Chapter 60
Chapter 60: Mission Room Reward, Luck Shooting Event
[User: Han Kain (Wisdom)]
[Date: Day 21]
[Current Location: Floor 1, Corridor]
[Sage’s Advice: 0]
Unlike usual, there was no notification about the hotel’s evaluation, and we fell straight into the corridor.
Feeling a little dizzy, I looked around and noticed that everyone who had fallen out at the same time was holding their waists as they got up.
Everyone stared at each other with blank expressions.
Before long, everyone was filled with happiness, hugging each other as they savored the moment of joy.
“Ah~ I’m really embarrassed. I’m at level 7, and I thought I’d die getting squashed at level 1?”
“Who would’ve thought a bulletproof glass would pop up out of nowhere? It’s not your fault, Grandpa. I couldn’t do anything either and just got blown away to the sky and died. I thought I’d have a chance to show off with my bracelet.”
“I’m even more appalled! I thought I was done for and was already thinking, ‘What’s the next mission?’ and then that bastard shows up! I’m still fuming.”
“Well, at least it’s good you didn’t mess up right at the mansion entrance. If you did, we might’ve had to fight all the mansion’s monsters.”
“Ah, I can’t say anything; I died flying in the sky with Songi. How did you die, Seungyub?”
“A rock fell on my head right after I got on the train. What’s frustrating is that my luck was at 98% at that moment! Seriously, it was infuriating! If only it had activated, I could’ve dodged everything!”
“Well, it’s 100% now, so that’s good. You’ll definitely have a use for it later.”
“Speaking of which, Ahri, can you heal using your blood often?”
“Are you planning to keep sucking my blood?”
“…Just kidding. I can recover stamina with my blood, but I can’t heal injuries too frequently. When I’m close to dying, my blood automatically tries to heal me and gains a healing power. So, if you want to heal your wound later, just smack my head and suck my blood.”
“…That was a joke.”
“This is the first time I’ve heard such a joke…”
“I’m sad about mine too. I thought the person reflected in the mirror was changing all the time and avoided it, thinking it must be the strangest mirror, but that was the answer all along.”
“Making Miss Elena believe us was really tough.”
“Well, honestly, I think the answer was pretty simple, but you took the long route.”
“If you had just shown up yourself, Kain-ssi, I think I would’ve believed you.”
What did that mean? I turned my head in confusion.
“Okay! Okay! The atmosphere is good, and we’ve eaten. Now, let’s solve one of the questions in our heads. So, where exactly is the reward from the ‘Mission Room’ we all suffered for?”
“Before, the bracelet was already on my arm as soon as we resolved the room. How is the reward from the Mission Room going to be given?”
“Well, ladies, relax. The hotel wouldn’t just take away the rewards from us. If we eat calmly, won’t they announce it on one of the displays or something?”
Grandpa Mooksung’s prediction was spot on.
As we finished our meal, an announcement popped up on the display.
“/Dear guests! Congratulations on clearing the Mission Room!”
“The hotel staff is genuinely glad to see that our guests have taken a step forward!”
“Of course, there must be a reward after all that hard work!”
“A reward event is waiting for you at the front desk!”
It was called a Reward Event rather than just a reward. Wasn’t it merely a method of giving rewards?
The moment we arrived at the front desk, everyone was left speechless.
“You! You bastard!”
“Haha! How is everyone? It seems like we’ve met not long ago, and here I am again, delighted to see you!”
“Are you in charge of the Reward Event too?”
“I can’t help it; this hotel is such a miserable workplace. I’m busy selling items and they throw me into the event gig on top of that! But for you, I shall gladly risk my everything!”
The merchant who had appeared at the underground campground came back wearing different clothes.
Honestly, as soon as I saw his face, I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.
It felt like this ‘Reward Event’ was bound to be anything but normal.
“Seeing your face is already tiring. Just give us our rewards. What is it? An inheritance?”
“Good question! The answer is: No one knows!”
When I heard this, Jinchul-hyung almost raised his fist but lowered it again upon hearing the merchant’s next words.
“Ha ha. You, my fine customer, are always so hasty. Since the atmosphere feels unusual, I’ll get right to the point.
The reward is random! You have five chances! All you have to do is hit the balloons with the gun I provide!
What will come out of the balloons? No one knows! However, the balloons do have grades.
Undoubtedly, the better rewards will come from higher-grade balloons, right?
There are 100 balloons in total:
One golden balloon, nineteen silver balloons, and eighty bronze balloons.
By the way, each bullet can only pop one balloon. Unfortunately, penetrating through the balloons is impossible.
Now! Let’s get started.”
As soon as the merchant finished, the space twisted like it did when entering a hotel room, and we all moved to the ‘shooting range.’ There was a rifle on the table, and on the target side, 100 balloons began to flutter around.
Everyone stood there in a daze, trying to comprehend the situation when—
Suddenly, Eun-sol-noona couldn’t hold it in and aimed the rifle at the merchant!
“Seriously, every time I see you, something terrible happens! Can I shoot your head first?”
“You can shoot. However, doing so will also reduce your chances.”
Noona couldn’t bring herself to pull the trigger.
This was absurd. We’d come this far only to end up with a lottery system?
Was this really how the fruit of all our deaths and struggles was rewarded?
“Even so, giving a reward based on luck is simply….”
“Luck? No, no, no, it’s based on your shooting skills. You only need to hit that golden balloon. See it over there?”
I spotted it. The golden balloon was about the size of a pea!
Absurdly enough, the golden balloon was both the smallest and the fastest.
While everyone was left speechless, Grandpa Mooksung picked up the gun.
“I think I shoot the best, so I’ll give it a try. What do you all think?”
Since it was true, no one could counter.
Except for Jinchul-hyung, who had been to the military, none of us had touched a gun before. We’d checked it a few times after getting a pistol, but Grandpa’s shooting skills were far beyond Jinchul-hyung’s.
Eun-sol-noona ran aside, praying as she shouted.
“Grandpa, please! Please! Even if it’s not the gold, at least aim for the silver!”
“D-Don’t put so much pressure on me. Even hitting the silver balloon seems incredibly difficult.”
As he said, hitting the silver balloons did not look easy either. The silver balloon’s size and speed matched that of the bronze balloons, but the issue was that the 80 bronze balloons were relentlessly moving, blocking the silver ones from view.
Grandpa raised the rifle.
We all knelt down in prayer together.
Please, God, Buddha, Allah, Zoroaster, whoever… just give us a silver balloon!
Miraculously, the silver balloon exploded.
“Wow! Nice shot, boss!”
“What do you mean boss? Just remain quiet!”
As the balloon burst, its contents emerged, revealing a letter with the following written on it:
<Hints for solving the Cursed Room>
Not bad at all! I felt like this was worth the silver balloon. After all, we’d soon be entering the Cursed Room to retrieve inheritances, so any hints were valuable.
As the atmosphere surged with excitement, another gunshot rang out.
Bronze balloon.
Silence fell in the hall.
A note emerged from the balloon.
<3-Day Rest Ticket>
Not as bad as I thought.
We’ve been galloping through hardships without rest for so long. Having a break for 3 days isn’t bad at all.
I tried to force a mental victory. There’s a limit, though.
Rest isn’t bad. However, we need something that will prove more practically beneficial.
Another bronze balloon.
A small plastic box dropped from the balloon.
<Delicious Sandwich>
The mood collapsed collectively.
“Hey, you bastard!”
The merchant flew into the air. It was probably Jinchul-hyung who tossed him.
“A ‘Delicious Sandwich’? Sounds good! I was hungry. If I eat that, I can head home right? Wouldn’t eating something delicious send me to heaven? It’s a sandwich that sends me to heaven, right?”
Eun-sol-noona started rambling nonsensically.
Grandpa sat down, lamenting his shooting skills.
When I… snapped back to my senses, I realized I had punched the merchant five times.
Throughout all this, the merchant showed no reaction whatsoever.
As Grandpa finally stood up again and reached for the rifle—
Ahri grabbed his arm.
“Wait a minute.”
“I’m sorry. I was really trying to focus on the shot—”
“Grandpa, I’m not blaming you, just put the rifle down for now.”
“Seungyub, you’re all set with your blessing, right?”
“You take the shot.”
“Me??? Noona? I don’t know how to shoot a gun!”
“I know. Just trust your blessing and give it a try. You’re not really shooting; you should think that your blessing is the one shooting. Activate your blessing!”
There was a glimmer of hope.
Everyone, who had been somewhat dazed, gathered around, their spirits lifted.
“Doesn’t it make no sense to leave it to someone who can’t even shoot? If they can’t shoot, they won’t even hit the balloon!”
“Just give it a go! The blessing’s name is ‘Luck,’ so if not now, then when will it shine?”
In the tense atmosphere—
Seungyub raised the gun.
“Is your blessing activated?”
“Yeah. It just showed up! Your luck is 777!”
“777. I’ll trust that.”
“Um… Noona.”
“Go ahead.”
“Do you think it would help if you cheered a bit?”
Before he even finished, Ahri tightly hugged Seungyub and fell back.
Whatever. Even if those two filmed a sitcom for a month, I’m down to cheer for them!
Please, golden balloon! Please, golden balloon!
The silver balloon popped.
At least it wasn’t a bronze balloon!
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Seungyub was shooting in such a way that his eyes couldn’t even follow the balloon, yet it was a silver balloon.
‘Luck’ was indeed working here.
From the burst balloon, a very small box dropped.
What is it? Everyone approached the small box that had fallen from the balloon with curious looks.
Just as Seungyub was turning around, unable to contain his curiosity—
The last bullet was fired.
The hall froze.
“I! I! I didn’t shoot!!! I was just turning to look!!! Why did it fire? No! Merchant! Please load one more bullet!”
“Be quiet. Seungyub. Just stay quiet.”
Ahri kissed Seungyub on the cheek. Seungyub looked dazed.
The golden balloon burst.
“Today, I’m witnessing a rare scene. In 87 years of hotel service, this is the first time I see a golden balloon burst. Sincerely, congratulations!”
The merchant and shooting range vanished.
An unidentified round oval object rolled towards us.
Everyone stood dumbfounded as they gathered around the snack table on the first floor.
“Let’s sort out the rewards. By the way, Seungyub, you worked really hard. In future ‘luck-based’ games, let’s not forget to give opportunities to Seungyub.”
Honestly, at first, I had mistaken this for a shooting skill game, but thinking it over now, how on earth could we have aimed for that barely visible golden balloon? It was just a game of chance.
The rewards came out like this:
1. Clue for the Cursed Room.
2. 3-Day Rest Ticket.
3. Sandwich.
4. Red Pill.
5. Golden Egg.
“It seems we have a lot to review with each reward. The best reward, the golden egg, doesn’t come with a description, so I really have no clue, but the others are decently explained.”
Thus, we began analyzing the rewards.