Chapter 61

“Uh… Uhh…”

Amelda let out a moan filled with agony, her entire body trembling uncontrollably.

At this moment, her fingertips were already stained brown, her body eroded by the Demon Races’ dark magic to the point where she could no longer use any normal spells.

Simultaneously, the excruciating pain, sharp and distinctive, felt as if it were devouring her whole, continuously clashing against her heart at this very moment.

She was being urged to accept this inexorable fate as quickly as possible.

To stop her meaningless resistance and find some semblance of peace.


In this moment, despite the intense temptation.

Amelda was still desperately trying to suppress the horrific power that sought to consume her.

‘I… will not… yield… absolutely… not to something like that… to a Dark Elf…’

Even if it meant her whole body would be torn to shreds, she resolved fiercely that she would not succumb to corruption.

Struggling to suppress the dreadful sensations roiling within her heart, Amelda clasped her hands together, beginning to pray earnestly.

May she hold on until the very end…

Until her last breath, may she not lose her purity as an Elf.

Amelda prayed to the divine…

And to the Hero, who she was sure would be looking down on her from high above,

With all her heart, she offered her prayer.

At that moment…



The next moment, she heard the sound of a door creaking open near her ear.

Thoughts of the ugly and horrifying Dark Elf Eliza coming to continue her work of corruption flashed through Amelda’s mind.

“Ugh… It would be best to stop this useless act now. I am Amelda, the Paladin of the Elf Church… I will not yield to a petty Demon Race!”

Despite her body being horrifically damaged and her mind already in tatters, Amelda spoke with a firm voice.

However, the next moment, she realized that the figure entering the room was not Eliza, but someone she had never seen before.

A Demon Race warrior clad in black armor.

With a giant great sword in hand, he radiated an ominous aura that could be felt at a glance.

Looking at him, Amelda began to harbor the hope that perhaps this dirty Demon had finally given up on corrupting her.

‘So, you’ve decided to kill me? If so, then this works for me… I have no reason to live any longer. If I can meet my end cleanly as a noble Elf warrior, then so be it.’

Feeling a sense of relief that at least she would die while maintaining her honor, even alongside penance.

At that moment…

“Well, well? Is that really you, Amelda?”


The next moment, Amelda’s face began to stiffen at the sound that reached her ears.

The voice coming from the Demon Race warrior clad in black armor.

It was…

The voice of someone she thought she would never hear again.

A voice she had longed for in her dreams, yet could not feel happy to hear in this situation.

Realizing this, Amelda, who had been lowering her head, felt her entire body start to tremble uncontrollably.

‘W-What…? This voice? N-No way! A… no… it can’t be… that’s impossible…’

Amelda was struck by shock, desperately trying to deny reality.

However, in this moment…

Despite her efforts,

A clear truth began to settle rapidly into Amelda’s mind, one she could not ignore.

“It’s been a while; have you been well?”

Once again, that chilling greeting struck her ear.

And so, Amelda, feeling an unimaginable fear, slowly started to lift her head.

Right then…

She witnessed a man removing his helmet before her eyes.

That scene was like a terrible sensation, as if a sword were gouging out her eyes.

“Y-You… Hero?”

The Hero, who donned the filthy weapons of the Demon Races, emitted an evil aura.

At this moment, the cold smile on his lips did not reflect even a hint of the noble intent from the past.

And seeing the Hero like this,

Amelda desperately tried to deny it, forcing the words out.

“N-No… that’s impossible. You died! You met a noble death after being struck by the Demon King’s blade! W-What are you?! There’s no way you could be impersonating him! I won’t be deceived!”


The Hero let out a deep sigh at Amelda’s outburst.

Then, maintaining a cold expression, he looked down at Amelda and spoke.

“I regret to inform you, but this is neither a lie nor a trick.”

“N-No… it can’t be… it can’t be…”

“Though you speak with your mouth, you already know, don’t you? I am the Hero.”

“N-No! No!!!”

Tears streamed down Amelda’s face as she desperately tried to deny it.

However, in this moment.

Even while her mouth was shouting in denial, in her heart, she was already forced to accept this truth.

Amelda, who was gradually being consumed by the magic of the Demon Races,

Could not help but feel that the figure of the fallen Hero standing in front of her was all too clear.

The outcome of her betrayal.

The Hero had not met a glorious death but had fallen to corruption before her, even before she had.


“Is it because of… me? Because of me… it turned out like this? Because I… betrayed the Hero?!”

As she accepted the existence of the Hero, now tainted due to her foolish choice, Amelda felt something within her heart shattering gradually.

An unbearable, brutally harsh truth that she could no longer bear.

With that,

Amelda’s already precarious sanity began to crumble completely.

“A… Aaah…”

Amelda let out her final words, filled with emptiness, sadness, and profound regret.

And right after that…

The brown-stained skin at the tips of Amelda’s fingers

Quickly began to spread throughout her entire body, expanding its reach.

The suppressed magic of Eliza rapidly engulfed her body,

And then it began to thoroughly twist Amelda’s mind and body.

‘Now… I don’t care anymore… Whatever happens to me…’

Drowning in extreme guilt with no bottom in sight, Amelda could no longer think of her pride as an Elf or her disdain for Dark Elves.

Her skin, which had once sparkled like pure white clouds, along with her heart, was now darkening like the dirt on the ground.

And as a result…

The being known as Amelda, the noble Elf Paladin and a member of the previous Hero Party, ceased to exist in this world.

All that remained was a single Dark Elf woman with brown skin and black hair.

And so,

Immediately after all the transformations had ended,

The Dark Elf woman who had once been called Amelda

Straightened up before her master, who had appeared before her out of nowhere,

And, wholeheartedly, bowed her head towards Eliza, saying,

“Great Master Eliza… please accept this humble loyalty of mine.”


As I watched the former Elf Paladin, now turned into a Dark Elf in real-time before my eyes,

I was slowly engulfed by a feeling of relief similar to when I turned Terra into a dog.

‘How delightful. I never expected to see that proud girl crawling on the ground like this.’

She had always prattled on about being a noble Elf, yet she ended up becoming Torare’s dog, a Betrayer who struck the Hero from behind.

Originally, I had thought it would take quite some time for her to face her fate, but she quickly paid for her sins, even sooner than I imagined.

And in the most humiliating form of becoming a Dark Elf, which she had despised the most.

Dark Elves, remnants of Elves who fell into the Demon Races’ slavery.

According to the original story, a Dark Elf retains all of their memories from the past, but instinctively feels absolute loyalty to the Demon Race that “created” them.

Even if that target was someone they aimed to kill just hours before, once the transformation into a Dark Elf is complete, their fate as eternal slaves is sealed.

And I was now completely aware of that fact, watching Amelda kneeling before Eliza.

“What to say… While it feels gratifying, it’s also a bit fascinating. I never thought the proud Amelda would end up like this.”

“Dark Elves are normally like this. They possess some level of intelligence and free will, but they absolutely obey their master’s commands. In that sense, they can be quite reliable as slaves.”

At present, the Dark Elf Amelda was literally licking the feet of her master, Eliza, in accordance with Eliza’s orders.

On the surface, it might seem similar to Terra, who was guarding my room like a dog in the corner of the Demon King’s Castle, but there was a significant difference between the two cases.

Terra moved purely based on her beast-like instincts, her consciousness still alive somewhere in the depths of her soul, unable to escape.

In contrast, Amelda, at this moment, was fully expressing her thoughts and will as she licked Eliza’s feet.

In some ways, you could argue that she was in a better situation, feeling ‘happiness’ in a genuine way than Terra.

Anyway, as I gazed at Amelda in her dog-like demeanor, dutifully obeying her master’s orders,

It was then that Eliza spoke.

“Hey… Hero? So, what do you think?… Do you like my gift?”