Chapter 77

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 77: Magic Kingdom

After leaving Sephiria’s carriage and joining up with Fiera and the others, we set off from the town of Safari towards the Magic Kingdom Falmel.

It would take about two months to reach Falmel by carriage, but if we used our body enhancement abilities to run, we could make it in a month’s time.

That night, after finishing our camping preparations and having dinner, Shuvina, who had been wanting to ask something, finally spoke up.

“Eir, um… about what happened during the day, who is this Lewis person?”

“Hmm? Oh, that’s me. Eir is my alias as an adventurer; Lewis is my real name.”

“Your name is different too? …Hey, can you show me your real form? I really want to see it. Since we’re teammates now, it would be sad if there are things being hidden from me.”

Straightening her seated posture, Shuvina looked at me with a serious expression.

“Well, I guess it’s not like I’m losing anything by showing, but I didn’t realize it mattered that much.”

I wondered why it seemed so important to her, and then I dispelled the disguise magic I had cast on myself.


“What’s wrong?”

“You’re… really beautiful…”

“I think that’s not a comment one should make about a guy, you know?”

Back in the day, I was indeed told I was cute or looked like a girl, but I had grown taller and my physique had become quite manly by now.

And yet, to be told something like that now did strike a chord with me.

“Y-yeah, that’s true. But somehow, your silver hair and golden eyes illuminated by the moonlight look mystical, and I just…”

“Stop it. Hearing such detailed compliments makes this complicated.”

“Hmm. Shuvina isn’t wrong. I like how you usually look, El, but I also think the real El is beautiful.”

With Fiera joining in after Shuvina, it became awkward, so I returned to my form as Eir, but for some reason, Shuvina looked a bit disappointed.

“Forget about me for now. More importantly, about our plans after we arrive in Falmel, I want to make a slight change.”

“How do you want to change it?”

“I was going to learn magic by attending a public library while being active as an adventurer, but I’ve decided to enroll in a magic academy instead.”

“A magic academy?”

“Yeah. To put it simply, it’s a school for training magicians. They have an elementary department teaching the basics of magic to children over the age of 12 for a year, and a higher department that teaches advanced magic to those who have grasped the basics. I have business at their library.”

After listening to my explanation, Fiera raised her hand as if she wanted to ask something.

“How long do you plan to stay?”

“About three months. Once I’ve read the necessary books, I plan to drop out voluntarily.”

“Got it.”

It seemed there were no further questions, so we wrapped up this discussion and went to sleep for the night.

About a month later, we ran tirelessly using body enhancement during the day and occasionally flew with magic for a change before finally arriving at the Magic Kingdom Falmel.

Before entering the country, I dispelled the disguise magic and lined up at the checkpoint as Lewis.

“Wow, you really are beautiful.”

“Yeah, I like it.”

“Let’s drop this conversation.”

The reason I dispelled the magic was, as I had mentioned to Fiera before, that when entering this country, the gates have magic that dispels any disguises, so it’d be a hassle if my magic was released while trying to enter as Eir.

Since I didn’t want to arouse suspicion from the guards, I dispelled the magic beforehand.

“But you’re still standing out quite a bit.”

“It can’t be helped. El’s appearance is just too good.”

(…I think you two are standing out just as much, though.)

It certainly felt like there were plenty of women stealing glances at me, but the same was true for them, as I noticed quite a number of guys looking at the two of them.

Ignoring the gazes, we lined up and showed our adventurer cards to the guard to enter.

“Wow! This place is amazing!”

“Yeah, it really is.”

The buildings featured strange, tall structures with odd roofs, and there were many people walking around in robes.

And what was particularly impressive was the large, elongated vehicles running through the city, gliding along what looked like two tracks.

“What’s that?”

“Probably that’s a magic train. I heard it’s only recently been used in the Empire, particularly in the capital.”

Additionally, even clocks that should be expensive in the Empire were being sold at small sizes for affordable prices, and there were various useful items using magic stones on sale.

“Well, we can do some sightseeing later. For now, let’s find a place to stay for the night.”


“Got it.”

As we walked through the bustling streets, I noticed a few people giving us curious looks, mixed in with the occasional stares that made me raise my guard.

(Hmm. Looks like there are some folks staring at Fiera. Maybe it’s because she’s a beastkin?)

While I contemplated what to do, Fiera, who was beside me, gently squeezed my hand.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“…I suppose.”

She was likely aware of those stares herself, but since she said that, I figured there was no need for me to do anything.

Besides, she wasn’t weak enough to let those magic users bother her, so I decided to leave it to her for the time being.

After checking out a few inns, we found one that didn’t discriminate against beastkin and decided to stay there.

“Excuse me. We’d like two rooms for three people, please.”

“Sure thing! Just a moment!”

The cheery old lady at the reception quickly completed the paperwork and handed us a sign with our room numbers.

“Oh, and could you tell me what I need to do to get into the magic academy?”

“Hm? Did you come from far away? To get into the magic academy, you just have to pass a simple practical exam held every month. The exam is about breaking targets using magic, so it should be easy, right?

But since it’s that time of year, you’ll be joining mid-term, so it might be tough to keep up with the classes at first.”

“I see. When is this month’s exam?”

“It’s tomorrow.”

“…Do you think we can take it?”

“Yeah, they do same-day registrations, so of course you can.”

Hearing from the old lady that we could take the exam put me a bit at ease. I thanked her and headed to our room, where the three of us entered before splitting up into our individual rooms.

“About tomorrow’s exam, I’m planning to take it. What are you two going to do?”

“Of course I’ll take it!”

“I’ll take it too!”

“Shuvina, I think you’ll be fine, but Fiera can’t use elemental magic, right? What are you going to do?”

“I have a plan, so you can relax.”

She seemed quite confident, looking at me and Shuvina with determination.

“Well, if you’re saying that, I’m okay with it.”

After chatting about when to leave the inn and what to do after the exam, Fiera and Shuvina returned to their rooms, and we all turned in early to rest for tomorrow.