Volume 2 Chapter 40: “Fangs of the Beast”
The heart raced, yet the steps were cautious.
Subaru pushed deeper into the forest—amidst the foggy haze of consciousness, he pressed on through the dark night, desperately following Ruka’s words.
His mouth felt dry, a prickly tension gripped his throat. He held his breath, silenced his footsteps, advancing through the forest of eternal night. Despite a hint of hesitation, there was no sign of cowardice in fearing to move forward.
After all, thanks to Rem’s slap, Subaru didn’t think for a moment that his actions had no chance of success. He couldn’t possibly hold himself in such high regard as to leap into a situation with zero odds of victory.
Just like he fell into disgrace for no reason back in his original world, here as well, his self-assessment was dismally low—probably just a step above complete nonsense.
Because he made such judgments, he knew better than to make foolish decisions in an unwinnable situation. Even in situations where retreat was not an option, he would still seek excuses, a pitiful and cowardly trait.
It was precisely because he was aware of this that he could follow those fragile threads, struggling to grasp at answers.
“Remember the situation. If the ‘Beast’ is indeed that little puppy…”
While it’s easy to focus on its terrifying name and the fatal magic abilities it possesses, a broader perspective revealed a glimpse of hope.
No matter how lethal the traps may be, it was still just that frail little puppy creating them. If something that could fit in a child’s hand, with its cuteness equaling its combat power, was the target,
“There’s no way I’d lose, right…?”
Expecting to capitalize on the opponent’s smallness—what a pitiful way to seek potential victory.
However, he didn’t think it was a misguided notion. Subaru had already been released from the curse by Beatrice. If the existence of that curse was going to put Subaru in its grasp again—then he ought to land a strike first.
The potential advantage he could consider in the case of a battle—it was this thin thread that fueled Subaru’s current steps. Of course, he was aware that it heavily relied on conditions favoring him.
Naturally, he could conjure up the worst imaginings opposite to that—
“Stop it, stop it. If I start sketching out the worst case scenario, you can bet the gods of this world will gladly bring me something even worse to deal with.”
With his past experiences in mind, he set up a preventative barrier before the brutal backlash could hit him. He knew all too well that the way this world demonstrates affection is by mercilessly tearing away such barriers and exposing the wounds hidden beneath.
Suddenly sensing a disturbance, he caught his breath and halted.
There was a palpable shift in the air, the sensation striking his skin, as the temperature of the sweat trickling down his forehead dramatically dropped.
The pricking sensation enveloping his body felt like the ominous aftereffects of a dense presence that radiated an innate intimidation. Just its existence alone was enough to elicit fear from his instincts.
As the warmth of the atmosphere changed and the flow of air disrupted, it carried with it an awful stench. Until just moments ago, the only scent wafting through the dense woods was the earthy smell of grass and soil, but now a nauseatingly fishy odor filled the air.
Unlike Rem’s extraordinary sense of smell, Subaru, being mostly normal, could still distinctly smell it. The stench reminiscent of living beings—if put simply, it was the scent of a beast.
Unable to stop the unease it stirred within him, Subaru suppressed his breathing and moved forward.
He peeked through the gaps in the trees, searching for the source of the stench—and realized that the thin thread he had been clinging to had been abruptly severed.
—It was cloaked in pitch-black fur, melding seamlessly with the forest’s deep darkness.
Its body likely rivaled that of a large dog. Long limbs firmly planted on the ground, it easily carried a weight comparable to Subaru.
The developed beastly claws and teeth that jutted out from its mouth were a true culmination of violence honed for puncturing and tearing flesh.
Even in the shadowy realm where light was blocked by branches, its gleaming red eyes were impossible to overlook. They surveyed the surroundings restlessly, patiently waiting for the chance to pounce on their prey.
Looking at that silhouette floating in the darkness, it became abundantly clear.
—That truly was a creature with pure, distilled threat; it was a Beast.
“And that thing…”
After thoroughly confirming its appearance, Subaru rubbed his chin, scavenging his memory.
The beast standing before him—he recognized it.
It bore a striking similarity to the horned creature that had engaged Subaru in a deadly battle at the end of his last loop. At first glance, there was no visible horn on its head. Yet if it was indeed the same creature,
“Wait—did I unintentionally pull off a successful revenge last time…?”
Though this realization didn’t bring any comfort, knowing that he had managed even that provided him with a slight sense of relief.
However, the truth of all events from the previous loop resided solely within Subaru; that fact would not bring any changes to his current predicament.
If there was something to take away from it all,
“At least now I know those claws and fangs are not mere bluffs…”
He had no expectation of an outlandish scenario where the claws were fake nails and the fangs were just for show, but the knowledge that the threat was genuine was weighing him down.
And upon confirming the presence of the large Beast, Subaru’s resolve began to dwindle. The slim chance he felt had already completely vanished.
Based on his self-assessment moments ago, refusing to act recklessly was the course Subaru had to follow.
“In any case, I need to take it slow…”
He was contemplating waiting for a rendezvous with Rem away from this place when—
He couldn’t divert his focus from the beast’s existence as he stared fiercely at it while stepping back. Then, within the slightly widened periphery of his vision laid something that captured Subaru’s attention.
In the abyss of the forest where the Beast stood motionless, there was a mass of fallen trees. Most likely, hidden within the gaps of those downed logs was the Beast’s lair.
—By that heap of fallen timber, a young girl lay abandoned.
Her clothes were tattered, the brown pigtails disheveled. Blood seeped from several wounds on her pale skin, and it was impossible to gauge the extent of her injuries from afar while she lay face down.
However, that girl—
Released a small, fragile sound.
It passed through the air, traversed the forest, and slammed into Subaru’s eardrums with conviction.
It shouldn’t have reached him from such a distance. Perhaps it was just an auditory hallucination, a trick of the mind.
Looking closely, the girl lying down didn’t seem to move at all, and the notion that only her dying breaths eerily reached him felt like an unfulfilling miracle.
Subaru was the only one here. Natsuki Subaru stood alone.
If a miracle were to happen, if the heavens truly wished to help the girl, then a more reliable and valiant hero should be the one here.
For instance, Roswaal. For instance, Beatrice. For instance, Reinhardt.
They would surely have breezed right through this predicament. They wouldn’t cower, shaking as they trembled in fear like Subaru was.
They would effortlessly dismiss the Beast’s menace, rescue the girl from despair, and guide the story towards a perfectly happy ending. Awesome, cool, and elegant.
Yet, standing here was Natsuki Subaru.
He had no power. No magic. No wisdom or cleverness to speak of. If he were to cling to a miracle, he was the type to leap over a crowd just to grab that right.
He was a man who couldn’t save anyone.
It was Subaru who sought miracles. There was no way he could become one.
Subaru gritted his teeth, feeling as if his roots were about to tremble.
He gasped, placing his hand on his chest as if to check the rhythm of his heart. It was beating. Definitely beating, but he couldn’t tell if it was fast or slow.
Time felt unbearably distorted. He felt his vision warp, wiped the sweat streaming down his forehead, rubbed his eyelids, and resolved to remain an observer.
“Hey, stop it…”
A weak murmur escaped his lips as he watched the Beast turn its head, finally resting its gaze upon the fallen girl. It scratched at the ground with its sharp claws and began a slow approach toward her. One step, then another, steadily eroding Subaru’s heart.
He couldn’t read the Beast’s intentions. It should have been the one to pull her into this mess. It could have killed her at any moment. Yet it kept her alive. Now that she had moved, it seemed intent on stopping her. It didn’t make sense. It was unreasonable. Only a few steps away from its prey. Wait, it’s strange— it didn’t make sense. What should he do? He couldn’t see any chance of victory or calculation. That fragile thread was completely gone, nothing left, only—
—If it were Emilia, she wouldn’t hesitate.
“…No way, wait, wait, wait, wait, what kind of foolish thoughts am I having?”
Taking a deep breath, calming himself down, he bit down on his trembling kneecaps. He bit down hard enough to draw blood, the pain shaking him awake.
Natsuki Subaru couldn’t create miracles. All he could do was get dirty, struggle, and throw a tantrum against the approaching despair.
Subaru didn’t overestimate himself. Therefore, he could see within the limitations of what he could do.
All he could manage was to leave a tiny scratch on fate. And if he could see that limit— it was something he had to fulfill.
He took off his jacket, wrapping the tattered butler clothes around his left arm. Tightening it securely so it wouldn’t slip off, he wiped the blood and faced forward.
He shouted, kicking through the bushes and leaping toward the Beast as it braced itself.
The sudden yell made the Beast jump, shaking its body violently before glaring menacingly at Subaru.
Subaru, too, was pumping himself up with his own shout, stomping his feet to assert himself.
“Hey! Over here! Look! What’s the matter, are you scared?!”
Spitting saliva as he yelled, the pain in his heart throbbed throughout his body.
Right in front of him, the Beast loomed even larger than he imagined. It certainly felt larger than it had from a distance, and it was much more overwhelming under its hostile glare.
What he had learned from his previous battle with a Beast, no matter how grandly it was labeled, was that its fighting style didn’t deviate beyond the realms of beasts that Subaru was familiar with.
Of course, Subaru had never had the chance to clash directly with a four-legged beast back in his original world, but he had seen plenty of encounters between humans and beasts in manga and anime.
And amidst all that, the most effective strategy against a foe that relied heavily on biting was precisely the one Subaru was employing now—covering his arms with thick fabric.
Faced with a lack of equipment, Subaru had prepared no other countermeasures.
Shouting, yelling, and posturing, he pushed his left arm forward to ward off the Beast.
Ideally, the creature would be cowardly and flee from Subaru’s ferocity. But just like last time, once a target was fixed upon, these beasts would never let it go.
In contrast to Subaru’s furious roar that shattered the silence of the forest, the beast crouched low, not so much as letting out a growl. It simply flexed its limbs quietly, as if tracking the right moment to spring at Subaru.
The demeanor clearly delineated who was the prey—it sent Subaru’s tension even higher as he stepped forward even more.
“What are you being so relaxed for? C’mon!! Bring it! Come—”
It vanished.
Suddenly, the Beast that had been right in front of him melted into the shadows.
In frozen disbelief, Subaru felt the ripples of his trembling eyelids as he realized he made a mistake. The Beast had been waiting for the moment where Subaru would let his guard down, not even for a fraction of a second.
The fact that a wild predator could employ such sophisticated tactics made Subaru shiver. He quickly turned his gaze to catch a glimpse of where the Beast had disappeared to—
—and the instant that image registered in his mind, Subaru instinctively jerked back, pulling his right foot away.
“Suck it! Feast your eyes on this!!”
The space where his right foot had been was suddenly crushed by the Raspy gnash of the Beast’s fangs. If he had been even slightly slower, it would have potentially ripped through nerves, but Subaru managed to evade just in time, and he kicked hard at the exposed body of the Beast from above.
The kick, despite being somewhat off-balance, indeed had an effect, sending the creature yowling like a puppy as it rolled away.
Perhaps feeling humiliated by that feeble scream, the Beast readjusted itself, glowering intensely at Subaru before finally baring its teeth, erupting with ferocity.
Its red eyes pulsed with rage, salivating jaws snapping as its teeth clashed within its mouth.
—That previous hit was just a fluke. During their last fight, the creature had chosen to strike with its foot first; Subaru had merely gotten lucky having chosen the right moment this time too.
“Come on, bring it, you must be pretty mad right now, but trust me, I’m worse!!”
—Here it comes!
Without a shred of evidence to back it up, Subaru felt a sudden conviction surge through him, yet at that moment the Beast vanished once more.
It reappeared just beside him, positioning itself leftward while its long fangs aimed toward his outstretched arm.
The sharp teeth pierced through the thick fabric, biting deeply into the flesh underneath.
An involuntary whimper escaped him amidst the overwhelming pain, an excruciating jolt that slammed directly into his nerves.
“You little pest!!”
He forced strength into his left arm, clenching his muscles. Naturally, the embedded fangs became harder to withdraw, and combined with the fabric of his jacket, it completely immobilized the Beast.
Subaru’s gaze locked onto the red eyes, and even though he felt like collapsing under the crushing weight of hostility,
“You bit me, you stupid mongrel!!”
He hooked an arm around the Beast’s body, twisting fiercely. The centrifugal motion lifted the creature off the ground, and with a powerful swing, he smashed it against a large tree behind him.
He thought he could hear a pained cry echo in the distance, but Subaru didn’t let himself falter. Seizing the opportunity to suppress the weapon of teeth, he swung wildly, hurling the captive creature against the tree, the ground, again and again.
And finally—
“This is it!!”
He drove the Beast’s face into a tree trunk above, aiming to crush its skull.
The tremendous impact reverberated through his arm, and suddenly, the Beast, which had been thrashing around, went limp all at once.
Breathing heavily, Subaru sank to his knees at that moment.
Upon inspecting it, the Beast’s eyes contained no life as it remained latched onto his left arm. Blood poured from its shattered skull, and protruding from its back were several wooden branches thrust in during previous assaults.
Slowly, he pried his arm away from its jaws. The Beast’s tongue flopped out, lifeless, and realizing that it had completely ceased all life activities, Subaru took a deep breath, having almost forgotten to breathe until then.
“Did… I win?”
In a dazed state, he muttered just those words and peeled off the jacket stained with blood and saliva from his left arm. The skin beneath looked horrifying, partly owing to the beasts’ fangs carving into him while the white bone beneath was faintly visible.
The pain he’d forgotten in the adrenaline high surged back as he stared at the wound, causing him to grimace for the umpteenth time.
“Ah, damn, this hurts. And that girl…!”
He crawled awkwardly toward the fallen timber, directing his sluggish movement toward the girl’s side.
Though it had been a life-and-death battle, he felt no sense of achievement or gratification from winning. All he could feel was the staggering fatigue weighing down on him and an overwhelming desire to cleanse himself from the murderous intent he’d just experienced.
The high spirits and the euphoria of victory were utterly useless now. More than anything, the prevailing emotion was a desperate need to ensure whether what he had fought for was still within reach.
“—At least it didn’t end up being in vain.”
Leaning back against the fallen timber, Subaru let out a deep sigh of relief.
Just beside him—the girl, whose body bore the faint stains of dirt and blood, still radiated traces of life. Indeed, even compared to the other children he had seen moments ago, her complexion was far healthier; apart from some minor injuries, the damage seemed trivial. Subaru, with his arm severely compromised, was in a far worse condition.
“You scared me… But that’s alright. If there’s a scar on this girl’s body, I’d have to take responsibility and marry her. Emilia isn’t really the type for polygamy, either.”
With that weight lifted off his shoulders, chuckles bubbled forth as he lightened the mood.
What he told Rem was merely to buy time, yet flipping the script now looked like he had brilliantly eliminated the threat. He could afford to take a bit of pride in that, without fearing consequences.
“While it’s okay to buy time, I wonder if it’s really alright to have taken it down without hesitation?”
A rather good joke; even the departure from the original narrative had achieved what it had been unable to.
To mask the pain from his injuries, he allowed his thoughts to drift endlessly. While he desperately wanted to carry the girl back to the village, he realized that he lacked any remaining energy to do so.
It was wiser to wait patiently for Rem to reunite with him. After all, this time there was no timer. Worst case, he could even catch a nap here without any grave consequences.
“Though, I can’t just sit around sleeping all casually…”
Re-tying his loosened jacket to use as a makeshift bandage, he exhaled deeply.
At that moment, Subaru’s ears picked up the rustling of bushes from afar.
He raised his face. Perhaps he’d mistaken the sound of the wind for something else, but right after—again, the same sound emerged straight ahead—from the direction he had leaped from.
That direction was also where he had parted ways with Rem. With that, it could very well be that blue-haired, charming girl approaching through the foliage.
“You kept me waiting… Unfortunately, there’s nothing left for you to face.”
He got ready to deliver that line he had always wanted to use as he anticipated the arrival of his rendezvous.
The trees shook, and a presence paused on the other side of the bushes. Subaru felt a gaze observing him and couldn’t help but grin.
There was no need to remain vigilant around here—he intended to raise a hand to signal this when—
—A dense, suffocating beastly presence once again wafted through him.
The bushes trembled, and creeping out from beyond was a low four-legged shadow.
And then,
“You’ve got to be kidding me…”
The crimson eyes that split through the nighttime woods—points of light sparkled all around, emerging from the forefront of the cluster of trees.
It was a number that would likely surpass counting on both hands and feet combined.
With his left arm still clasped, Subaru hoisted himself up, taking a moment to survey the glowing points in the darkness.
Suddenly, he noticed the distortion in his own face with his right hand—it was twisted.
The corners of his mouth contorted into a semblance of a smile.
Ah, I see now, this is quintessentially, instinctively funny.
“—I’m going to die now, aren’t I?”
An overwhelming aura of hostility exploded with that single thought, and the tranquil forest was swallowed by chaos.
All Subaru could do was shield the unconscious girl behind him, standing with arms extended to display his defiance.
—A scream soared high into the forest sky, trailing endlessly into the void.