Chapter 75

“You seem more excited than I expected.”

Vivian snapped back to reality at Lady Linne’s teasing remark.

As she glanced over the colorful dresses made of velvet and countless accessories, she tried to hide her embarrassment and calm herself down.

“Is that so?”

“Your eyes are sparkling,” Lady Linne replied.

Before Vivian was a multitude of maids trying on various outfits for her.

As the main character of the ball, she was determined to find the most beautiful dress possible.

Moreover, it was only now dawning on Vivian that she actually enjoyed dressing up.

It felt as if the instinct of a woman, always lurking, had suddenly popped out.

Though embarrassed, she found the time enjoyable, and the thought of dancing with her predetermined partner made her oddly smile.

Perhaps she had never truly rested in a long time.

Of course, this ball wasn’t just for fun… but at least it was better than attending lessons or arguing with retainers, right?

Lady Linne continued to smile.

It didn’t seem like she intended to warn Vivian, but rather that she found her appearance amusingly different.

As Vivian hesitated, feeling flustered, Lady Linne observed the dresses and remarked,

“Either way, you’re the main character, so it’s best to choose a pretty outfit.”


“This red one looks good… and the blue patterned one doesn’t seem bad either. Let’s exclude the green; it looks too common.”

The maids bustling around followed Lady Linne’s orders.

Standing still, Vivian watched the scene unfold. Fortunately, none of the dresses or accessories Lady Linne discarded appealed to her.

As Lady Linne kept issuing commands to the maids, she said to Vivian,

“You must make a proper impression this time. There will be many men who could potentially become your husband, or older gentlemen wishing to offer you a son.”


“And you must capture the hearts of many men while dancing. The embarrassing lessons you had to endure prepared you for this moment. I taught you many ways to captivate a man’s heart, remember? Just let a bit of your charm flow through your dancing. It wouldn’t hurt for your outfit to be a bit… daring.”

Before long, Lady Linne was maneuvering the maids with just her fingers.

It was as if she were conducting a puppet show with marionettes.

Vivian dimly wondered if she was the puppet in this production.

Everything proceeded without her consent.

“…I don’t really plan on dancing. I don’t intend to sweep others off their feet yet.”

Vivian inadvertently blurted that out.

The puppet master’s fingers froze at that.

“…Excuse me?”

“This time, I just want to make an impression. It’s the first time introducing myself, after all. If I flirt around too early… won’t I be called a loose woman?”

Lady Linne looked dumbfounded by Vivian’s assertion.

“…It’s a matter of degree; it’s not about acting like a loose woman. My goodness, Vivian. I’ve taught you until my mouth hurt about the difference between a loose woman and a charming woman…”


“Besides, if you think that way, what was the point of practicing your dance so eagerly?”

Vivian shrugged her shoulders.

“…Even so, I can’t just not dance at a ball I’m hosting. I will dance, but I intend to refuse any offers from men.”

“I don’t understand. You plan to dance but refuse all offers… Are you saying you’ll only dance with one person? Or do you intend to dance alone?”

“Never! I have my trusty tool for such occasions, you know?”

Lady Linne’s face changed from doubt to astonishment.

“A tool…? No way, you don’t mean, Vivian?”

With a smirk, Vivian raised one corner of her mouth.

“If it’s Kyle Allen, no one would misunderstand our relationship, and as the host, I could dance without losing face.”

Lady Linne let out a long sigh and clicked her tongue.

“…Think again. That northerner is on a completely different level than you, Vivian. Even if Kyle Allen is the eldest son of a prominent family in the East Kingdom, here he’s just a lowly man raised among commoners. Unlike you, who grew up with vast education, Kyle Allen is already stained with hard-to-eradicate low-class habits…! If you’re not careful, you might tarnish your own image too…! Yes, of course, Kyle Allen has done much to protect you, but… while he is useful… at a ball…”

“I’ll dance with Kyle. Just that once. I don’t plan to change my mind, so no need for more advice.”


Lady Linne lowered her head and turned her gaze back to the outfits.

Though disappointment filled her expression, it seemed she wouldn’t cross any more lines as per Vivian’s orders.

After a considerable stretch of awkward silence, Lady Linne resumed her duties.

As the dresses were filtered down, only a few remained.

And with each selection of outfits, Lady Linne’s pace of choosing grew progressively slower.

Vivian felt the same.

She imagined herself in each dress, considering the time she would share with Kyle at the ball.

What would suit her best?

Yet, since this was a rare moment, she wanted to put in just a bit more effort to make it perfect.

Then, as Lady Linne reached for another outfit to dismiss…

“…This black outfit might accentuate Vivian’s impression too sharply. Let’s exclude this one—”

“-Wait a minute.”

The maid, about to remove the black dress, froze at Vivian’s words.

Lady Linne also turned to Vivian, curious.

The black dress had a strange allure that was drawing Vivian in.

From somewhere, she had developed a preference for black.

Whenever she saw that color, someone came to mind.

“I’ll go with that.”

Vivian stated.

While another outfit might suit her better, considering Kyle would be right next to her at the event, that black dress was her best choice.

Lady Linne frowned slightly and questioned,

“Isn’t it too dreary? Also, with black being rather imposing, men might hesitate to approach when combined with your appearance…”

“But didn’t I already say I won’t accept any offers even if they approach? Teacher, I’m now 17 years old. This talk of husbands and all… it feels way too early.”

“I get that, but it’s not uncommon to marry before officially becoming an adult. For someone in a precarious position like you, more supporters would be beneficial…”

Lady Linne’s unending nagging was wrapped in affection.

Having come to understand this for years, Vivian didn’t mind her stern words.

It felt like the nagging from a non-existent mother.

So, Vivian smiled and replied,

“I’m gradually increasing my influence. I understand your concerns, but it’s fine. The purpose of this ball is simply to make myself known.”

As the ambiance subtly shifted, Vivian continued,

“I’ll show everyone that the Rondore hasn’t fallen yet… that I’m still alive.”


With a little smile, Vivian broke the tense atmosphere.

“And it would be even better if my potential ally families grew in the process.”

“That’s true.”

Vivian nodded and instructed the maids.

“Prepare that.”

Does Kyle know?

That I’m working this hard for him?

Vivian couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the thought of Kyle’s bewildered face; in truth, it felt like everything was effortless.

Vivian meticulously checked everything as the ball drew near.

It wasn’t just the anticipation of inviting guests, but she was extremely curious about how it felt to dance with Kyle.

“Yes, I think music will be fine around this time.”

With Vivian’s approval, the musicians breathed a sigh of relief.

Wandering the city, these bards sang in cheap taverns.

But their skills were true, making them just right to fill the ball with good music.

If they just manage their clothing and hair, there shouldn’t be any issue.

Vivian exchanged smiles with Lady Linne as they headed to the next location.

“Is the preparation for the Delum Royal Family’s emblem not done yet?”

While surveying the grand hall where the ball would be held, Vivian asked the maids.

Already, numerous decorations were lavishly adorning the hall, and only the final touches remained.

The grand sun of Rondore hung luxuriously on the walls, while the place where the royal family’s emblem would be installed stood empty.

“I’ve heard it will be ready by tomorrow.”

“…Can you confirm that?”

“It, it will be. Yes. Don’t worry.”

“Okay, thank you.”

The preparations for the ball were nearing completion. Now, only the moment to welcome guests remained.

Vivian walked lightly, unconsciously humming a tune.

In her mind, she gradually went through her checklist, ensuring nothing was forgotten.


Speaking of which, there was still one thing she had left to do.

Vivian turned and called to her escort, Yanes.

“Yanes, could you please bring Kyle here?”

“Kyle is in the city and won’t be back until dinner…”

“Tell him to come now.”

“Yes, I’ll send someone.”

With a friendly smile, Vivian resumed her steps.

The sunlight pouring outside was gentle.

It was a moment that made her wonder how long it had been since she had felt peace.


“You called for me.”

I entered Vivian’s room after receiving her summons.

Having started wearing a new necklace for some time, she naturally looked at me as she set it down, without a hint of surprise.

“Try this on.”

“Try what… Oh.”

One neat outfit lay in one corner of the room.

It was clothing in a harmonious blend of black and red.

Rather than something a noble would wear that billowed, it seemed suitable for a soldier or knight, incorporating a touch of armor.

“…What’s this?”

“That’s what you’ll wear to the ball.”


I questioned, unable to trust my ears.

“What reason do I have to attend a ball?”

“Then you want to hide somewhere in some corner while all these guests show up? The eldest son of the Allen family?”

I clicked my tongue.

“…It’s not even a ball in my homeland. Why should I go to a ball hosted by the enemy? What’s the point other than getting insulted?”

“Don’t worry. Apparently, the princess of the East Kingdom will be attending this ball. No one would dare voice hatred towards your family or the East Kingdom.”

It was shocking news. From the East Kingdom? I couldn’t even remember the last time there had been one of their kind.

And if it’s the princess of the East Kingdom…

“…Princess Reina will be coming?”

At my half-hearted whisper, Vivian froze.

She slowly turned her head to look at me.

Ignoring Vivian’s curiosity, I fell deep into thought.

Seeing her face felt like it would be rather pleasant.

After all, my father had been a close aide to our king, so I had often encountered Princess Reina.

I couldn’t say we were close,

But I knew her face. It was likely she recognized mine too.

Now suddenly encountering someone I might never see again seemed strangely odd.

When you think about it, interacting not as families but person to person was a first. It’s natural for an outsider, though.

“…Do you two know each other?”

Vivian asked.

“Of course. Have you forgotten that the Allen family was once a knightly family for the East Kingdom? We must have seen each other from time to time. I almost served her.”

Before the war broke out, my father had always taught me about loyalty to the royal family.

Of course, it didn’t mean I ever felt sincere about it.

I thought knights were foolish.

That sacrificing for others was dumb.

…Yet here I was, engaged in that foolishness now.

No one could have predicted I’d be doing it for an enemy family.


As I shared that, Vivian’s expression shifted unsympathetically.

She began tapping her chest, tilting her head in confusion.


Vivian, examining me with her eyes, took a while before casually speaking.

“…Nothing. Just wear the outfit.”

“Is my consent to attend not relevant?”


Vivian, raising her voice slightly, calmed herself down to continue.

“…You’re mine. My prisoner. Just follow what I say.”

In that moment, Vivian’s outburst caused me to raise an eyebrow.

Why was she so emotional all of a sudden?

Engaging in such trivial arguments only made me annoyed.

Having these days unfold, I started to understand why my father bore with my mother’s nagging all this time.

He wasn’t being nagged; he was just avoiding annoying fights. The man known as the undefeated knight must have been avoiding bothersome quarrels.

In truth, even though I found the ball bothersome, part of me also wanted to attend.

This was a ball for Vivian to expand her connections.

…I too was curious about whom she might meet here.

If she happened to meet a suitor as Lady Linne mentioned…


I clenched my teeth and shook my head.

Then, I began feeling the fabric of the outfit that Vivian had prepared.

It looked surprisingly tailored to fit me perfectly.

As I fiddled with it, I asked,

“How did you know my measurements?”

In response to my question, Vivian calmed herself and responded quietly.

“…I kind of figured it out.”

I nodded slightly, pursing my lips.

“The size seems fine. I’ll wear it on the night of the ball.”

“What? Kyle-”

-“It’s a hassle. I need to head back to the city. When can I take off all this gear and put it back on?”


Vivian exhaled deeply, seeming to concede, nodded her head.

“Okay, fine. Go ahead.”

I waved goodbye to Vivian and left the room.

A few days later, countless carriages formed an endless line, arriving at the Castle of Rondore to greet Vivian.

It was the day of the ball.

Various family crests adorned the diverse carriages entering the castle.

Sometimes familiar crests would appear, while others were entirely new…

Vivian and I still hadn’t changed when we gazed down at them from the third floor of the castle.

Vivian did not go out to greet them.

It was awkward to do so, as it would take far too long to greet each one individually.

Instead, it was better to emerge at the last moment like a true protagonist at the ball.

Thus, while Lady Linne and the daughters of the Dubos Family, along with numerous retainers, awaited and greeted the guests on their behalf.

As Vivian had lost all family members and was short on help, I trusted that the guests would understand such rudeness.

After all, Vivian was technically a self-governing ruler, equivalent to a duke, ruling over vast lands.

In principle, she need not concern herself with anyone’s opinions, except for the king and queen.

Not even the prince.

Sure, she had fallen into decline, and being powerless, it was appropriate to see her as lower than a prince not long ago. Still, Vivian had no obligation to personally greet each and every guest.

It was a matter of etiquette, not duty.

“Quite the crowd.”

I muttered.

Vivian, still linking her arm with mine, had rested her head lightly against my shoulder.

Was she feeling nervous? It seemed unusual, as she was silent today.

Just yesterday, she looked excited, but now she was lost in complicated thoughts.

“…They’re coming.”

Before long, accompanied by a substantial trumpet sound, a brilliant carriage bearing a grand knight appeared from afar.

The Delum Royal Family.

The carriage would carry an unknown prince of Delum and Princess Reina of the East Kingdom.

“…Don’t do anything foolish today, just stay by my side.”

At the sight of the carriage, Vivian whispered.

“What foolishness?”

“…Don’t even think about casually chatting with someone you haven’t seen in a while.”

“Princess Reina?”

Vivian pulled her head off my shoulder and looked up at me.

“Can you stop adding ‘-nim’ to her name? If she’s a princess, then just call her princess, a prisoner shouldn’t be adding -nim to ‘princess’.”

“Stop sweating the small stuff.”

She took a deep breath as she spoke.

“Anyway, that princess is having talks of engagement with the prince. She’s not the same princess you knew, so don’t try to get friendly, understood?”

I chuckled at her.

“…If I follow your orders, will there be a reward?”

Vivian finally softened her previously stern expression, managing a smirk at my joke.

“…Am I that desperate?”

In a moment, her retort hit hard, leaving me speechless.

Vivian continued.

“I’ll give you a reward. So…”

Vivian looked down at the many guests that were arriving.

She whispered.

“…So don’t get in the way.”