Chapter 61

Episode 61: The Worst and the Worst (Part 1)

“Giorg, tomorrow is finally the day of departure, huh?”

Ilzam casually calls out to Giorg in his office. Giorg’s face relaxes into a smile as he bows slightly in response.

“Yes. I believe we’ve done all we can, so there’s no need to worry…”

Giorg replies, though his words seem a bit hesitant. Noticing this, Ilzam’s expression tightens.

“Based on the information we’ve gathered from our subordinates, things are going well, right?”

“Yes. It seems almost certain that the Flastarl Empire will take military action soon.”

“Hmm, I’ve received that report. The rapid movement to secure provisions and military supplies is undeniable. Considering the rise in material and commodity prices, the number of troops they’re deploying is likely around 70,000 to 80,000, correct?”

“Yes, that’s far more than any previous deployment. It seems they had planned to invade during the turmoil in the Gildolq Kingdom.”

“But… they couldn’t. Zabeiru acted much faster than expected and eliminated the old rulers.”

Giorg nods at Ilzam’s words.

As Ilzam said, despite trying to take advantage of the chaos to invade, Zabeiru’s swift actions left no opening. What’s more, after driving out the old rulers, Zabeiru didn’t attempt to control the territories of the former central nobles. By not exerting control at this stage, Zabeiru avoided diverting human resources and completely overcame the chaos of founding the nation.

“This must have been unexpected for the Flastarl Empire as well. They tried to exploit the situation, but Zabeiru itself remained completely unshaken.”

“Hmm, Flastarl must get past Zabeiru if they want to take Gildolq.”

“Yes. That’s why the Gildolq Kingdom originally placed the most trusted House of Zabeiru there. The Zabeiru family has always lived up to that expectation, but the Gildolq Kingdom itself forgot their importance.”

“Taking loyalty for granted was the fundamental mistake.”

Ilzam recalls a conversation with his father. He reflects on the basic principle of governance: a king who doesn’t reciprocate the loyalty of their subjects is unworthy of the throne.

“Under normal circumstances, Flastarl should have been stuck dealing with the turmoil… but now, King Jilvol has made a move to rally the surrounding nations.”

“Yes… Honestly, I never imagined they would take such a step.”

“Were you caught off guard too, Giorg?”

“Yes. While I did consider the possibility that they ‘might do it,’ actually carrying it out requires tremendous resolve. Simultaneously releasing captured royals is a terrifying display of mental fortitude.”

“Indeed. If the scattered royals had united, Zabeiru’s downfall would have been inevitable.”

“Yet, King Jilvol did it. Of course, he likely assigned someone like Azein to Lukult and Sosua, but even so, making that decision is no small feat.”

Ilzam can’t help but nod at Giorg’s words. Even with meticulous planning and perfect preparation, complete success is never guaranteed. After all, it’s humans who execute the plans. No matter how careful they are, mistakes happen, and sometimes anxiety over potential failure prevents them from performing at their best.

“But… King Jilvol did it.”

“Yes. We did manage to intervene and take over King Jilvol’s plan, but…”

“Are you concerned that King Jilvol might overturn it again, Giorg?”

Giorg nods at Ilzam’s words.

“Giorg, are you thinking not just of establishing diplomatic relations but also signing a non-aggression pact?”


Giorg responds briefly to Ilzam’s question. Ilzam’s face relaxes into a smile at Giorg’s reply.

“Giorg, think about it. Your victory conditions are too high.”

“Too high…?”

“Your assessment of King Jilvol is fair. King Jilvol will undoubtedly become a great king. Demanding a non-aggression pact from such an opponent is too greedy. Giorg, neither my father nor I hesitate to confront Zabeiru. Not the current Zabeiru Kingdom, but even a Zabeiru Kingdom that has annexed the former Gildolq territories and fully established its rule.”

At Ilzam’s words, Giorg unconsciously straightens his back. He feels the aura of a king emanating from Ilzam.

“As the Crown Prince says, I must have unknowingly been intimidated by the enormity of King Jilvol as an opponent.”


Ilzam smiles and nods at Giorg’s response.

“Giorg, King Jilvol will be a long-term opponent for us. Not only must you assess what kind of opponent he is, but also consider how you want him to see you.”

(Indeed… Just as I see King Jilvol as a formidable foe, I should think about how I want King Jilvol to see me.)

Giorg reflects on Ilzam’s words.


Ilzam nods firmly at Giorg’s response.

“Then, if you’ll excuse me.”

With those words, Giorg exits Ilzam’s private room.

(The worst and the worst, huh…)

Ilzam mutters to himself as he watches the door close behind Giorg.

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