Volume 7 Chapter 81: “The Heroine and the Jester”


Volume 7: “The Land of Wolves”

Volume 7 Chapter 81: “The Heroine and the Jester”

 ――Under the reign of Vincent Volakia, the current emperor of the **Holy Volakia Empire**, the empire found itself in an unprecedented era of peace since its founding.

 While there were small skirmishes here and there, the kind of situation where thousands would clash was barely a memory, save for Yorna Mishigure’s rebellion.

 Of course, there were no internal strife or territory disputes with other nations, a stalemate that persisted between Lugnica Kingdom and our kingdom.

 It’s easy to say that the times were on our side, but thinking that way disregards all the labor that went into maintaining this peace.

 First of all, is it really an achievement that can be accomplished simply because the times are favorable?

 In a realm where conflicts and reasons for conflicts persisted, for nine years in his reign, to avoid any war—such an act may be likened to cooking over a fire while standing on thin ice.

 Yet, that was precisely the emperor’s prowess known as Vincent Volakia, who was even called a “Pacifist.”

 More importantly――

“――I doubt you feel very pleased to be called a ‘Pacifist,’ my lord.”

“Really? Regardless of the merits of my actions, I doubt I’d feel bad about my deeds being recognized. After all, the stability of my nation is what I wish for, right?”

“If that’s the case, do you take pride in being called a ‘Subhuman Enthusiast’?”

“No doubt about it. In the first place, I was the one who spread that name myself!”

“Goodness, it seems I picked the wrong person to illustrate my point. Lately, most of my old friends visiting me have been unusual characters. Thanks to that, I’m never bored!”

With that said, she swept her bangs off her forehead, revealing a wild smile on her beautiful face, her green eyes narrowing.

She was tall and slender, her body crafted with fluid elegance.

Her long limbs bore smooth skin and feminine curves, dressed in an outfit akin to a commercial ship crew member, with a scimitar resting in its sheath next to her fancy chair. The warrior-like aura emanating from her was proof that this was no mere decoration, but a practical weapon.

Most strikingly was the large white scar on her left cheek, stretching from her forehead to her chin.

It caught the eye and was unforgettable after just one glance.

Yet, even with that mark, this person gave off a beautiful impression to others—she was known as the “Burning Duke,” and that was the name and title of the heroic figure before me, **Selena Dracloy**, one of the greatest nobles of the **Holy Volakia Empire**.

Conversely, for Roswaal facing her, she was a friend with whom he had exchanged correspondence, before this chaotic situation arose.

“Of course, if you take me calling you an old friend at face value,”

“Whether we’re friends or not, I don’t plan to play petty games over such matters. First of all, as a Count, it’s all about negotiating benefits no matter who you meet. Sometimes, I just want to engage in idle chit-chat without those considerations. Is that too much to ask?”

“I wouldn’t call it too much to ask, but that makes me feel compassionate hearing your sorrowful plea.”

Roswaal chuckled softly as he picked up a cup from the table and savored the pleasant aroma of his tea. The fragrant warmth danced on his tongue. Unfortunately for Roswaal, he could not extract more than mere information regarding food and drink.

Not being able to taste anything from food or drink was the burden he had to bear to reach the present moment, a part of the price he had to pay.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t fitting for him to express no gratitude for the hospitality shown.

Thus, he cast a glance at the short figure seated next to him. That figure, having likely enjoyed the tea in his stead, exhaled softly,

“The tea leaves are quite lifeless. I’d recommend changing the serving staff.”

Narrowing her sharp crimson eyes, she delivered a cutting remark on the tea’s quality.

With her words lacking mercy or restraint, Roswaal squinted one eye, while the person he had just spoken to chuckled cheerily.

“Quite frank, aren’t you? Maybe changing the staff is in order.”

“Yes, it’s terribly disrespectful to the tea leaves.”

“In fact, everyone in the household has been busy, and I brewed this tea myself.”

“Is that so? In that case, I think it’s best you never do it again.”

“Such a straightforward girl, I take a liking to that. Is this not a great lady I’ve married?”

With a smile revealing her teeth, Selena mischievously glanced at Roswaal.

As it turned out, she was a woman whose generous spirit would grant leniency toward impropriety or rudeness. Though a high-ranking noble, she didn’t possess the traits of one who clung to authority.

Such was her way of thinking and being, remaining unchanged since their first encounter.

“Nevertheless, we’re not dealing with someone who can’t differentiate between rudeness and insult. They merely understood the razor-thin comedic vein present, so restrain your tongue, Ram.”

“Understood, my master.”

“――Selena, let me correct you; she is my attendant, not my wife.”

“I see, so ‘Subhuman Enthusiast’ hasn’t finally been caught. Even if relations between our two nations are fraught with tension, I thought it was a bit cold not to receive an invitation for the ceremony.”

Accepting the remark calmly, Ram closed the distance, leading Roswaal to sigh. He felt that Selena’s answer was subtly off from Roswaal’s intent.

However, he understood that digging deeper into these matters would put him at a disadvantage, a lesson learned from experiences over time. Therefore, he refrained from delving any further.


“I must say, I was surprised. I heard you and Lord Roswaal were on such friendly terms.”

“Is it really acceptable to say that? I doubt ‘friendship’ is the right term for a relationship that can have years without contact. Yet, you show up unannounced in this hectic atmosphere… If it gets too rude, I might want to burn you alive like my father would!”

“Selena, that kind of joke isn’t as amusing to those outside this empire.”

“Hmm? Oh really? It’s a classic among the social circles; I usually make a room full of people laugh with it.”

Ram inadvertently reacted to the words that playfully mocked a chapter from Selena’s family’s inheritance struggle—since she actually burned her father to take over the Dracloy family.

That scar on her cheek was supposedly received before killing her father. The courage to make light of such things, and the nature of the empire that laughs it off, made one ponder.

Roswaal met Selena when she was still in her teens—she had come to Lugnica Kingdom on business and had endeavored to resolve a dispute that arose there.

In short, he saved Selena’s life when assassins targeted her, unearthing that her own father had sent the killers, establishing an unexpectedly deep connection with the Dracloy family.

Nonetheless, that harrowing experience hadn’t changed Selena’s personality; her fierce, flame-like disposition was intrinsic to who she was.

“It is true I wish to indulge in the social dance and reminisce about old tales, but… as you may have guessed, my unannounced visit has its reasons.”

While bantering with an old friend was enticing, the fulfillment of Roswaal’s important goal was paramount.

Roswaal’s life revolved around that one wish deeply buried in the corner of his heart. Therefore, his visit to the empire was also a means to that desire, even in little actions such as blinking and breathing.


Currently, Roswaal and Ram had parted from Emilia and were visiting the territory of **Selena Dracloy**, located in the northwest of the empire to meet the lord herself.

The purpose of their visit was nothing less than securing Subaru and Rem, who had gone missing after vanishing from the **Pleiades Watchtower** and presumably flown far into the empire—Roswaal wouldn’t have voiced his preference to simply secure Subaru, for that would be foolish.

In any case, the plan was to bring their missing companions back to the kingdom. This journey was entirely for that purpose.

However, even saying it was just to bring them back belied the complexities of the situation.

Crossing in and out of the four great nations outside of Lugnica was difficult for various reasons. While the Kararagi City-State had its challenges needing connections and vast riches, the Gusteco Holy Kingdom, if approached correctly with respect to timing and faith, could permit an understandable arrangement.

In that aspect, the problematic nature of the empire where Lugnica simply didn’t get along was outstandingly taxing.

Historically, the relationship between Lugnica and the **Volakia Empire** was long and sour. Even now, a miraculous non-aggression treaty had been established, though how trustworthy it truly was was questionable.

The established treaty, far from being a sign of friendly relations, was merely a warning—attention inward on both sides, so as not to meddle unnecessarily.

It seemed likely that the recent border closure and the background of the non-aggression treaty were correlated in some manner.

Or perhaps――

“――Could the great upheaval threatening the imperial capital be a scheme of a faction aimed at scrapping the non-aggression treaty? There’s a limit to being suspicious. Such thoughts are uncharacteristic of a person from the kingdom.”

Hitting the nail on the head of his thoughts, Selena narrowed her green eyes keenly.

This heroine, though approachable and her tea-making skills devastatingly poor, was not one to be underestimated; such was the keen insight of someone entrusted with the upper noble title in the empire.

The imperialistic ethos differing from that of the kingdom meant ability, age, or background mattered not. Systematically, those with merit would rise to higher standings.

Thus, **Selena Dracloy** gained and maintained her status as an upper noble.

Selena’s earlier observation was one Roswaal had been pondering, already harboring that possibility in his heart.

By the time Roswaal and company entered the empire, the embers of rebellion had already begun to smoke. Though until now, they had been extinguishing signs with no success.

If it led to a serious rebellion, there would undoubtedly be a righteous cause behind it.

That cause would be――

“――A territorial war with **Lugnica Kingdom** may be in sight.”

Pointing out the suspicions, Ram placed a hand on her lap, speaking softly.

Selena’s gaze narrowed toward the bold heroine, who responded with soft crimson eyes, meeting her challenge straight on.

“With Emperor Vincent Volakia’s reign threatened, there have to be those who do not wish for the manufactured peace. If such a person seeks to shatter the peace, what are they after afterward? It’s only natural to think that is **Lugnica Kingdom**.”

“Is that so? Some may rebel simply because they despise the presence of someone mightier than them. The ringleader who drew a blade on me last year was just that kind.”

“Let’s set aside those special cases.”

“That’s not so unique, but true, it does veer off-topic.”

Tracing her finger along the outline of her pretty jaw, **Selena** contemplated Ram’s opinion.

Roswaal, having chosen not to interject, found no points on which correction was needed. Although they had never discussed this pressing matter, he was unsurprised that Ram carried the same concerns.


“Selena, you wouldn’t want a war with **Lugnica Kingdom** either. Of course, if you are seething with an anger that makes you want to rebel against the emperor, that’s another story.”

“Fortunately, I harbor no dissatisfaction toward a merit-based system, my lord. Though I might be affected by General Yorna’s occasional tantrums, I am simply a noble with land away from the magic city. But…”


“Your comment about not wanting a war with the kingdom—is that based on some expectation? If you say we would be at a disadvantage, that winds up stirring the winds in my heart.”

While loosening her lips, the mix of tension glimmered in her eyes as she stared.

It was a show of pride in response to Roswaal’s words. For someone called the “Burning Duke,” keeping her position as an upper noble through her actual abilities, being underestimated was intolerable.

It was worlds apart from Ram’s remarks about the tea.

While **Selena** didn’t pour her heart and soul into the tea, she devoted those sentiments to her family name.

“What’s the matter, Roswaal? Is it a misunderstanding on my part? Or was it something you mistakenly said?”


With **Selena** cornering him with her inquiries while he met her verdant gaze, Roswaal noticed Ram glancing at him sideways.

Given how the atmosphere shifted, she might’ve picked up on the potential discomfort behind his response.

If that were to offend **Selena**, it would make it exceedingly difficult for Roswaal and company to act in the empire. It wasn’t just about losing backing and supporters—**Selena** was well aware of Roswaal’s identity.

Taking those facts into account, along with **Selena’s** character and humanity, Roswaal concluded that his best course of action here was――

“Sorry if I caused a misunderstanding. Let me clarify. If a war breaks out with the kingdom, a lot of unnecessary blood will be shed, that includes the empire’s.”


Roswaal answered calmly, causing **Selena**’s eyebrows to raise slightly.

The white scar on her face quivered as her pupils subtly narrowed. The momentum had yet to ignite a strong emotional response, but it was a precarious moment.

However, Roswaal had already decided on what to say next. He didn’t intend to fool her or offer any empty platitudes.

If a war erupted between the kingdom and the empire, much blood would flow on the imperial side.

That underlying conviction was――

“After all, the kingdom has the ‘Sword Saint’ Reinhardt Van Astraea. Any imperial soldiers crossing the border would become a bloody river.”

“Hey, hey, now that’s an ace in the hole!”

“Even if it’s an ace, as long as it exists, it has to be considered on the table for discussion. It’s indeed a trump card that would shatter a debate. Still…”

With that, Roswaal paused for a moment, then began to close one eye while keeping his blue eye open.

“This ace of mine won’t hesitate to be played first.”

Normally, you’d want to save your trump cards for later, but this was not the case for the “Sword Saint.” The first move was the most effective, and the returns would also be great.

Above all, he himself was happy to take on that role.

“This is troubling. I can’t even indulge in proper thought experiments without being thwarted,”

Suddenly, Selena eased the previous tension, slouching comfortably into her chair. Like a child sulking, she pouted her lips.

“I can only hear rumors while being within the empire… From your perspective, is the ‘Sword Saint’ truly an abnormal monster?”

“While the previous ‘Sword Saints’ had some charm to them, the current one is perfectly accurate. Unless you’ve seen him, it’s hard to grasp.”

“It seems as if you’ve seen all the previous ‘Sword Saints.’ But, oh…”

With a wry smile from Roswaal’s reply, **Selena** knitted her shapely brow.

She trusted Roswaal wouldn’t fabricate such things based on their lengthy acquaintance, putting careful thought into it.

Yet, not all citizens of the empire shared such good judgment.

“Overestimating one’s own power or underestimating the ‘Sword Saint’s’ abilities would lead to tragedy. Thus, I’m compelled to stir a headwind within your mind. I advise against engaging in battle.”


“Besides, should a war break out with the kingdom, I’ll step in as well. Care for an example? An unmerciful magic attack from a great height, one you have no chance to counter.”

Shrugging playfully, Roswaal noted his strategic prowess was also formidable.

While he might not be the ‘Sword Saint,’ merely wielding magic while in flight could annihilate thousands of rabble. If he chose a suitable battlefield, he could single-handedly turn the tide.

“That much I can easily believe, unlike the ‘Sword Saint.’ I’ve seen a glimpse of it with my own eyes.”

“That was over ten years ago. Now, I could show you a much more polished form of magic.”

“What an unfathomable fellow. Although, with great power comes fitting shackles. You can’t be free to act at your leisure in the empire, can you?”


It was now Roswaal’s turn to feel a bit trapped.

Indeed, if he were to execute the tactics just discussed, he could rain magic down from lofty heights, turning the empire into scorched earth until his mana ran dry.

However, being able to pull off such acts with magic was something only Roswaal could do in this wide world. Even if he held back a little, it would be the same.

Demonstrating superior magical prowess in the **Volakia Empire** was akin to revealing his true identity.

For that reason, in this visit to the empire, Roswaal had to refrain from any flashy behavior.

Similar rules and restrictions were placed on Emilia, who was acting separately.

“At least in their case, they might easily forget in a fit of anger.”

“Well, the kids accompanying them would make a good control factor. I shouldn’t worry too much; after all, Garfiel should be able to restrain them.”

In the first place, if she couldn’t trust that, she wouldn’t have taken the risk to act independently.

It was the very reason Roswaal felt confident enough to give them autonomy. Should he use the word ‘trust,’ Otto and Petra would surely make unpleasant faces.

“――It seems you’re not the only ones entering the empire during these turbulent times?”

Alongside their exchange, **Selena** sat upright from her slouched position. Receiving their gazes, she traced the scar on her cheek with her fingers.

“Looking for something… no, someone. It seems to be quite important to you two.”

“Even to my acquaintance, that’s a hard way to put it,”

“Yet your actions speak volumes. Had it been otherwise, you wouldn’t dare cross the sealed borders into **Volakia**. Unless it’s destiny, of course.”

Narrowing her eyes subtly, **Selena** murmured softly.

Roswaal felt a strange impression at her words, finding it odd. However, it was quicker for Ram to nod and reply, “Yes, there’s someone we want to bring back. For Ram, they’re equivalent to her life.”


“Even if I hide or downplay it, it wouldn’t work on this person.”

Having pointed out such a revealing detail, Ram was reprimanded by Roswaal, but when retaliated against, he couldn’t muster a rebuttal.

When actions themselves serve as answers, it was exactly true.

“Regardless, there’s a better way to reveal a weakness than what you just did.”

“Don’t blame Ram. She’s an earnest girl. More surprising is learning you were reckless for this important person. She must be quite dear to you.”

“Yes, there’s no substitute for Ram.”

“True in that regard, but the phrasing is a tad concerning.”

The one who wants the one they wish to bring back varies between Roswaal and Ram. Yet, that seemed to have created confusion for **Selena**.

Since they intended to gain assistance, they could share detailed information regarding the person they were searching for later.

“――In any case, I now understand why you advised against starting a war.”

Bringing the discussion back around to Roswaal’s warning, **Selena’s** expression suddenly hardened. Observing the rise in tension on Roswaal and Ram’s faces, she continued with a thoughtful glimmer in her eyes, “However, unlike me listening to your good advice, I can’t guarantee the attitudes of other citizens of the empire. Even if they say that fighting the ‘Sword Saint’ holds no chance of victory, many would only react in rage.”

“That disparity is precisely where the difference lies with the ‘Sword Saint’s’ prowess regarding the kingdom, right?”

“Indeed. In the kingdom, just seeing **Reinhardt Van Astraea** at a glance would require no further explanation.”

With treaties among the four great nations in effect, it was prohibitive for **Reinhardt** to leave **Lugnica Kingdom**, leaving the people of other nations with hardly any chances to set their eyes upon him.

If such opportunities existed, convoluted persuasion could be avoided altogether.

――Once someone glimpsed the ‘Sword Saint’ **Reinhardt Van Astraea**, they would immediately sense how foolish it was to oppose him.

Only the madmen living outside the reasonable realm would remain unconvinced.

“Having it all laid out so earnestly, I can only wish that you do manage to quell the rebellion uneventfully or that the rebels have a degree of reason.”

The rebellion that has already occurred, the goals they sought were the crux of the matter.

If the rebels possessed reasonable thoughts and held no reckless ambitions to clash with the kingdom, it would indeed prevent Roswaal’s warnings of war between the two nations, and the excessive bloodshed.

Certainly, it’d be best if the emperor could firmly quell the rebellion.

“Regardless of how this civil strife is resolved, I’ll have no room for it to turn toward **Lugnica**. A dispute with the empire isn’t an event within my plans.”

――Roswaal’s actions were all intended to pave the way to fulfill that ultimate dream.

Thus, even the encounter with **Selena** in the empire was no exception.

Gaining her assistance to bring Subaru back was part of that grand design, as was persuading her of the futility in warring with the kingdom.

Subaru’s presence was indispensable to Roswaal’s ambitions. Moreover, a conflict with the **Volakia Empire** would be nowhere on the path he was meant to follow. Engaging in a war between the kingdom and the empire was out of the question.

Until the day of the *”Dragon Pact”* arrived, and the kingdom’s alliance with the dragons was renewed, no hindrance should cross their path.

Issues that might disrupt the royal selection must be dealt with.

For that reason――

“――I expect the emperor to swiftly quell the rebellion so we can prolong this unprecedented peace in the **Volakia Empire** since its foundation.”

“Hmm? That mischievous face, it’s been a while since I saw it. Are you up to something foul?”

Upon hearing Roswaal’s words, **Selena** raised a curious brow, clearly intrigued.

Though he noticed that he didn’t recognize a wicked demeanor in himself, if she said so, there must have been some truth to it. Regardless, Roswaal’s thoughts shouldn’t contradict **Selena’s** intentions.

She too, being one of the empire’s nobles, wouldn’t view a rebellion that unfolded around her as a personal affair. Naturally, she should side with the emperor.

“Lady Dracloy,”

In the midst of that thought, Ram suddenly addressed **Selena**.

At that, **Selena** turned her eyes toward Ram.

“May I have a moment?”

“Ah, that’s fine. But please, drop the title of Lady Dracloy. I wish to have a casual chat… please just call me **Selena**.”

“Well, then, it’s ‘Lady Selena.’――You and Lord Roswaal seem quite friendly indeed.”


Staring intently at Ram’s newly adopted form of address, **Selena**’s eyes widened before she quickly sported a playful smirk, nodding affirmatively.

Roswaal had a bad premonition about what was happening.

“It seems you’re curious about how I came to know this man. You two seem to have known each other for some time too, but…”

“It’s been exactly ten years.”

“In that case, I’ve known him longer! Ram, do you drink?”

“Not nearly as much as tea, but I’m not a light drinker.”


Clapping her hands in delight, **Selena** smiled at Ram.

It appeared they were about to take off into reminiscing over drinks—a winding path back to when he was young and foolish.

“**Selena**, while I appreciate the invitation, we do have urgent matters to attend to regarding that subject—”

“You wish to borrow my strength for that, don’t you? Then naturally, you should not upset my mood. If we’ve just reconnected after a while, it would be rude not to drink with me.”


Facing **Selena’s** stubbornness and her unwillingness to listen, Roswaal looked to Ram.

Having come to the empire to retrieve Rem, much like how he wished to get Subaru back, he figured Ram, sincere as she was during **Selena’s** inquiry, could snap her back to meaningful discussions when she got wound up in drinking tales.


“Leave **Balus** aside, but for **Rem**’s sake, I think it wouldn’t be wise to refuse Lady Selena’s offer.”

“Is that really the only reason?”

“Of course, if I can hear stories of Lord Roswaal before he met you two, it’d be a brilliant strategy to indulge in such tales.”

Confidently blending purpose and benefit, Ram showed no remorse.

And while it pained Roswaal, the compatibility between Ram and **Selena** was exceedingly good. Surely, they’d share a lively conversation with drinks flowing freely.

This meant that Roswaal was bracing himself for a time of headaches.

“In a way, perhaps I ought to view this as a necessary expense.”

All of it was to swiftly achieve his goal and return to the kingdom.

He had prepared himself to pay a certain price upon visiting an old friend and asking for help. That it came in this shape was unexpected.

“By the way, another guest has just left right as you two were arriving; they were quite the lively character.”

“Were you close to them.”

“Strictly speaking, my acquaintance was with that guest’s husband, but yes. He should be back shortly, then I’ll introduce you. But for now――”

Standing up, **Selena** headed for a display cabinet in the corner of the room. When she opened the door, a range of liquor bottles both large and small was revealed, showcasing her connoisseur tastes.

Choosing one from among them, she returned with three glasses in hand.

“The first time I met Roswaal was when I served as a representative for my father. I was targeted by an assassin in the kingdom I headed to… an act instigated by my father, yet I was saved from that predicament.”

“I see. Please continue.”

And thus, as the glasses clinked against each other, the drinks flowed, and the reminiscing began.

Interested Ram and the talkative **Selena** engaged delightfully as Roswaal resigned himself to feeling somewhat out of place, allowing himself to go along with what felt like necessary time.


All of it was for the sake of achieving that deep-rooted wish and reclaiming the necessary pieces.

――Roswaal’s designs went amiss, and he would be forced to engage deeper due to the empire’s civil strife, as the name of the black-haired maiden siding with the rebel army, **Natsumi Schwarz**, reached the **Dracloy** residence, and two days later, Ram would apprehend **Selena Dracloy**.
