Chapter 71
War is merely the continuation of politics by other means.
– Carl von Clausewitz, from “On War”
Episode 5 – Journalist, Diplomat, Soldier, Spy
Every claim has its basis. Typically, this basis is referred to as “justice” or “motive.”
In the chaotic political arena and wars between nations, justice and motive hold significant importance.
The Iraqi Hussein regime is hiding bin Laden and concealing weapons of mass destruction.
The lives and safety of pro-Russian residents in Crimea are at stake.
Jerusalem is a holy land of Judaism, not Islam, and so on.
If there is strong evidence, the claim becomes robust. Though whether that evidence is of justice, motive, or an excuse remains uncertain.
The crucial point is that we need a compelling reason to persuade the public that we must bleed to fight.
It’s common knowledge that it all sounds like nonsense, yet wrapping this nonsense in a pretty bow is precisely what politics does.
After all, war is an extension of politics.
“The Magic Tower’s independence, the three-way conflict among the Empire, the Cult, and the Magic Tower, such complex interests at play.”
Most governments are already in disarray.
“Therefore, it’s not important. Because it’s complicated. That’s why people will stop paying attention to what’s being broadcast.”
“So, they feel fatigued.”
“Yes. Too many events transpired in a short time. Now people won’t react to stimuli.”
The saint, who is both a politician and a lobbyist, stated confidently.
It was a voice filled with conviction.
“If something happens here that can stir people’s emotions…”
In a chaotic world, agitation aimed at the voters living within it.
“The side that creates an explosion will seize the advantage, right?”
“…The Magic Tower violated the treaty.”
“The shaman entered disguised as our government scholarship student. Currently, the student who left on a government scholarship is missing, and the shaman is under investigation in a separate detention facility.”
“…Have we located him?”
“Not yet. However, the genetic analysis revealed that all the biological tissue found with the shaman matches that of the missing person. We believe he is somewhere alive.”
The Prime Minister set down the tea cup in his hand and picked up the document handed to him by the Director.
The document resembled more of an operational plan than a report. The Prime Minister read the phrase written on the cover aloud.
“Operation Opera. Impressive title. Is this the plan? To find the evidence?”
“Yes, that’s correct. The Opera operation aims to track individuals related to the missing person to uncover the hierarchy of the operation. Currently, the Information Agency reports that this hierarchy is the intelligence organization of the Magic Tower.”
“…That’s hard to believe. That the Magic Tower has an intelligence agency.”
The Magic Tower had abolished its intelligence agency decades ago.
The fierce intelligence war that played out behind the signing of the Nastasia Treaty. Surely, Abas was involved, but the Prime Minister didn’t dwell on that. He deemed it more important to revive economic cooperation with the overturned Cult than to dig up decades-old classified documents gathering dust.
With the general election scheduled for two years later, it might be a natural choice.
Thus, the Prime Minister said.
“…In any case!”
Now what to do?
“That’s quite an interesting story. If the Information Agency secures evidence that the Magic Tower violated the treaty, it could serve as useful negotiation material.”
Whether that negotiation would help the Magic Tower or crush it was unknown to the Director. A politician’s heart is like a reed that sways back and forth, after all.
So the Director chose not to inquire further.
“Continue to track the whereabouts of the missing citizens, please. Just ensure it doesn’t interfere with the operation. If safety is secured, we will later request their return through negotiations.”
“Yes, Prime Minister.”
“And about the commander who drafted this operation. Can we meet him?”
“Yes, it is possible, but may I ask why you wish to meet him…?”
“His name sounds familiar.”
The Prime Minister tapped on the name listed in the plan.
“…It must be that person I know, right?”
The question was whether he was the friend of the hero. The Director nodded affirmatively.
“Yes, your assumption is correct.”
“…Impressive. So he’s the one from the report we received last time?”
“Yes. The same individual.”
“Huh. I heard the Information Agency had established connections with him, but I didn’t expect them to be this bold.”
In the intelligence industry, it was a rule not to delve into one’s affiliations too deeply. And the Prime Minister was not the kind of person to concern himself with fine details like the commander’s background.
At least, that had been the case until now.
“Then can we meet him right now? Director.”
Obeying the Prime Minister’s order, the Military Intelligence Agency Chief immediately contacted the operative to bring him to the Prime Minister’s residence.
“…Prime Minister. We have brought him—ack!”
“Is there a TV?”
The operative barged in without introduction, shoving the Prime Minister’s secretary aside. The Prime Minister was taken aback, and the Director grabbed the back of his neck. Sensing that the operative was somewhat unhinged, they had no idea he would be this insane.
Just as the General was about to scold the Major for his behavior.
The Major switched on the TV.
-‘…Breaking news! Saint Lucia has announced her intention to enter the Magic Tower, renouncing her status as a saint!’
In war and politics, to gain the upper hand, it is common to undermine the opponent’s rationale.
In that sense, the two rationales that the Cult and the Empire must dismantle regarding the Magic Tower are as follows.
1) Inquisition.
Since the signing of the Nastasia Treaty, the Cult’s indiscriminate Inquisition was officially suspended. At least, on the surface.
However, the Inquisition still frames individuals associated with the Magic Tower as ‘Dark Magicians’ and casts them as heretics. Their rationale was to root out those threatening the peace of the continent through terror.
The Inquisition that once took place in the open has now descended into the shadows. Of course, no one knows who is labeled a heretic, or if those labeled truly are. Only the Inquisition knows.
The Magic Tower adopted the shadowy Inquisition as its first rationale.
2) Non-diplomatic state.
This issue is a little more political and ties in with history. When the Nastasia Treaty was signed, the Magic Tower sought diplomatic ties with the Cult, while simultaneously requesting formal state recognition from each government.
The hope for independence and peace of the Magic Tower ended with “peace of our times.” The treaty itself was a trap devised by the Cult, meaning the chances of the Magic Tower achieving its intended goals from the outset were slim.
In any case, the official state recognition was out of reach, and establishing diplomatic relations with the Cult had also failed.
This was the second rational of the Magic Tower.
Ultimately, to eradicate the Magic Tower, these two points must be dismantled…
“You’ll need materials to incite agitation. Do you know what they might be?”
“I told you. It’s all about stirring emotions.”
Veronica pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it.
Then, exhaling a puff of smoke, she added,
“Saint Lucia.”
Lucia is the saint of the Cult.
A saint of the Cult can wield influence comparable to that of the Pope.
In reality, Veronica had utilized her political power within the Cult to dispatch healing priests and knight templars to the disputed territories between the Empire and the Magic Tower.
Thus, all saints of the Cult are accorded treatment equivalent to that of state guests as per an unspoken agreement in the diplomatic circles.
Especially in countries where the number of followers adhering to the teachings of the Cult is substantial, this tendency is more pronounced. Treating someone who stands shoulder to shoulder with the Pope poorly will tank public support.
The problem lies in the fact that the Magic Tower and the Cult are in a non-diplomatic state.
How can a country that has no diplomatic relations treat the other side as a state guest, especially considering the historical animosity? Public ceremonies aside, security becomes an issue. If a mad magician were to attack Lucia, it would truly spark a war.
Nonetheless, the Cult shamelessly demanded that the saint be allowed entry into the Magic Tower.
Absurd demand.
Knowing very well what feelings the Magic Tower harbored towards the Cult, asking to be treated as a state guest simply because she is a saint was akin to telling the Oracle to crawl under the Pope’s legs.
A humiliating request. The public sentiment would not permit it, and politicians who gamble their lives on public votes would never allow it. That had indeed been the case. The Magic Tower was a democracy.
Thus, Veronica pointed out the glaring flaw.
“The issue is that Lucia is not yet a saint. She hasn’t gone through the canonization ceremony, so from the Cult’s perspective, she is not a saint.”
“But we treated her as a state guest.”
“That’s because she is someone who is soon to be canonized. It would be appropriate to see it as a matter of etiquette.”
She mentioned that Lucia had not been formally canonized as a saint.
In truth, this was merely wordplay. Who would assert Lucia was not a saint of the religion? If the prevailing sentiment believed that, Abas would not have treated her as a state guest.
However, even whimsical nonsense becomes plausible if a politician wraps it in attractive rhetoric.
“…If Lucia were to claim that she hasn’t been canonized and that she would enter as a priest instead of a saint…”
“How would the world perceive this situation?”
There was no need for long contemplation. The answer was readily apparent.
So, I answered without delay.
“The Magic Tower’s rationale would collapse. They cannot prevent her from entering in a personal capacity.”
The Magic Tower’s representative had refused my agrément, which was tantamount to saying she could enter in a personal capacity.
But if the Magic Tower were to block Lucia from entering in a personal capacity, it would raise fairness issues.
In other words, they would find themselves ensnared by the very rationale they had set forth.
“Exactly. In fact, there are priests who enter the Magic Tower for the purpose of missionaries.”
Much like Protestant groups heading to the Middle East for missionary work. Every time I heard they crossed the border, it annoyed me. It seems the mindset of religious individuals is similar everywhere.
Anyway, what transpires next was all too clear.
The Magic Tower would not be able to stop Lucia from entering as a personal capacity. If a saint of the religion wished to relinquish worldly power and enter as a civilian, how could they possibly hinder that?
“Then the agrément issue would be resolved as well. Abas has established diplomatic relations with the Magic Tower, and there’s no need for a larger diplomatic dispute to arise. The rationale is no longer valid.”
Should that too be rejected, the Cult and the Empire would work together to make a fool of the Magic Tower.
At that point, the rationale of the Magic Tower would collapse.
No, it had already been long since crushed. The Magic Tower had thrown itself into an unwinnable battle from the very beginning.
Just as it had done long ago.
“A situation of such a level means there won’t be any talk of independence for a while.”
Veronica said this as she returned to her room.
Lucia announced her intention to enter the Magic Tower as a priest rather than a saint, citing her lack of canonization.
All media reported this as a breaking news story.
[“I will relinquish worldly power,” 59th Saint Lucia officially announces]
[Archbishop Matteo: “A saint who has not undergone the canonization ceremony is not a saint.”]
[Cult National Affairs Council: “This is not an agreed matter but an individual’s expression of will… we will respect it.”]
Though the Cult tried to dismiss this as simply a personal stance, no one took it that way.
No matter how anyone argued, Lucia was a saint. Although she had not yet been canonized.
Despite drawing a line claiming it was not an official position, the Cult retreated a step by stating that they respected Lucia’s opinion, and hardly any media outlets refused to refer to her as a saint. The fundamentalists within the Cult, who valued tradition and principles, criticized her for lacking the qualifications of a saint (claiming she was going against the divine order), but such voices were too minor to be considered anything but nonsense.
And just as the news broke, another breaking news item followed.
Support came from the Empire.
[The Chancellor of the Kien Empire who supported Lucia: “Her self-sacrifice, dedication, and passion shown on the front lines are a model for all.”]
[Kien Empire Deputy Minister of Defense: “I propose awarding Saint Lucia a medal.”]
The Chancellor expressed support for Lucia’s decision, while the Deputy Minister of Defense proclaimed before journalists that she should be awarded a medal.
Given that Lucia had saved the lives of hundreds of Empire citizens, there shouldn’t be any problematic statements, at least on the surface.
However, a fierce diplomatic battle was underway between the Magic Tower, the Cult, and the Empire, and this was a significant blow to the Magic Tower.
A ‘minor’ individual, who had saved lives through ‘medical service’ during ‘war’ for two years when she was ‘underage,’ had politely requested to be allowed into the Magic Tower while ‘relinquishing’ ‘worldly power.’ Moreover, she did so right in front of a hotel and not in a meticulously arranged press conference.
Story. Emotion. Direction.
The trifecta aligned perfectly.
Countries supporting the Magic Tower had to make a choice.
To stand firm with the Magic Tower and fight against the Cult and the Empire to the end, or to retreat a step and observe the situation.
[Next news. The government of Patalia has officially stated they respect Saint Lucia’s decision. The official spokesperson expressed respect for Lucia, who made a difficult choice….]
[King Salahji Amir of the Lushan Federation expressed infinite respect for the great choice deserving of a great figure….]
[Patalia’s Ministry of Defense announced that the Imperial Army is still surrounding the Magic Tower. Meanwhile, the leader of the opposition party in Patalia questioned whether the Ministry of Defense was declaring a desire for war….]
While there seemed to be some inclination to back off, all countries that had supported the Magic Tower declared they respected Lucia’s decision.
The northern and parts of the central continent were all areas where the Cult held influence, so perhaps this was an unavoidable choice. Governments that had criticized the Cult were subjected to delightful violent protests from zealous followers.
Countries maintaining vague positions suddenly panicked at the sight of that scene, flipping their stances and wagging their tails at the Cult and the Empire. Given the violent and dangerous nature of protests in a neighborhood dominated by divine power, magic, and various races, one could hardly blame them.
Amid all this, a military intelligence officer posted at the Magic Tower received intelligence that diplomats from the Empire and officials from the Magic Tower’s representative office held an unofficial meeting.
At last, the Magic Tower, having tasted the bitter cup of defeat in this fierce diplomatic battle, declared they welcomed Lucia, who is entering with a select few attendants, in a personal capacity.
At this juncture, I could discern who was behind all these political machinations.
A group that could influence policy decisions within the Cult, executing elaborate schemes based on information. An institution that has always been at the forefront in the war against the Magic Tower. The headquarters of all the Inquisition and covert operations carried out by the Cult.
…The Inquisition.