Chapter 61

Asydia’s Norman Invasion Incident.

A large dimensional door occurred at the North Lake of Normans.

Adventurers, including the Flame Hero ‘Bearnes’, organized a special forces team to close the dimensional door.

Asydia opened the dimensional door earlier than scheduled. It’s suspected that spell acceleration was used.

The behemoth ‘Malpas’ led a legion of monster ravens in a surprise attack on northern Normans within a day.

Normans retaliated with the Magic Great Cannon, and some citizens urgently evacuated south.

Asydia used sandworms stationed to the south to swallow the citizens. It appeared to be a pre-prepared operation.

■■, sliced through the sandworms in one blow and began rescue operations for the citizens alongside the witch ■■ and princess ■■.

Flame Hero Bearnes defeated a considerable number of behemoths in one strike. Malpas retreated.

Normans organized special forces to attempt the destruction of the dimensional door.

Malpas hid the ravens inside the sandworms and infiltrated the city. Judging by the destruction of the magic scanner, it is believed that demons were sent in to cause the destruction.

Witch ■■ destroyed the sandworms and responded to the behemoths alongside ■■.

Malpas cast an enlargement spell.

■■, alongside ■■’s witch, executed ‘Crimson Flame Slash’ and defeated Malpas.

“…No, why is there so much ■■?”

Much later.

The data on Asydia’s behemoth Malpas that attacked Normans had been censored somewhere.


When I opened my eyes, the city was in chaos.

Fountains, streets, wells, and everything in between were overturned, filled with the corpses of monsters.

“Hey, Lucius! Help me out here!”

“Yes, I’m coming!!”

Before fixing the broken facilities and damaged equipment, people first had to command golems and work with spirits to dig up the ground.

To deal with the sandworms and raven monsters lying beneath.

It felt overwhelming due to the sheer number, but there were two fundamental reasons behind the desire to exterminate the monsters.

One is the issue of the corpses themselves.

If the monsters were left alone, bugs would swarm over the bodies, and all sorts of filth and diseases would gather and spread….

-Raising Undead!

-Kwah! Demon King, you bastard!!

-Kahaha! To leave the corpses unattended, how foolish!!

A black mage with bad intentions resurrecting the dead and using explosive magic?

Everything would end.

Thus, it is correct to dispose of the bodies quickly, whether they are human or monsters.

“Lady Rosmas, you can take your time!”

“No, I’m still fine. I need to extract at least a little more magic stone to avoid mana loss!”

However, if it were just simple corpses, there wouldn’t be so many people gathered to work on monster cleanup.

It’s clear that the people were also weary from the continuous battles, and some may need to attend the funerals of a loved one or deal with someone who isn’t a monster.

Yet, people were frantically engaged in corpse disposal.

Is it simply a rush to clean up the monsters?


The second reason is likely the fundamental one.

“Because it makes money.”

It is human nature to want compensation for losses incurred.

“Get every magic stone from these guys!! They are all mine!!”

The ravens are monsters.

And the sandworms are also monsters.

“The witch said! That those who capture monsters shall handle them themselves!!”

Unlike ordinary beasts, these monsters have a magic stone embedded in their hearts that generates magic, and humans were busy pulling out the corpses of sandworms and ravens from the ground.

“The witch donated these monster corpses for the reconstruction of Normans!”

“””Witch! Witch! Witch!!”””

“Witch, is she a saint?!”

Extracting magic stones from the corpses and adding them to funds for city restoration.

“Hurry and gather the magic stones! Move them quickly to the cart to send to the neighboring village!”

“What gives you the right to order me around?!”

“Stop talking and just move it already!”

Though supplies and materials are currently scarce, resources can quickly be secured by trading the magic stones from the monsters attacked with those supplied from another city.

-If you leave the corpses lying in the ground, the entire city will be cursed. It may be disgusting, but think of it as every time you extract a magic stone from each monster body, you’re gaining 1 gold in your pocket and help with the disposal.

The people gathered around Francis Di Emery, the head of the Adventurer Guild’s Normans branch, actively began the corpse disposal.

“Is the branch leader joking?”

“It can’t be a joke, right? Look, they’re monsters, so magic stones come out.”

“Is it really 1 gold?”

“It’s not the magic stone that’s 1 gold, it’s the raven’s corpse that is 1 gold.”

1 gold per raven.

The 1 gold was no joke, it genuinely carried that much value.

“Damn, let’s pluck the ravens’ feathers and cook them!”

“Pluck all the feathers of the ravens! Make decorations out of their feathers!”

“Let’s see more sandworms brought out. Their skins can make good shields if used well.”

Hunting monsters supplies ingredients.

By-products from hunting monsters create a variety of items.

It might feel a bit awkward to consume monsters that attacked and killed humans, but corpses of monsters purified by divine power pose no issue for consumption.

Some seek revenge on the ravens.

Some fight to make up for the losses while saving Normans.

Some aim to gather as many as possible to earn more money.

…And some just wish for the traces of Asydia to disappear from this city as quickly as possible.

Everyone has different reasons, but all share the same desire to quickly gather the sandworms and ravens.

Because that way, they can return to the original Normans.

So they can go back to the peaceful days before the invasion of Asydia.

“That magic stone is mine!! I was the first to find that raven!”

“Shut up! This damn raven destroyed my house’s roof! To repair it, one isn’t nearly enough!”

…But I suppose more practical reasons weigh heavier.

“The witch gave it to me! It’s mine!”

“Hey you pig! You’ve already collected five! I could only pick up one because I was busy healing!”

“Then who told you to get hurt?!”

“What are you talking about?! I was saving people when that happened!!”

How did it come to this?

It’s because the corpses of the ravens and sandworms lying around became like ‘public goods.’

And the chaos it created comes from me.

-Witch, how should we deal with the dead sandworms and suffocated demon corpses from your explosive magic?

The results from the hunt deserved to return to everyone, and I naturally had the right to deal with those I had hunted.

-That? Just take whatever you want.


-I can’t handle or clean it all alone, can I? I’ll delegate full authority to Francis Di Emery, so let the ones who are cleaning it take care of it directly.

-So, you’re saying you’ll donate the corpses to the city of Normans itself?

-Hmph! Don’t get mistaken! It’s just that I’m too lazy to deal with all of that! Don’t think of bringing it back to me. Got it?!

-Kugh, witch…!!

After saying that, both nobles and slaves alike dove into the corpse cleanup.

“Aaah, humanity’s internal strife is rife in Normans.”

They are filled with jealousy and suspicion, fighting against one another.

Who will find the monsters faster, who will dig faster to pry open the sandworms’ mouths.

Who will extract the most magic stones.

Humans are greedy beings, and if a coin lies in front of anyone, they will surely pick it up.

‘This is best observed from the special seating behind the scenes.’

I relaxed and enjoyed viewing the chaotic scene of people scrambling from the highest point of the Normans’ walls.

Look at the humans fighting against each other to survive for rewards.

How ugly they are?

How pure they are?

The desires for possession, competition, and money are converging, as the people of Normans are now making desperate efforts to possess just a little bit more than others.

“Humans are indeed amusing.”

Just a day before, they exerted effort to save each other, helping the vulnerable in danger without hesitation.

Now, they quickly gather corpses and pry out their hearts for rewards.

The first to take are the magic stones.

And next is the feathers.

The ravens with all their feathers plucked and the pale flesh exposed are merely tossed onto carts scattered around, accumulating in heaps.

Those will likely be fried later after removing the magic and entrails or used as livestock feed.

The number is greater than I expected.

I know there were quite a few ravens intercepted by Bearnes at the north gate, but it appears most of the ravens had used clones.

The numbers of ravens trying to infiltrate through sandworm tunnels should number around six thousand.

‘As long as you hunt enough, it’s reasonable that those who kill more will take more.’

These monsters belong to the ones who hunted them, and many adventurers stepped up to handle the ravens and sandworms.


Two-thirds of the monsters.

Estimating roughly, if someone killed about four thousand but goes, “I don’t need magic stones!” what happens then?

“Hey! Did you catch this?! The witch suffocated in there while catching the sandworms, didn’t she!!”

“What?! The witch made this right before she passed out! I got the last hit here!”


Great confusion.

Ah, how delightful.

Humans slandering and resenting each other over ugly desires.

Though this may not become a major obstacle in forming a human coalition later, it will create slight cracks in the foundation.

Distrust towards each other.

Whether it’s the Moon Goddess or whatever, if humans do not trust each other, they become endlessly weak.

And now….


I hopped down from my staff.

Approaching two people who were in fierce argument, they immediately stood up straight and bowed upon seeing me.


“I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to fight….”


I raised my sword and split a raven in half.

The two men stared in astonishment at the bisected raven’s corpse, and I handed the magic stone that I pulled from its heart to the first man who found it.

“Th-thank you…!”


“Here’s yours.”


I handed him another magic stone I had picked up from the ground beforehand.

Now, both men have a magic stone each, completely indifferent to the corpses.

“Don’t fight. I don’t want to see this kind of behavior.”

“…Cough, I’m sorry…!”

“Not understanding the witch’s consideration…!”

“Fufu, it’s okay. It’s about sharing and being considerate to each other.”

“Witch, if you don’t have magic stones….”

“I’m fine.”

These magic stones don’t matter; I have obtained enough strength already.


The residual mana it left resides within me.

“You will find my help more beneficial than that small magic stone.”

And the mana obtained from such small magic stones is far less….

“Cough, witch…!”

“Indeed, the witch is the true saint…!”

“…It’s a little embarrassing.”

Removing belief in the Moon Goddess and saint from them is of greater profit.

“Don’t fight. Got it?”


In the aftermath of Normans.

While recovery work was underway, I began my own little invasion.


“Rosmas, what about the sandworm’s magic stones?”

“I brought them all here!”

“Thank you so much!”

“W-witch?! If you suddenly hug me…!!”

The real treasure of magic stones had already been completely devoured by me.