Chapter 7:88 “The Wind Hole”
――The siege of the Imperial Capital Rupugana began with a fierce battle where neither side held back.
Currently, there was a full-scale war between discontented rebels in the Volakia Empire and the regular army striving to protect the current regime. Under normal circumstances, there would be no reason for Emilia and her group to participate.
Initially, the reason Emilia and her companions entered the empire was to find someone.
Of course, having successfully infiltrated Volakia, they had connections and debts to those they met during their travels.
They had people they cared about and wished to see happy, regardless of national borders like kingdoms and empires. This was something everyone in the group recognized.
However, even Emilia’s group, known for their kindness, had their priorities.
It would be foolish to neglect their original goal, and they possessed the judgment to curb their innate tendencies to help others (Emilia, Garfiel) based on their moral compass (Otto, Petra).
They participated in the battle of the castle city when they learned that someone they were searching for was there, following that lead.
Once that lead went awry, logically, there was no reason for Emilia and her group to join the rebel army’s assault on the capital.
In reality, even as they listened to the increasingly pungent situations brewing within the empire, Emilia’s resolve remained firm; their purpose was shaken to the bare minimum.
That should have been the case――,
“Since it was the ‘Dragon General’ who took that girl, her whereabouts must be either Madelin Eshault’s dwelling or her owner’s mansion,” Abel stated while touching the demon mask that covered his face, responding to Emilia’s inquiry in a room on the top floor of the City Hall.
Hearing Abel’s answer, Emilia murmured, “Madelin’s owner…”
――Time rewinds a few days before the siege of the Imperial Capital Rupugana.
Emilia and her group were at a crossroads in their plans after failing to meet up with Subaru, who was supposed to return from Gwararu. They also missed a chance to converse with the awake Rem.
After the collapse of the Magic City Chaos Frame, they were torn between searching for the missing Subaru, whose whereabouts were entirely unknown, and for Rem, whose abductor’s identity they had already uncovered.
Wanting more information to help make a decision, Emilia received the earlier words from Abel.
“While that hot-tempered dragon person can’t be told, he is a general recommended by Chancellor Belstet Fondalfon. If anything occurs, you’ll be returning to him.”
“What is it? Do you have doubts?”
“No, not that… I just think the term ‘owner’ sounds really inappropriate.”
Though Emilia had exchanged few words with Madelin and had rather intense discussions, Abel’s phrasing now seemed like a sure way to make Madelin very angry if she heard it.
At Emilia’s pointed remark, Abel fell silent and narrowed his eyes behind the mask. Perhaps he would reflect on his words and recognize they weren’t good.
Regardless, it was helpful that Abel, who had insights into the empire’s circumstances unknown to Emilia and her companions, voiced his opinion.
With the rising rebellious spirit across the empire and the worsening atmosphere, Emilia could feel the pressure mounting, which didn’t send good vibes her way.
They had missed every opportunity to meet the person they were searching for, and the timing in the empire was terrible.
“But if Madelin has returned to Chancellor Belstet-”
“If Rem’s there, then my big bro too!”
Catching the flow of the discussion, Emilia was joined by Medium, who clung to the strategy table.
As Medium, stretching her small body, met Emilia’s gaze, Emilia relaxed her lips. Her important brother was one of those taken alongside Rem.
Surely he must be full of anxiety and worry, yet Medium didn’t show a hint of weakness.
That resilience made Emilia feel that she needed to emulate her.
“Chancellor… Lord Belstet Fondalfon is said to be extraordinarily skilled and capable, recognized as a crucial figure in the empire, right?”
Amidst Emi’s commiserating thoughts over Medium’s courage, Petra interjected.
Since she couldn’t let Emilia go alone, Petra had stuck with her, placing a finger on her lips as she spoke, to which Emilia tilted her head and asked, “Is that so?”
“The assertion that he’s a crucial figure is a splendid evaluation, but doesn’t that refer to the Emperor?”
“Of course, the reason the empire has remained peaceful for so long is due to His Majesty the Emperor’s power. But that power includes the ability to effectively utilize his competent subordinates.”
“Ah, that makes sense. Even if the Emperor is incredibly strong and intelligent, he can’t do everything alone.”
Emilia didn’t consider herself on the same level as the Emperor of Volakia while actively putting in effort. However, she knew she had to aim for that level eventually.
Yet no matter how hard she tried, she’d always be relying on everyone else’s strengths.
Likewise, the Emperor of Volakia was probably the same.
However, while Emilia and Medium were impressed, Abel seemed to harbor entirely different sentiments.
He fixed a sharp gaze on Petra as he spoke coldly, “What are you trying to achieve by sharing such terribly obvious truths? Do you think there’s room in which the words of a child can be heard in a time such as this?”
“I’m sorry if I was indirect. I just wanted to ask this. —If the Emperor’s important tool is around, the Chancellor’s home should be in the Imperial City, right?”
Unfazed by the sharp gaze, Petra’s bold inquiry rendered Abel mute.
Despite the menacing look from Abel, which should have felt like having a knife pointed at her, Petra stood her ground without trembling. Such was the strength of her conviction.
If anything, she made Emilia proud to be related to her.
“The answer to your question is affirmative. Naturally, the two that Madelin Eshault kidnapped—Rem and Flopp O’Connell—are also somewhere under Lord Belstet in the Imperial City.”
It seemed as if Petra’s piercing gaze wore Abel down. He responded in a low voice to her question. Emilia was just about to praise Petra for this answer, but Petra’s expression soured, and she audibly sighed, “It feels orchestrated, and I don’t like it.”
“Eh? What do you mean by that?”
Not understanding Petra’s reaction, Emilia blinked puzzledly. Responding to Emilia’s question, Petra made a sour face and lowered her voice.
“We’re unrelated to the issues happening in this empire. While I can tell this is going to be a great conflict, I’m worried about Medium and Utakata.”
“――. Yeah, that’s fine. I get what you want to say. We came to find Subaru and Rem.”
Preempting Petra’s difficult words, Emilia chose her words gently.
She understood Petra’s concerns and anxieties. Emilia too wished there was no trouble, and all they had to do was continue collaborating with Abel and help everyone they knew.
But focusing solely on the immediate problems would prevent them from reaching their original goal of finding Subaru.
Just as that moment of contemplation arrived, Emilia noticed a hitch in her thoughts.
As she had told Petra, their goal was to safely bring Subaru and Rem back. So even if it was painful, they couldn’t just ignore the fight happening in Volakia.
That was what she believed.
“But right now, Rem might be in the Imperial City. Then that means…”
“——We have to go to the Imperial City.”
Emilia’s troubled query was clarified when she locked eyes with Petra from beyond her chill.
Having realized this fact first, Petra bore a very bitter expression. Her stare confirmed the surprise Emilia had felt, and Petra shot a piercing glare at Abel.
And then――,
“That’s cowardly. To remain silent until we mention it is just pathetic.”
“I told you, I am surprised by your presence. The rumors I’ve spread were only intended to stir up the rebels.”
“Did you just claim that I specifically shrank Natsuki Subaru as a diversion to distract the entire empire and a rumor to bring the demon girl with healing powers from the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ into play? How busy do you think I am?”
Abel’s mocking tone made Petra’s expression tense up.
Of course, neither Petra nor Otto nor Garfiel appreciated being dismissed that way. As such, Emilia took the initiative to stand up and ensure that Abel experienced some relief.
Shielding Petra, Emilia stepped forward and stared hard at the crossed arms of Abel.
“I don’t think you’re someone who knows everything. Stop using strange words to bully Petra. If you do that again…”
“If you do that again, what then?”
“The first to strike back will be me!”
Clenching her fist firmly, Emilia blurted that out.
While she believed discussions should ideally resolve everything, sometimes it simply wasn’t an option with those unwilling to lend an ear or engage meaningfully.
Moreover, it wasn’t just Emilia being insulted; if it affected her important loved ones, she’d feel even more compelled to retaliate.
“——. Is there not even a hint of guile? Your group has always been like this?”
“Yeah, it’s quite difficult picking the right words. But――.”
“Having to deal with someone like you is quite a challenge. Seems reasonable to believe I could walk the same path as an outspoken fool who insists on tying us all together with logic.”
In response to Abel’s narrowed-eyed words, Otto and Garfiel each replied in kind.
Somewhere deep inside, Emilia felt somewhat brought into the discussion instead of Petra being the center of attention, but she chose to push that thought aside for now.
What mattered was protecting Petra and navigating the discourse at this moment――,
“Which means neither the general nor Rem is absent and could be in the Imperial City.”
“And given the high possibility that the battleground will be within the Imperial City between the regular army and the rebels, there’s no option for us to slip past it.”
“How shameless…”
It’s possible that both Subaru and Rem are in the Imperial City.
Maybe Rem is in a different location, or Subaru has been collected with other boys with black hair in the Imperial City, generating much expectation.
Even so, if that’s the most likely scenario, Emilia concurred with everyone.
“We’ve decided. We all need to head to the Imperial City. We have to find Subaru and Rem.”
“Emilia, the decision lies with Lady Petra.”
“Ah, right! So, what do you think, Lady Petra? Is what I decided okay?”
“——. Yeah, it’s fine. To be honest, it feels like everything’s going according to that person’s plan, which I dislike.”
With a fierce glare directed at Abel, Petra softened her expression almost immediately.
Despite her grievances of Abel’s harsh words, she swallowed her discontent for the sake of Subaru and the others. Emilia felt grateful for Petra’s consideration and turned to Abel, saying, “Hey, Abel, even though Lady Petra said everything seems to go your way…”
“I told you, it’s impossible for me to scheme everything and guide all outcomes. Or do you also see me as an outsider just like that girl?”
“No, I don’t think of you that way. You’re smart and wearing a strange mask, plus… I still think you might be rather clumsy.”
Placing a finger on her lips, Emilia tilted her head while answering.
At the mention of his mask, Abel’s hand brushed against it, and behind him, Otto, Garfiel, and Petra all shared quiet laughter.
Pleased by the trio’s response, Abel asked, “What kind of evaluation is that?”
“I’ve never heard that kind of assessment before. Why do you see me like that?”
“Clumsy? Well, the reason I thought so is… I know! It’s about Subaru.”
“Subaru? What do you mean?”
As Emilia pored over her reasoning, Petra’s eyes widened with confusion.
To Petra, who viewed Abel as a skillful schemer, Emilia’s statement didn’t quite make sense. While Emilia held that belief about Abel—
“Didn’t you say that having us around was an unexpected delight for you?”
“Don’t decorate my words with your interpretations.”
“It’s true that having us around is more beneficial, right? You haven’t once claimed otherwise. So let’s get back on track?”
“It’s unexpected that we’re here, but since you spread the rumor about a boy with black hair for Subaru’s sake, if it increases the odds of him being in the Imperial City, then that must be part of your plan.”
The lines between planned events and surprises blurred as Emilia struggled to articulate that to Abel’s concept.
Realizing that regardless of being here or not, it was a lie that implicated Subaru’s chances of being present during the conflict.
If that could give rise to variables during their battle in the Imperial City——
“You should properly ask for help. I’m sure Subaru would be willing to listen.”
It’s possibly tougher to ask someone for assistance than to enact their plans. Given she had never tried to control anyone, Emilia couldn’t understand this very well.
And then it came down to how much she could minimize facing the conditions under which she couldn’t ask for help—how much she could rely on others while still setting boundaries for herself.
That was what Emilia aimed to achieve.
Fixated, Emilia held her gaze on Abel, awaiting his reply.
Behind the demon mask, as their black and purple eyes clashed, Emilia suddenly noticed something. Abel never blinked both his eyes at the same time.
One of his eyes was always open, constantly—did it not dry out?
——Could he be putting himself in such a position while his soul grew parched?
“What are you waiting for?”
“What reason is there for me to indulge in your inconsequential words and respond indefinitely? Don’t assume that my whims will linger on.”
The silence was about to end, and Abel asked to conclude the conversation in that manner, to which Emilia widened her eyes. Instead, it was Medium who raised her voice loudly.
Having silently observed the discussion, she tugged at Abel’s sleeve while declaring, “That was really uncool! Even I can see that you lost, Abel!”
“I wasn’t under the impression that we’re keeping score. Don’t pull on my sleeve. There are no replacements.”
“If your clothes disappear, just dress like a girl again! It suits you, Abel!”
With some roughness, Medium yanked on his sleeve again, sticking her tongue out at Abel. She then quickly sidestepped around the strategy table and came right in front of Emilia and the others.
“I may not understand complicated things either. But if Rem is in the Imperial City, then surely, my big brother is there too… I want to meet both of them again… Subaru too! So, so please…”
Crouching deeply in earnest, Medium tossed her long golden hair forward, streaming over Emilia’s and everyone else’s feet.
However, Medium seemed oblivious to this fact and cried out, “Please! Abel may seem a lot, but also have Emily and them help!”
Shaking with such fervor, Emilia couldn’t help but narrow her eyes. Then, over the bowing Medium, she looked towards the standing Abel.
“Abel, this is how I see things.”
As Emilia spoke, Abel looked at Medium’s bowed head. Then, hiding whatever he might have thought behind his mask, he stated, “You also wish to join the assault on the Imperial City. I take that as a declaration of intent.”
“How shameless!”
Thus, the two young girls’ shrill voices admonished Abel, who couldn’t utter a single “please” as they chastised him.
――After that little spectacle, Emilia’s group resolved to join the fight at the Imperial Capital.
Honestly, it was uncertain just how far Abel had calculated everything.
It could be just like what he mentioned to Petra, that everything concerning Subaru and Rem all fell according to his plans, or it might all really just be coincidental.
What could be stated at this point was:
“Without getting too caught up in what Abel says or his existence, let’s make sure we fulfill our objectives.”
“Yeah, I agree with Otto! …What about Dudley?”
“For the moment, I hear he has managed to replenish connections with that acquaintance, the high-ranking Duke Draculoi, and apparently that Duke is quite enthusiastic about the rebellion.”
“Then, that high-ranking duke and Dudley… Roswaal too, in the Imperial City?”
“That seems to be the case. —It’s becoming increasingly intense, huh?”
Having separated from Emilia’s group, Roswaal who visited acquaintances in the Volakia Empire seemed caught in a squeeze between achievements and problems.
However, it also appeared that both Roswaal and Ram would likely head towards the Imperial Capital Rupugana.
If Subaru and Rem truly were in the Imperial City, then everyone would converge there in an instant.
“However, whatever awaits them there would be the heart of the great chaos spreading throughout the empire… To be honest, the circumstances have changed completely from what was initially anticipated.”
“Seriously, dear sister! Are you seriously frightened now?”
“I’m not terrified, but I do feel a fair share of anxiety. Interfering in other nations’ squabbles is a problem, and when it turns to battle…”
As Frederica’s eyes lowered, her expression hardened as she hesitated to voice the rest.
What she feared uttering was something everyone could imagine around them—if they were heading towards a decisive battle in the Imperial City, there would be significant repercussions for both sides.
An unavoidable great upheaval, something that should have originated in a neighboring country.
“Frederica, I appreciate your concern for me. But…”
“Of course, I’m worried about Petra as well. But it’s a different terror I’m experiencing for myself. I’m sorry for being scared just because of that.”
Frederica fervently shook her head in a show of strength, and Petra averted her eyes under the weight of her loving regard.
In battles where countless lives are susceptible to injury or death, Frederica felt anxiety towards bringing Petra along.
That uneasiness and resistance extended beyond Frederica; it resonated within everyone else too.
“If we weren’t present in the empire, perhaps we would just be wrinkling our brows over events happening in the neighboring country. But now that—”
“But what?”
“We’re here and have met people who will be participating in the battle; running away from it as if wrinkling our brows isn’t an option anymore.”
Even if lives are extinguished equally, the perspective changes when comparing known individuals with strangers.
Lives are invaluable, and something that cannot be compared. Thus, if lives were to be compared, it would be with lives alone. —That might be a very self-righteous thought.
Yet, if she had the determination to stick to her own beliefs, that resolve had long since been forged.
“I believe that if we participate, we can lessen the number of people who die.”
“Emilia… No, Lady Emilia, that’s quite a thorny path to take.”
In response to Emilia’s plea while keeping a hand on her heart, Otto addressed her using the proper title.
With Otto having steadfastly maintained the alias so as not to confuse anyone else, the sincerity behind that was evident.
Failing to respond would be impolite, and Emilia nodded earnestly.
“Right, I understand. I mean, maybe you know how much harder this will be than I’m considering, but I’ll figure it out.”
“Our goal is to bring back Natsuki and Rem. If, through this decisive battle, only two die, and those two are Natsuki and Rem, that would be a failure. Conversely, even if every person in the empire perishes, if those two are unharmed, then that would be our victory.”
“Otto, that’s way too exaggerated…”
“Right now, I’m only talking with Lady Emilia.”
Otto’s calm words finally led Garfiel to reach his boiling point and try to interject, but Otto swatted him down and asked only Emilia for a response.
As Emilia met Otto’s gaze, her purple eyes subtly trembled.
And then――,
“I’m sorry, Otto. Since we came to the empire… no, ever since deciding to rescue Subaru and the others before we even arrived, you’ve been doing your utmost.”
“……That’s my job. So, I can’t let that influence my thoughts—”
“I know, I know. —What we need is everything we’ve got. That means we need you, Otto, to do your best until we can meet Subaru and the others. If you ever collapse, I’ll just have to carry you regardless. So…”
“Let’s go all out to save Subaru and Rem while also doing our utmost to minimize the number of imperial soldiers who die!”
Emilia knew she was asking for something unreasonable and selfish but still refused to compromise before initiating what she wanted to accomplish.
To that end――,
“——Let’s be the breaking wind in this battle.”
A fierce, cold wind surged as white air blanketed the green plains of Volakia.
With the temperature dropping, many beings halted.
Surrounding, those who had come to a standstill and exhaled white breaths bore distinct characteristics; men and women alike, irrespective of age, they all shared one common trait—each bore a weapon manifesting from their body.
Some had swords for arms, while some had fully ironized legs. Others had their heads transformed into hammers or backs that served as shields.
They had heard that various subhumans existed within Volakia, but as one could see many people gathering from countless places across the empire, the battlefield felt incredibly vibrant.
However, even with their bodies turned into weapons, that alone wouldn’t solve the immediate issues or protect them, as evidenced by those injured and fallen around them.
Thus, taking a deep breath, Emilia proclaimed,
“Everyone! Get away from here! This is where I’m going to put in a lot of effort!”
Speaking to the fallen―― the Blade-Wielders, Emilia rushed forward, determined to draw her opponents’ attention towards herself. However, Emilia’s plan was rendered unnecessary.
It wasn’t that her attempt had failed; the foe’s eyes were already sufficiently drawn to her.
Because waiting atop the wall Emilia headed for was――,
“—It’s you again.”
Witnessing a Blade-Wielder for the first time, Emilia felt an inkling of a sense of wonder, which paled in comparison to the individual standing there, a being unseen even among the hodgepodge of races that made up the Volakia Empire.
A girl with eyes glowing gold, two black horns gleaming on her head. She caught the Wing Blade she had thrown, and despite her petite figure, she radiated an intimidating aura.
Emilia looked up at the figure standing there and pointed decisively, shouting,
“Yes! It’s me again, Madelin! The wandering spirit mage, Emily!”
“That infuriating girl! After the last fight, I thought I wouldn’t lose to a dragon――”
Grimacing fiercely, Madelin’s expression transformed into something truly daunting.
Considering Emilia an enemy, she raised her Wing Blade overhead to take revenge for their previous battle at Gwararu and shouted――,
“—Here goes!”
In the next moment, just as before, a massive chunk of ice falling from the City Hall descended onto Madelin, and the duel between Emilia and Madelin erupted with a booming start.