Volume 7 Chapter 75: “I know”

Volume 7: “The Country of Wolves”

Volume 7 Chapter 75: “I know”

That desperate scene was far too mismatched with the cheerful smile and voice.

The kimono was in tatters, its remnants burned, and the left side of his face was charred black, yet Cecilis’s attitude remained unchanged, creating an abnormality that was overwhelming.

He wasn’t the only one. — Everyone who survived this island now was just as bizarre.

I had to be certain that all the decent humans were already dead.

Standing before me was Cecilis, followed closely by Todd, the murderous Arakia, and the infamous sinner, Subaru.

None of them were normal. They shamelessly continued living here.



“It seems like you had a pretty tough time as well. The lizardman is dead over there, and at this rate, the deer-girl and the rest of your friends are probably all wiped out as well.”


“Oh, could it be that you still haven’t accepted his death?”

Cecilis could read Subaru’s trembling eyes like an open book.

At that moment, anger surged within me. How could he pretend to understand me while being completely out of touch with Subaru’s feelings right now?

How could he insensitively claim that Hiaine was dead without considering how that would affect Subaru?

“Is he really dead, utterly and completely…? …But he has a nice death face, doesn’t he?”

“He… he’s dead, though…?”

“Do you think there’s a good or a bad way to die? That’s likely just a difference in perspective. If there’s a good way to live, then surely there’s a good way to die as well. Interfering on how one feels about that is just rude. The lizardman had a nice death. This face proves it.”


“A face that fulfilled its role in death, I want to be like that too.”

Cecilis prattled on, leaving Subaru speechless.

It wasn’t that he became tongue-tied; he simply found it meaningless. He didn’t want to see Hiaine’s death face, and he could hardly fathom understanding Cecilis.

Thus, there was no reason for him to entertain Cecilis’s words.

“Well, while we’re at it, I happen to be a bit busy myself. I’m currently engaged in an epic duel with a half-naked woman rampaging around this island.”

Stretching his bent waist, Cecilis continued to speak freely.

It didn’t take much thought to realize that the person he referred to was Arakia.

Arakia, who had begun a massacre under Todd’s orders. The only and absolute weakness in Todd was his lack of overwhelming battle power, but teaming up with her erased that completely, turning her into the perfect embodiment of evil.

I hadn’t seen her since she turned the gladiator’s head into a water balloon, but it seemed that Cecilis was the one keeping her at bay.

Even if rotten, the one capable of stopping the “Nine Divine Generals” is still another member of the “Nine Divine Generals.”

“However, as you can see, I’m currently having a tough time here. Good grief, I’m surprised to find someone who can go toe-to-toe with me. I thought the path to the Heavenly Sword could only be climbed alone.”


“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Why… do you seem to be having fun…?”

In a situation literally squeezing the life out of him, simple frustration escaped from his lips.

Yes, it was mere venting. In this hellish situation, as Vaits, Tanzer, Idra, and Hiaine had all died, Cecilis’s laughter was infuriating.

How could he find amusement in this? What about this situation was even remotely funny?


“Oh, that’s where you’ve got it all wrong. I’m not laughing because I’m having fun; I’m having fun because I’m laughing—creating a situation where it feels enjoyable.”


“In this cruel world, everyone seeks to pursue their own ideals of happiness. The methods vary, and each has their own philosophy, but in any case, one must hold up appropriate convictions. And the conviction I uphold is precisely this way of being.”

As he spoke, Cecilis touched the burned, ruined flesh on the left side of his face with his right hand, the charred skin peeling away, yet his smile never faltered, despite the excruciating pain that must be beyond imagination.

Rather than resorting to the cheat of not feeling pain, Cecilis continued to smile.

“Being a star performer in this world! Instead of squirming up to the script, let’s draw the script closer to me. If you ask me why I laugh, I shall answer as such.”


“I laugh not for anyone else, but for myself. —So that I may feel no shame before the watchers in the sky, no matter when or how I am seen.”


“Now then, Bussu, what conviction will you uphold?”

With half his body burned, Cecilis did not lose his smile.

Though Subaru couldn’t comprehend it at all, he felt an inquisitive sense of belief, like a strange faith that made him hesitate to kick at it emotionally.

Cecilis had spoken similarly before about watchers.

It seemed as though he wanted to convey that someone, or something beyond this world was watching them.

Even in such a situation, he asserted it with conviction; no doubt it was something he would never waver on.


“Ah, looks like break time’s over.”

Saying that, when Arakia descended into the lower passage, Cecilis’s smile did not fade.

Wrapped in flames, Arakia was someone no gladiator could possibly match. However, the branch she held had broken, and the eye patch covering one of her eyes was gone.

Covering her left eye with her free hand, Arakia’s face, which often lacked emotion, twisted into a very complicated expression.


Gritting her teeth, she glared at Cecilis, her eyes swirling with rage and confusion.

Behind her, wings made of fire flared, vibrating as if linked to her emotions, burning and filling the passage with a blistering heat.

The smell of burning air filled the space as everything around her caught fire.

The walls, the floor, the candlesticks, the doors, and even Hiaine’s fallen corpse—


“Shall we burn here together and take revenge for that death face? Oh, that was quite uncharacteristic of me. Feel free to stay or leave as you please!”

Glancing at Hiaine’s body as it began to spark, Cecilis’s voice echoed down to Subaru, who had turned pale. Subaru braced himself on the floor, gradually pulling himself away from the now warming ground and stood up.

His head throbbed. His blood was low. He felt a crushing sense of powerlessness.

Yet, why was Subaru still standing? Why not give in to burning alive, or biting down on the “medicine” hidden in his molars?

“Then, let’s meet again on this shore.”

Not even knowing why he started running, Subaru turned his back on the flaming passage.

He ran, dragging his feet at such a slow pace.

He lamented that if he could move faster, maybe Idra, Hiaine, Vaits, or Tanzer wouldn’t have died.

Subaru continued to run, fleeing.

“Well, it seems Bussu has also gone.”


“Geez, it seems I’ve become quite disliked.”

As he felt the hesitant footsteps fading away, Cecilis smiled wryly, closing one eye.

He could sense the fury of the woman wrapped in flames glaring at him; he understood that her anger was directed at him, but he couldn’t quite gauge its source.

It didn’t feel as simple as just being angry because he was an enemy or because he had interfered with her killing gladiators.

There had to be deeper reasons.


“I have a talent for angering nearly everyone I meet, and this situation is no exception… but I don’t think I am at fault at all!”

“—You think this is a joke…!?”

“Oh? You think I’m joking? May I ask specifically what you find amusing?”

“That! That appearance, for one…!”

Glared at with those red eyes, she pointed out his appearance.

What could he say? It was she who had half-baked him.

“But I don’t think you mean it that way, do you? Could it be that you and I actually have some sort of connection?”

“You’re not joking!”

“I’m not, but without evidence to prove it, I can only insist. However, considering it that way, it strangely seems to fit!”

While saying this, Cecilis twirled the eye patch he had stolen from her during battle with his upright finger.

He couldn’t remember much before he started rampaging on Gladiator Island. It was true that he hadn’t paid much attention to it. Still, he believed there had to have been something, and here stood the woman in front of him with that knowing look.

If she were among the lost memories, that felt somewhat regrettable. If she was someone capable of this much, then there was certainly hope.

On the path leading to the Heavenly Sword—

“So, just like that… no one tells me anything…!”


However, before Cecilis could dive deeper into thought, her voice trembled with frustration, anger, and confusion began to mix within her.

The fire on her back changed from red to blue. Such a great taste.

While embodying that stylish transformation, she exhaled painfully,

“The princess and the general are hiding things… I always…!”

“To be left behind and suffer?”


Her seemingly casual comment struck the mark, causing her expression to tense up.

Watching her quivering red eyes awakened a familiar feeling deep inside, though he was ultimately still unsure about his connection with her.

“Well, if we had a good relationship, trying to kill me would be a strange thing. It’s probably reasonable to assume we were rather antagonistic towards each other. That fits perfectly with this situation!”


“Long conversations bore the audience. It’s about time to move the stage. Unfortunately, I can’t offer any answers, but perhaps you can at least relieve some of the weight on your chest.”

Hiding the pain in his burned side, he gripped the eye patch he had been rotating and faced her.

Wishing to conclude the conversation, he sought a dialogue that transcended mere words. After a moment of silence, she slowly lowered her left hand.

Facing the lightless red eyes, Cecilis smiled wryly.

“By all means. —You always seem to only cook your eggs halfway.”


“Did something slip out just now?”

Cecilis tilted his head at the spontaneous remark, still astonished by himself.

However, that seemed to only provoke her anger further.


A furious eruption of blue flames began to scorch the lower level of the island.

With no room to contemplate his surroundings, Cecilis leaped into the flames, transforming into the “Blue Lightning.”

“Haah, haah…”

Feeling the heat of the fire-kissed air on his back, Subaru desperately fled from the lower levels.

Running, yes, he was running. Not resisting or struggling, just escaping.

He couldn’t make any excuses, calling it a strategic retreat or a courageous escape for future endeavors.

Because there was nothing waiting ahead to connect to.

Everyone died, no one could be saved anymore.

Even though Vaits risked his life to get him out, Subaru felt utterly useless.

He had imposed the idea on himself that he would manage everything perfectly.

In truth, having survived “Spalca” twice and rescuing his mates from “Gou” and Hiaine’s friends, he thought he could handle any challenge that came his way.

What a wild misunderstanding; what hubris.

In the first place, Subaru had died multiple times. He had only succeeded because he had opportunities to start over, and it was rather simple—if that chance falls away, this is what happens.

A truly capable person would manage everything without dying a single time.

Someone like that should thrive, just like the terrifying figure of Todd Fang.

With no power to redo or overcome situations on his own strength.

Lacking overwhelming combat skills like Subaru, what kept him from achieving what Todd could do?

The fact that he was left with no other choice meant Subaru would lead to the deaths of many—

“Damn it…!”

Bursting out of the lower levels and being hit by the fresh air caused his frustration to swell uncontrollably. Subaru hit the exterior wall with his weak fists, cursing himself.

Small fists, frail body, a foggy head, and useless powers. Beginning to count reasons for his failures would yield an endless list before him.

It’s ridiculous, what could this freckled brat even have—


Stopped by regret, Subaru’s throat stifled a scream from an unexpected noise.

In this moment, every worst thought made his body shake with fear, fearing that Idra had been caught up by Todd, who was desperately trying to stall him.




The voice that followed the noise was soft and surprising, bringing Subaru feelings not of fear, but of shock.

Calling out to him weakly, barely alive, was Tanzer, who had been thrown from the corridor by Todd, and whose well-being had been lost to him afterward.

Dragging her feet, she was soaked all over, wearing only a thin white undergarment after having discarded her kimono. One of the two horns on her head was broken, and she looked pitiful.


“Schwarz-sama, I’m so glad you’re okay…”

Her round eyes trembled with relief, and Subaru felt a deep pain in his heart.

Seeing her, he realized she had been thrown from the upper levels into the lake. A lake said to be home to violent beasts of magic—her broken horn was proof that it hadn’t turned out well for her.

Crying, screaming for help, and clinging to adults was the most natural way to respond.

Yet Tanzer found him and smiled, saying, “I’m glad.”

Finding nothing could be done, for Natsuki Subaru.


That was the moment.

All strength left his legs, and Subaru crumpled to the ground. The taut string snapped, and his mind that only screamed went deathly still.

It wasn’t because he was relieved to meet the living Tanzer.

It wasn’t because he felt a rush of achievement from finding some sort of breakthrough or because his fear of Todd had been lifted.

——He simply had grown tired of himself.


Seeing Subaru kneeling, Tanzer ran towards him, her blood running cold.

Her running was strange; perhaps she had hurt her foot. Upon closer inspection, the side of her wet white undergarment was slowly becoming red.

Though she bore a painful injury, she was worried about Subaru.

And when he realized he wouldn’t be able to respond to Tanzer’s expectations—or anything at all—strength faded from him.

Despair began to take control of his heart.


It wasn’t pain or fear.

What truly crushed Natsuki Subaru was not such straightforward suffering.

It was the inability to respond to those expectations, those wishes.

That alone became the most venomous poison to Natsuki Subaru.

“Schwarz-sama, please stay strong… What about Idra or Hiaine…?”

Reaching his side, Tanzer touched Subaru’s shoulder, worried about the two who were absent.

Vaits’s name was not mentioned. Naturally so, Tanzer had witnessed Vaits being killed right before her eyes. There were likely foreboding feelings regarding the two absent ones.

That foreboding was inescapably accurate.

“Both of them are dead…”


“Idra and Hiaine died protecting me…”

Everyone was dead. Not only could he not save them; it wasn’t just that—they had died protecting him.

Vaits, Idra, and Hiaine—all of them had died to shield Subaru. Tanzer had almost met her demise as well, just to protect the motionless Subaru.

Everyone’s deaths were because of him.

Everyone was killed because of him.

This catastrophe on Gladiator Island was all Natsuki Subaru’s fault.

“Schwarz-sama… let’s get out of here. We must hide somewhere immediately.”

“Hiding is pointless… If we do, they’ll find us quickly anyway.”

“Even so! Are we just going to wait here to be killed without taking action? What did everyone from ‘Gou’ die for!?”


Shaking his head, Tanzer shouted in frustration at Subaru, who couldn’t move.

Her voice had turned shaky. But rather than feeling a fire ignite inside his heart, cold acceptance only seeped in.

Yes, the Subaru they protected with their lives was ultimately useless.

In other words, he had allowed them to die in vain. All of them sacrificed themselves for him.

He couldn’t respond to their hopes. He deceived them with lies.

If he hadn’t told such a lie, what if he hadn’t said it at all? If he couldn’t keep up the facade until the end, then what was the point of pretending at all?

Had he not done that, the three wouldn’t have even considered dying in his stead.

Natsuki Subaru wasn’t the Emperor’s son, he wasn’t Natsuki Schwarz; he was just Natsuki Subaru.

By the way, there was another person, one who had been deceived in the same way.

“Schwarz-sama! You can’t collapse here—”

“Everything—was a lie, Tanzer.”


“The Emperor’s hidden child… it’s all a sham. I am the child of a magnificent, awesome father… but I am not the child of the Emperor.”

Lowering his head, Subaru confessed that the deception he had sought refuge in, the false expectations he had created, were all lies.

If he had done this sooner—No, he shouldn’t have told such a lie in the first place.


Tanzer’s round eyes widened in shock from his confession.

It was understandable. In this situation, what sort of lie had he told? Subaru wanted to curse himself for the ridiculousness of it. It wouldn’t be odd if Tanzer were to get furious and unleash her rage.

In fact, it would be right for Tanzer to kill him.

Everyone else was the same.

He had stripped those deceived by Subaru from their rightful chance to take revenge.

If Tanzer were to avenge that, it would be perfectly reasonable.



“Quick, let’s move from here. I’ll carry you.”


With his eyes closed, bracing himself for whatever she would say, Subaru raised his head at those words from Tanzer.

Tanzer pressed her thin lips together and tried to pull Subaru’s arm. She genuinely intended to carry him and move away from here, prompting a soft cry of “wait” to escape his mouth.

He had conveyed everything clearly. He had told her it was a lie.

“Did you not hear me…? I am!”

“I heard you say you’re not the Emperor’s child. But for that, let’s discuss it later—”

“It doesn’t matter when! It’s got nothing to do with the Emperor! So why on earth should you help me!?”

There was nothing. Nothing to be found within this falsehood spun by Subaru.

What resulted was the death of three people—consequences in exchange for everything.

“——Subaru! Do you really believe that?”

Tanzer’s small hand on his shoulder halted Subaru’s movements.

Before him, Tanzer crouched and locked her eyes with his. Unable to look away, he struggled to understand her words.

He had no room for thought; every single word had only been the truth.

“Did you really think it was the truth? That Vaits, Idra, and Hiaine all risked their lives to protect you solely because of a lie you spun?”

“B-but… I am the child of the Emperor…”

“We all believed it as well. Despite that, do you really think those three—who were so cowardly, who tricked their way through life—would lay their lives down out of loyalty or patriotism for the Empire?”

I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wouldn’t be able to get along with anyone. The other three must have felt the same way.

Yet, in the end, they risked their lives to protect Subaru. They defended him. They helped him escape.

Why? It was because they thought Subaru was the Emperor’s illegitimate child.

But what if—what if that wasn’t the case?


“It’s because Lord Schwarz is someone who can properly empathize with those three.”


“You took the time to talk, to respond properly, and to truly understand… That’s why Lord Schwarz was able to resonate with everyone.”

Tanza told Subaru, who voiced his confusion, while looking directly into his eyes.

She was trying to explain why Subaru was helped by the three of them.

Yet, Subaru couldn’t grasp the meaning of Tanza’s words.


“That’s to be expected. I didn’t do anything special.”

Talking and trying to understand someone you’re working with is just the norm.

Of course, there were things I couldn’t manage to do. Things I wanted to do but couldn’t achieve. But those are just things everyone does normally, and empathizing isn’t anything special.

“I understand how you all feel. I was saved by Yorna. She empathized with me. Surely, the three of you feel the same way.”


“Just that alone is reason enough to risk your lives… That’s something I’ve come to believe.”

It was a clever and underhanded statement.

If it were just Subaru’s situation, I could outright say that Tanza was mistaken about him. But Tanza was speaking from her experience, talking about what she received from Yorna.

Yorna Mishigure, the mistress of the Magic City where many races live—at least as far as Subaru knew, the kindest woman in the Empire.

To be compared to Yorna was outrageous. It felt utterly sacrilegious.

Tanza was overvaluing Subaru.



But what of those three? What about Hiaine, Vaits, and Idra?

Subaru likely knew more about those three than they realized.

He knew about Hiaine’s self-loathing, Vaits’ wrongful accusation, and Idra’s fall from grace.

He understood that they all had come to this island out of pain, sorrow, and desperation, each bearing a burden they couldn’t share.

It seemed too unfair. He thought those three deserved a chance, too.

To die here and end it all—he didn’t want that.

“I wanted to save everyone.”

“I was saved. So much that I would risk my life to protect Lord Schwarz.”

“No, that’s not it…”

Perhaps, just perhaps, Tanza was right.

Maybe the three of them felt more like comrades to Subaru than he thought.

Subaru might’ve managed to help their hearts after all.

But a heart alone isn’t enough.

Just helping from the heart and feeling satisfied isn’t what he wanted. He wanted to save everything.

Subaru wanted to save everyone—his allies, those who treated him well, all of them, both heart and body.

If he couldn’t do that, he wasn’t—

“—not the son of Natsuki Kenichi.”

“—I don’t want to lose.”

He cried out in despair, feeling the world around him die as everything fell apart.

Gladiator Island was soon enveloped in black smoke, burning as if it were going to take all the lives it contained.

“This is…”

He wouldn’t accept it. He didn’t want to accept a conclusion where he couldn’t save anyone.

He couldn’t bear the thought of making everyone throw their lives away and end it like that.

He wouldn’t accept it. So—

“—I don’t want to lose to you.”

“I don’t care about winning or losing.”

With the rising black smoke behind him, the man brandishing an axe shrugged his shoulders and replied.


The figure of the bloodied man who appeared swaying seemed almost like someone else.

His trademark bandana was gone, and with his orange hair down, he looked vastly different from the person he knew.

However, those twin eyes—green eyes unable to hide their wickedness—gave away his identity.


“You’re quite lucky. The pathway’s burning made it take time to catch up to you. I told Arakia to use water.”


“It seems Arakia is in a tough situation too. Not exactly reliable when it matters.”

Todd, who spoke lethargically, was devoid of any cheerfulness, likely due to his hair being down. The young man vibe that tricked Subaru upon their first meeting vanished, leaving only a dry hostility.

That hostility might have been a misunderstanding, a facade.

He was the type that could lie as needed and manipulate those around him—just like Todd.

“Don’t come any closer…”

Tanza glared at Todd as he tried to step forward, picking up a nearby stone.

For someone like Tanza, a child with unexpected strength, even a simple stone could be a weapon. But against Todd, a mere rock felt like nothing.

In fact, Todd didn’t flinch at all. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and remarked, “You’re a pretty stubborn girl for someone who fell into the lake. Are you using the same mouth as those other guys?”

“…If you’re talking about ‘The Pact’ people…”

“That’s a troublesome look you’ve got. I have no intention of taking the wild danger lightly. If it comes to it, we’d just be stuck here unable to move… which would be a pain.”

While he spoke, Todd combed his hair back with his hand. It indicated that Arikia had indeed managed to pull off taking his bandana.

They hadn’t defeated him or even hurt him; they just stripped him of his bandana.

Yet, thanks to Arikia, he was cautious of Subaru and the others.

“What is your… wish?”

“—? I just want to go home.”

Todd’s response to Tanza’s inquiry was that blunt.

Without a hint of mischief or playful tricks, he plainly stated his desire. Just wanting to go home—that was the most important thing for Todd.

And, perhaps, that was neither a lie nor anything fake.


“Tanza, you don’t need to talk anymore. I’ll deal with this one.”

Stopping the stern-faced Tanza, Subaru fixed his gaze on Todd.

Faced with the disheveled children, Todd shrugged.

“I’ve got no story to tell you, kid.”

“While you’re at it, how about you just stick around and enjoy? Or are you scared of dying children?”

“I’m scared. In this situation, a kid who keeps provoking me is downright frightening.”

Without biting on the provocation, Todd retained his vigilance, never letting his guard down, even against children.

He truly was a troublesome opponent, making Subaru feel it was only natural they were cornered.

But he began to think. A way of being so cautious, so clever, and not overly confident seemed…

“You’re trying to handle everything by yourself, huh?”

“— I can’t do everything. I know my capabilities.”

“You came here with Arakia and your allies, yet you don’t trust them at all.”

From Todd’s attitude, there was no hint of regard for Arakia.

It was not that he believed in her strength and thought she couldn’t lose, but rather he didn’t care about her existence, strong or weak.

Not just Arakia. Todd saw everything around him that way.

So, his actions, thoughts, and ideals all seemed to conclude in isolation.

“I don’t want to lose to someone like you.”

“It’s not about winning or losing. Honestly, if you die, that means you win. You can have that.”

“My loss isn’t mine alone. It becomes Tanza’s, Hiaine’s, Vaits’s, Idra’s—the loss of everyone in ‘The Pact’.”

That was something he absolutely despised.

They fought together, resisted together—they aimed for victory as ‘The Pact.’

So, they would win. —All of them would win together.


On the verge of death, Subaru placed his hand on his chest.

Todd furrowed his brow at those words, but he was too wary of Tanza to act carelessly. Surely, Todd too would have acted to stop Subaru if he saw him take a visible action.

But Subaru remained kneeling, unmoving. He couldn’t move.


And he didn’t need to move. —He needed only to say a single word.

“I’m… ‘returning from death’.”

Pushing past a moment of hesitation, Subaru finally spoke it aloud.

By saying it, he prepared himself for what would come and kept his hand over his chest, as he clearly stated it.

And then—


A moment of silence passed, and Todd’s brow furrowed deeply at Subaru’s words.

He didn’t understand what it meant, and Tanza also seemed to echo a sense of doubt. The reactions of those two combined with the absence of pain in his chest made Subaru realize the cause of the malfunction.

Even if his body had shrunk, the memories of pain were unshakable.

By saying it aloud, a disaster that would inevitably fall upon Subaru should have occurred. The black shadow ruling over the world where time had stopped, the unspeakable pain inflicted as a punishment for breaking the taboo.

Yet it didn’t come. Why? – The ‘Witch’ had lost track of Subaru.

In the highest tower of Crimson Lapis Castle, during the ‘Spalca’ on Gladiator Island, Todd’s mass-murder rampage—the spiral of ‘death’ and the accompanying inconsistencies.

Instinctively, subconsciously, Subaru understood that.

Just like how birds don’t forget how to fly. Just like how fish don’t forget how to swim.

Natsuki Subaru didn’t forget how to use his powers.

Was it because he was forcibly sent to the Volakia Empire or due to the ongoing ‘infantization’?

There could have been a chance to realize it sooner, much sooner.

Even during ‘Spalca’ and amid the great massacre, the ‘Gladiator Beasts’—magical beasts hadn’t rushed toward Subaru at that point, confirming that the ‘Witch’ had distanced herself.

So, he yelled.

“I’m ‘returning from death!'”

“—You’re kidding.”

“I’m ‘returning from death!’ Do you get it? I’m ‘returning from death!'”

—‘Returning from death’ is something you must never disclose.

That’s because it comes with unbearable penalties of pain; even more so, it could lead to an unimaginable despair that shatters the heart.

Using that system to deprive the life of the person who hears it is not something he expected.

He didn’t even plug Tanza’s ears. He didn’t want Todd to hear this information.

But the main point wasn’t Todd or any other person on this island.

“I’m ‘returning from death!'”

Looking up at the sky, Subaru shouted into the cloudy scenery where black smoke was rising.

With a battered body, his loud voice echoed painfully within his insides. He felt like he was dying. Yet the pain that Subaru had steeled himself for, and was searching for, was not something this mild.

To not embarrass the viewers, Cecilis left behind nonsensical remarks.

He couldn’t believe that Subaru and Cecilis were picturing the same target. Cecilis’s comments were likely only ramblings. But those riddles made him realize.

There were likely those who were watching Subaru, just like the observers Cecilis was aware of.

If there were entities watching Subaru without departing, this despairing loop devoid of ‘love’ wouldn’t occur.

“I’m ‘returning from death!'”

I’m right here. Find me.

He knew how unreasonable that request was. But he wanted to save everyone.

His powers as Natsuki Subaru alone weren’t enough.


“…Please find me, Satella.”


The moment he called her name.


The world suddenly lost its color. The loud ringing in his ears faded into the distance.

His limbs wouldn’t move. His tongue felt dry and numb. He couldn’t move his eyes or even breathe. This forced sensation creeping in was a slow, haunting threat.

—Before him appeared the beloved ‘Witch’ clad in a dress woven from purest black shadows.

“I love you.”

As she spoke those words, the ‘Witch’s’ dark hands reached out.

They caressed Subaru’s cheek, gliding tenderly down his neck, tracing his collarbone, descending to his abdomen, before finally reaching the promised place.

“I love you, I love you, I love you.”

While whispering familiar words of love into his ear, her fingers slipped through Subaru’s young chest, gently enveloping the vital core that was carefully housed inside.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

Surely, Subaru must have gone completely insane.

The countless love words being whispered echoing into his heart made even the unbearable agonies waiting ahead in this world feel eagerly anticipated.


“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

—Even the abominable words that filled the world could not break Natsuki Subaru.


The world regained its colors, the ringing that had disappeared returned, the sensations in his limbs and the numbness in his tongue faded away, and with gasping breaths, time resumed for everyone except Subaru.


For Subaru, gripped tightly at his chest, neither Todd nor Tanza could comprehend what was happening to him.

However, they would surely notice the changes that followed immediately afterward.

“What the…!?”

Todd turned sharply, his expression frozen in horror as he looked around.

The cause wasn’t visible; it was the sound he heard—more specifically, cries. The magical beasts that survived on Gladiator Island howled all at once, as if they had agreed to it.

Moreover, they were exploding with fervor, as if driven insane.


In that instant, Todd sensed a threat and realized that the cause was Subaru.

Not even Todd understood what Subaru’s shout of “returning from death” truly meant. However, he disregarded that understanding and swiftly turned his murderous intent into action.

Despite being wary of Tanza’s counterattack, Todd charged in with overwhelming force.

In response, Tanza threw the stone she was holding at high speed toward Todd. The stone was aimed straight for the center of Todd’s body.



Todd grimaced, biting down on his mouth at the pain in his left arm from the stone’s impact.

Knowing he couldn’t miss, Tanza’s aim targeted the largest part of him—the torso. Todd wasn’t careless, sacrificing his left arm to minimize damage.

Without stopping, Todd swung his axe to sweep Tanza’s small body away.

Yet, Subaru wouldn’t allow that.

“Lord Schwarz!?”

Tanza cried out as she was shoved aside and fell to the ground.

The one who had shielded her was Subaru, who had been taking cover behind her small back. Tanza vanished from the reach of the swinging axe, but Subaru stepped in to take her place.

In that instant, Todd’s pupils dilated, but the momentum of the axe didn’t cease; it swung downwards.

The slowly descending blade was about to decapitate Subaru—just at that moment.


A hard sound and a heavy impact echoed dully, as Todd’s body was sent flying backward.

He tumbled, quickly regaining his footing. Yet, he was bleeding profusely from his mouth and his knees trembled.

“Cough… What just happened…?”

Todd blinked in confusion, unable to comprehend what transpired.

Pointing a finger at him, Subaru stated—

“—Invisible Providence.”

He neatly explained what that strike that had connected so precisely to his exposed jaw was.

“Next, I’ll blow your head off.”


Withdrawing the finger he had pointed at Todd, Subaru now raised his middle finger, delivering an affront.

If Todd’s jaw had been shattered, blood now poured uncontrollably from his mouth as he narrowed his eyes.

And just as he seemed to be about to take revenge for his broken jaw—


Instead, Todd slowly began to step back, never breaking his gaze on Subaru. When he stepped backward into the rising black smoke, he vanished without a hint of hesitation.

The moment he perceived the situation was against him, he cast aside all attachments and chose to flee.

“Well, I thought that would happen, but…”

“Lord Schwarz!”

As Todd disappeared, a distraught Tanza hurried over to Subaru. Before she could even grasp his hand, Subaru slumped to the ground.

He had already been in a near-death state before making it this far. Jumping down with Idra and Hiaine had likely resulted in multiple broken bones within him.

After not using the power of ‘Sloth’ for so long, the impact was still strong on Subaru’s brain, causing blood to gush from his nose, and it wouldn’t stop.

Nevertheless, it didn’t matter that he was bleeding from his nose.

Todd’s final axe strike had shattered Subaru’s right shoulder, embedding deep within him.

He was lucky not to lose consciousness; this was proof that his life had already strayed far beyond the realms of pain.

“Lord Schwarz, Lord Schwarz…!”

Clinging to Subaru, who was pitifully apologetic, Tanza sobbed.

Having to abandon this small body who was desperately trying to stay close and save Subaru, made him feel deep guilt.



“—An artifact?”

He pulled a black sphere from his pocket and entrusted it to Tanza’s hands.

It wasn’t out of a specific plan. He just had to leave something behind for Tanza, even if he was to die.

“Seccy is… over there, with Arakia…”

“I… I understand…! I know, I know, so…”

“Todd is… no longer… something you need to worry about.”

Considering his character, it was unthinkable that Todd would strike again after being hit hard once. That was both his detestable aspect and a principle he could trust to be used.

Still, with Subaru trying desperately to string together words, Tanza was combating the urge to sob.

Desperate to do something for Subaru, who was concerned for her until the very end.

But no, it was wrong.

The order was reversed.

Tanza had taken care of Subaru first. She had made him rethink everything.

Natsuki Subaru didn’t have to give up until the very end; she reminded him of that.

Thanks to her, he felt he could still fight again, to continue.


“—Next is it.”

As Subaru quietly voiced his resolve, Tanza’s eyes widened.

But to her, it must have sounded like the last stubborn fight of a dying Subaru.

With tears brimming in her eyes, filled with suppressed emotion, Tanza gently wrapped her small fingers around Subaru’s trembling hand.

And then—

“Yes, that’s right, Lord Schwarz. Next time, I definitely won’t lose.”

Tanza spoke with tears, determined not to tarnish Subaru’s final wish.

They weren’t on the same wavelength. But their feelings to save each other aligned perfectly.

That was more than enough.

Holding on to that sufficiency and the feelings of this moment—

“I will save everyone.”

—He would show it.

With that determination, Natsuki Subaru’s life flickered and burned to an end.


—A dark, dark, endlessly dark world.

A place where only shadows existed, a space devoid of light that held no prayers or wishes, the ultimate desolation.

Always, that place corroded the heart, imposed a sense of powerlessness, lament, and sorrow while delivering a cursed extremity.

Yet at that moment, it felt as if this instant had been waiting to arrive.

**Tormented by a sense of powerlessness, abandoned by everything around me, I was on the verge of giving up on myself, engulfed by the feeling of defeat, feeling as if nothing could be done.**

『—I love you』

“—It’s not everything. But I understand.”

There are not many things that can be accomplished alone. I’m not such a magnificent person. That’s why I make mistakes and my resolve falters.


『—I love you』

“I truly understand too. —I understand.”

There are things that I can finally comprehend when I’m about to let go. At the same time, I become uncertain about how to maintain the emotions I’ve held until now.

But, I want to understand and I truly feel that.

The most important thing is something I clearly understand.

“Thank you. —I’ll be going now.”

To that place, the land of absolute despair where all life is crushed — to avoid losing any more, to prevent my important things from being trampled, Natsuki Subaru will return.

—Return, he shall.


—Feeling the rumbling of a carriage pulled by the swift horse beneath me.

It wasn’t the most comfortable journey. Not in terms of ride quality, but in terms of atmosphere. Despite possibly being one of the better arrangements in the Empire, I hardly felt thankful for it.

The discomfort of the luxurious carriage came from the lack of windows and not holding the reins. Of course, both aspects come at the cost of being less targeted, so preference varies from person to person.

Simply put, I dislike depending on others and being slow to respond.

This carriage itself is a sturdy one protected by earth magic, and much more capable individuals are handling vigilance outside.

“Quite the luxury, isn’t it? Leaving aside the fact that it’s an unwelcome journey.”

In a country where the strong are respected, the way “Generals” are revered is extreme.

One could say that being treated this way places me on the stronger side, but the truth is, I find it more of a nuisance.

Unless one is at the pinnacle of this world, being perceived as strong often leads to more disadvantages than advantages. Being thought weak is much easier to handle.

That’s why this type of treatment concludes as uncomfortable.

“—Are you bored?”

Suddenly, a voice calls from the roof, and I slowly open my closed eyes.

The voice’s owner is on the roof, and the inside of the carriage is empty except for me. It’s perfectly fine being alone, as others can be suffocating, but an unrefined companion is quite glaring.

Nevertheless, there’s no point in speaking to someone like that. It’s fine if someone else takes care of the education and discipline.

I don’t intend to be around this person for long. Regarding the apparent concern for revenge, they’ll likely just make up an appropriate target to pin this on.

“Are you listening?”

“I hear you. I was just lost in thought. You remember the instructions, right?”

“I can remember that much.”

Her tone suggests offense, but there remains some doubt about whether to take her seriously.

After all, I’ve never heard of a General who, because they struggle with thinking, pass on the policy to a mere superior private. I’ve been told to drop the polite speech, and I’m fulfilling that request, but I have no idea what she’s thinking.

Perhaps she thinks highly of herself. She seems similar to Jamal’s female version.

However, unlike Jamal, I might have more trouble finding a place to dump her.

“I can see the island. Are you ready?”

“As long as I haven’t lost the chancellor’s letter, it’s just a matter of having the rumored governor take care of everything. It’s an easy job where I don’t have to conflict with anyone.”

From the roof, Arakia asks as the cart moves across the drawbridge.

As I respond, I confirm the feeling of the letter I’ve tucked inside my pocket. Yes, it’s just a role as a messenger, executing instructions.

However, if it’s truly just a messengerial task, there would be no reason to send Arakia.

That ambiguity is what concerns me.

“It should be an easy job.”

“…The objective is the complete annihilation of the island. Can you do it?”

“As long as the governor quietly agrees to activate the Curse Rule.”

The governor of Gladiator Island, Gustav Morello, has imposed a set of absolute rules known as the “Curse Rule” to control the gathered gladiators on the island.

The Curse Rule activates when someone marked by Gustav violates it, instantly taking their life, a very convenient device.

Created by one of the Nine Divine Generals known as the “Cursed Tool Master,” the Curse Rule has a simple activation condition —

“—Anyone who steps beyond the designated distance from the cursed tool dies.”

“…Will the islanders be alright?”

“Roughly, the entire island should be in a safe zone. Regardless, anyone trying to sneak out while under the curse will die unless the curse mark is removed. Even if someone is threatened and crosses the drawbridge, they can’t escape. It’s a sufficient deterrent to keep them trapped inside.”

Indeed, if a gladiator were made an example of and died due to the Curse Rule, no one else would dare to confirm it. There wouldn’t be any reckless fools.

The curse activates without needing to make direct contact or do anything. Given the nature of the island, it’s a well-designed restraint, and I genuinely admire it.

However, if it becomes apparent they can’t freely use the Curse Rule, it will quickly serve as a spark for rebellion.

“Well, if that happens, I could just toss the cursed tool into the lake and plan for a complete annihilation.”

The lake surrounding Gladiator Island is deep. It’s an isolated land where crossing to the shore isn’t possible without a substantial drawbridge, but the distance to the bottom of the water is even deeper.

If I throw the cursed tool into the lake, by the time it reaches the bottom, it would definitely land well within the activation area of the Curse Rule.

If the governor turns out to be uncooperative, tossing the retrieved cursed tools into the lake would also be an option to consider.

“Preparing for the worst is crucial, including the hiding spot of the cursed tool.”

I wouldn’t want to have an undue sense of pride in my work and find myself in trouble.

It would be best if everyone cooperated calmly and obediently in the slaughter of the gladiators. That way, I can accomplish the task and quickly return home.


Being separated for so long has intensified my attachment after such a small reunion.

It’s a cruel thing to drop even a single drop of water into a parched throat. I want to drink until my stomach bursts. That’s the natural human emotion.

I want to end this task as quickly as possible and return to the Imperial Capital. For that—

“—I’m willing to sacrifice anything.”

That’s when I shifted one of the burdens within me roughly.

“—Todd, something feels off.”

Called by name, the man — Todd looked up and replied, “What?”

His voice lacked seriousness, but that’s typically how she behaves. Nevertheless, it’s evident that her prowess, having risen to the level of one of the Nine Divine Generals, is impressive, coupled with a judgment that ordinary people cannot perceive.

The something she pointed out was the rapidly approaching target, Gladiator Island — we were already half over the drawbridge, transitioning the carriage to the island side. In other words, I felt a bad premonition right before entering the opponent’s domain.

And then—



“Right this second! Stop! Turn around!”

As I focused my eyes on the route beyond the window, Todd yelled, causing the soldier on the driver’s seat to hesitate.

I clicked my tongue at the delay in his reaction. Todd immediately boarded the driver’s seat, snatched the reins from the soldier, stopped the carriage, and hurriedly yanked the reins of the swift horse to turn it around.

While the driver was reeling, I turned back toward the roof.

“Arakia, stay alert for movements on the island! Don’t hesitate to shoot if anything happens!”


“Now, the messenger’s job from the chancellor…”


“Uh, um…”

Arakia, who had obediently complied, and the driver, about whom I had voiced the mission, were surveyed. I narrowed my eyes at the latter, who seemed to lack understanding.

That Todd’s gaze caused the hesitant driver to choke on his words.

That was the right call. If he had continued to press for information, I would have been ready to throw him into the lake.

It was good the returning driver didn’t disappear, and it was also a merit that Arakia noticed the oddity before we crossed the drawbridge. —It seems the situation had already begun to move.


“It seems Chancellor Berstetz’s concerns were accurate.”

Responding to the brief call, Todd turned the swift horse around and retraced our steps.

We couldn’t afford for the drawbridge to raise on the way back. The ones controlling the drawbridge on the other side might be in cahoots with the other side.

After all—

“—If they are fully prepared and waiting for us, the opponent must be quite formidable.”

“Can we win? Even with me here?”

“Ah, indeed.”

Nodding to Arakia, who was quietly heightening her tension, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine—

“—They are not an opponent we can win against. At least, not today.”


“…I thought you’d turn back, but that decision to cut losses was too quick.”

As I watch the carriage, which has turned back in the middle of the drawbridge without hesitation, a sigh escapes my lips.

There’s admiration for the speed of that decision, but it was within my expectations. If one truly intended to carry out a sneak attack, they would first unobtrusively lead the opponent to the island.

However, in that case, neither party would come out unscathed.

Knowing the enormous disaster that would occur if they were led into it, I wouldn’t take such a huge gamble.

—Because I had already taken an enormous gamble, leaving no room for any more.

“Schwarz, what about the emissaries…”

“Ah, they’ve retreated. Honestly, with such a lineup waiting, it would be odd. I intended to create the illusion of a grand welcome, but…”

“Is that so… I’m relieved we didn’t have to face ‘Two.’”

Creating a shade above my eyes, the kimono-clad girl stands beside Subaru, who was gazing at the drawbridge. Tanza, gently rubbing her chest, was savoring the success of our plan.

Her horns were still both intact, and there were no noticeable injuries on her childlike skin.

Absolutely perfect Tanza, thriving and fine, with not a single issue.

“—Uh, um, Schwarz-sama?”


“I mean, why are you petting my head…?”

“Oh, sorry, sorry, that was unintentional.”

At Tanza’s bashful inquiry, Subaru realized he had unconsciously been patting her head and quickly apologized. Yet, he didn’t stop his hand from continuing to stroke.

Continuing to pet her, Tanza kept her lips closed, completely compliant.

Subaru found her disgruntled expression adorably endearing and decided to keep petting her as long as she didn’t shake him off.

“—How long are you going to keep this up? Isn’t this childish flirting a bit much?!”


An energetic voice sprung from right behind me, ceasing my hand’s movement. Abandoning the effort, Tanza quickly distanced herself, while Subaru frowned and turned around.

In my view, Lizardman — Hiaine wore a tense expression and nervously darted his gaze between the two beside him, as he asked, “Why do I have to get such a look?! I was just saying something obvious, right?! Is that not so?!”

“It’s the way you say it and the bad timing. I can’t criticize you for bad timing since I’m guilty of it too.”

“I’m better than you… So show some consideration, you lizard!”


The two beside him — Idra and Vaits betrayed Hiaine, leaving him wide-eyed.

Seeing Hiaine’s distraught reaction, Idra smiled wryly, while Vaits snorted. Subaru felt something profound witnessing the scene of the three of them standing together.

In response to Subaru’s gaze, Idra raised an eyebrow.

“Schwarz, what is it with that suggestive look on your face…”

“It’s nothing. Just thought we’ve come this far.”


As Subaru rubbed beneath his nose with his finger, Idra tilted her head in confusion. Meanwhile, beside her, Vaits folded his muscular arms and muttered, “Let’s get a move on…”

With a sinister-looking tattoo twisting on his body, Vaits glared toward the far side of the drawbridge.

“We scared off the emperor’s envoy… We firmly have no retreat left. Isn’t that right…?”

“—That’s a little different, but it’s still correct,” Subaru replied.

“A little different…?!”

Vaits’ expression of understanding broke down, leaving him visibly astonished. Noticing his reaction, Subaru chuckled, taking pride in the fact that his feelings contrasted with those of the three.

They all— no, everyone, knows nothing, and that’s just fine.

Subaru remembers it all.

And then—

“—It seems the verdict has been reached.”

Turning upon the heavy, stern voice, I find the figure who had been waiting for the emissaries at the edge of the drawbridge.

Having confirmed the carriage carrying the emissaries retreated and made it across to the opposite shore, a dreadfully intimidating figure stares at Subaru with serious intent.

Feeling the pressure of the enormous man approaching slowly, alongside the subtle intimidation felt by Hiaine and the others behind me, I shrugged.

“Will you trust me now?”

“No doubt. His Imperial Majesty entrusted an imperial decree to you, and now is the time to fulfill it. That is to say—”

“To say?”

“Gladiators of Gladiator Island Gnunhaive will now come under your rule. —Prince Schwarz.”

While saying this, the man, Governor Gustav Morello, who manages Gladiator Island, joins his four arms at his chest, presenting a majestic posture.

Faced with Gustav’s declaration, the guards gathered around him mirror the same posture as well.

“Not liking this…”

Vaits mutters in displeasure at the sight of Gustav and the others presenting such postures.

Upon turning to face Vaits, the latter squinted one eye and jutted out his jaw.

“I won’t be made to determine just how the entire gladiator assembly complies with you. Even if that’s the governor of the island…”

“Vaits Logun, your opinion will be noted. However, there are things prioritized above personal will. It would be troublesome if you forget that my position holds means to make you listen.”

“Care to try…?”

As Vaits snorted, Gustav’s eyes glimmered with quiet determination. Before the two could spar, Subaru intervened.

“Governor, let’s not rush into this. Vaits, you haven’t communicated enough. Your phrasing has likely incited misunderstanding.”

“If it comes to a quarrel, I don’t mind at all…”

“Others do mind! Dammit! Governor, we’re not about to let you order us around, cowering in fear!”

Idra held back Vaits, and instead, Hiaine boldly stepped forward and proclaimed.

While Hiaine couldn’t even look at Gustav should the situation get dire, he didn’t show a hint of his anxiety. He proudly gestured toward Subaru and called out.

“We’re going with Schwarz, without any weird threats. Right, guys?! You all aren’t scared, are you?!”

“—Don’t make me laugh, lizard!”

“Who’s the one scared?!”

“Let’s go, our Imperial Prince!”

“Let’s smash that annoying old man and establish our Empire—!!”

The loud resounding response from Hiaine was echoed back by a multitude of voices.

One after another— No, it was the voices of the gladiators who had come out in full force to welcome the emissaries.

Among the spirited voices of hot-blooded men, could also be heard the voices of Hiaine’s associates, like Orson, as well as that of Old Man Nur, who had unusually stepped out of the healing room.

In essence, the Gladiator Island Gnunhaive was united as one.

“—Thank you.”

As Subaru hears the surrounding cheers erupting, he murmurs a heartfelt gratitude directed at his companions, himself, and above all, to those who provided him with this opportunity.

Then, cupping his face with both hands, Subaru lifted his spirits and asked,

“Well, we’re heading out, but what about you, Ceci?”

“—Haha, indeed.”

As Subaru tilts his head, a shadow spirals downward beside him. The one landing gracefully was Cecilus, who had been observing the developments from a high vantage point.

The half-burned Cecilus looked just the same as before, surveying Subaru and the many folks around him.

“…This is truly a surprising turn of events. I never expected things would go this far. I can only declare it’s impressively admirable. However, I have just one question.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“The manner in which you’ve gone about charming your way through and securing everyone as allies is commendable indeed. But you see— I haven’t been charmed at all, have I?”

Cecilus, hiding his hands within his sleeves, curiously inquired with a genuinely perplexed expression.

Dazed, as the usual smile faded from Cecilus’s face, Subaru widened his eyes lightly, then nodded with satisfaction.

Indeed, Subaru hadn’t attempted to charm Cecilus.

Gustav, Hiaine, Vaits, Idra, Orson, Old Man Nur, Rex, Mirzak, Kachua, Moizo, Diroy, Krigkin, Codlo, Fenmel, and even that stubborn lone wolf, Jozuro, he had attempted to charm — but not Cecilus.

The reason was—

“—Because I wanted to see that face of yours.”

Cecilus had continuously led Subaru to miss opportunities until now.

While he wasn’t foolish enough to traverse a perilous bridge for petty vengeance, after considerable thought, he concluded that this would be the most effective way to reach Cecilus, for better or worse.

And indeed, as he said that, he could see Cecilus’ eyes widen with surprise.

“Now, if you’re willing to let me take advantage, will you come with us?”

“Hahaha! Ahhhh!!”

With a shrug, Subaru winked. The moment Cecilus heard the condescending invitation, he let out a booming laugh, arching his back.

Wriggling his feet as he laughed heartily, Cecilus laughed so hard that tears formed in his eyes, wiping them away with his fingers.

“Could it really be! Could it really be that you! The ‘Blue Lightning’ Cecilus Segmunt has been put aside! Could it really be that this world’s destined star would ask me to accompany? Absolutely! It’s astounding, really! Bussy!!”

“…So, what will it be?”

“Of course, I’ll join you! While it’s a nuisance to be made to agree, it’s impressive enough that I’m completely on board! Oh, how great! Ah, marvelous!”

Applauding animatedly with both hands, Cecilus jumped headfirst into Subaru’s plan. Feeling relieved by his decisiveness, Subaru rested his chin on his hand.

To be honest, he had been thinking this ever since the very beginning—

“By the way, that name Bussy— it doesn’t resonate with me at all.”

“Ugh, reverse winds! It would be quite stuffy to end things with that name after saying I’d go along, so what should I call you instead?”

“Let’s see…”

Leaning forward, Subaru took a moment to ponder.

After having repeated the name Bussy a few times, an idea struck him, and it didn’t seem half bad. With a mischievous smile, Subaru said,



“From now on, call me Boss.”

Although it wasn’t intentional, indulging in Cecilus’s dramatic outlook wasn’t so bad either.

Upon hearing Subaru’s response, Cecilus sighed, “Hmm. Boss, Boss, Boss boss boss… Now that has quite the ring to it! Though I have no idea what it means, I positively dislike it. No, rather, I like it!”

“It means ‘headman.’ Kind of fitting, isn’t it?”

“Indeed, it is! Very well then, Boss! Let’s begin!”

With a bright laugh, Cecilus declared, and Subaru nodded, replying, “Alright.”

Then, Subaru gazed around at Cecilus, the ‘group’ allies Hiaine and Vaits, Idra, and the gladiators, even locking eyes with Gustav and his guards.

After a harrowing, intense experience, they had become united allies—

“—Let’s go, everyone! We’re going to smack that bastard old man back in the Imperial Capital!!”


At Subaru’s rallying cry, the Gladiator Island resonated a mighty reply.

Feeling the intense force shake the very lake surrounding the island, Subaru suddenly noticed Tanza, who was gazing intently at him.

“Don’t worry, Tanza.”

I’ll make sure to assure the one person who genuinely knows that Subaru isn’t the Emperor’s illegitimate child, reaffirming my own resolve to aim for the Imperial Capital from the western lands.

As Natsuki Kenichi’s son, I charge ahead, believing in my allies.

Thus, from this moment forth, Natsuki Subaru—

“—This time, we will win.”

—Since being summoned to this other world, he shall trample upon the Volakia Empire as the strongest existence.