Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Horns Have Sprouted

Well, it turns out that I, Zilbagias, a demon child, suddenly grew horns after feeling a headache lately.

About five years have passed since my rebirth.

While honing both my mind and body with studies, demon-style martial arts, and castle explorations (which were really just running around), one day, it all changed.

I went to bed thinking, “My temples are throbbing a bit… but it’s not the same pain as when Sophia hits me,” and then I woke up to find my pillow covered in blood.

And then I noticed something was off—it was the horns.

Still small, but those ominous-looking things unique to demons were sprouting from both sides of my head.

“Congratulations, young master! No, wait, you should now be referred to as Lord Zilbagias!”

Sophia, who came to wake me, was clapping her hands and celebrating while I was just dazed, gripping my horns.

She seemed no different than usual—yet, I couldn’t muster a reply.

I could sense magic swirling around Sophia.

No, it was that Sophia herself was a mass of magic. I could feel that her body was not merely physical; it was an unnatural state, as if a raging wind had been forcibly compressed into form.

Ah, I see.

So that’s why demons explode to some extent when they die… it’s because this “form” collapses and releases that energy.

Now I truly understood what scholars meant when they said, “Demons are close to spirits.” We life forms are fundamentally different.

“…Oh, so you understand now, Lord Zilbagias?”

Sophia grinned and theatrically spread her arms like a magician.

From her palms, magic seeped out, forming a cuneiform demon script—it read, “Congratulations on Graduating from Being Hornless.”

This was the first time I could perceive magic so distinctly, even compared to my previous life.

This must be what high-level magicians, as well as forest elves and dragons, perceive.

It’s widely known that horns are a significant sensory organ for demons, but I never imagined it would be to this degree… The world as seen through mere eyes is entirely different…

“I’m sure the lady will be overjoyed! By the way, it’s fast—it usually takes demons until 8 or 9 years old, or even 10 for late bloomers, for their horns to grow…”

While I listened to Sophia’s chatter, I chewed on the fact.

The truth that I had truly—no longer a human, but had been reborn as a demon.

Until now, I could forget that as long as I was absorbed in something else, but that was no longer possible. The world felt dramatically different now.

…Also, it was shockingly upsetting that I could no longer sleep on my side.

I’m not good at sleeping on my back…


“Wonderful! Growing horns at 5 years old, that must be a historical first!?”

Platy was ecstatic.

She would probably go bragging about it to the other princes’ mothers with glee—while I watched with a cooled gaze, I could sense Platy’s magic too.

—It’s strong.

As expected of the Demon Lord’s wife, she possessed a strength befitting a high-ranking demon. Compared to Sophia, who seemed to have a whirlwind around her, Platy was a solid, rock-like presence. This must be because she possesses a “physical body.” Good or bad, it was stable.

“Congratulations, Lord Zilbagias.”


I redirected my gaze to the servants in the corner of the room who were celebrating.

The familiar imp housemaid was—how should I put it, a bit small. If Sophia was a lion, she’d be more of a rabbit. It made me feel like she wouldn’t stand a chance against Sophia unless I threw a hundred of her at her.

And the beastman was even more unreliable. While physically superior to imps, he seemed fragile enough that a mere breath could blow him away in terms of magic power. I could understand why demons look down on lower species… And humans must be about like this too.

Finally, the night elves. …They seem weaker than I thought. Better than the beastmen, but barely comparable to imps, or maybe just a little stronger.

These night elves are said to be descendants of a clan exiled from the forest elves.

In ancient times, elves worshiped spirits, loved forests and animals, and lived in harmony with nature. However, some began to emerge who could not reconcile with their excessive naturalism.

These individuals reveled in hunting and were unafraid to reshape nature to their own desires. Eventually, conflicts deepened between the naturalist elves and these others, leading to intense infighting, and they were driven from their homeland.

Perhaps because they lost the favor of the spirits, their magic dwindled, and their lifespan shortened. They came to resent both the forest elves and the spirits, ultimately naming themselves night elves in devotion to the god of darkness.

Now, they could almost be considered a different race. The forest elves, whom boast powerful magic, tan healthily, while the night elves, who eschew sunlight, have skin that is sickly pale.

Though they can’t use magic as effectively as forest elves, the night elves, adapted to the darkness, can sense the heat of living creatures with their red eyes and pride themselves on their practical skill with bows, perhaps even surpassing forest elves.

…Well, forest elves don’t rely on bows much since they can use magic.

Nonetheless, the night elves seek revenge against the forest elves and hope to reclaim their lost magic and lifespan by sacrificing their blood to the god of darkness. That’s why they submit to demons, who also represent darkness, to wage war against other races.

A shared love for bloodthirst and a sense of kinship from their pallid skin makes the relationship between demons and night elves fairly amicable.

On the surface, anyway.


However, the smiles of the night elf servants congratulating me felt somewhat chilling.

While demons are known to favor night elves who have been with them since the dawn of the Demon Lord Kingdom, they also look down on their frail magic and call them “hornless” behind their backs.

Despite having similar temperaments and appearances, hornlessness rendered their magic weak.

Moreover, there are demons who are treated almost on par with demons and have horns.


As the night elves clapped by the wall, I wondered what kind of feelings they held toward the horns that symbolize powerful magic…

Their inner thoughts were unclear.

But one thing is certain.

The Demon Lord’s army is certainly not a friendly bunch.

“Now, once again, congratulations, Zilbagias. Your perspective of the world must have changed now.”

With her composure regained, Platy fluttered her fan.

“At least now you can protect yourself. Until now, your range of movement has been limited, but now you’ll be able to move more freely.”

“Protect myself… huh?”

I tilted my head.

It was true that my range of movement had been restricted. I had hardly stepped outside the castle, and there were more restricted areas within the castle than not. I had never entered the palace where the Demon Lord or my brothers and sisters lived.

The reason was “danger.” I didn’t know what other princes and their relatives would get up to…

But how does growing horns relate to protecting myself?

What is it? Do demons literally butt heads in fights over this?

“Zilbagias, I’ll teach you the benefits of having grown horns.”

Displaying a knowing smile, Platy snapped her fan closed.

Magic swirled and overflowed from her body, enveloping the room.


It was like a voice—something.

A tremendous pressure. The air in the room turned into a thick, stagnant haze.

There was a definitive compulsion behind it. Instinctively, I shielded myself.

The initial lesson everyone learns when fighting against the Demon Lord’s army. Visualizing wrapping oneself in a transparent shell. A countermeasure against magic and curses.

And then, I was shocked. With the horns sprouted, it became astonishingly smooth to implement. My entire body felt light.

And furthermore, I realized that I truly could manipulate magic. This felt far clearer than the ambiguous sensations I had when handling magic in my previous life. It felt like I had been trying to write while blindfolded, but now I could see what was in front of me. That profound, it was.

The shield protecting me was also solid because I could perceive it clearly.

In the corner of the room, I watched a beastman servant bristle and kneel, while the night elf servants struggled to endure. The imps seemed to act like they were irritated, while Sophia maintained her usual composed expression.


With her eyes sparkling, Platy smiled.

“The fact that you didn’t kneel to my seriousness is remarkable. Truly wonderful!”

The air in the room returned to normal. The beastman stood up, panting heavily, while the night elves let out relieved breaths.

“Just like my child, Zilbagias! Even without horns—well, you’ve always had an unusually strong will since you were a babe.”

—Her choice of words felt a bit off.

And just now, that atmosphere.

It felt familiar, albeit to a lesser degree.

“—You will become the Demon Lord, Zilbagias.”

That phrase that had been cast repeatedly—

Was it a curse?

To mold her child into a Demon Lord.

Realizing that, I felt a chill creep down my spine.

“If you can withstand my seriousness, you’ll be fine. You should be able to stride into the palace without fear of being crushed. Ah, I’m so glad you are a strong child! If a prince were to wear talismans out of fear of curses, he would become a laughingstock for generations to come.”

Platy laughed heartily, in a good mood.

“I might just bring the schedule forward a bit. I’m looking forward to meeting Lord Goldgias—Demon Lord, Zilbagias.”

…I am a hero.

I have no fear of facing the Demon Lord.

The truth that an opportunity to step into the palace, which had been forbidden to me, to get close to that loathsome Demon Lord, was finally at hand filled me with excitement.

But just a little… just a tiny bit of unease should be allowed, right?

Even when storming the Demon Lord’s castle, I had at least had swords and shields and talismans I could rely on.