Chapter 611
Chapter 611 – The Stolen World (26)
User: Han Kain (Wisdom)
Date: Day 240
Current Location: Searching…
Sage’s Advice: 2
— Han Kain
“3. Growth
The growth of the soul construct occurs in three major stages.”
I took a deep breath and focused on reading the next bit carefully.
“The specific figures aren’t accurate, so take this as a reference only. The degree of binding and mass averages, velocity, and other complex factors all influence it.”
* 1st Stage
When binding at least 1.5 million souls, a form of self-awareness emerges, and the entire bound souls transform into a colossal entity. This is defined as the 1st stage since communication with the soul construct becomes possible from this point forward.
According to R. Stephan’s research in AS 4723—
If you bind excess souls to a 1st stage soul construct, multiple consciousnesses can form.
This phenomenon first appeared in TX-135 (AS 4694, Atlantis) when roughly 7.23 million souls were observed to generate two consciousnesses.
Subsequent occurrences were noted in AT-447 (AS 4701, Asteria) and PPA-724 (AS 4711, Nanyang).
As the number increases, so does the likelihood of this phenomenon. When exceeding 40 million, the probability approaches 100%.
When multiple consciousnesses arise, controlling the soul construct becomes exceedingly difficult.
* 2nd Stage
A soul construct that exhibits multiple consciousnesses is classified as stage 2. The most significant characteristic of this stage is its challenging control.
Since the consciousnesses aren’t singular, it’s unclear which consciousness to communicate with. Moreover, individual consciousnesses become overly aware of and collide with one another, leading to an intensified survival instinct.
Because of these traits, some argue that a stage 2 soul construct shouldn’t be classified as a separate stage. This perspective holds that once it transforms into an uncontrollable beast, it no longer holds productive value.
In these contexts, stage 2 soul constructs are simply summed up as “mad gods.”
While there’s merit to this viewpoint, I would counter that the formidable power of step 2, in stark contrast to step 1, is well worth the so-called “costs.”
I set the book aside for a moment to summarize what I’d read thus far.
If you gather human souls in blocks of at least one million, self-awareness awakens, and communication becomes possible. Ancient people defined this point as “stage 1.”
When you amass human souls in units of 10 million, multiple selves appear within a certain probability. As the number grows, so does the likelihood, and surpassing 40 million results in nearly 100%.
Ancient folk labeled soul constructs with multiple selves as “stage 2.”
“Stage 1…”
Evidently, the Ark from the Management Bureau, along with others, is at stage 1.
The limitation on how many souls they can consume is quite clear; exceeding a certain number will splinter consciousness, intensifying survival instincts.
I recollected a conversation I’d once had with Ari.
“Some semi-deities refuse full disassembly.”
“They awakened clumsy self-awareness once they became semi-deific? Survival instincts overwhelmed humanity’s preservation destiny?”
“Usually, accidents occur during disassembly, and they become mentally unstable.”
Such phenomena appear indistinguishable to the administrators of the Ark, akin to the Ark malfunctioning. The greater the number of souls the Ark consumes, the higher the probability of abnormal behavior.
Hence, the Arks have limitations on growth.
Considering the number of souls swallowed, the Moon must have long passed stage 1 and reached stage 2.
As a result, the Moon’s consciousness is not singular. The reason I hear multiple voices during our conversations is that there are many consciousnesses at play.
So, what’s stage 3?
“* 3rd Stage
The soul construct is the pinnacle of artificial chaos research – the most notable creation in the history of chaotic physics. We created an imperfect god, forever altering history.
Humans congregated to create a god. A god, albeit, an imperfect one tormented by madness.
Surely, there must be a way to transcend this imperfection.
No concrete theories exist about stage 3 yet.”
Stage 3 feels more like an ultimate goal rather than a definitive concept. It’s akin to modern physics’ “Theory of Everything.”
Summarizing all this in the status window would take an eternity.
I pondered as I collected my thoughts.
“Is there anything more to add?”
“Your thoughts?”
Just then, a voice came from behind me!
Startled, I turned around to see a boy watching me intently.
“It’s the Moon, isn’t it?!”
Instinctively, I prepared to kneel, but an invisible force lifted me back up. The boy waved his hand lightly.
“No need for that between us, Teacher~!”
His demeanor screamed a crush on me.
But this isn’t the true face of the Moon.
Hearing his voice, I couldn’t pinpoint what kind of voice it was. Looking into his eyes, I couldn’t discern what his face looked like.
I couldn’t even tell if he was taller or shorter than me.
Why did I even think of calling this entity a boy in the first place?
Clearly, something’s off in our communication.
“I meet the Prince.”
“Ha ha! I’m genuinely thrilled to see you again, Teacher. How long has it been? Feels like eons!”
“I’m not sure. As you know, my memories are a bit fuzzy.”
“It’s all good. I also have a hazy recollection from when I was asleep!”
After the end, it seems when we wake, our consciousness becomes clearer.
“Right, enough of that. Let me ask again. What’s your impression from reading the research material?”
“It appears, based on the contents of this book, that the Prince is currently at stage 2 of soul constructs.”
“Thanks to that, you are incomparably stronger than the Management Bureau’s Arks or the Raiders—”
“Mental issues and all.”
“You knew that, didn’t you?”
“Well… that perspective certainly has merit.”
“Teacher, what should I do to cure my affliction?”
How can the Moon grow?
How can the Moon overcome its fractured selves?
“In the past, I thought simply swallowing more souls would do the trick.”
“Wasn’t it?”
“Look at me now. I’ve gathered souls far beyond what the Ark could dream of!”
Whether it be the Management Bureau’s Ark or the Raiders’, the total amount of souls amassed is only around 40 million at most.
Meanwhile, the Moon’s amassed total isn’t just 40 million.
Having looped even once probably allowed it to devour billions of souls without breaking a sweat.
Of course, like the holy sun, the Moon too expends souls with every use of its powers.
Perhaps, each moment in the depths of Earth, it’s burning through souls.
So, it likely doesn’t have all those souls left in the bank.
Even with that in mind, it should still have a minimum of several hundred million to several billion.
Just thinking about it makes it all the more surprising that the Arks managed to keep the Moon in check with just a meager bunch of ten or so vessels.
It’s not a singular self.
It’s a god afflicted with madness.
Multiple selves are clashing with one another.
The Moon is wasting a lot of energy preventing ‘internal division’!
“Do you know how to advance to stage 3?”
It’d be stranger if I managed to find knowledge that even the ancient Management Bureau didn’t possess easily.
“I apologize. I don’t yet know—”
Sage’s Advice: 1 Activated
“Call forth the Holy Sun immediately.”
Sudden crisis alert?!
I panicked for a moment, but thanks to my experience from the hotel, I reacted instantly.
— Whoosh!
Focusing all my attention on the glaring Holy Sun, I thought!
Why is the crisis alert going off?
Because my life is in danger!
What sort of being could end me right here?
Naturally, it’s the Moon!
As soon as I recognized that, insights kicked in alongside the advice.
My body shattered immediately into millions of pieces.
No physical form, just my brain trapped in a glass tube.
Only my soul remained, haunted by the bleak future of being forever lost in a dream.
With possibilities that would scare anyone from entering a nightmare!
Why is the Moon so hell-bent on killing me in such a horrendous way?
“Hey! Teacher, is this treasure from the hotel you mentioned?”
Why was I told to summon the Holy Sun?
It surely isn’t meant for me to fight the Moon with my “inheritance.”
There’s no way I can win even if I died and came back!
Nothing special has happened just yet.
The summoning of the sun seems to keep the Moon from harming me.
For now, I just need to appear as dignified as possible while answering the Moon’s query.
A few mere seconds are all I need.
“What thoughts come to your mind when you see the sun, Prince?”
Instantly, an answer shot back.
“It’s a thing trying to imitate me.”
“More accurately, it feels like a miniature version of ‘the soul construct’ itself?”
“Well observed.”
“It’d be foolish not to recognize it. Hmm….”
Time passed—perhaps a mere ten seconds?
Long enough for my mind, fully restored, to reach the heights of insight.
The reason the Moon sought to end me.
The contents of the book I just looked at must be known to the Moon as well.
Not just known, but studied for eons without grasping its core!
Could a mere human like me easily discover the answers from such a problem?
The Moon certainly believes I won’t manage that quickly. With most of my memories from my researcher days out the window, it has even less faith.
It might be quicker for the Moon to rip my soul and brain out and scrape the bottom for answers.
The Moon’s favor towards me?
The benevolence of the great towards a mere human is less than what one would feel for their beloved pet dog.
Moreover, the time is right on the verge of a war with the Raiders.
The Moon might have a better chance of winning, but there’s no such thing as 100% certainty in war.
Even a person facing starvation might willingly slaughter their cherished dog for food.
If the Moon can become even just a tad stronger before this war, it’s likely willing to do anything.
The reason behind my survival from the crisis brought about by summoning the Holy Sun.
The Moon obtained knowledge about the hotel through Aedia and others.
Inheritances are typically vessels that harbor the power or knowledge of a great being!
The implication of the Holy Sun being a “miniature of the soul construct” means that its “original being” is a hyper-advanced stage of elaboration.
The Moon would think this way.
While the research material was lacking, perhaps studying the “real item” known as the Holy Sun might yield something valuable.
The inheritance functions strictly under the participant’s control.
Harming “Han Kain” without care would hinder research on the Holy Sun.
Having grasped this, I knew how to respond.
“Prince, this inheritance is called the Holy Sun.”
“I heard.”
“It houses both the powers and transcendent spirit of the prisoner I encountered in the hotel—the being named ‘The Lord.’ It encompasses more than just power.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Specifically, it contains the essence of the Lord’s transcendent spirit! Fragments of greatness are also slumbering within this inheritance.”
Upon that, I felt a forceful thirst emanate from the Moon; a thirst I couldn’t quite articulate.
“I believe good news awaits us soon.”
After a brief silence, the boy beamed at me.
Though without seeing his face, I couldn’t be so certain.
“You really are incredible, Teacher!”
“Not really.”
“Given the current situation, the Raiders are acting like the world is ending, right?”
“Is that so?”
“I’ll handle things from outside, while you focus on this research.”
“As you command.”
At that moment, the entity before me vanished to who knows where.
Appearing without a sign, it disappeared just as abruptly.
The danger had subsided.
The reason I could deceive a being on par with a god was simple.
I hadn’t lied at all.
Everything I stated moments ago was entirely true.
The Holy Sun does indeed carry the essence of the Lord and his transcendent spirit.
The Moon understood that I spoke truthfully, hence it was persuaded.
Only now did it hit me.
A stage 3 soul construct is the entity that has surpassed the growth limitations of stage 1 and even transcended the self-fracturing of stage 2.
This refers to the ‘Lord.’
Such a valid problem can indeed be overcome, as demonstrated by those who already have.
Taking a deep breath, I contemplated.
The problems that the Moon and I are investigating are similar yet differ fundamentally in purpose.
I’m not looking for the Moon’s growth, but rather, its weaknesses.
However, it’s likely that the information here is known to the Moon as well.
It wouldn’t be foolish enough to keep records about its vulnerabilities lying around.
No, it’s deeper than that.
Insight is a powerful force that transcends mere reading of the visible.
The images or videos I’ve previously seen were all outdated information.
Resolutely, I began to sift through the scattered books once more, focusing not on the text but on unnatural gaps, blurred letters, and torn pages.
I needed evidence.
Insight doesn’t derive from nothingness; it derives concrete data from mere hints.
What if I think this way?
The ancestors’ Management Bureau was the one that created these soul constructs.
Historical records show there’s no mention of words like ‘mirror’ or ‘ark.’
Thus, the very first soul construct was fashioned for reasons entirely different from today’s Arks.
It might have been a powerful weapon!
It wouldn’t have been strange if the Management Bureau did not conduct any control, destruction, or isolation studies when creating a weapon with self-awareness!
At that moment—
A vision of documents that didn’t exist flickered faintly before me.
“4. Control and Management”
Yes, that’s it!
I only see the title for now.
The more I read through this area’s materials, the more specific information will be unveiled.
With this thought in mind, I wore a triumphant smile as I gathered the scattered papers.
“What’s this?”
Suddenly, a distinct sentence appeared.
The moment I saw it, I recognized it.
A line I had written long ago.
On a stormy day, while scanning ancient research documents in isolation zone C-213 underground, I realized:
I am a bug.
Humanity is a bug.
An infinitely petty and weak creature.
Though my beginnings were humble, my end shall be grand.
A life that starts as a bug shall not end as one, I vowed.