Chapter 56


Prisoner found?


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Rank 1,129,111 (Top 27%)

Solo Queue

– Gold 3

– 17 LP / 661 wins 661 losses

– Win rate 50%


Prisoner is no big deal lol


– What the heck lol, is a Prisoner really Gold?

– Look at those immature brats eating up usernames lol

– Gold-level lmao

– Please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete please delete

– Hey Gold-dok, don’t ruin Prisoner, you crossed the line fr

– And in the meantime, is Gold 3 with 1300 games real? This Gold-dok is a legend…

– Win rate exactly 50% lol, the guardian of balance, you fool


Did I hope it wouldn’t be a low-quality username bait?

“Wow, they snagged the username already. This isn’t right, right everyone?”

– This is a true statement lol

– True true

– Crossing the line

Jjuhsim read through posts with the audience.


Yo, did you get caught boosting as Prisoner or something?



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First of all, helpers are nonsense, and logically, it’s absurd that a username would just vanish without any reason lol


– That can’t be

– Hmm… there’s a possibility but I’ll just be playing with my electric squirrel

– That’s overboard

– Honestly, with that skill, they’d rather be a streamer than a pro, but since it’s neither, it’s not impossible… still, I’m thinking it’s probably not true

– Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy!

– Lol, so now there’s a Prigal too?

– They might have felt there was no competition and deleted their account in a moment of despair


“Eh, it’s not boosting. This one crossed the line a bit. Right everyone? Why would Prisoner boost?”

– True true

– No matter what, boosting is a bit much lol

– Do you see Prisoner as a loser???

Though they said that, the community was ablaze with all kinds of suspicions.

Red Cup finals? Now that felt like a joke.

Could it be that?

[Server not found.]

“What the heck.”

Because the site kept crashing, Jjuhsim moved through several communities, but other communities couldn’t handle the excessive users either.

It truly felt like the end of days.

[Server not found.]

[Server not found.]




[Server not found.]

“Seriously, this is bad.”

– Me

– Rock

– Me

– Rock

– Me

– Rock

Of course, public sentiment was equally furious.

How many times did I refresh multiple communities while keeping them open?

Finally, a post caught Jjuhsim’s eye.



Request for downvotes) Hot-off-the-press list of sanctions just uploaded 30 minutes ago



【Detection Status of Boosting Games R371】

【Permanent Game Usage Restriction】

【Detected Summoner Names】

[Angs] [asdsds123] [eye*qwrqty]




[KimSooHanBook13] [wtyrtwtw] [yqeyhwfwgg5]

【30-day Game Usage Restriction】

【Detected Summoner Names】

[LeftOverEatCannon] [WhenBoilingChim] [sdekowlwrewt]




[IlIlIlIl] [MyoMyoMyoMyaMyaMya] [wdjwtwsd5wtt]

As you can see, neither the permanent bans nor the 30-day bans show any usernames even remotely similar to Prisoner, so…

Conclusion: Prisoner has not been banned.


-? Then what is it?

– Don’t tell me they just quit for real?

– What the hell lol, they hit 2000 points and deleted? What the heck?!

– Is Prisoner a god? Is Prisoner a god? Is Prisoner a god? Is Prisoner a god? Is Prisoner a god? Is Prisoner a god?

– So then what the heck is it?



Inquiry about Prisoner, ㅇㅇ



They said they can’t reveal personal info ㅇㅇ


– That makes sense, true true

– They only do their job well in situations like this lol

– So what’s the conclusion?


“Guys, I need to say something.”

Then Jjuhsim loaded up the monologue he had prepared.

According to his usual philosophy, a broadcaster sometimes needed to fight between capital and self-doubt.

Just like right now.

“This incident has plunged into a mystery. But I, the great detective Jjunam, will surely uncover the truth behind this case.”

– Ugh… jeez…

– Dude I can’t watch anymore

– I’ll watch on YouTube bye bye

The impact was tremendous.


Days passed.

Amid various speculations and suspicions swirling around, several theories gained significant support from the people.



? Why is everyone talking nonsense? Prisoner is just a rare disease patient




( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)

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Of course, that means health-related suspicions should pop up, not helpers or boosters, those are all kids here?


-? I haven’t heard that before?

– Is it officially out?

– There have been some talks about it in the past. But isn’t it just a rumor?

– It’s not official, but it was spread by someone who claimed to be a coach of a team, so it’s not confirmed

– So it’s just unknown then lol

– So what’s the conclusion, that Prisoner is dead? Does an account disappear because someone dies?

– No, it’s that they might have deleted their account as a form of personal closure before dying, you know? You dolt


– Is the theory about Prisoner’s rare disease real?

– So that means they’re really dead?

– I still don’t know if they’re dead, but their condition seems bad, right? Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a reason to delete a level 2000 account.

– Wait, did they really hit 2000 points with that body? Are they not the god of Legends of League?



This is an old post about a rare disease in Prisoner.



.  /⌒ヽ

  ∩ ^ω^) 

  |   ⊂ノ

 |   _⊃

  し ⌒

Prisoner definitely has a rare disease ㅇㅇ I can’t share details obviously, but I heard it from someone in the team.

And logically, why would Prisoner with that skill not be pro? There’s got to be a reason.


– This is starting to hold water…

– Isn’t this made up? How can a rare disease patient get to 2000 points?

– That could happen. Just because you see someone with functional fingers doesn’t mean they’re great at games.

– For real lol



Prisoner’s real reason for disappearing. Fact



.           ✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,      

.             .   ゚      .             .

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 ˚                     ゚     .               .      🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                 .                    .           ✦             ˚                                      .              .

Human beings cannot see the universe.


– That’s true for real lol

– Is Prisoner the universe? Is Prisoner the universe? Is Prisoner the universe? Is Prisoner the universe? Is Prisoner the universe? Is Prisoner the universe?

– Damn lol, this has gone from nonsense to hilarious to the extreme lol

– Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner! Prisoner!


Of course, there were occasional posts like these as well.

“To summarize… it seems Prisoner hasn’t been sanctioned for issues like helping or boosting. Sure, they could’ve been hacked, but if that were the case, they’d probably have restored it by now.”

This issue’s sweet viewership and engagement didn’t escape Jjuhsim’s notice.

“The most certain thing is to directly ask the company… but they aren’t providing a proper answer. It seems related to personal information.”

– So what’s the conclusion?

– Me

– Rock

– Me

– Rock

– Jjuhsim has lost his initial spirit, turning into cyber garbage for real lol

– For real lol

– Rock

『“Rock rock rock rock rock”』

“Everyone, stay calm. From here on out, it gets serious. Actually, I’ve personally asked someone I know in relation to Prisoner.”

“Who is that person? Oh come on, if I tell you, I’m gonna be in big trouble for real.”

– For real?

– Extreme

– Relax

– Rock

– Extreme

– Rock

“Apparently, a person from a team once had Prisoner take a test, and back then, they said they could barely even move. So, some of these rumors might actually have some truth to them. Health issues.”

– Extreme

– Rock

– Extreme

– Rock

“So when we combine all this, I cautiously think that Prisoner achieved their final goal of hitting 2000 points, and is settling personal affairs…”

– This is somber…

– A Gold 3 jungler going out like this?

– Wow… isn’t this a national loss? How much foreign exchange could they have brought if Prisoner debuted as a pro?

[The reason why Prisoner’s account disappeared]

The conclusion drawn by Jjuhsim, a popular broadcaster and major YouTuber, spread far and wide through YouTube and was accepted as the factual narrative.

Prisoner has died.

Or, they are in a life-threatening condition.

Regardless of the outcome, it was incredibly shocking news to the relatively younger Legends of League scene, who had been less resilient to the related issues.

– Today, a great star has fallen.

– Is Prisoner really dead? A Gold 3 jungler who couldn’t escape this gank?

– Don’t be ridiculous, you might get sued for this.



Breaking news) Rainbow reportedly not participating in team activities lately.



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By the way, it’s known that Rainbow had a very close relationship with Prisoner.

Getting a sense of it?


– Mourning…

– By the way, when Prisoner last hit 2000 points, Rainbow apparently cleared their schedule to grind solo queue too ㅇㅇ

– For real?


– Mourning video) Prisoner mad movie

– The Legends of League gallery expresses their condolences.

– A legend has fallen.

– Summary of how many pros Prisoner has beaten so far

– The jungle revolution brought about by Prisoner



“I’m so bored…”

While the world is in chaos, the party involved showed no signs of getting out of bed.