Chapter 742

Everything in the world leaves a mark.

Every single thing in this world has roots, stems, and fruits.

Everything in the world is connected, and this is referred to as cause and effect.

And in this world, there are those who can trace these causes and effects.

Moreover, these individuals have successfully settled into modern society.

Once categorized as magic, now classified as psychic powers, psychometry psychics, shamans who can unleash various abilities through spells, scientists and alchemists who analyze every single buried particle to draw conclusions, summoners who command summon creatures equipped with tracking abilities, witches who control specially empowered familiars, and wizards who have learned spells to trace lingering energy, among others…

It cannot be said to be perfect.

Upon closer inspection, one could spot one or two shortcomings.

Well, if it were truly perfect, how could crime still occur in this world?

The very existence of crime speaks to their deficiencies.

But still, one cannot disregard the tracking technology.

The fact that modern society is functioning so well, even with numerous crimes occurring, and that most of them can be apprehended is all thanks to technology that has dazzlingly advanced and continues to evolve even at this very moment.

To make excuses, the number of individuals with such abilities isn’t that high either.

While it’s true that the number of capable people is low, the number of those among them who are willing to embrace their powers to work on catching other capable individuals for the state is even lower. The government tries to treat such individuals well… but the lure of utilizing their abilities in other more rewarding ways means that unless they have a sense of mission, not many are inclined to take on such jobs.

On top of that, with additional variables such as pressure and intimidation from higher-ups, even those who work for the government out of a sense of mission often struggle to utilize their abilities effectively.

Perhaps for tracking technology to truly shine, either the number of capable people must increase significantly, or the “variables” that render the committed ones inept must be eliminated completely.

But regardless of everything, what’s crucial is this:

At least, whether the people who ought to be using and applying this technology act negligently or lazily, collude with others to overlook crimes, or refuse to accept the technology—the fact remains that the technology is advancing.

This is precisely why Park Jinseong ventured all the way to North Korea to create ice and summon water ghosts.

To avoid being tracked.

Yet, as previously mentioned, the tracking psychics affiliated with the government aren’t particularly competent.

Even if they were capable, they could be rendered useless by utilizing “variables.”

Thus, they used to be somewhat concerned but never obsessively worried about being tracked.

But what if the subject were to change?

What if the organization was a “secret organization” instead of the “government”?

What if it were a truly secret organization, unbeknownst even to Park Jinseong who had traveled back in time?

Could that organization really be as inept as the government?

And would there be truly no one with tracking abilities within that organization, or how likely is it that the one with such abilities would be incompetent, or even be unable to track effectively due to “external variables”?

At the very least, one cannot claim that the possibility is high.

“There’s no way a secret organization can be ineffective.”

A secret is no longer a secret the moment two or more people know about it.

However, if there are enough people to form an “organization” yet it maintains its secrecy, and if it concealed its secrets to a level that even Park Jinseong, who wasn’t part of the upper class before regression and had seen and heard so much of the world, couldn’t fathom, then…

Can that secret organization truly be dismissed as trifling?

It’s even tricky to claim that one understands it fully at this point.

One merely has a vague sense of its outline.



School of Life Creation.

The enigmatic shaman.

Power holders.


How can each of these things seem so suspicious?

And yet, how can a conspiracy theory not circulate?

How is it possible that even before regression?

In that future, which was marred only by destruction, how could traces of it have not been visible?


No way.

Perhaps traces were visible.

He might have known.

“The incredible method that lengthens lifespan without worrying about poison.”

Procedures, surgeries… whatever we might call them.

Beyond merely replacing internal organs, it was a miraculous method that could even manipulate telomeres, accessible only to the wealthy with power, which is why anything less than that was dismissed as mere conspiracy or nonsense.

After regressing, what he first thought of and aimed for, perhaps the very thing that led him to build connections and acquire fame, might have been that fragment.

Isn’t that profoundly significant when thought of this way?

The “clue of immortality” that Ashutosh Singh had mentioned.

The “miraculous method” that could be overheard in whispers before regression.

The “School of Life Creation,” which seemed suspicious by its very existence.

And the artificial intelligence “Anael,” the existence of which they had not even known before regression…

All of these things seem to gradually reveal their outlines.

Things that were completely buried in darkness and whose existence was unknown begin to show contours, their shadows spreading, and their outlines becoming clearer.

But the outlines are just that—outlines.

Who can say if what lies within is a mirage, a shadow, or something tangible?

Therefore, it must be verified.

Just as his intuition has guided him.

To that very place…

* * *

The ice chunk drifts continuously over the sea.

In sunlit spots, it appears as an ordinary ice chunk.

In the shaded areas, it reveals a vague shape of itself.

Meanwhile, perhaps hoping to attract some unsuspecting victim, it holds its breath beneath the ice, hiding its form while those few water ghosts cling to the ice chunk and begin to drift through the sea.

The sea water grows colder, then warmer.

Fish approach, only to panic and flee.

Birds soaring high in the sky flutter down out of curiosity, only to find themselves entranced, leading to their unfortunate plummet into the sea.

Some ice chunks become entangled in seaweed or plastic trash, facing dire circumstances where they can no longer float—but at such times, the water ghosts clinging to the ice promptly intervene, tearing away the obstructions or swirling the water to clear the way.

This cooperation was possible because of the union of the captivating ghosts and those with physical strength.

It’s not surprising, really.

Isn’t that just how water ghosts are?

After capturing a person, they desire to keep them right where they are while longing to ascend, yet when luring someone in, they coordinate beautifully to drown their prey.

Thus, their cooperation isn’t something to be surprised about.

This is also why Park Jinseong decided to utilize the water ghosts.

How long have they drifted in this manner?

Finally, they reached their destination.

Or rather, in Park Jinseong’s words, a place that could be described as “home.”

It is not a grand metaphor.

Wasn’t it the sea, which had previously bound their feet, their home?

Then if they were to be bound elsewhere, that place would become another home.

Isn’t that what a home essentially is?

Somewhere someone lives, occupies space, and makes it theirs.

Yet not every place can be a “home.”

By definition, a home must be owned by someone unless it is vacant, and most people inhabit that place. Hence, we can’t just barge into any house and claim, “This is now my home.”

Ghosts, too, follow a similar logic.

Another lingering spirit cannot establish itself where a spirit already resides.

There’s either a clash, a merging, or a future of being consumed and nurtured.

So what about water ghosts?

Can these beings coexist peacefully in the same space, unlike living people or lingering spirits?

[ Hah~. ]

[ Haaaah…. ]

[ The smell of people is thick. ]

It goes without saying that this couldn’t be the case.

Of course, unless a ghost were some spirit or angel, that wouldn’t be possible.

Therefore, it is only natural that there would be a battle.

A battle between the water ghosts from North Korea and those residing within the root of belladonna.