Volume 7 Chapter 98: “Pleiades Battalion”
――The Lugnica Kingdom, Volakia Empire, Gusteco Holy Kingdom, and Kararagi City-State.
Each of these countries, commonly referred to as the Four Great Nations, has developed its own unique culture tailored to its land. The parent-dragon spirit of the Lugnica Kingdom and the spirit worship of the Gusteco Holy Kingdom are prime examples, but the Four Great Nations seem to have taken distinctly different paths on purpose.
This is not limited to the national customs and cultures; the quality of their “warriors” follows suit.
In the Volakia Empire, “magic” has hardly flourished.
While people and their abilities, like the gate nested within their bodies, are no different from those of other countries, the Empire lags significantly in this field compared to Lugnica and Kararagi.
However, the Empire doesn’t seem to care much for this fact.
Of course, falling behind in any field is not something to be welcomed, but the lack of development in the domain of magic is a sign that other paths have opened up.
Compared to the technology of Kararagi City-State, the spirit arts and curses of the Gusteco Holy Kingdom, and the field of magic of the Lugnica Kingdom, the Volakia Empire excels in the refinement of martial skills.
“Sometimes it’s faster just to dash in and give ’em a whack than to use magic, right?”
Although such remarks from a spirit magician aren’t fully endorsed, this attitude toward magic is generally accepted in the Volakia Empire.
This can lead to misunderstandings, and it’s a type of fact that isn’t formally documented, but the use of mana residing in a person’s body isn’t limited to magic alone.
It can also be used in spirit arts, curses, and for activating some of the “Meteor” abilities; there are certainly martial skills of warriors based on those.
Especially for top-tier warriors, it is only natural to use mana to enhance their bodies.
Sometimes, if someone possesses extraordinary physical abilities compared to ordinary people, the essence of this might be the manipulation of mana flowing through their body――the technique called “Flow Technique”.
But then――
With a light tap on their toes, in the next moment, a distance of dozens of meters disappears.
For anyone observing that silhouette from the side, it would almost feel like time had been stolen, a surreal display of movement. Yet, it’s not an illusion or a visual anomaly.
The abnormality lies with the blue-haired boy sprinting across the battlefield.
Following the previous explanation, it’s unquestionable that the boy’s run, which casually crossed boundaries, was a product of the “Flow Technique”. However, beneath the boy’s youth and sharp beauty, there is no trace of the hard-earned days of mastering such skills.
In the world, there occasionally exist such beings. Those who wield the pinnacle of martial skill, the “Flow Technique”, unconsciously and leave the bounded ones behind.
With a deep breath, the boy races down the hills, charging into the battlefield in pursuit of the honor of the first strike.
“If the battle has already begun, then the honor of the first strike is like nothingness, but let’s just say we won’t nitpick about the details!”
Charging in from the western lands into the battlefield, he gazes at the large army surrounding the star-shaped wall in the distance. The boy’s sharp eyes sparkle vibrantly, soaked in excitement that seems completely out of place in a place of mixed joy and sorrow.
Dressed in nothing but simple clothes, without proper footwear or even armor or helmets, facing the battlefield without a significant cause―― perhaps this could be seen as a reckless act, viewed as an enemy by both those within and outside the walls, trying to protect or destroy the current empire.
“The depth of your ambition is impressive. It changes how your words sound, whether you have it or not. Just――”
“What!? ”
In a small skirmish between dozens of small groups clearly opposing each other, the boy’s voice cutting in from the side drew a soldier wielding a sword to respond.
Anger, annoyance, excitement, anxiety—various emotions mixed yet a clear fighting spirit won out. A clever interruption to alert the invader who appeared on the battlefield.
“――But it’s ridiculously slow!”
Shouting was correct, yet questioning who he was was wrong.
The proper assumption for anyone appearing on the battlefield without revealing their affiliation would be to deem them an enemy. The soldier should have prompted others to be on alert and simultaneously launched an attack.
Yet, he was faster, and in fact, could have pointed out even more mistakes.
“Oh, and if maybe what I said earlier was just me not knowing who I am instead of asking about my affiliation, I’m really sorry for the overkill.”
The soldier’s eyes rolled back as he collapsed onto the spot after the boy swiftly struck his neck with an edge of his hand. He had thought he could sever the head, but his strength was insufficient.
Swinging his arms about, the boy tilted his head slightly, feeling something was off.
“It’s really frustrating when you feel capable but can’t follow through. Even I won’t confuse ideals, desires, and the feasibility of reality. Anyway, letting someone die carelessly would lower the boss’s impression, so it’s good enough to consider this a result!”
Just after brushing off that confusion, the boy’s figure shimmered away into mist.
In the moment, the sword strike aimed at where the boy previously stood missed entirely, and instead, the boy’s sandal strikes the soldier’s side cleanly. Further propelled by the force, he jumps into a arriving group behind that soldier, striking each of their vital points before withdrawing.――No, even more slip into the adjacent group as he harvests about five more consciousnesses. All in due course.
And upon such additions, all of this took place while stealing time from the soldiers surrounding him.
The boy’s control over his physicality was beyond human wisdom, proving that to follow him in real-time was beyond anyone’s capability―― the ultimate form of martial skill in the Volakia Empire.
Of course, in a battlefield, coming to such analysis leisurely or digesting the fact that a twelve or thirteen-year-old child has reached that level is quite rare.
Most importantly――
“To expose the skills of a star performer during the performance is rather unbecoming. One doesn’t need more than to be captivated, entranced, and spellbound by the stage. Of course, if one were to take the stage, a rival worthy of making a claim to their spotlight is appropriate…”
The group gasped as they beheld the boy glaring down at the fallen imperial soldiers.
The warriors, who had been clashing blades and engaged in life-and-death struggles, became snared in the boy’s commanding presence and inadvertently halted time, thus stealing a moment of their lives.
“Oh, this is just what makes it worthwhile to be an actor…”
To rob others of their lives. In this realization, the boy found undeniable satisfaction.
In the midst of an engaged combat, a ragged soldier opposing the fallen imperial soldiers opened his mouth and said, “You… from where do you hail? Are you one of our comrades?”
“Hmm, hmm, hmm, my affiliation? That’s quite an intriguing question you’re asking there. What do you think I am? An enemy or an ally?”
Shooting back a question with another question, the soldier, taken aback by the annoying response, stammered. The boy’s grin deepened as he responded, “Oh no, no, not at all.”
“I wasn’t joking. I was genuinely pondering over it. Always, I end up thinking about it. I didn’t pay attention to the boss’s explanation, so I have no idea whose side I’m on.”
“So for now, I’ll take care of both sides and end this.”
The soldier’s eyes widened, a surprised look flashed across his face, and the next instant, he crashed down flat on the ground.
With an innocent smile, the boy vanished, this time slipping into a group of soldiers opposing the fallen imperial soldiers, viciously sweeping their feet out from under them.
His blue hair danced, sharp sounds of strikes echoed, and warrior after warrior fell without a sound. Such acts of defiance swarmed with the ferocity of a storm―― no,
“‘Blue Lightning’…”
“Oh, splendid! That’s precisely the title I was thinking of using.”
The soldier, a breathless gasp escaping him, lost consciousness with those words.
Responding with violence, whether friendly or hostile, is the Volakia way―― If one were to claim so, even the Emperor of this land would surely scowl at such barbarism.
However, no one was capable of stopping the boy.
And most accurately, this was considered the most correct course of action in the ways of the Empire.
“U, u, u――!!”
With the boy’s whirlwind of destruction unfolding, the late-comers among the warriors finally sprang into action.
By now, both imperial soldiers and insurgents blurred the lines, all the consciousnesses rallied to halt this boy. In a sense, it was a monumental moment, halting the internal conflict right there.
However, their courageous decision wasn’t shielded by any assurance.
Leaning to dodge blades, dancing back to evade punches, slipping under and dodging axe blows, arrows, spears, fangs, shields, dodging, dodging, dodging, dodging, evading and evading in stride, avoiding each impending strike.
“Without weapons…”
“Indeed, that’s rather troublesome. I believe I would have more color in my performance cutting a show-off if I had a proper weapon, but I don’t want to carry around half-hearted tools. A first-rate should know the first-rate. Ah, this is something I picked up from the boss.”
“Yes, our boss, the leader of the Pleiades Battalion.”
While effortlessly dodging the murderous intents and hostility aiming toward him, the boy wore a proud smile. The unfamiliar word that slipped from his mouth struck unseen fear into the hearts of the soldiers.
Each had come risking their lives to settle the fate of the Empire.
Yet here, before them danced the boy, a complete enigma, his abilities, motivations, and intentions locked in obscurity.
Despite everything being unclear, it felt as if everything was under his whims――.
In the moment the next roar reached from afar, from the direction of the distant hills.
“Hip!” Instinctively, the soldiers flinched. Who in all the world could be blamed for this?
Even those soldiers not directly part of the sensation were equally ensnared within waves of confusion and dismay.
Therefore, the boy’s smile broadened, but it wasn’t to mock the warriors’ terrified expressions; it was something far more straightforward.
“Now then, it’s time for the first showcase, boss.——Make it grand, won’t you?”
At this juncture, I must relay a somewhat disappointing fact about “magic.”
I’ve stated the background that magic technology hasn’t developed in the Volakia Empire, with physical martial skills and techniques such as the “Flow Technique” being the only advancements; however, it’s another concern altogether.
In the magical system of this world divided into six attributes, the less utilized “Light Magic” and “Dark Magic” are looked down upon for reasons beyond merely lacking progress in research.
The fire element can manipulate heat and create flames or ice.
The water element can influence the life force of living beings, promoting healing of injuries and diseases, ultimately saving lives.
The wind element can adjust the environment by affecting the atmosphere, sometimes securing living areas even in dangerous regions.
The earth element can manipulate the power of the land, both enriching and starving it.
In comparison to these attributes with tangible uses, the efficacy of Light and Dark attributes are often perceived mainly as ability-enhancing or debilitating.
Strictly speaking, this understanding can be incorrect, yet such notions have firmly settled, which is a significant reason magic of these attributes has made little advancement to date.
And surprisingly, the one often regarded as the weakest or least useful handful is the “Light Attribute”――despite its ability to enhance capacities with a power of its own.
Once you grasp the effects of Light Magic, you might find numerous reasons to question its reputation.
However, the more one tries to utilize the attributes of Light Magic, numerous troublesome issues that cannot be overlooked present themselves.
For example, those enhanced by Light Magic often exhibit little capability on the battlefield, as most fall easily to the enemy’s attacks.
The reason is simple: they struggle to manage their enhanced forms, feeling as though they are controlling someone else’s body and thus fail to leverage their strengths.
When one speaks of enhancing physical abilities, factors such as enhanced sensory qualities, limb strength, or boosting the density of bones and muscles for defensive capabilities come into play.
However, warriors are those who constantly train their bodies and face the battlefield with an awareness of their own capabilities.
Those affected by Light Magic discard their usual self and spring to the battlefield wielding an upgraded body devoid of mastery—thus many meet their end without making significant contributions.
Another pressing concern is that the effectiveness of Light Magic is significantly influenced by the caster’s abilities, their physical and mental condition of the day.
Even if a soldier adapted to the enhanced body gifted by Light Magic, it does not guarantee they can receive the same strength from the same caster the next day or even come close to the same effectiveness.
Light Magic cannot offer a reliable increase in battle prowess, and often leads to an inability to perform at their baseline potential. This is the underlying reason for the disdain toward Light Magic.
In times past, even within the Volakia Empire, an emperor sought to utilize magical power to create the strongest army. The 31st Emperor of the Volakia Empire, Mulkia Volakia, schemed to employ Light Magic, enhancing his warriors into even stronger soldiers.
With awareness of the previously mentioned downsides, he paired mages with strong warriors, training them to rely naturally on enhancements, deploying them into real battle.
However, the results were nothing short of disastrous, as many presumed to be enhanced warriors fell before Light Magic could be cast, and disparities in the mage’s ability rendered the unit ineffective, leaving the emperor’s life in peril.
Ultimately, that conflict concluded with “Vivva of the ‘Organ Dissection'” who was one of the close aides to the emperor at the time, defeating the enemy commander. Due to the magnitude of their defeat, Mulkia Volakia suffered the infamous title of “Defeated Emperor” etched in history.
With such precedents, Light Magic, and thereby magic in the Volakia Empire, was looked down upon, fostering a thought that extreme martial skills represented robust fighters.
This sentiment hasn’t changed today, with Vincent Volakia, known for his vast cunning, outright discarding any consideration for the application of Light Magic in group combat.
In practical terms, the notion that a wielder of Light Magic can enhance multiple targets in a single use translates to dreams dashed for military operations seeking cohesive effort.
Thus, Dark Magic remains a viable tool to nuisance the enemy by providing them with atypical physical enhancement, leaving magic in the Volakia Empire to languish—— likewise in other nations, Light Magic has become an unfortunate system, rarely utilized outside of self-enhancements.
――However, there are exceptions.
The exception lies in the Pleiades Battalion, an absolutely formidable gathering that shattered the might of Guddah Diarumo and his nourished warriors.
They lacked honed tactics, superior weaponry, or firm righteous causes.
What they possessed was a profound and unwavering bond, a resolve that declared they would not retreat regardless of what came their way.
It is precisely this that has shaped the Pleiades Battalion into an extraordinary collective.
Shall I recall the extensive discussion on the shortcomings of Light Magic?
Operated by the unpredictable abilities and often varying capacities, the flawed deployment had once earned the unfortunate emperor a title of “Defeated Emperor,” even the wise Vincent Volakia casually abandoned such folly in its early discussions.
But imagine for a moment, what if a notion like this was feasible?
Potentially, granting hundreds or even thousands of troops the same enhancement that were naturally low in combat ability and capabilities, avoiding the struggles of adjusting to the enhanced self.
And, ideally, there’s no requirement to match the number of casters of Light Magic to the size of the troop.——Should such an impossible dream or miracle align, might it not become attainable?
This would be a jest in the ears of Vincent Volakia, a story not worth the mention.
A magnificent twist of coincidence that can only manifest within this wartime, this circumstance, amid this situation.
The one acknowledged as the focal point—Natsuki Subaru—no, “Natsuki Schwarz,” is the only one capable of igniting such a miracle that only those wholly regard him as a trusted comrade can undoubtedly create.
――The enhancements of the Light Attributes applied to Subaru personally would extend to all companions with the effect of “Cor Leonis.”
That which was primarily intended for the division of burdens and suffering transformed into a utilization of strength that defies the limits of a singular ruler, together it is shared with his comrades.
Thus, the Pleiades Battalion――
“――I love you all!!”
Transformed into an invincible force of thousands of “non-combatants” marching forth with Natsuki Subaru, each stride rampaging through the battlefield of this imperial capital defense war.