.”

Since it was Ricir who said it, they decided to trust it.

At this point, they began to worry.

Could it be that I’m becoming some fool who believes anything because it’s from ‘Ricir’?

If any mage of the Gray Mage Tower hears this, they would likely be pleased to say they’ve gained a companion.

“Could you share the information obtained by the demon?”


Few understood the nature of demons better than the demon followers themselves.

They were fully aware of how arrogant and self-centered demons were.

Thus, it was something they could hardly imagine.

A demon betraying its followers and becoming subservient to the humans disrupting the rituals.

Consequently, the cultists found the sudden appearance of Dangalion, who oscillated between the sealing stones, quite surprising, yet they didn’t doubt it.

Despite the minor disruptions in the rituals, they took Dangalion’s words at face value and complied with its information-sharing request.

In truth, they had no obligation to share information with Dangalion.

In their grand scheme, Dangalion was merely a part, not the whole.


– Are you trifling with me, you insignificant humans!!!

– Should this continue, I will not assist you either!

The whims of a demon, who had lived for countless ages, were unbearable even for the demon followers.

Ultimately, Dangalion successfully extorted information related to the entire plan from the cultists.

According to it—

On the day when Goldina’s meeting regarding the liberation ritual was scheduled,

A simultaneous execution of the cultists’ plan was set to unfold in Bondales.

First, a priest assigned to meet Goldina for the liberation ritual emerged to share updates on the ritual’s progress.

“Right now, it’s just hands and feet, but if you say even a word, I will immediately burn your insides, cultist!”


He was subdued by the ambush set up by Ricir and Balrod.

Next, another priest left to collect the fragments of the demon Maltail stored in a merchant’s mansion.

As they infiltrated the merchant’s mansion to eliminate any witnesses while retrieving the fragments, he exclaimed.

“What the hell—what is this…? Surely, it was just an ordinary merchant—something’s happening… You there, slave girl! Step aside—Ugh!”

He too was subdued by the ambush of Maldad and Shakan.

…The demon’s grip was tightening around its own followers.


High priest Dranoff of the White Shadow Church felt as if his head was going to burst.


What had been proceeding smoothly was now fraught with successive setbacks at the final stages.

It felt as though someone was looking down upon them from above, stepping on shadows and toying with them.

After much thought, Dranoff arrived at an incredible conclusion.

‘There is a foul betrayer within the church…’

Anyone capable of leaking information on the entire plan would hold at least priest-level standing within the organization.

However, no specific individual immediately came to mind for Dranoff.

All the priests surrounding him were sincere individuals with firm beliefs.

Dranoff needed counsel at that moment.

‘Maltail, my lord…’

The demon he served remained silent.

Perhaps because the necessary rituals had yet to unfold.

Ultimately, he sought guidance from another exalted being.

“Dangalion. The contact Bardha, who was supposed to meet Goldina, has gone offline. Moreover, the priest assigned to retrieve Maltail’s fragments, Gashuel. Do you have any insights regarding this matter?”

– Indeed, Goldina received a tip-off regarding the recent happenings in Fordran.

“What was it?”

– The situation appears suspicious in Fordran, so it’s advised to be cautious in case they approach you.


Fordran. He was one of the three priests that Dranoff brought to Bondales.

Also, one of Dranoff’s disciples.

“No, that cannot be!”

Dranoff denied it.

– Then who could it be? Who is obstructing our grand scheme so closely?


The White Shadow Church was a complex entity, unified yet divided.

There were numerous factions within the church, some of which were so antagonistic that they treated each other as enemies.

‘Could it be—’

Fordran was indeed Dranoff’s disciple, but he was not entirely subordinate to him.

‘That LaPita wench—’

Dranoff bit his lip.

The demon’s voice had sown the seeds of doubt.

– Currently, Goldina’s situation is far from favorable. There have been continual interferences. Dranoff, it’s time for you to take action on your end.


The demon follower nodded at the voice of the demon.


– Zhuyinni! The last one is alone now!

“Wasn’t there one more priest left? That so-called high priest? It shouldn’t be easy even for him to be alone.”

– Foolish ones, they ended up killing each other due to my instigations! Hence, the last remaining high priest is also injured! If you are to strike, now is the time!


– Remember! This whole matter is the accomplishment of me, Dangalion, the faithful servant of Zhuinny!

“Oh, I’ll keep that in mind. I will, I will.”

– Kuuuaaaah!!! To the extreme of ecstasy!!!

The black—no, the gray mist within the crystal ball swirled.

“Everyone, did you hear? Let’s go right now.”


Is it really okay to wipe out the demon followers like this?

In the first place, who really are the demon followers here?

They felt an unexpected identity crisis and pangs of conscience.