Chapter 806
Amid the tension from my greeting, a buzz mingles in.
Why is everyone reacting like that just because I said hello?
Everyone seems to be sweating bullets or even more tense than before.
Damn it.
Even my exhaled sigh sparks a reaction.
Seeing that makes me feel like I might let out another sigh.
‘What a mess, and I haven’t even done anything yet.’
I’ve grown accustomed to this sort of tension, but maybe it’s been a while since I felt it—definitely not a pleasant feeling.
‘I wanted to treat everyone decently.’
I thought about doing things differently this time since I had experience from my previous life.
But looking at their faces, it seems that’s a bit too much to hope for.
“It’s a bit chilly here for a simple greeting.”
I nod slightly and take a step forward.
At the same time, I reach out my hand.
Using a little energy, I wrap around a chair that was sitting a bit far away.
I bring the chair before me and plop down.
“Nice to see you all. You’ve been working hard since the morning.”
Still, no one responds.
But the atmosphere feels a bit better than before.
With a heavily lowered gaze, I scan the group and continue speaking.
“I’m Gu Yangcheong, the one who’ll be in charge of guiding you from now on.”
As I speak, I feel the group’s reactions dividing.
To one side, the volunteers I chose nod slightly in acknowledgment.
On the other side, the faces of the ten members sent from the alliance show discomfort.
‘Let’s see here.’
I check their expressions one by one.
I’m mainly curious if I recognize anyone; memorizing them is the second reason.
‘Those eyes are quite fresh.’
Since they were drawn from various teams, I can see some discontent, despite their attempts to hide it.
Since this was the formation of a new sword team, they might be unaligned martial artists of the alliance.
‘But that can’t be true.’
I firmly decided it couldn’t be.
They must have been sent to spy from their respective teams.
However, the difference from what the Double Blade planned… is that he mixed them into the volunteers secretly while I’m doing it out in the open.
From my perspective, this is preferable.
Playing sneaky would just make capturing them troublesome. Acting openly makes it easier.
“You all heard what I said, but… ah, if anyone has a problem with a young brat speaking informally, just raise your hand. I won’t change it, but I’ll listen to your opinions.”
Of course, no one raised their hand.
Since the moment they joined the sword team. And since joining the alliance, ranks were naturally established.
“Then, I’ll take it that there are no objections, so let’s proceed.”
I pulled out a letter from my robe.
It was the document I received when I was presented with my title. A light information sheet describing the members.
“You’ve probably already heard from above, but we aren’t a sword team formed for hunting demon beasts. We are a unit purely for preparing to battle the demonic faction, understood?”
Their gazes hardened.
It seems they understood well enough.
“I trust you have some understanding about this…”
Flipping through the pages, I began to read each one.
I focused only on the descriptions of those sent from the alliance, excluding those I already memorized.
Three familiar faces.
Five I’ve never seen before by name or appearance.
Two I only know by name.
From that number,
‘…Four of them are getting cut.’
I quickly sorted it in my head.
Then I burned the letter I was holding.
Flame Burst—!!
Suddenly incinerating the document drew surprised reactions from those in front of me.
While noting their responses, I prepared for my next action.
“I doubt introducing myself is necessary, and we certainly don’t need to engage in empty pleasantries now that we’re gathered, so let’s get to the point.”
As I dusted off the ashes left from the letter, I wasn’t putting on any airs.
“You know, since I just joined the team, I figure each of you has no ranks or positions right now.”
Excluding myself, everyone here was merely called ‘Sword Team Members’ at present—there are no ranks.
This applied equally to the members sent from the alliance.
Regardless of what position they held in other teams, being in the Star Dragon unit meant their previous ranks were nullified.
This was likely the reason for their discontented expressions.
This was an agreement I had made with Muk the Strategist.
“Let’s sort that out first.”
I would determine their roles.
Normally, it would be the Great Lord who decides, but this goes deeper and clearer than that.
Excluding even the ranks established by the alliance meant I’d have complete freedom to decide.
Just as I was about to speak up…
Suddenly, one raised a hand.
This was one of the members sent from the alliance. As I regarded him, he spoke like he was waiting for this moment.
“I have a question. What you just said—”
“Shut it.”
My abrupt interruption made the man flinch.
I cast my eyes low and glared at him.
“I didn’t give you permission to ask questions, did I?”
As I infused my voice with a hint of energy, I could see his Adam’s apple move.
He seemed to be swallowing hard.
“Your name.”
“Can’t you follow simple instructions? Introduce yourself before asking. It’s basic common sense, isn’t it?”
“…I’m Jeong Seoljin, a Third-Class Martial Artist.”
Third-Class Martial Artist.
In realms, that means top-class, peak-level, generally responsible for combat duties—capable of being a squad leader even if not at the lord level.
Hearing this, I nodded mildly.
“Go ahead. What’s your question?”
“…Great Lord, first, I’m a Third-Class Martial Artist.”
“Yeah, I heard you.”
“But, are you saying we should disregard the hierarchy you just mentioned and regulate things autonomously?”
The rank given to this man by the alliance is class three, quite a high position, so he was questioning whether that level would have no significance here in Star Dragon.
“Not at all.”
I promptly corrected him.
“It’s kind of ambiguous to say autonomously.”
It seems like he didn’t fully grasp the most critical point.
“I’ll make the rules. You all can only accept them.”
Surprise flickered across Jeong Seoljin’s eyes. Apparently, he hadn’t anticipated my straightforward tone.
“No matter if it’s First-Class or Second, even if you’re Third-Class. I’m not interested in any of that.”
The ranks assigned by the alliance held no value at all.
“Once you’re here, what I say goes.”
“…But isn’t Star Dragon also a Sword Team belonging to the Martial Alliance?”
“So what? You want me to cater to you just because you’re Third-Class?”
“…That wasn’t my intention…”
“Quit the nonsense. That’s the only meaning here.”
My casual curse dropped the atmosphere dramatically.
“In the end, you’re just here begging for better treatment because of your established ranks. Why is your tongue so long?”
“You understood my words perfectly, yet you can’t seem to grasp what I’m saying?”
I frowned deeply.
“Don’t bother about your ranks here. Jeong Seoljin, is that really such a difficult thing to accept?”
“You need to answer. The Great Lord is asking.”
“…N-No, not at all…”
His denial was accompanied by a face that looked like it was about to croak.
Watching him, I felt an overwhelming urge to laugh.
‘What a sight.’
Maybe because I hadn’t yet established any rules, he’s crawling up over trivial matters.
If this continues, my old temperament might show through.
I had to hold it back.
I absolutely had to, but it wasn’t easy.
‘Things were so much simpler before.’
Back then, if someone disobeyed, it was just about making them listen.
If they started to act up, it was just a matter of snapping an arm. If their gaze irritated me, I would burn out their eyes.
Nothing was as easy and convenient as crushing with strength.
‘This world is making things unnecessarily complicated.’
Wanting a different life now makes things this difficult.
In the past, I’d have ripped out tongues as an example.
But that isn’t an option now.
“Is there anyone else who doesn’t like the way I do things, like Jeong Seoljin?”
Suppressing my annoyance, I spoke up, and once again someone raised a hand.
“Okay, you there.”
“Hello. I’m a Third-Class Martial Artist…”
“Hyun Woo-cheol, wasn’t it?”
“…Y-Yes, that’s correct.”
Even though I hadn’t mentioned a name, just saying it made his eyes widen.
“My question is, if ranks aren’t important, how do you plan on determining them?”
If he was disregarding the rank set by the alliance, what method would he use?
My answer to that was already prepared.
“How do you even think something like that would work?”
I turned my stiff neck and pointed to one side.
An area within the team that was slightly vacant.
“There’s a simple method.”
“…What do you mean?”
Flame Burst—!!
As I summoned flames from my hand, the spectators jumped back in surprise.
I concentrated my energy into the flames and lightly tossed them into the air to fix them in place.
“The flames will last about an hour or so. They’ll die down after that.”
They could expect my energy to fade around that time.
“Decide within that timeframe.”
“Decide, you ask?”
Everyone’s faces reflected surprise.
Noting their reactions, I added some explanation.
Actually, there wasn’t much to explain.
“Decide however you wish. Fight it out within the time limit, have a peaceful discussion, or vote. The only directive I have until I return is this.”
As my gaze shifted from the flames to the group, I pointed my fingers alternatingly at the two clusters.
“Each group should choose someone as Deputy Lord. I’ll appoint whoever you select to their position.”
Before the time runs out, finalize your decisions.
That was the method I was suggesting.
“Great Lord?”
“I’ll say it again, ranks mean nothing. The one you pick will—”
I intensified my gaze at who I was watching.
Not the volunteers but the members of the alliance who had been expressing their dissatisfaction from the start. Particularly those who were seething from being pulled into this situation.
“No matter who it is, I’ll appoint them. So make sure to choose wisely.”
With that, I turned my back immediately.
There were probably a lot of things they wanted to say, but no questions followed.
Whether it was disbelief or confusion, I didn’t care about any reactions.
I issued a command, but they could easily ignore it.
For them to just pick a Deputy Lord without proper introductions—how absurd does that sound?
‘They’re all martial artists anyway.’
Hungry for recognition and honor.
That makes competition the easiest way to manipulate them.
‘This is better than the unnecessary hassle of trying to establish order.’
The fastest way to keep them from getting their hackles up is to make them point their blades at each other.
If they’re forming their own political landscape, it’s useless if they won’t use it.
‘Now then, I’ve bought some time over there.’
I stepped lightly.
‘Shall I start here?’
My destination was Muk Yeon’s quarters.