Volume 7 Chapter 82: “The Rebel’s Intentions”

Volume 7: “The Country of Wolves”

Volume 7 Chapter 82: “The Rebel’s Intentions”

“That’s right—if I’m held captive, the movements of the Dracloy Territory can be restrained. You really did bring home a fine wife, Roswaal.”

“…Counting how many times I need to correct you is more trouble than it’s worth. Ram is my attendant!”

Given the situation, Roswaal bitterly wanted to bury his head in his hands at Selena’s unnaturally calm statement.

Two days ago, he had visited the Dracloy Territory, pleading for help in locating Subaru and Rem, who had gone missing in the Volakia Empire.

As a high-ranking Count with connections throughout the Empire, Selena was expected to provide him with valuable information regarding the ‘black-haired, black-eyed boy.’

There was a reasonable chance he would find this lead, given that Subaru was unlikely to remain quiet, no matter where he ended up.

So, this turn of events was both inevitable and unexpected in a way.

“Ram, I’ll ask just in case, but what’s the reason behind this outrageous act…?”

“—Natsumi Schwarz.”

“Of course, right?”

The name Ram had uttered was one Roswaal could not ignore.

It was a distress signal sent from Natsuki Subaru, isolated and without support after being transported to the Empire, to someone who understood its meaning—Roswaal and Ram quickly picked up on his intent.

His judgment revealed that he was present in a substantial way. As Subaru’s actions had no faults, the issue lay with the side that raised that signal for help.

As a result, Ram resorted to tactics that could be described as a surprise attack or outrageous method.

This led to Selena being cornered on a sofa with a staff thrust towards her. But this could not entirely be blamed on Ram going on a rampage.

The reason being—

“—The ‘Black-Haired Maiden,’ Natsumi Schwarz, is aiding the rebellion.”

“Strictly speaking, that’s a side note for Ram.”

“However, it is not so for Roswaal. And if it’s not for Roswaal, it must be something extremely crucial for you.”

Selena, with her actions restricted by Ram’s staff, saw her mental gears turning without slowing. Even while being physically restrained, she still understood the general situation.

—“Natsumi Schwarz” was a sort of alias adopted by Natsuki Subaru.

While it had a more complex meaning, one could certainly infer Subaru’s reasons for taking on that name in the Empire.

Roswaal wished to respect that will if possible—

“Could it be that you’re indeed on the rebel’s side…?”

Understanding the intent behind the alias was one thing, but the direction from which the smoke signal came was quite unexpected.

It was already a headache to have a rebellion erupt while they were in the midst of illegally crossing into the Empire, and it could be said that it had not just sprouted but had bloomed into a poisonous flower.

As always, with Subaru, things rarely fell into expectations, whether for better or worse.

“Ram, are you perhaps being negatively influenced by Subaru-kun?”

“That’s an affront. Not even a single breath of Balus has influenced Ram’s actions.”

“That’s precisely because the current situation is dependent on his movements, right?”

“Roswaal-sama, let’s talk with Selena-sama.”

As soon as matters turned inconvenient, she nonchalantly changed the subject and shifted the initiative back onto him.

Winking at her brazen verbal play, Roswaal turned back to face Selena again.

Currently, Roswaal and Ram had been summoned to her office and heard about the ‘Black-Haired Maiden’ from her own lips.

Since they had already communicated Subaru and Rem’s characteristics as sought-after individuals, she probably saw it as merely a seed of conversation focused on the ‘black hair’ aspect. However, that aspect held a weight they could not afford to overlook.

“Concerning the issues that arose in the castle city, I, too, must express some sort of intention as a high-ranking Count,” Selena asserted right before Ram moved to suppress.

Due to her bold nature, Selena had also neglected to have guards stationed in her office, which turned out to be a miscalculation.

Her personal soldiers stood by outside, oblivious to the tension within the room. Of course, the moment Selena raised her voice, they would come flooding in.

“In that case, I’d tear Selena to shreds.”

“Oh, how frightful. I can tell it’s not just a threat; it feels genuine. Roswaal, you—”

“Not as a companion, but as an attendant… Can we drop that conversation now? Rather, I want to make efforts to restore our relationship of three to a peaceful one.”

“That ‘we’ feels so gallant. The one who treated everything like it was someone else’s issue seems surprisingly determined to carry the problem as his own.”

Selena’s snickering caused Roswaal to sigh with one eye still closed.

Indeed, as she said, since this was all due to Ram’s blunder, they could not distance themselves from it. It was a matter not only of the relationship between master and attendant but also an emotional concern.

Also, while Ram’s actions were indeed rash, it could simultaneously be said to be an act of recklessness because she revered haste.

If Ram had not been holding Selena down—

“Your cherished ‘Flying Dragon Corps’ would swiftly burn up the rebellious elements.”


At those words from Roswaal, Selena Dracloy narrowed her eyes.

The ‘Flying Dragon Corps’ owned by the Count of Dracloy—this was the Empire’s foremost offensive force, which commanded many flying dragons and operated freely.

Originally, those who held the exceptional technique of taming flying dragons, known as ‘Flying Dragon Tamers,’ displayed overwhelming battle strength in warfare. Roswaal, capable of flight himself and typically overpowering nearly all opponents, knew that—dominating the aerial domain was the ultimate strategic move.

Thus, families with excellent flying dragon riders in the Volakia Empire found it easier to achieve war results.

The Dracloy family had excelled in this direction since before the last generation, and under Selena Dracloy’s leadership, they were said to have the strongest ‘Flying Dragon Corps.’

If she were to command the Flying Dragon Corps seriously, no ordinary rebellion would pose a threat.

“Unexpectedly, after the signal arose for your sought individuals to be among the rebels, you can’t let my forces move, can you? However, are we to merely glare at one another indefinitely? How will you cooperate?”

“Selena-sama, what of your family?”

“Searching for relatives would be meaningless. Since being snubbed by Roswaal, there’ve been no good prospects.”


“Don’t take jokes seriously. After all, nobles from the Kingdom and Empire can’t be considered likely due to their adversarial relationships, right? Now isn’t the time for Selena to be jesting.”

Regardless of the relationship between Roswaal and Selena, Ram was not one to be patient in this situation.

While it was not apparent at first sight, Ram was deeply regretting the events at the Pleiades Watchtower. She blamed herself for losing track of Subaru and Rem and ending up separated.

It was undeniable that her drastic actions were driven by this anxiety.

“Let’s aim for a smooth landing without needlessly provoking Ram.”

“A smooth landing, you say? Then, what specifically do you desire?”


“No fool sends out flying dragons without a purpose. They are costly in terms of fuel and riders are precious. Don’t be reckless. Do you understand my efforts?”

With one hand propping up her chin, Selena looked at Roswaal in a testing manner.

Given the possibility of Subaru’s involvement with the rebels, it was highly likely that Rem was also caught up in it. It was understandable that Ram had made a snap decision. Blaming the decision now would be pointless since time couldn’t be rewound.

Were it her will, she could harm Selena and exploit the confusion to escape her territory.

However, that would mean abandoning the original objective and merely inviting more enemies. Although strength was paramount in the Empire, the soldiers were not foolish enough to rejoice from a surprise attack that takes down their leader.

Weakening the Dracloy Count’s power, which possesses the ‘Flying Dragon Corps,’ might be welcomed by the rebels, but whether that act would balance with the life of an old friend was also an open question for Roswaal.

Of course, for a necessary sacrifice in pursuit of his long-held aspirations, Roswaal would not hesitate to take Selena’s life.

However, if it was unnecessary sacrifice, he would not willingly offer it.

Thus, the words Roswaal would extend to Selena were—

“How about joining us in aiding the rebel army?”


“Then, the friction between you and us would be resolved. If our objectives align, there would be no reason for Ram to point her staff at you. We could all come to an agreement.”

Selena’s eyes widened in shock at Roswaal’s proclamation as she held her hands at her chest.

The feelings that flickered in her eyes were surprise, disbelief, and a touch of curiosity. In that sense, he had not made a completely off-base remark—he had intrigued her.

Encouraged by that, Roswaal sought to clarify their relationship.

“While you say ‘a resolution,’ that’s only within this room. What awaits beyond your invitation is an entanglement in an insurrection. My territory has received protection from the Emperor; why should I needlessly escalate matters without benefit—”

“—I have no dissatisfaction with the Emperor. Are you really so sure?”

Methodically, Selena spoke to defend her foundation. Yet, Roswaal cut her off midway, staring straight into her eyes.

Given that she was a high-ranking Countess of the Empire, she appeared grand and unyielding, but she also knew how to manipulate matters behind the scenes. That’s why this conversation needed to be conducted with a firm gaze.

“When talking to someone, make sure to look them in the face!”

For a moment, those words crossed Roswaal’s mind.

Unexpectedly, feeling pushed by those words—

“I haven’t spent the last two days idling here. While you’ve been busy, I’ve kept my ears open.”

“You mean to say, instead of drinking until dawn, you’ve been eavesdropping?”

“I recommend you to change your lifestyle if you maintain that amount of work and nightlife as a habit.”

While there was a difference in conditions between receiving guests and everyday affairs, that concern for Selena’s liver was merely a side note as Roswaal unveiled the results of his eavesdropping. The secret affairs being quietly sheltered in the Dracloy Territory were—

“—I’ve heard whispers about the assassination attempt two years ago, rumored to involve the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ and how it has cast a long shadow.”


“I’ve been told that the executioner of that incident, one of the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ who lost their life, was a ‘Flying Dragon Rider’… and that it was a person from your retinue. Their name is…”

“—Balroi Temegurif.”

In a low, calm voice, Selena cut off Roswaal.

She rested her chin on her hand, her previous eagerness vanishing like a mirage, replaced by a calm stillness reminiscent of a windless lake.

Maintaining that serene gaze, she looked back at Ram, who stood diagonally behind Roswaal.

“Put down your staff, Ram. We can talk without it.”


“Ram, it’s as she said. Selena doesn’t misspeak.”

As Roswaal gestured for silence, Ram reluctantly lowered her staff.

Of course, it was easy for her to rearm herself, but Selena didn’t mind that caution. She simply turned her face towards the window, gazing at the scenery—no, the sky above.

The flying dragons were flapping their wings, free to soar.

“Do you think this sky is freedom?”

“…By your tone, it doesn’t seem that way.”

“The Empire owns every drop of water, every grain of soil, every breath of air—even the blood and flesh of its people, including this sky. —Who spilled the beans?”

“It’s hard to pinpoint just one. After all, it’s a collective sentiment.”

Shrugging, Roswaal replied, and Selena nodded in acknowledgment.

The name she mentioned—Balroi Temegurif—was once one of the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ involved in the Emperor’s assassination attempt two years ago in the Imperial Capital.

Originally, he was an individual Selena had highly valued in the Dracloy Territory. He had shown remarkable skill and exceptional control over flying dragons, ascending to the rank of General by sheer merit.

Naturally, Balroi’s betrayal and facing the Emperor diminished Selena’s standing.

Although she hadn’t been stripped of her title as a Countess, her reputation had slipped among the Imperial Capital’s elite. The hopes for her ‘Flying Dragon Corps’ had dissipated, and she had been denied the opportunity for any comeback.

And to top it off, the successor to Balroi among the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ was—

“—‘Flying Dragon General’ Madelin Eshault. What a spiteful appointment.”

“Without military experience, someone who rose to General status on the Prime Minister’s recommendation, and supposedly a dragonkin to boot. Comparing a dragonkin who can manipulate dragons without the secret art of ‘Flying Dragon Tamers’ to a rider who has to painstakingly train their dragon sounds like a joke.”

“That means your standing as Selena, with the ‘Flying Dragon Corps,’ is in jeopardy.”

“Don’t underestimate my Flying Dragon Corps. The notion that riders are unnecessary has its pros and cons. Certainly, it saves on training, but a dragon without a rider must rely on instincts alone in battle. In contrast, a flying dragon rider comprehends strategy and tactics.”


“Though, I hear that particular dragonkin crushes it through sheer numbers.”

The secret art of the Volakia Empire, ‘Flying Dragon Taming’—the intricate method of controlling flying dragons, known for their savage and untrusting nature, was something even Roswaal hadn’t fully grasped. However, it was said that taming a single dragon required the dedicated efforts of a skilled rider.

Essentially, a dragon rider must pair with a dragon.

On the other hand, the existence of a ‘Flying Dragon General’ capable of commanding countless flying dragons without delay would be a nemesis to Selena’s strengths with her ‘Flying Dragon Corps.’

“Balroi was my trusted aide for a long time. If he defied the Emperor and even drew a spear against him, it’s a given that I would be implicated. However—”

“Whether or not you will accept that humiliation is another question.”

“—You always cheekily probe my insides with your words.”

“Forgive me.”

Ram issued an unassuming apology with a flat tone, prompting Selena to release a deep sigh.

Selena did not deny the assertions made by Roswaal and Ram. The very moment she commanded Ram to lower her staff, she made a certain resolution.

It spoke not of divulging secrets out of fear but indicated her tendency to engage on equal terms.

In other words—

“—I intended to remain peaceful while you are here, you know?”

Saying this, Selena Dracloy touched her pale scar and grinned fiercely.

The wild energy from her smile was reminiscent of the ambitious face Roswaal had seen in her younger days before she snatched the family headship from her father.

However, this time, the receiver of her smile was not a deluded father witnessing his daughter usurp his trust, but rather a formidable presence governing the vast Empire—

“—So, Selena, you are…”

Upon seeing that grin, Roswaal finally realized his misunderstood assumptions.

He thought that by clarifying the standing of the Dracloy Territory, he could divert Selena’s thoughts away from the direction of the rebels due to Ram’s impulsive decisions. That misunderstanding was a grave error.

There was no need to guide her towards siding with the rebels.

The uprising that involved the ‘Black-Haired Maiden’ was merely a catalyst for her. Selena had already established her position and had shown consideration towards Roswaal and the others.

In ignorance, they had barged in with muddy shoes towards the enemy’s encampment, unmindful of the fact that the magic stone had already ignited, and they proceeded to pour in additional mana.

In other words—

“I exerted as much caution as possible, so you can hate having married such a thoughtful bride this time. Or perhaps, you will curse having declined my proposal instead.”


“Do not worry. If your identity is revealed, suspicions of colluding with the Kingdom will arise. At that point, a two-front offensive would be madness. If you’re going to do it, let’s fight in a worthwhile battle.”

The balance of power shifted between Roswaal and Selena as she seized the initiative in the conversation.

Since their interests overlapped, Roswaal and Ram had no reason to bring harm to Selena. On the other hand, Selena had the opportunity to bend Roswaal and his entourage to her will.

“Roswaal-sama, perhaps…”

“Ah, indeed, I have unwittingly stepped into the predator’s hunting ground—Selena, if we hadn’t brought it up ourselves…”

“In that case, I would have entertained you for a few days and helped you escape before the civil war erupted. But if an old friend invites me to fight together, I have no choice.”

“How shameless…”

Whether she had initially intended to cooperate with the rebellion or had some other course of action in mind remained uncertain. However, one thing was clear—Selena had already made up her mind to resist.

Whether that was borne from anger toward the Emperor’s cold actions or was related to the fact that her aide had lost his life, it remained a mystery.

There was one certain fact—

“Emperor Vincent Volakia, many harbor discontent with his peaceful reign. Once a fire ignites broadly, it will spread quickly.”

“…Do you have any leads on this fire?”

“Who knows? Aren’t you also familiar with a few leads?”

With a knowing smile, Selena seemed to possess hidden cards yet unknown to Roswaal.

Meanwhile, Roswaal could not ascertain how much force he could wield in this unfamiliar land, but it was clear that allowing trouble to fester would lead to serious consequences.

No matter what hardship he faced, he would find a way to navigate it. The question was whom he would meet in these hardships, how much he desired to save, and how far-reaching that influence would be.

Or perhaps—

“—Could it be possible for the entire Empire to ignite in flames, Subaru-kun?”

If that were to happen, how should Roswaal act?

Of course, in pursuit of his long-desired goals, he could not afford to lose the invaluable perspective of multiple allies and return to the Kingdom without them. Even disregarding that, he had made promises to Subaru.

Although it was a one-sided imposition, Subaru was not the type to renege on promises. It was hard for someone who had resolved to embody everyone’s future to allow any part of it to fall away.

Even without considering his pact with Roswaal, it wouldn’t sit well with him to abandon his efforts.

Thus, Roswaal needed to act only to reduce the chances of such a situation arising.

He merely had to ensure that Subaru realized it was not turning out as he had hoped.

“Well then, since Ram nearly put my life in danger, it has led to the dissolution of our misunderstandings. I think I’ll forget about work for today and pop open some celebratory drinks.”

“Coming from Ram, who threatened me with a staff, is that really alright?”

“We’ve cultivated a need for even stronger unity toward the same objective. Thus, we must drink to deepen our friendships. Given what we are up against, isn’t that the most natural course of action?”

Nonchalantly forgetting the earlier outrageous act, Selena was inviting Ram to drink with an air of calm.

In her cheerful demeanor, having cleared away the need for secrets, she appeared to be enjoying herself, leaving Ram somewhat bewildered.

Nonetheless, it was improbable that Selena would foolishly deceive Roswaal and his party, nor would she dare take such a shallow approach.

For if she were to so foolishly stuff the deck against them, she would endanger not only her combat power to achieve her goals but even her own life in return for the freedom Roswaal held in the Empire.

“Are you waiting for the flames to ignite? Or do you mean to become the kindling for it?”

“I know my position. There’s no need to rush; it’s not far off. —Or is it true that your leads have a nature of subtle stillness?”

“…That’s not the case.”

“Right? I feel the same way.”

Both of them likely conjured different imagery of ‘fire,’ but they appeared to share a similar impression of their respective leads.

With this shared sentiment, Roswaal folded his arms in contemplation. Meanwhile, Selena approached her decorative shelf and began selecting from the drinks, opening a bottle.

“Roswaal-sama, regarding the castle city…”

“Position-wise, Emilia-sama’s group coming from the east is closer. That rumor will surely reach them as well, and they will act accordingly if they can coordinate with you. Of course, I understand that must be frustrating for you.”


Shaking her head, Ram answered while suppressing the impatience roiling within her.

Deep down, she must have hoped for a quick reunion with Rem. With rumors about Subaru circulating in the castle city, the chances of finding Rem there were highest.

However, even if Roswaal utilized his flying magic, she feared the potential backlash of failure.

Searching for people in a vast Empire requires a measure of stoic rationality.

“For that reason, let’s wait. Just as she said, until the flames rise.”


With only a touch of hesitation and lingering uncertainty, Ram nodded resolutely.

—A few days later, as Selena Dracloy had referred to it, the ‘flames’ would ignite.

The rebels, led by the child of Emperor Vincent Volakia, surged forward, and their momentum quickly spread across the entire Empire, rippling through the rebel forces in various regions.

Notably, the first to declare their alliance with the rebellion was none other than the Countess Dracloy herself, standing proudly alongside a handsome stranger and a delicate attendant.