Chapter 58

Chapter 20: The Final Teachings

“The Crown Prince wants to retire.”

The outside of the Imperial Palace buzzed with merchants and tourists from various regions of the continent, enjoying the festivities. However, inside the palace, things were far different.

The Continental Conference, gathering all the major nations of the West Continent, was about to commence.

Until just moments ago, everyone had entered the capital of Ignit with relaxed faces, but now, they wore grim expressions, preparing to fend off the Empire’s political assault.

The Empire was also busy moving in a bid for a more powerful offensive.

In contrast, the Crown Prince’s Palace was calm.

“Your Highness, a letter has arrived from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

“Ministry of Internal Affairs?”

The nobles, wishing to spare Kariel from any discussions due to his fatigue from his long journey, had refrained from bringing up any issues. However, handing the letter over in person meant that it must be a serious matter.

“Would it be possible to postpone the retirement ceremony just a bit?”

“The Ministry told me to give this to you if you were to tear the letter.”

Seeing Talion speak as if he anticipated Kariel’s actions, Kariel trembled.


As soon as he began reading the first line, Kariel almost tore the letter into pieces but managed to contain his anger and continued reading.

There was a reason why the Ministry had made such a judgment.

Originally, they had planned to hold the retirement ceremony immediately upon arrival, but circumstances had prevented it. The two princes found it challenging to preside over the Continental Conference entirely.

To wrap up the conference as planned, they required at least some help from Kariel.

Perhaps anticipating Kariel’s anger, the letter concluded with a long plea not to be upset, assuring that the retirement ceremony would indeed take place during the conference.

“Hmm… is it still difficult?”

The two princes, not even yet twenty but barely in their mid-teens.

Logically, they lacked the experience to cultivate political acumen at this stage.

Kariel was well aware of this and worked diligently to provide a foundation to compensate for their shortcomings, but it seemed that wasn’t enough.

“It seems like the old fox is the problem?”


From the moment the old fox, the Pope from the North, had declared he would come to the Ignit Empire, the groundwork laid by Kariel started to crumble bit by bit.

They had managed to patch things up with the retirement ceremony and his impressive feats, but it would be difficult for the princes to handle the fox’s flashy rhetoric.

Although the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs would assist, the differences in status made it hard to match the Pope.

It might be possible for the Emperor, but the variance in capabilities between when he was clear-headed and when he was not was too great.

“Convey that.”


Talion bowed his head and responded to Kariel’s orders.

“Secretly inform each department to send one person.”

“Aren’t you going to oversee it yourself?”

“It has to appear as though the two princes are conducting things on the surface.”

“They’re bound to figure it out later anyway, right?”

At Talion’s question, Kariel shook his head.

Even if it became common knowledge that Kariel was presiding over the Continental Conference, the two princes still needed to maintain the appearance of leadership. This would lend them some power.

Holding the letters composed by Kariel close, Talion cocked his head.


“You seem calmer than I expected.”

“My fault, after all.”

Kariel stated with an unflappable expression.

He hadn’t accounted for the old fox to come out like this.

Most importantly, there was some leeway because the retirement ceremony was already set.

“Huh… it appears the Emperor also has a fox-like side.”

Although it was during the conference, he’d confirmed his retirement ceremony.

With that decision, he had, at the very least, created a foothold for himself to collaborate until the latter part of the Continental Conference.

Though he had heard the Emperor’s mind was hazy, the clarity of thought when sober was certainly intimidating.

“I suppose I’ll be giving my younger siblings some final teachings.”

“They’ll appreciate it.”

“I hope so.”

Muttering so, Kariel ordered Talion.

“Prepare. Let’s shake down the rats from this point forward.”


Talion bowed his head and disappeared in response to Kariel’s command.

The actual meeting was three days away.

Typically, it was customary to hold it a day later to allow the messengers who had traveled long distances to recuperate, but more leeway was granted since the leaders of various nations had arrived.

Moreover, it also carried the meaning of inviting them to enjoy the Empire’s festival.

But would they truly have time to play?

Even now, they were busy preparing to fend off the Empire’s offensives.

Most importantly, the party announcing the start of the Continental Conference would be held that evening.

“The real fight starts from there.”

With that thought in mind, Kariel began to prepare for the party.

Although he was in quite a fatigued state, he couldn’t afford to be outdone by the old fox.

For the first time in a long while, he received help from attendants and maids to prepare for the party.

After a thorough wash, and while arranging the clothes and accessories given by the maids, Kariel finished his preparations. With the aid of his attendants donning him in formal attire, he transformed into a figure of nobility.

At that, the maids gazed at Kariel with dazed eyes.

Though he had worn such clothing countless times in his previous life, he had hardly worn them in this one, and after recently recovering some strength, he hadn’t had the leisure to attend any parties.

“Let’s go.”


Fully dressed, Kariel headed towards the Banquet Hall with Talion, who had just returned after delivering the letter.

The Grand Hall of the Imperial Palace was already bustling with many attendees.

Glimpsing the situation within through the Image Sphere set up in the Banquet Hall, Kariel couldn’t help but chuckle.

“The old fox has already begun his preemptive moves.”

At Kariel’s mutter, Talion nodded subtly.

Seemingly indifferent to the Holy Nation’s status, the Pope had hurriedly come to the Banquet Hall, engaging in conversation with the Empire’s nobles.

Subtly, the kings from the Southern Kingdoms joined in.

They aimed to roast the Empire’s nobles in hopes of dodging as much pressure from the Empire as possible.

While the Pope emphasized peace and cooperation, he expressed fury towards the Dark Mages.

And the Southern Kingdoms echoed his sentiments, attempting to redirect the Empire’s gaze toward the Dark Mages.

Just then, a loud voice from the attendants rang out.

“The small sun of the Empire! Crown Prince Kariel Friedrich von Blazer, Your Highness approaches!”

As the massive door opened and Kariel stepped in, every gaze in the hall focused on him.

Gone were the days of his tousled hair and ironed clothing, now properly adorned, Kariel stood out among those gathered as one of the most handsome.

Although he still showed signs of youth, his good looks were undeniable.

“It’s my first time using my face like this.”

In his previous life, he hadn’t gotten this kind of heated reaction from others, making him slightly tilt his head in confusion.

The only noticeable change from then and now was that his previously emaciated face had regained its composure; however, the difference was greater than Kariel had assumed.

Having already scored a point with his appearance, Kariel approached the Pope with a grin.

“It is an honor to meet you.”

“Likewise, an honor to meet you.”

As Kariel used the term “Your Excellency” instead of “Your Majesty,” expressions stiffened among those nearby.

It was a reference to the Pope’s peak era when he had been reduced to a leader of a neutral nation.

During the Empire’s prosperous times, none dared to use the title “Pope” when addressing the Holy Land’s leader.

Taking advantage of the generosity extended by the Empire to forge their current position, the Holy Nation had the gall to undermine the Empire’s status.

Kariel was not willing to tolerate such behavior.

“I’m curious about what everyone finds so amusing.”

“Haha… we were discussing the Dark Mages, the topic of this Continental Conference.”

“Dark Mages, you say…”

“The movements of the Dark Mages have historically brought great calamities to the continent, so should we not cooperate and ensure their annihilation moving forward?”

The Pope smiled, now expressing a desire for the Holy Nation to take the lead in eliminating the Dark Mages.

“They underestimate me. Or are they simply testing the waters?”

The Pope was gauging the extent of Kariel’s power as he subtly threw an easy jab his way, but he made a mistake.

If Kariel had been the Emperor, he would have tread lightly, but Kariel was the Crown Prince on the verge of retirement.

There was no need to consider the future.

“How peculiar.”

Kariel tilted his head in apparent confusion.

The Banquet Hall froze, and all eyes turned to the Pope and Kariel.

“Isn’t the foundation on which the Holy Nation established its status the eradication of the Dark Mages and the significant contributions made during the war with the Demon Realm?”

Kariel feigned ignorance, tilting his head as he posed the question.

In an instant, the expression of the Pope, the old fox, stiffened as he grasped Kariel’s intention.

But true to his nickname, he quickly formed a smile on his lips.

“Indeed. Though there were minor missteps, we corrected our course through the Inquisition and began a crusade against the Dark Mages…”

“Then why is it that the Holy Nation is overseeing this?”

At Kariel’s interjection, the Pope’s eyes twitched.

He tried to divert Kariel’s pointed question with his fox-like talk, but was thwarted by Kariel’s unchanging grin.

“A minor misstep? When did colluding with the Dark Mages become merely a minor error?”

“The mistakes of those who serve the gods reflect upon the Holy Nation as a whole. Therefore, as the Pope, I intend to personally punish them.”

“So why is it that the Holy Nation should correct this?”

Kariel rebutted the Pope’s claims directly.

Now, those present began to understand the weight behind Kariel’s counter.

“On what grounds does the Holy Nation think it can penalize those who have dared to conspire with Dark Mages inside the Empire?”

“…The treatment of those who serve the gods has been determined by the Emperor of the Empire.”

“Didn’t the Holy Nation violate that rule?”

Kariel glared at the Pope, even erasing the mechanical smile he had maintained.

“It’s not just the nobles; it was your kind who engaged in trashy actions in the Imperial Palace. The number of priests who dared mess around the palace exceeds several tens.”

“…We take full responsibility for that and are willing to offer all reparations the Empire desires.”

As Kariel pressed forward, the Pope, too, dug deep into his own reserves, gambling everything he could.

But Kariel could only smile internally.

The great Pope’s hand was hardly impressive.

From the outset, the situation was overwhelmingly tilted in the Empire’s favor; there was little he could do.

“It seems Your Excellency is under one great misconception.”

“Misconception, you say?”

“Indeed. Reparations? That’s merely a compensation for the damage done to the Empire and is something owed. The topic we should be discussing at this Continental Conference is related to the Dark Mages, is it not?”

Kariel’s words sent tremors through the Pope’s eyes.

He realized the implications of such a statement.

The very topic he wished to avoid.

Kariel had dragged it into the light – something he had attempted to sidestep by throwing out the bait of reparations.

“The Empire can no longer trust the Holy Nation.”

With Kariel’s declaration, the Banquet Hall filled with murmurs among the guests.

“The Dark Mages are cunning. I know this well from firsthand experience.”

As Kariel spoke, he adapted tales of his encounters with the Dark Mages in the capital and the battles in the Northwest and Southeast.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the Banquet Hall shifted to one of attentive listening to Kariel’s words.

“As Duke Cletta and Duke Pires know, subduing the Dark Mages is an exceptionally arduous task. Does the Holy Nation think it can handle such matters alone when it hasn’t even fully sorted its internal affairs?”

Kariel flashed a grin, deliberately dragging in the masters from the South.

The two dukes quietly nodded their agreement.

Acknowledging the difficulty of the battles in the Southeast led others to resonate with the sentiment.

They had also indirectly witnessed Kariel’s prowess during the battles in the square.

Seeing that, the Pope stepped in to shift the tide.

“Then, all the more reason we should combine our strengths, right? The Holy Nation is ready to assist the Empire and other nations from the lowest of grounds.”

“Oh! We certainly need to join forces. Is that not exactly why we convened this Continental Conference?”

The Pope presented himself lowly as one eager to serve, his demeanor akin to that of a saint. Yet, Kariel met him with a rich smile, responding with ease.

“However, don’t you think the number of priests available to fight the Dark Mages is woefully insufficient?”

He turned to question the kings from the South.

At that, the members of the Southern Alliance buzzed among themselves.

The Holy Nation had practically unified the religion of the West Continent.

Yet, remnants of their traditional beliefs persisted in the South as folk religions, and they, too, could wield ‘Divine Power.’

“We can no longer leave things solely to the Holy Nation.”

By proposing the revival of belief systems in each nation to combat the Dark Mages, Kariel sent subtle, persuasive messages with his inquiries, causing the eyes of both kings to flicker significantly as they glanced at the Pope.