Chapter 80

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 80: Exam

After releasing Sonia’s magic power, I called only Shuvina a little before the exam began.

“What is it? Do you need something from me?”

“Ah, yeah. I have a favor to ask… well, more for Dōna.”

“For Dōna?”

“Yeah. But before that, Shuvina, you can use other magic besides spirit magic, right?”

“Of course. I can use wind and water fairly well. Other attributes, I either have no aptitude for or can’t do much with.”

Confirming that Shuvina could use magic beyond spirit magic, I decided to dive into the main topic, thinking this would work without any issues.

“I need you to send Dōna to Sonia’s mansion right away.”

“Huh? Why?”

“There’s likely going to be an enemy attack. I want Dōna to protect her.”

“An enemy? What do you mean?”

I wove in some stories Sonia told me from the past, explaining our current situation to Shuvina in an easily understandable way, as my conjecture.

“Listen, Shuvina. This enemy is quite powerful. When Sonia was young, her magic power was sealed, and no one ever noticed it until now.

What do you think will happen if they realize her magic seal has been broken?”

“They’ll either try the same method to seal it again or, if they’re wary of Sonia, they’ll eliminate her.”

“Exactly. Whether they act themselves or send subordinates, their first move will definitely be toward Sonia’s mansion.”

“I see, I got it. Dōna!”

Understanding the situation, Shuvina immediately called for Dōna and gave her instructions.

Since I had already asked Sonia about the mansion’s location beforehand, upon hearing the details, Dōna would likely teleport straight to the garden of Sonia’s mansion.

“Wait a moment, Shuvina.”

“What is it?”

After finishing up her instructions to Dōna, she started to call out for her to move, but I stopped her.

“I think the enemies attacking will be somewhat strong, so I want to give Dōna a bit more magic power.”

“I’d like to do that too, but I’d run out of magic power myself.”

“That’s okay. I’ll send you my magic power, so just transfer it to Dōna.”

Saying this, I called out to Shuvina, touched her back, and gradually channeled my magic power into her after altering its form.

“Such dense magic power…”

“Just hurry and pass it to Dōna. Otherwise, you won’t be able to handle it.”

“Got it.”

Even though a spirit looks like a human, it is actually formed from the summoner’s magic power, and they can only use as much power as is granted to them.

Therefore, if there’s little magic power, they can only use simple magic that fades quickly, but on the other hand, if they have a lot, they can wield quite powerful spells and extend their active time.

“Alright. This should be enough.”

“Hah, hah. Just how much magic power do you have?”

After giving about one-third of my magic power, Dōna’s hair and eyes turned a deeper shade of green than usual, and her body became slightly larger.

“Okay then, Dōna. Please take care of Sonia’s mansion.”

Dōna twirled around, bowed, and then vanished as if teleporting away.

“This should be good for now. And don’t tell Sonia about this. I want her to focus on the exam.”

“Of course. I don’t want to worry her. But it’s surprising. You really care about Sonia this much.”

As she said, normally, I wouldn’t bother helping someone who could be connected to my death in the future. However, even if I didn’t help, the outcome wouldn’t change.

If I didn’t help, Sonia’s family would still be killed, and she would have a tragic experience that led her to enroll at Suzette Imperial Academy.

If things are not going to change, I thought it might be worth helping an old friend once. And who knows? If I save her and her family lives, it might create a future where she never enrolls at the academy, so I decided to take that chance.

“Well, there’s a lot going on.”


“What is it?”

“Nothing? I just thought you could be a little more concerned about me.”

Shuvina said this, her cheeks slightly flushed, looking away for some reason.

“What are you talking about? I’m concerned enough already. Just look at how much money I’ve been spending on your meals.”

“Wha—? That’s not what I meant! It makes it sound like I’m a big eater!”

“Well, not just sound like; it’s the truth, isn’t it?”

“How rude! I’m perfectly normal!”

“Is that so? Well, anyway, I’ve asked you what I needed, so let’s head to the exam venue.”

After that, Shuvina insisted on repeating that she was normal until we arrived at the training grounds, and I just agreed randomly since it was getting tedious to deal with.

When we reached the training grounds for the exam, we reunited with Fiera and Sonia, who had arrived earlier.

The training grounds were filled with many examinees, some with nervous expressions, others full of confidence, and some whose faces revealed nothing at all.

“Welcome back.”

“Thanks. Did we make it in time?”

“Just as it’s about to start.”

“I see.”

As Fiera explained the current situation, suddenly a man appeared in the sky.

He used wind magic to project his voice across the entire training grounds and began explaining the exam.

“Everyone. Thank you for gathering here today. Without further ado, I’ll explain the exam. It’s simple. You’ll take turns using magic to destroy the targets in front of you. However! The targets are made of highly magic-resistant materials, so lower-level spells won’t break them, so do your best.

Also, the results will be announced by the examiners once the order is finished, so listen closely.

That’s all from me, but does anyone have questions? …You there. What is it?”

When the examiner finished speaking, I had one question I wanted to ask, so I raised my hand.

“I believe this academy has a library, but how do I gain access to the forbidden section?”

“The forbidden section, you say?”

The man looked down at me, silent for a moment before continuing, while I kept my gaze steady.

“Well then. To enter the forbidden section, you need to enroll in the academy and be in Class S.

This exam will mainly judge pass or fail, followed by a class placement exam after enrollment. If you land in Class S there, you’ll be able to access the forbidden section.

However, there are always exceptions. If you demonstrate significant skill different from others in this exam, you can enter Class S without a class placement, but that is extremely rare. Does this explanation suffice?”

“Thank you very much.”

“Is there anyone else with questions? …It seems there are none. Then let’s start the exam. The numbers distributed at the reception will be called in order, so please move accordingly and follow the instructions. I wish you all good luck.”

With that, the man headed towards the gathering of other examiners, and one by one, they began calling the numbers.

As some examinees completed their exams and reacted with joy or disappointment, Shuvina was the first to be called.

“I’m off.”


“Good luck!”

“Have a good one!”

After we sent Shuvina off, the atmosphere around us began to stir a bit.

This was understandable since the elf race tends to have more advanced magical skills than humans like us, so it was only natural she garnered attention.

Standing at her designated position, Shuvina checked the size and distance of the target before thrusting her right hand forward.

“Wind Bullet!”

As she cast the spell, an invisible mass of wind struck the target, shattering it completely.

Around her, many examinees fell into despair or looked at her with admiration due to her ability to shorten the incantation and successfully cast the spell.

“Number 68, pass. Next, number 69!”

“That’s me. I’m going.”

Next, it was my turn, and after showing my exam number to the examiner, I took my place.

(Well then. What should I do?)

Originally, I planned just to break the target casually, but now that I knew I had to show my skills to access the forbidden section, I decided to take it a bit more seriously.

“Great Flames of Hell!”

As I shortened the incantation for my spell, a red circle formed beneath the target, and a column of fire shot upward.


The surroundings fell silent as the other examinees, previously focused on their own tasks, stopped and stared in shock.

“Excuse me, examiner? I destroyed the target, you know?”

“Ah, um… well, not so much destroyed as… turned to ashes, I suppose…”

As the examiner stated, where the target had been was now just a pile of ash; nothing even resembling a target remained.

“W-well, you’re… passed, I guess…”

“Thank you very much.”

After hearing I had passed the exam, I turned around to leave, and the gathered examinees oddly parted to make way for me.

I continued walking without paying them much mind and returned to Fiera and the others.