Chapter 59


Pazzk Minor Gallery


– What’s this correction level?

Moon Si-hyun Hu-ji gate influx…

– If you don’t use it, it’s a setting for idiots.

ㄴ And besides, unless you’re already an idiot, you can’t lower it yourself.

– The correction level can be adjusted from 0% to 100%. At 100%, just slightly extending your arm will send it flying, while at 0%, it moves exactly as you do.

ㄴ Oh, is it like mouse sensitivity?

– There used to be a mission on old broadcasts to play with a correction level of 0%.

ㄴ But now if you do that, you’d get flamed like crazy.

ㄴ Yeah, if it’s not a total wreck, you’d end up making a mess.


“Si-hyun, could you take a quick look at the settings menu?”

Even though it was a strange response, since she clearly didn’t know what it was, the Cactus spoke up.

Not knowing about the correction level was unusual, but not entirely bizarre. After all, from the beginning, every player’s correction level was fixed at an average of ‘50%’.

Some might tweak it, but very few would play at the adjusted value.

If it’s higher, precise control becomes tough, and if it’s lower, it’s exhausting and inefficient. It was a basic setting crafted with the developer’s countless hours of sweat and tears.

“Go to general settings, click on personal settings, and then check the detailed settings.”

Recalling very old memories, the Cactus spoke. Just out of curiosity, they had slightly tinkered with it once. That too quickly returned to 50%.

The basic settings had a reason for being basic.

[Yes. I’m in.]

“There, the second option should show the correction level. What percentage does it say?”

Still, the Cactus didn’t think she had touched the correction level.

After all, continuing without it was just common sense far beyond the norm.

It actually seemed more credible that her stamina was incredibly poor.

[0%? Is that good?]

However, the answer came back as if it were perfectly normal.


This world, especially Moon Si-hyun’s head…

It seemed like it couldn’t run on common sense alone.


What the hell is this?


She was truly a beastly girl.


Wasn’t this person’s trait also basic?

No, she plays 15 games a day.

An absolute beast.

How did she not notice anything strange until now?


– But is this even possible??

Damn, as a Fighter, you have to sprint dozens of times in the game, and she did it with no correction?

What was said about the VTuber model rigging on the Pima gallery turned out to be true.

No wonder she moves like crazy; she’s gasping a lot too.

This is insane, for real.

– Why is it insane? (Really clueless)

ㄴ She’s the one who puts in ten or so hours a day, so ㅇㅇ her stamina doesn’t make sense.

ㄴ She was thinking about gradually increasing her running time a while back, but was that really just a show-off?

ㄴ Just stating she exercises seems to be a bluff.

ㄴ And fundamentally, her movements are incredibly quick and efficient; it means her motor skills are peak.

ㄴ Wasn’t her IQ 84 KG…?

– Today, it seems like she’s even more breathless because she has to listen to the Cactus as well.


[How on earth did you manage to play the game like this? And there wouldn’t be a drop unless you directly touched it….]

“Hmm… I’ve never touched it. What could it be?”

Moon Si-hyun said as she looked at the 0% correction level on the screen.

She didn’t really know, but judging from the frantic reactions of the viewers and the Cactus, it seemed that 0% wasn’t the norm.

‘Have I ever touched it?’

Moon Si-hyun briefly pondered. The probability leans heavily toward her never touching it. She didn’t even know what it was.

‘But somehow, I feel like I might remember… or maybe I really never did…’

Apart from optimizing the settings for the viewers, she truly never touched them.

Settings, optimization…


‘… Optimization?’

She suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.

That déjà vu grew stronger when she saw the interface for “detailed settings” again.

“… Ah.”





And then, it suddenly came to her.

Long ago, when she received the VR device and VR treadmill from Lee Da-ram.

Unlike when she used a guest account in the VR Room, she had to create a new account, where Fiore kindly displayed a personal settings screen for beginners.

But even there, it doesn’t say to touch the correction level. It just shows the highlighted settings menu. Moon Si-hyun had fiddled with the settings to suit her convenience.

Tilting her finger left would also tilt the settings gauge left, and the opposite would happen too.

It was an extremely familiar motion for someone playing VR games. But to Moon Si-hyun, who had never had such experiences, it felt very intriguing.

So she had gone in and tinkered with various things.

… And in doing so, the correction level became 0%.

The game had been uniquely intense and exhausting for some time. That pivotal moment had come at that point.

‘It’s different from the high-priced equipment in the VR Room.’

She thought, and at that time, Moon Si-hyun passed it off lightly.

She thought Fiore was a game where you get a little sweaty per match and sometimes need to take a short break… a truly sporty virtual reality game.


If she were to reveal this fact, she could obviously expect to be teased by the viewers.

“… This is strange. Why is this at 0%?”

Moon Si-hyun opened her mouth. Her voice felt unnatural.

She decided to bury that memory deep in her heart.

For a moment, while Moon Si-hyun was asking for permission and fiddling with the settings.

The Cactus was filling the audio by himself.

“Ah~ You all~ I’m now at 350 points~”



This idiot is being cocky.

Shut up, Cactus.

How many times has Moon Si-hyun caught the bus now?


“Hey, what bus are you talking about~! A major catastrophe awaits if I say it. I did what I had to do here. Only those who score over 350 can give advice from now on. I’ll have to declare a ban on advice. No, just let them advise me. I don’t fit in with these guys anyway.”

… As always, he insulted the viewers.

It was one of the secrets to the Cactus’s popularity but also one of the reasons he had many haters.

He really could nag like nobody’s business. Even outsiders would feel heated just from listening.

“Seriously, I’ll crush all the Master Tiers, whether physically or mentally. I mean it.”

Half sincere, half concept.

But really, the 350 points the Cactus scored this time are not somewhere just anyone can reach. That’s an undeniable fact, and the viewers’ insides were churning.

“No matter the tier, come out. I’ll beat them all in mirror matches. You know my character variety is huge.”

Just as Cactus was stepping forward and nagging the viewers.

[- Really?]

At that moment, Moon Si-hyun’s voice was heard.

The Cactus’s nagging stopped for a moment.

“Uh? Yes.”

[Then, could I possibly challenge you to a 1v1?]

“… Me?”


“… Why?”

[I’m curious to see how it feels to have the correction level at 50%.]

“… Can’t we just do it in Durang?”

[It wouldn’t be proper to create a burden for the team with unfamiliar settings. Please.]





As expected, politeness is Moon Si-hyun’s style!

Her stamina is good, huh?

Let’s see who actually has better stamina!

Let’s settle our debts in one minute!



Go, go, go, go, go, go!

The Master will win against everything, right, Cactus?

Don’t even dare back out!


The viewers cheered.

The Cactus was pushed into the arena like that.


The Cactus’s gray streaming screen.

The Cactus lay miserable on the floor as if he were now from his character’s viewpoint.

The reason for this was blatantly displayed on the top right of the streaming screen.


Cactus (Current Realm/Fighter): 0/19/0




He really can’t even lift a finger.

Seeing it from a victim’s perspective is really terrifying!

Even in a mirror match, they say he would win? LOL

Distance control is insane!


[Where are you, Cactus?]

Moon Si-hyun’s voice was heard. The Cactus had not moved for a while even after respawning.

For some reason, Cactus’s dried lips parted.

“Please… just stop…”

[Why? It still seems a bit unclear.]

Moon Si-hyun’s voice came through.

But the Cactus didn’t move.

“… No more…”

At that moment.

[Oh, there you are.]

As the Fighter sprinted over upon spotting him from beyond the wall, the Cactus’s heart dropped.


The Cactus pushed himself upright, but the Fighter’s kick slammed his head straight back onto the ground.

After dying five more times, the duel barely concluded with the Cactus’s heartfelt plea.

“… So are you going to set the correction level at 50%?”

A few minutes later, the Cactus finally regained his senses.

[No. I’m going to keep it at 0%.]


[Well, it just doesn’t feel like the old days. It’s a bit disappointing that my arms or legs won’t extend all the way, and it feels refreshing when I just jog even just a little bit, leading to full sprints.]

“… What was the point of me taking all those hits then?”


That was kinda pointless, LOL

Si-hyun’s the same way…


So why on earth did she bother getting beat up?



The Cactus hung his head low.

In many ways, it was a moment of facing the wall again.

[Still, it was fun, wasn’t it?]

But it was a pure voice with a hint of laughter in it, and the content was as pure as it was painful.

“… I’m sorry, but I’ll go to the bathroom for a bit.”

His stomach pain returned. The Cactus trudged back toward the bathroom.

Today, he was getting signals more often than usual.


Fist Over Legend Minor Gallery


– The real reason Moon Si-hyun’s no correction makes no sense.txt

To explain the correction level more accurately, including moving quickly…

Naturally, for the sake of the reclusive hikikomoris,

Even using a blade or swinging a fist, they would inflict damage more efficiently (damage varies with speed of swinging).

She did it all with no correction level.

It just means her motor skills are insane.

She’ll probably really go for Champ soon.

– For real.

ㄴ It’s like she hesitated for a second but suddenly got really good these days.

ㄴ She seems to have remarkable learning abilities.

– Just minus some occasional oddball behavior, and she’s really just incredibly good.

ㄴ The fact that when asked to explain she still says things like “ta-da-da-shoo” just shows… her instincts are just remarkable.

ㄴ For real, she’s soon at that Master level, doesn’t she?

ㄴ I really want to see her match with a pro.


– Moon Si-hyun’s actual imagined…jpg

Spec Summary

Movement correction level 0%

Master High-Ability Garbage Fighter One-Champ (means fists, legs, weaving are extraordinarily quick)

Can jog 5km easily without effort.

So then the question is…





(A photo of a tall, muscular kickboxer posing while wearing a bear doll costume)

Better avoid striking battles.


– What the hell is this picture even for?

– Then I guess I’ll have to trip Si-hyun and force a ground battle…

ㄴ Oh

ㄴ For real, if Si-hyun just trips once, a puffy dad bod like mine wins, right?

ㄴ And if I get caught, I get pregnant.

ㄴ Damn it, LOL


– Squirrel, Hu-ji clarification…CLIP

{My sister was the first one to teach me Fiore. Hehe… She was cute back then.

… What? She has no correction level?

Huh? Huh? I’m sure she had it when we played together before?

I don’t know lately. Ever since I got her VR, we’ve only played arcade games.

My sister said it’s a bit crowded in the VR Room; home games are better for her.

Maybe she accidentally touched something?}

– Hu-ji

{What? So you’re saying Si-hyun does it without correction?

No… Clearly back then, she was playing normally?

What did she buy for Si-hyun back then?

… I’m sorry.}

– This guy is so dumb his acquaintance explained, LMAO

– Wait, why is Hu-ji apologizing again? LMAO

ㄴ That’s just a meme now, whenever Moon Si-hyun shows up, they just hesitantly gasp, right?

ㄴ After kicking out the female spicy broth, it suddenly became lively.

ㄴ At least it’s good since things are going smoothly… I was creeped out watching Moon Si-hyun stomp around.

– What, is this how I have to explain things? LMAO

– He must have thought he was careful, haha.

ㄴ Seeing him suddenly murmur awkwardly, you can tell it’s 100% true.

ㄴ He probably thinks he’s really hiding it well, LOL

– Poor squirrel has had a tough time since her sister mistook something.


– Moon Si-hyun’s trait

(A clip of a High-Ability Person asking what a high-ability person is)

If there’s something she doesn’t know, she’ll ask all on her own.

But then

(A clip of her pretending to know correction levels from today)

“Wait, you don’t know this??”

She’ll suddenly get flustered and adamantly insist she’s known it all along.

What kind of person is she…

– For real…

– Moon knowledgeable here.

– LMAO Seeing her like this is so damn annoying.

ㄴ Annoyingly cute.

ㄴ For real.

– This is intriguing.

– I’m having dirty thoughts, but I should just keep them in my head.


– With such incredible stamina, can Moon Si-hyun do this in reality???

(The ultimate fan service of a popular streamer! An ultra-tight handshake event between thousands of followers! DKE-592)

Just like in this adult film,

Can she fully cater to the sexual inclinations of tens of thousands of followers in just one day??

– What the hell is this nonsense even doing here?

– This plan is insane for real.


– Absolutely possible.


– Wow, but Moon Si-hyun is super cool.

It’s just that she’s in a frame right now.

Her motor skills are insane.

At this point, I don’t even know if she’s dumb either.

Her speech is so mature.

– For real.

– Should we just admit she’s a High-Ability Person?

– She’s really cool though.

– At 21, she seems more like an older sister than the Cactus…

– For real, she probably has tea time as a hobby.

The Cactus had a not-so-good constitution.

He would often suffer from stomach pains, whether he was stressed or not.

But usually, it wasn’t this extreme.

Because his nervousness about collaborating with Moon Si-hyun was making him run to the toilet much more often today.

But cursedly following constipation always returned him to the stall. It was one of the pains in his life.

– However, this time, he returned from the bathroom, and his expression was unusually bright.

The Cactus came back with a clean face and donned the VR headset again.

“Hey, everybody. I’m going to tell you something amazing.”




What is it?


Then, muting Discord, he shaped his hand into a cave to ensure good microphone reception… and opened his mouth.

“I just had the best bowel movement ever. I just shot a wizard’s ultimate in the damn toilet.”


Damn it


You idiot





The Cactus laughed, twisting his body.

Watching the viewers squirm was the Cactus’s enjoyment.


But was it muted?

No, he didn’t mute it, idiot.


Moon Si-hyun heard everyone laughing, LMAO



Then, following the wanted reaction, ominous chats began to crawl up.

“… Is that real?”

He was sure he pressed mute. That’s how he remembered it.

But in this Discord known for its bugs.

Cactus thought, ‘No way’ and entered Discord again.

… And what he saw was his profile, not turning red.

That meant it hadn’t muted.

“Damn it!!!!”

The Cactus howled.



Silence fell afterward. It was because the two in the call had gone quiet.

The Cactus wanted to look good in front of Moon Si-hyun. He strongly felt it as they approached the end of today’s collaboration.

Moon Si-hyun is a nice person and an attractive woman.

But… he had just spilled his bowel movements to such a lady.

“Um, um, hello?”

He didn’t want to be hated. After carefully speaking, he strained his ears.

[…… …….! ……!]

And then suddenly, he heard some sound like someone desperately holding back laughter.


If he listened closely,

It sounded like a suppressed laugh.





Why are you laughing at this ridiculous joke, Si-hyun?


What are you, a kid? No, a kindergarten kid?


“… Hih… wait a minute. I’m not laughing… h-huh…”

The Virtual Model’s shoulders slightly shook, lowering her head while covering her mouth, showing clear signs of wanting to laugh.

A fact that no one knew about.

Even Moon Si-hyun herself didn’t know.

She was weak to such jokes.