Chapter 7

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 7: The Reason to Fight

In this repeatedly lived life, the desire I couldn’t shake off until the very end was to get stronger.

No, it’s not quite right to say it like that. The reason I fought strong enemies was that I felt truly alive when battling the powerful.

Thanks to dying and returning multiple times, I had lost track of whether I was alive or dead.

However, facing off against strong monsters, adventurers, and the protagonists, when I was wounded and death loomed close, I could definitely feel that I was alive.

Realizing that, I began challenging higher-ranked opponents, winning while on the brink of death, and repeating the cycle of fighting again.

Looking back now, I suppose I had already been broken at that time.

That’s precisely why I committed suicide on a whim in my previous life.

All I had left was the emotion of wanting to fight to feel alive, and a general indifference towards everything else.

I would immerse myself in things I liked, and treat everything else nonchalantly. If I were to die in the process, then so be it. That was all that shaped me now.

I readied the sword in my right hand and locked eyes with the snow wyvern.


Releasing a breath, I enhanced my body and charged in.

However, the downward stroke of my sword was easily deflected by the wyvern’s tough scales, ringing out only with metallic clanging.

“Tch. It’s still tough, huh?”

The snow wyvern was of the ice attribute. So on top of regular scales, it was covered with ice on the surface, boosting its defense even further.

“Well then, how about magic?”

I conjured a fireball in the air and launched it at the snow wyvern.


However, the ice breath unleashed by the snow wyvern extinguished it effortlessly, and the breath continued towards me.

I kicked off from the ground to dodge the breath and distanced myself, pondering my previous spell.

“Hmmm. Maybe the firepower was too weak. Let’s try boosting my power a little. ‘Blue Fireball!’”

This time, I created a blue fireball and sent it flying towards it.

The snow wyvern also attempted to counter with its breath, but this time the fireball charged forward without disappearing.

Then, it thickened the icy armor covering itself, taking the blue fireball head-on.

Steam rose in the air as ice evaporated, but as the snow wyvern flapped its wings, the gust blew away the smoke.

“Was that still not enough?”

The snow wyvern that emerged from the smoke had no visible injuries, and there was no indication my attack had landed at all.

(If I used a higher power spell I could probably take it down, but with my current magic, I can’t use it repeatedly yet.)

High-powered spells consume a lot of magic, and using them means I might not be able to act when it really counts.

“For now, I have no choice but to attack with fire magic and sword.”

Having put together a quick strategy, I readied my sword and charged in again.

However, my attacks continued to be blocked by its scales and thick icy armor, doing absolutely nothing.

As I contemplated what to do, the snow wyvern’s tail came rushing in from behind and knocked me flying.


I slammed into a nearby tree, toppling several more before finally coming to a stop.

“…Damn. I got careless.”

Cleaning the blood from my mouth, I stood up and cast a healing spell on myself, glaring at the flying snow wyvern, showcasing our difference in rank.

“Hehehe. Not bad. Really not bad. This is getting fun!”

Yet even in the face of such an opponent, rather than feeling fear, I was instead filled with exhilaration.

After checking my body’s condition by twisting my arms around, I used flying magic to approach right in front of the snow wyvern.

“Now, this is your territory. Entertain me some more!”

I smirked provocatively, and the snow wyvern let out a roar, charging full speed at me.

“Ha ha! This is the best! Come at me harder!”

I deflected its bite and claw attacks with my sword while further provoking it.

However, unlike earlier, I stayed alert this time, calmly analyzing its attack patterns.


It roared in frustration at not landing any hits, but that only made its attacks more predictable and easier for me to dodge.

“Ahahaha! Keep it up! I could die anytime!”

Having fully read its attacks, I was starting to get bored just being on the defensive, so I decided it was time to attack.

“I didn’t land a hit earlier, but how about this time!!”

Using even more magic power to boost my strength, I circled behind the snow wyvern, swinging my sword down at the tail that had knocked me away.

This time, instead of being easily parried, my sword cleanly severed its tail.


“That came off way too easily. You’ve never felt pain like this, huh?”

The snow wyvern cried out, blood gushing from its severed tail.

However, it skillfully froze the cut area to stop the bleeding and then charged up its breath to unleash it with all its might.

“‘Blue Fireball!’”

In response, I conjured a blue fireball twice the size of before and launched it at the breath.

The result was a clash, with both the breath and fireball colliding and vanishing into thin air.

Feeling the loss of its signature breath, it looked at me with fear for its life, and I sensed its fighting spirit fade.

“What are you so afraid of? It’s just death, right?”

Seeing such a reaction dulled my excitement. I swung my sword and cleanly severed the snow wyvern’s neck. Instant death, and it fell straight to the ground with a thud.

“Ahh, that was fun. Now then, I better get the treasure.”

Landing near the snow wyvern, I swiftly dismantled it and took out the magic stone and magical organs.

“Well then, bon appétit!”

The magical organs, being one of the internal organs, filled my mouth with a squishy texture, warmth, and a metallic taste.

“Ugh, still as gross as ever.”

But no matter how disgusting it was, I had no time to cook it, so I had to swallow it raw.

Once I finished consuming everything, its magical power flowed into me, attempting to invade my body.

In response, I infused my own magical power, shaping it like fitting together puzzle pieces.

“…Phew. My magic power has increased considerably.”

After integrating the snow wyvern’s magic into my own, I noticed a significant boost in my magical power.

“Hmmm. I’ve trained to increase my magic power over the past six months, but nothing compares to this method.”

However, it was still better than doing nothing, so I intended to continue my magic drainage and manipulation training in the future.

“Next up, swordsmanship. There’s still a lot of wasted motion, so I need to refine that.”

Realizing there was still much to improve, I decided I should head back and rest for the day, using flying magic to return to the mansion.

A month passed since I defeated the snow wyvern. Since that day, I focused on sword training.

Knowing there were a lot of unnecessary movements, I worked to reduce my motions to the bare minimum for both offense and defense.

Once my body acclimated to those movements, I’d refine it to the point where I could perform them naturally without thinking.

However, that’s where it gets tricky. Humans can instinctively dodge or grasp things when danger looms, but that doesn’t mean they can do it consistently.

Additionally, instinctive movements can easily be mixed with personal quirks and unnecessary motions.

So first, I needed to correct those movements to eliminate excess or habitual motions, then train my reflex speed to make sure I could execute the refined actions instinctively.

“Ahh, I’m beat.”

After a day’s training, I relaxed in the bath.

“I guess it’s time to look for the next monster.”

No matter how much I train for experience, it means nothing if I can’t execute these movements in a real situation.

As I pondered what to do, I remembered something that might work well nearby.

“Oh right, there’s an A-rank dungeon a bit further away. But that means I’ll need to register as an adventurer…”

In my life thus far, I’ve looked for monsters seeking strength but never once registered as an adventurer.

After contemplating for a bit, I decided to register as an adventurer to dive into the dungeon, making my way out of the bath.

The next day, I headed alone to the Adventurers’ Guild from the morning.

What? If I get found out it would be terrible? Don’t worry. I created a shadow clone with dark magic and left it behind.

Dark magic might sound bad, but it’s pretty convenient, so I often rely on it.

After walking for a while, I reached the Adventurers’ Guild, confidently opening the door and stepping inside.

As soon as I entered, all the adventurers inside turned to face me and scrutinized me.

Right now, I looked like a boy with deep blue hair and blue eyes, dressed in ordinary gear, thanks to a spell that changed my appearance.

Having grown taller during the last six months, I was now about 165 cm, still quite childlike, so they were probably wary of the fact I came alone to the guild.

Maybe they were assessing whether I could become a rival.

Ignoring their gazes, I made my way to the reception, approaching a beautiful lady who was just available.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes. How can I assist you today?”

“I’d like to register as an adventurer, please.”

“Certainly. Please fill out the required documents here. Do you need help with that?”

“I’m fine.”

The paper contained my name, age, and consent statements indicating it’s my responsibility if I die.

Since I couldn’t use my real name, I wrote down Eir instead.

“All done.”

“Let me check. …Yes, no problem. I will now issue your guild card, please wait a moment.”

The receptionist said this and walked toward the back of the guild, returning shortly with a card.

“Here is your guild card.”

Looking at the card I received, it showed my name Eir and my current rank: F.

“Next, I will explain about being an adventurer.”

And so, I began listening to the lady as she explained everything about the Adventurers’ Guild and the guild card.