Chapter 82

[ Since the reversal has been activated, the prior legacy should be reversed as well! Intentionally mispronounce the name! ]

Iserin, upon hearing Grimoire’s words, whispered to Ella to repeat the name she was saying. Once she nodded as if she understood, Iserin removed her hand from Ella’s mouth, and Ella, with her mouth covered, began to drool as she shouted.


With Ella’s exclamation, silence fell outside the door.

But it did not mean tranquility.

A quiet intent to kill.

A chilling, refined rage swirled outside the door, cold as ice.

In the shape of a fairy, a hideous something imitating a person, lured in those around it.

It screamed, not hiding its madness.

“That’s not my name! Say my name!”

Ella trembled in fear at the dreadful intent grasping at her mind, but thanks to Iarin, who held her tightly, she managed to find calmness.


“No———noooooo! That’s not it! No, no, no! You’re wrong!”




The fairy knocked on the door like a madman.

The strength of the blows shook the door as if it would break apart at any moment, and within the room, everything swayed as if an earthquake had struck. But curiously enough, despite the chaotic vibrations, nothing fell from the shelves, and not a speck of dust descended from above as one might expect.

“You fool! Fool! Fool! You foolish girl! So lazy and full of bravado while being utterly stupid! You are wrong! Ha-hiiiii——-ha! You have just one chance left! The last chance! The final question! The final answer! The last daaaaamnnn! You must say the name! Name! What is my name!”


“What is my name?!”

Ella shivered at the terrifying fairy’s madness, wondering if it would appear in her dreams.

But she mustered courage and shouted the words Iserin whispered in her ear.


That was the last opportunity and the final answer.

As soon as the answer was uttered, the outside fell silent again.

The atmosphere, which had felt like an erupting volcano, transformed into a sensation akin to gazing into the depths of a frozen ocean. The air grew heavy, the shaking house felt as though it had turned to ice, and an indescribable chill filled the air.

“You foolish virgin! You are not worthy to have a wish granted!”

Where had the previous madness gone?

The fairy began to cheerfully sing and stepped away from the door.

Singing a merry tune, as if delighted, it made brisk footsteps filled with joy.

[ Defeated. ]

Spin, spin, my lovely daughter,

Spin, girl, spin,

Thus claim your beloved (that you may win a treasure).

A woman who gets the best man (the one who can spin best).

Spin, girl, spin,

Thus claim your beloved (that you may win a treasure).

The demon sighed as it heard the fading melody of Rumpelstilzchen.

‘Is it, over?’

[ Yes. At least Rumpelstilzchen has retreated. ]

The demon licked its lips, lunging at the situation.

The Ritual of Magic that creates Rumpelstilzchen’s imitation was, in short, called the “Rumpelstilzchen Ritual.” This ritual was a form of magic that imitated and controlled the character ‘Rumpelstilzchen’ from stories and was primarily used by those known as fairy sorcerers.

Of course, what is created through this magic isn’t Rumpelstilzchen himself; it merely imitates Rumpelstilzchen. The fairy’s incredible power to grant wishes was nowhere to be found, and instead, it merely became an alluring, sinister entity.

Thus, as long as one takes caution not to be enchanted, it is not particularly difficult to defeat such an entity…

[ But this can’t be all there is. ]

The assailant is not foolish enough to prepare only that.

Especially considering the nature of shamans, which heightens this suspicion.

They enjoy employing unexpected methods.

Unlike warriors who fight with martial prowess, or wizards who engage in battles akin to chess, a shaman’s conflict is much like a war without rules or taboos.

They utilize every means at their disposal to fight, as that is their way.

Having grown accustomed to paying the Cost of Magic, they are more reckless than warriors at preserving their own bodies.

Those who have grown used to the transformation of their very existence through magic reject the constraints of rules.

However, most shamans practice to seek the path and obtain truth.

They do not wish to fight without reason…

[ Prepare your heart. Another attack is coming! ]

Sadly, the unwelcome visitor currently wishing to enter their room seems to have a ‘reason’ for fighting. Much like a crazed wild boar charging about recklessly, they must expend their body like oil igniting a fire in battle.




As soon as the demon’s shout finished, the speakers installed in the suite emitted a sharp sound. Accompanied by the sound of tapping a microphone and blowing dust away, a crackling noise echoed from the speakers.



At that moment, footsteps once again echoed in the quiet hallway.

The sounds of footsteps and a cart being wheeled were heard.

Those footsteps approached the door as if they were an ordinary hotel staff member and knocked.

Knock, knock, knock.


And then, just as the fairy had done before, a voice, disturbingly calm, spoke.

“Good day, esteemed customer. I have come to inform you about the emergency action procedures.”

At the same time, a deep male voice flowed from the crackling speakers.

『 Ah-ah-. We would like to inform our customers currently present in the hotel. Due to a power outage, all electronic devices within the hotel are currently non-operational. Therefore, we kindly ask customers not to leave their rooms. We repeat. Due to a power outage, all electronic devices within the hotel are currently non-operational. Therefore, we kindly ask customers not to leave their rooms. As there might be risks of injury during the power outage, we advise customers to stay inside their rooms for safety. 』

A delicate woman’s voice outside the door.

A booming voice from the speakers.

The demon clicked its tongue.

[ A spellcaster who lures and beguiles, huh? ]


Causing the mind to become dazed and awe-struck.


Clouding the heart to create enchantment.

[ I must stay alert! ]

The demon barked this order at Iserin. At that, Iserin snapped to attention and shook Ella and Iarin’s shoulders, shouting the same words.

“We must stay alert!”

With that cry, Iserin clung to both Ella and Iarin. As Iarin held Ella tight, it wasn’t too hard for Iserin to embrace them both. Of course, due to this, the sandwiched Ella felt the pressure like a lettuce caught between buns, but perhaps because their warmth brought assurance in this dreadful situation, she stretched her arms to pull them closer.

Still, unable to ease her anxiety, she fiddled with the bracelet on her left wrist.

It was a rough beaded bracelet adorned with a crude moon-shaped metallic ornament.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Dear customer. I will now explain the emergency action procedures. Our hotel prioritizes the safety of our customers; therefore, in the event of an emergency, trained staff will come forth to explain procedures, so we kindly request you to follow these instructions without suspicion.”

『 Ahem, ahem. Our hotel is equipped to activate emergency power during a power outage; however, regrettably, due to some circumstances, we are unable to activate the backup generator. Therefore, all electronic devices within the hotel are currently non-operational, and all staff are busily working to restore order to the hotel. We kindly ask you to stay in your room until normalcy is restored, even if it causes some inconvenience. 』

The employee and the broadcast.

Both voices were attempting to beguile those inside the room.