Chapter 7-103: “Countdown of the Stars”
— The ground trembled, splitting the sky into white and red, a clash of lives leading to cataclysmic events, and Rem made her decision.
“If we’re going to move, it has to be now!”
Trapped within the estate of Belstets in the imperial capital, which was likely experiencing an unimaginable scale of battle outside, Rem found herself forbidden from freedom.
Feeling the increasing odor of smoke day by day, Rem couldn’t do anything effective. Deeply ashamed of this reality, she couldn’t choose to remain stagnant any longer.
In the end, she hadn’t laid eyes on Belstets, the master of the manor and the very man who had imprisoned her, since that first encounter. Thus, there was no way to assess how the old man, who had cast aside Emperor Abel and worried about the empire’s future, felt about the large-scale war unfolding across the entire empire.
Besides, even if an opportunity arose, there was no way she and he could understand each other.
“The positions we hold are fundamentally different.”
Even if called cold, that was the ultimate conclusion Rem could reach.
Only the strong or those with leisure can empathize with the circumstances of others standing on opposite sides. Rem was neither, thus she had to choose.
Who to make an enemy, and who to ally with.
Without that dilemma, Rem held no animosity toward either Belstets or Madelin. Indeed, Abel’s lack of words and Priscilla’s unreasonable demands were much more trying.
Therefore, what Rem intended to do next wasn’t out of hostility or rebellion against them, but simply a result of choosing her position.
— The siege of the imperial capital had begun. Though the Belstets mansion was likely built deep within the city, the echoes of the fierce battle still reached her.
Naturally, a strict state of alert was in place around the estate, and Rem, who was technically a prisoner, had been ordered to wait in her assigned room, even more restricted than usual.
However, from a security standpoint, Rem was merely a girl with a broken leg, and a strict surveillance system was not imposed upon her with guards stationed around her room at all times.
— Taking advantage of their lax surveillance, Rem quietly slipped out of her room.
Holding her breath, she climbed out of the window onto the mansion’s roof.
Thanks to her carefulness, the guards remained unaware of her stealthy activities. Blaming them for their negligence would be unfair—they never would have suspected a girl with a cane could escape in such a manner.
Yes, if Rem truly had been a girl who couldn’t walk without a cane.
“I thought I was prepared for any eventuality…”
Of course, Rem’s previous claims about her disability weren’t lies.
However, because she felt she was being a nuisance to those around her due to insufficient ‘memories,’ she had been practicing walking all along.
Having made some progress and being able to steady herself somewhat, she suddenly thought—if she continued to appear unable, it might prove useful.
In fact, she hadn’t thought about how she would utilize it in practice.
On the contrary, if her unnecessary secret were to be exposed, it could end up drawing unwarranted suspicion from others. But having now successfully made use of her trick, she could say she had won the gamble.
Nonetheless, complacency was the enemy. She could only say that true victory from this action would only appear should something come of it.
If she was going to gamble, she had to win.
Besides, she didn’t want to think about whose influence led her to act in such a reckless manner.
“—If I can make it to the detached quarters without being discovered…”
Rem, on the roof, wasn’t pursuing escape from the estate.
While that option was tempting, there were others imprisoned alongside her, like Flopp. She couldn’t just slip away alone, and climbing over the tall walls surrounding the building was a quandary—so it may have been pointless to even consider it.
Thus, Rem’s objective in slipping out of her room was to reach the detached quarters—where the gathered ‘Crown Princes’ from various regions were being held.
From what she had heard, the ‘Black-Haired Crown Prince’ was being hailed as the figurehead of the rebellion. While it was unlikely he was Emperor Abel’s actual offspring, he must have had serious thoughts regarding the current state of the empire.
If she could contact them, there might be hope for resolving her situation.
“If Flopp and I, along with Kachua, can’t guarantee our safety…”
She thought she needed allies who could work together with them.
Carefully inching along the roof towards the detached quarters, she took utmost care to avoid making any noise. No matter how steady her footing, there was no guarantee she could escape if the guards spotted her.
To avoid ruining this golden opportunity, Rem embarked on this desperate endeavor simply because she couldn’t remain idle.
That was—
Suddenly, the unnatural event occurring in the distant sky jolted Rem’s body.
Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed the strange transformation of the sky over the imperial capital as it overlooked the battle occurring beyond the city walls, leaving her breathless.
Far off, Rem couldn’t know the full details, but at that moment, atop the star-shaped walls defending the capital, the ‘Cloud Dragon’ Mezoleia descended, and the ‘Spirit-Eater’ Arakia burned the clouds to ash, while Moguro Hagane himself stood tall as the wall.
Even without understanding the reality, her instincts sensed the impending danger, causing Rem to tense up. As a result, she lost her footing and slipped from the edge of the roof.
“Ah!” A breath escaped her lips just as her body began to slide down the slope of the roof. She instinctively grasped the edge of the roof with all her strength.
“That was…close…”
Had she screamed or fallen down, it would have been impossible to account for it.
Dangling precariously from the roof’s edge, she exhaled in relief. As she slowly tried to pull herself back onto the roof—
“—? Where is this…?”
The goal of the detached quarters was still far away, and her slip was more of a failure. As she hung onto the edge, a door set at the dead end of the mansion caught her eye.
This door was forbidden for entry, unlike the rest of the areas in the mansion where she had been granted some freedom to roam. By sneaking around the estate’s roof, she had stumbled into an area she usually couldn’t access.
“A hidden door…? What could possibly be inside?”
A question arose in her mind, causing Rem to hesitate for a moment.
The goal she had initially set was to contact the ‘Crown Princes’ in the detached quarters. That avenue appeared more promising in obtaining a clear lead to resolve her dire situation.
Meanwhile, the unexpected hidden door could just as easily lead to nothing more than a mere storage for wine. Was it worth the risk of venturing into the unknown?
Without needing to think about which option was more rational, Rem chose the irrational one.
Letting go of the roof’s edge, she descended quietly into the passageway behind the hidden door. She tried her best to descend quietly, though some noise inevitably escaped. Yet, the unusual disturbance in the sky that had startled Rem earlier continued, capturing the guards’ attention away from her.
Relying on that distraction, Rem boldly reached for the hidden door and flung it open.
“A staircase leading underground…”
The lack of a lock on the door was likely due to carelessness rather than precaution.
This was a place not originally considered for unwelcome guests. Thus, Rem, being somewhat of an invited guest to the mansion, had no reason to complain.
A chill from the underground air greeted her as she stepped onto the staircase into the dimly lit space without any light, and she inhaled sharply while placing a hand against the wall as she descended.
Something truly terrifying might await her.
It was possible that an unfathomably grotesque entity imprisoned by Belstets was contained within.
“—Is anyone there?”
With a certain sense of uncertain confidence, Rem called out into the darkness of the underground she had arrived at.
It was a dark room with no light, but she could tell it was not large. Somewhere in the depths of her faint perception, there was a strong presence.
While ‘large’ didn’t imply the presence of a monster,
It did suggest the person was a significantly sized human, bound by chains to the wall deep in the cellar.
And that person, having heard Rem’s inquiry, spoke—
“Your Excellency…”
“…Who are you?”
“Vincent Volakia, I must protect His Majesty the Emperor…”
The deep voice, stained the color of blood, painfully shook the cracked air of the underground.
The earnest resonance within the voice was filled with unwavering loyalty that disregarded its own self.
With those words, Rem willed herself to take one step closer, then another, bridging the distance between them.
By doing so, the silhouette of the chained giant began to take shape in the darkness. What emerged was a truly massive figure, with scars etched all over a face, and—
“…Goz Ralfon.”
The name that slipped out was recognized by Rem a moment later.
And she recalled that it resonated with familiarity.
It was indeed the name of one of the most formidable entities within the Volakia Empire, one of the ‘Nine Divine Generals.’
“I must protect His Majesty from the ‘Great Calamity’—”
The man, like a lion, twisted his scarred face and roared heroically.
“—Did you say Abel? You were the one who spread the rumors about the ‘Crown Prince,’ weren’t you?”
In the imperial capital’s siege, the valiant noblewoman Selena Dracloy asked this as she crossed her arms and gazed towards the battlefield from her position.
Due to the entry of Selena’s Flying Dragon Corps, made up of elite riders with the skill of ‘Flying Dragon Manipulation’ who appeared from beyond the West, the air superiority quickly tilted to their side in the battlefield.
Naturally, there were battlegrounds where the presence of the ‘Cloud Dragon’ and ‘Spirit-Eater’ put the Flying Dragon Riders at a disadvantage, but controlling all areas of battle wasn’t necessary.
All that was needed was one breach; even the fortifications of the imperial capital, which boasted their sturdiness, would begin to crumble from a single point of failure.
Abel, at the very least, believed he had means to achieve that. Thus, he continued issuing intermittent commands even knowing there were certain battlefronts that were unfavorable.
“Do I look like I have time to indulge in your chit-chat? Shouldn’t you be paying attention to the movements of your subordinates?”
“Of course, but it offends me to be dismissed as mere small talk. After all, I have aligned my stance because of your letters, and I came rushing here. If you had included my presence in your plans, I ought to have been treated with more importance.”
“Stop talking like a mundane fool.”
“While I won’t resort to calling you a plebeian, I do have a penchant for certain earthly matters. I’m curious about the preceding reaction.”
Shrugging, Selena glanced back at Abel, withdrawing her gaze from the sky.
The prior reactions she referenced were likely related to the unexpected reinforcements from the West—beyond just tales of Selena’s Flying Dragon Corps.
Although she had her guess about who might lead these unexpected reinforcements, she cursed herself for showing any signs of carelessness in her earlier demeanor.
Such would lead to Selena’s remark about her chit-chat becoming justifiable.
“That ‘Black-Haired Crown Prince’—wasn’t it you who spread the rumors? That crown prince, who had been boldly causing a ruckus, must be leading those rebels, right?”
“So, you mean to say that the ones causing ruckus on the battlefield are descendants of the Emperor?”
“No, forgive me. That was merely an artful turn of phrase. I don’t actually believe that ‘Black-Haired Crown Prince’ is the legitimate offspring of His Majesty. He likely has none.”
Shaking her head at Abel’s statement, Selena responded confidently. When Abel’s brow furrowed at her conviction, she continued,
“After all, His Majesty does not take a wife, and I’ve heard no stories of him engaging with women. I even tried to seduce him once, but he completely ignored me. That’s a strong foundation.”
“—Are you out of your mind?”
“Of course, I’m serious.”
“I didn’t ask if you were serious; I inquired if you were out of your mind.”
The reasoning she put forth was slightly hard to swallow as evidence, causing Abel’s expression to harden.
Selena was one of the high-ranking nobles within Volakia, and he had judged her ability and ambition highly enough to count her as one of the crucial forces for this decisive battle. But if her judgment hinged on standards he couldn’t grasp, it warranted reconsideration.
As he tried to gaze into her true intentions, Selena interrupted him by raising one hand.
“I’m not joking, but that alone is the most significant foundation. While I regret that His Majesty did not respond to my advances, it also holds implications.”
“His Majesty holds no interest in women. To be blunt, he has no intention of siring offspring.”
Gazing silently at Abel, Selena continued, “Isn’t that so?”
“Despite what you say, there is no way he will create heirs. At least, not a single one at present. However, even if His Majesty were a homosexual, he could create children if such were his desire. The possibilities amount to two: either he is sterile or…”
“He intentionally hasn’t fathered any.”
“That seems to be the case. In either scenario, I cannot accept the idea of the ‘Crown Prince’ existing. Because the mere notion of a bastard like that inciting this immense internal strife is indicative of how truly preposterous our nation has become.”
With a small grin, Selena expressed genuine amusement about the absurdity of it all.
Neither Abel nor Selena made any mention of the attitude she displayed or the conjecture she laid forth. Particularly, Selena didn’t require Abel’s opinion.
People like her could affirm their own thoughts without needing validation from others.
Hence, what she sought from Abel was neither approval nor disapproval but rather—
“What are your intentions behind fabricating the existence of the ‘Crown Prince’? After our side triumphs in this battle, who do you plan to see seated on the vacant throne, and how do you intend to govern the empire?”
—Were you intending to leave the future of the Volakia Empire in the hands of that ‘Crown Prince’?
At Selena’s calm inquiry, Abel quietly closed one eye.
There were situations where one might question whether it was prudent to engage in such a conversation while the battle was intensifying. However, it would be absurd to take part in a war without contemplating what comes after a victory.
Naturally, one fights with the intent to win; thus, plans concerning the aftermath of the battle are essential.
“Why do you ask me?”
“I believe that ‘Crown Prince’ is not only a fraud… but your main objective in steering this immense insurrection. If, after the war, you were to forge an alliance with that ‘Crown Prince’, it would become apparent who should be sought for the empire’s future.”
Listening to Selena’s continued thoughts, a breath escaped Abel’s lips.
Simultaneously, he found himself amazed by the sheer power of the mask obscuring his true identity. While it was indeed equipped with the effect of ‘Recognition Hinder,’ its potency was astonishing.
Could one hide their true nature and intentions to this extent? He was genuinely intrigued.
“What is so amusing? Did I say something wrong?”
“I didn’t laugh. On the contrary, I admire the depth of your insight. However, if the conclusion differs, the processes will diverge significantly as well, but such is a natural occurrence.”
Selena’s lips curled in discontent at Abel’s response.
Yet she, of course, had to admire her own insight. When purely considering Abel’s intention to win over this rebellion and seize the throne of the Volakia Empire, it was a logical conclusion.
To support a claimant to the ‘Crown Prince’ and give him the throne while seizing real power for oneself was certainly a possibility. Perhaps, at some point, he could kill the puppet emperor and reclaim the throne himself.
“Without doubt, I intend to ensure he will not sit on that throne. Your judgment is mistaken.”
“So, are you saying all my deductions have been incorrect?”
“Not all. It’s true, as you mentioned, that I spread the existence of the ‘Black-Haired Crown Prince’ to track down that rebellious source wreaking havoc on the battlefield. However, its significance differs.”
“The balance between drawing him into the limelight and keeping him at hand. The latter isn’t as crucial. —In any event, he is far too naïve to accept the sacrifices of others.”
Selena tilted her head, feeling perplexed and unable to fully comprehend.
Still, Abel wasn’t obligated to break everything down for her, and she should have obtained the answer she sought regarding her post-war concerns.
Depending on the situation, Selena could have beheaded Abel right here and now, taking his head to the Crystal Palace to bring this rebellion to an end.
That potential had been snuffed out, albeit at the cost of Abel’s own lingering feelings.
“Do not waver or show mercy. Make full use of that naivety. If so, it will truly serve as your forte. —Natsuki Subaru.”
The person Selena referred to as the ‘Crown Prince’ was likely to be running rampant on the western battlefield.
The figure of the name she mentioned even caused Abel to scrunch his lips in displeasure. Subaru’s form—the face he wore, whether in disguise as a woman or stepping forth as an infant—became all the more frantic in his mind.
Caught in a whirlwind of circumstances, racing around while exposing their naivety and gullibility, this Subaru stirred a strong, intense dislike within Abel.
—No, it may be more apt to call it hatred, such was the depth of this fervor.
“—Who is that bastard!”
As Abel concealed his resentment behind the mask, Selena was about to question him further when there was movement in the command tent.
A select few soldiers guarding the main base drew their weapons, displaying strong vigilance. Once they looked closely, they found their weapons aimed at a slender figure that had emerged outside their camp.
The figure raised both hands, empty, while glancing around at the faces of the soldiers trained on him, grinning widely.
“Wow, I certainly didn’t expect such a warm welcome. I must be quite the popular guy!”
“Cut the crap! Where on earth did you come from!”
“If I say I was guided by the stars, would that be too poetic?”
The soldier’s anger swelled as they regarded the bemusing response as mocking.
However, the man showed no signs of altering his behavior. He understood that to change his demeanor was unnecessary.
“—Put your weapons down. He poses no danger.”
“But, sir…”
“Even with a weapon, he couldn’t accomplish anything. His only talent lies in spinning words as a jester.”
“Ah, how rude! I’m quite wounded by that!”
Addressing the wary soldiers, he succeeded in easing their grip on their weapons. However, the rescued gentleman frowned, directing his protest toward Abel.
At that moment, Selena, standing next to Abel, looked at the man with a puzzled expression.
“What are you doing here? You are the ‘Star Reader’—”
“—Ubiruku, yes. Pleased to meet you, Selena Dracloy, esteemed noble. However—”
The pretty boy, having introduced himself as Ubiruku, wore an unusually refined smile upon his face.
Ubiruku, who should have been in the Crystal Palace in the imperial capital, teased his words deliberately and dramatically before concluding.
“—After the ‘Great Calamity,’ if you happen to be alive, that is…”