Chapter 7

I’ve mentioned it before, but I have not officially joined the Imperial Army.

I’ve merely enlisted to undergo basic training and learn about the battlefield.

Well, there is the small matter that the training was six months instead of one month from my past life.

Anyway, because of that, I was planning to return straight to my family as soon as I got back.

I wanted to see my parents, and Kaya too. I also missed our chef’s cooking.

Nothing beats home-cooked meals, whether in my past life or this one.

“Oh dear! You can’t do that!”

However, my grand plan was thwarted before it even began.

The Legion Commander, upon hearing my desire to return home immediately, interjected with a hearty “Hey!”

“There are many waiting for your story. Above all, if you skip out on the banquet to celebrate our Legion’s victory, it would leave quite a void, wouldn’t it?”

“Uh, Commander. I get everything else, but why is it a victory…”

“Well, those Nobogord folks took quite a beating. We laughed at them endlessly! Winning doesn’t always mean defeating an enemy in battle. Just breaking their morale is enough! Didn’t the Duke teach you that?”

Hmm… My father always said to do our best in fight; otherwise, I feel he’d question what victory would mean if I were branded the reason we won.

“And, you know, Your Highness the Princess seemed to be looking forward to your arrival, Kael,” the Legion Commander added.

I couldn’t help but gasp at that.

That really sealed off any escape route, didn’t it?

Feeling flustered, I scratched my head while the Commander hammered the point home.

“Though it was a covert deployment, Her Highness did accompany this march. In such a circumstance, if the one who played a pivotal role is absent from the commemorative gathering, it would be rather uncomfortable for her.”


As a noble of the Empire, it wouldn’t sit right to let a revered member of the Imperial Family feel uncomfortable.

While I’m not exactly a full-fledged noble by blood, I can still discern what’s acceptable and what’s not.

“I understand, Commander. Even if I’m just a greenhorn, isn’t my presence for a banquet meant for military officials a bit unnecessary?”

“You certainly do not lose your sense of humility. The Duke raised you well.”

“Ha ha, th-thank you.”

This is maddening. I want to just say, “It was pure luck!” but everyone keeps saying, “Oh, stop being so modest!” It’s driving me nuts!

Come to think of it, wasn’t it our esteemed Teacher Gong Myung’s strategy I just imitated?

They probably don’t know the Three Kingdoms here, but it seems like they can sense something impressive about it.

After agreeing to attend the banquet, I sought out my attendant, Alexei.

I needed to inform him that my plan to return home immediately was now amended.

“Did you say banquet, young master?”

“Yeah, it’s happening. Sorry, Alexei. I know you were probably looking forward to returning home.”

“Well, it’s only natural for me to follow your wishes, so I don’t mind. However, I am more concerned about whether you are really okay?”

At Alexei’s words, I smiled and shook my head.

As if I could be okay! Of course not! What banquet do I even attend? And I’m the main character at that!

I thought I had quite enough embarrassing moments archived already. This was essentially pre-booking more cringe-worthy moments under the blanket.

Now, I have to go to the banquet and hear, “Wow! What a brilliant strategy! Oh! An exceptional tactician!” My head is already spinning at the thought.

If I happen to collapse at the banquet, I’d probably die of embarrassment!

“It’s a little overwhelming, but Her Highness specifically said I must attend.”

“Ah! Well then, you absolutely must go! You should cancel anything else to make sure you go!”

“What? To that extent?”

“Surely your father would have said the same.”

If my father is saying it’s important, that’s a hint I can’t ignore. It seems I really have to go.

Right. If I can’t avoid it, I should enjoy it.

Who knows, there might even be an event for me or our family at the banquet?


Upon my return to the Empire, I was greeted by even more people than I expected.

I wondered if it was because I led some grand victory, but then I noticed the songs they were humming and quickly understood.

“Those foolish Nobogord folks tremble and gift us arrows!”

“When the demons come, let’s lay down the straw. We’ll swap them for arrows and run away!”

“Oh, our dear demons. Oh, our lovely neighbor Nobogord!”

Without anyone needing to take the lead, everyone gathered started singing in unison.

If a Nobogord envoy had been there, their face would surely have turned bright red.

“So, the people of the Empire seemed to be more concerned about Nobogord than I thought.”

They would say, “Those pesky demon folk are nothing to worry about,” but deep down, they must be worried, “Uh, we hope they don’t get too strong!”

“Anyone would think we had just achieved a great victory,” someone commented.

“So true, young master.”

After that, things were processed according to regulations.

The Legion Commander formally reported to the Ministry of War, relinquishing the command authority bestowed upon us by Imperial Decree.

The soldiers who had returned alive headed off to their respective places or back home.

“If we had fought a grand battle and won, perhaps His Majesty would have sent someone personally to commend us,” someone remarked.

“The higher-ups may be a bit disappointed, but the soldiers would prefer it this way.”

With that, the chaotic aftermath settled a bit as we made our way to the banquet.

Originally, my plan was to hide away in a corner until I waited for the right time to leave early.

But upon arriving, I found quite a few familiar faces, making that impossible.

“Oh! Kael! It’s been a while! How’s your father?”

“Yes, he’s doing well!”

“Ha ha! Now that the old chap is retired, is he lazing about?”

“No, actually, he’s restless, saying his daily life is a bore.”

“I knew it! You should have convinced him to postpone retirement!”

I caught up with some of the elders from the military who knew my father and shared news about him.

“Once more, good to see you, Prince Kael.”

“You were at my father’s retirement ceremony, weren’t you?”

“Ha ha! You remember! I heard you achieved quite an accomplishment. So, are you really joining the army?”

“Uh, well… I’m still thinking it over, ha ha!”

I also mingled with people from other families connected to ours.

“Darn it, so busy! So busy!”

As the eldest son and heir presumptive of our family, managing connections is essential. Hence, I couldn’t let even a hint of fatigue show.

If I mess up here, it could also reflect poorly on my father, mother, and Kaya.

I have to keep my wits about me. After all, this place is probably the real battlefield for me!

As I went on greeting people and being pulled into conversations, an hour swiftly passed.

Having greeted everyone, I noticed the chatter was winding down, so I tried to sneak out of the banquet hall.

But then the one who caught my attention was none other than the Legion Commander who had been with us!

“Hey, come here, Kael! There are many eager to hear your exploits!”

It’s not an exploit! I didn’t even fight! And it was just dumb luck!

I screamed in my head, but of course, showing any distress wouldn’t do. I pretended as if nothing was wrong.

Then I had to explain what had happened all over again to the many eager eyes around me.

“It wasn’t important that a meteor fell. Whether it was a sign from God or not, being a priest, I wouldn’t know. What I cared about was the soldier’s morale, being part of the command.”

“It isn’t because I’m some great warrior. I only considered the quickest, most effective approach. That was all I thought of. Hence, the conclusion was simple: We just had to raise the fallen meteor.”

I began by discussing how I lifted the troops’ deflated morale back up again.

Everyone present, especially those from the Ministry of War, listened very intently.

I wanted to shout at them to just go have a drink instead, but I had to endure it.

“And then, the next part… Well, I can sum it up in one word: luck. If the situation had been even slightly different, I would not have achieved this outcome.”

“I did come up with a somewhat clever plan, but it was by no means a brilliant tactic!”

Why do I keep asserting that I’m not that remarkable? The reason is simple!

I might be sold off to someone else. What if they found out I’m a total failure?

That wouldn’t just be embarrassing for me. It would spread to my family too.

Father, Mother, Kaya, and our entire family would suffer because of me.

“So, please, could we move on from those piercing gazes…!”

I could tell what those eyes were thinking. They were the eyes of farmers looking at a promising bull they thought could work well.

With my “achievements” and now being from the Clausewitz family, they were filled with high hopes.

“Ha ha ha! The Duke has raised his eldest son very well!”

“That’s right. They say humility is the hardest quality to acquire.”

“Tsk. Our son is two years older than Prince Kael, yet he still acts like a child. Oh dear!”

I can see it. If I can’t break free, I’m destined to be caught and become a fine slave!

Despite trying to clarify that I’m not a strategist, I had—

“Your Highness the Second Princess is entering!”

Suddenly the ruckus of the banquet hall fell silent.

Amidst the silence, the sound of heels clicking down the stairs echoed.

“Ah ha ha. Why are you all being so shy? Enjoy yourselves. The star of the evening isn’t me, after all!”

A familiar voice. It was none other than the princess I had spoken to all day yesterday.

But what I saw before me was a sight that could hardly be called familiar.

“Clothes truly are wings.”

Gone was her humble military uniform, and in its place was a bright, lovely dress.

Her already beautiful face now radiated even more charm, completely transforming her appearance.

Most importantly, the aura radiating from her was nothing less than the very essence of a true ‘princess.’

“Oh, Prince Kael!”

The princess descended the stairs and approached me.

“Are you enjoying the banquet?”

“Y-Yes, Your Highness. It’s been a very enlightening time…”

As I responded, I scanned the surroundings and realized I was in real trouble.

The princess had arrived. She came up to me and spoke to me first.

The true protagonist of this banquet was now undeniably me!