Chapter 56

When people gather, whether by choice or by force, there is always a leader in the group.

The Chief Magic Consultant Zigmeser was responsible for the dining table in Winterhome.

As for Elder Iona, she effectively led the servants and maidens of Winterhome and the priestesses of Felwinter Ridge.

Until now, only one wizard had been exclusively employed by the Felwinter Family, so there was no need to appoint a representative. However, even if there were only two wizards now, the number was increasing.

Unless it’s a special circumstance, it seemed like their numbers only grew rather than dwindled.

It was time to organize traffic from now on.

But as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.

Being in a position to represent a group was an annoying hassle.

Of course, the top magic consultant representing the royal wizard of Iceland naturally held considerable power.

Usually, one would be eager to take such a coveted position, but at least Catherine was not one of them.

Political issues were basic, let alone the major and minor affairs of the Felwinter family that would unfold in the castle and tower, and the fallout from the incoming wizards.

Unless the rank forced her to take on the burden, of course.

Just in time, Olivier—a man of more experience and age—had come by, and Catherine thought she should promptly pass on this annoying task.

But, naturally, my thoughts could be shared by someone else too.

Olivier’s actions were faster than hers.

In fact, he had already completed them long ago.

“Damn old fool! You have the audacity to pass such bothersome tasks on even though you’re heavy on the backside!”

“Even so, the fact that you were appointed hasn’t changed, so why not take it easy?”

Karem said this out of courtesy, even though it had already been repeated several times since this morning.

He gazed out the window against the backdrop of his employer’s frustrations.

Winter had long passed, the sky was clear, and the cold still lingered, but it was hardly warmer than before.

As the snow that had poured from the sky diminished, winter was eventually over.

However, the sun only showed its face between morning and afternoon, with the rays mostly hidden behind dreary gray clouds.

And most importantly…


As the snow retreated, the rain began to pour down, as if to say winter had no place here.

It would have been better if it were a torrential downpour.

But what fell was merely a light drizzle.

Typically, rain of such caliber was indifferent to anyone—welcome or unwelcome.

But with the melting snow and the gloomy sky, coupled with intermittent sunlight, a heavy humidity like that of midsummer’s rainy season began to envelop the entire Coldon.

Kingsland was also humid, but Iceland was even worse.

Fortunately, it seemed that some measure had been taken indoors, unlike the oppressive humidity outside.

Yet, it was still impossible to eliminate the moisture completely.

Just because the weather was damp didn’t mean Karem could shy away from work, so he immediately prepared a light meal.

After all, with the rain coming down and essential ingredients on hand…

Having mixed a small amount of flour with seasoned green onions and lined them up in a greased pan, he added various garnishes.

He then covered it with whisked eggs, frying it half in oil to create a golden-brown batter that resembled Korean pancakes and served several plates.

Though they looked like Dongnae pancakes on the surface, they bore no resemblance in essence.

To begin with, he substituted pork neck for seafood, and without glutinous rice flour, he had no choice but to use regular flour.

Nonetheless, Karem was somewhat satisfied with the outcome.

The thick pieces of pork that made the grooves and holes allowed the oil to flow through, frying the batter and eggs until everything was delightfully crisp.

Although there wasn’t any seasoned soy sauce, mixing a minimal amount of vinegar, chopped green onions, pepper, and finely minced Fire Witch Finger produced a sauce that was sufficient as a substitute.

It was no wonder the two wizards watching Karem intently were aghast.

How was it that a meal could contain more spices than the main components of eggs and meat?

Moreover, Olivier, who was horrified by the notion of a poisonous sauce, was now sweating slightly as he followed Catherine, who had reached a state of enlightenment regarding the food.

“Phew, the Fire Witch Finger adds a nice kick, but I can handle this much.”

“By the way, it’s reassuring to know that Fire Witch Finger isn’t poisonous. What a miraculous outcome. It almost feels like this stimulus is giving me more energy!”

“Old fool, despite your age, you still have some vitality, huh?”

“I crossed the continent on these two legs to get here. Of course!”

It didn’t take long for these two, who loved sparring with words and minor magic, to launch into a banter over dinner.

The argument began primarily with Catherine losing her cool first, followed by Olivier who found it amusing to fire back in jest.

Ultimately, it was only when Karem invoked the tranquility of mealtime that he desperately pleaded for peace that the squabbles subsided.

After all, even great wizards needed food to survive.

Of course, while it may seem trivial… Catherine was already high-strung about being sat tightly, so she had no choice but to begrudgingly agree.

That frustrated sentiment didn’t clear up until after snack time, so there was no denying it either.

Mary, who had grown accustomed to the increased work thanks to the brief conflict between the two wizards, felt a tinge of dissatisfaction.

‘By the way, that he only crushed the Fire Witch Finger to the size of a thumbnail and is sweating that much… Is there truly some effect to it?’

Now that she thought of it, just touching it felt spicy to the skin, so perhaps? But if it could be felt through the skin, then it couldn’t possibly be at a level where an ordinary person could consume it, right?

While Karem was lost in thought, Olivier, having finished his plate, set down his fork.

“Phew, I knew Fire Witch Finger was non-lethal, but I never imagined it would turn out to be a spice and taste this good.”

“Did it please your heart?”

“Yeah. In fact, it’s great that it warms the old joints.”

Olivier casually stroked his beard, but he was genuinely surprised.

After all, even as a wizard, he had encountered various dishes.

Among them were several that were more delicate and tasteful than what Karem had presented.

After all, he had lived longer than Catherine.

Who on earth would think of using spices in pancakes?

Moreover, to think of adding a poisonous herb to the sauce, albeit in minor quantity?

Of course, while it is no longer termed poisonous, the shock of having his common sense overturned was beyond imagination.

And the fact they tasted good to boot!

“Perhaps because I’m getting old, I’ve been leaning towards bland flavors, but with this spice and stimulation, I could munch away merrily on even greasy dishes.”

“Oh, did you find it greasy?”

“I can’t outright say I didn’t feel a single ounce of it.”

And that seemed natural.

Karem believed the key to pancakes was in the crispiness.

To that end, he poured oil into the pan to almost submerge the batter and fried it as if to cook it.

Considering the amount of oil he could have used, it was beyond imagination.

It was a luxury afforded by being in a setting where oil could be used freely.

However, still, when people get one thing satisfied, they want two.

Karem was simply left feeling regretful that he couldn’t quite manage to make proper pancakes.

Traditionally, pancakes should be stuffed with copious amounts of seafood.

However, Karem had yet to see shrimp, squid, or similar creatures in Winterhome.

He even considered using fish or clams, but they hadn’t arrived recently.

If he didn’t have them, there was nothing to be done, but Karem could only continue to lament.

“Hey, kid. What are you dissatisfied with this time?”

“Nothing at all. I simply thought it was fortunate that you were all enjoying the meal.”

“Hmm, well, I hope every day is like today.”

Completely satisfied, Catherine wiped the sweat prompted by the spice as Mary cleared the plates.

Unlike before, when they were buried in work until Winter, precisely, Winter’s end (Wintersend), life afterward seemed leisurely in comparison.

With Olivier joining, the workload had been cut in half.

Despite disliking most things, Catherine found joy in that one aspect.

“So, what’s for dessert?”

“Dessert? After eating so much, you still ask?”

“Of course! I just had something spicy and sour, so even more so!”

Certainly, Karem understood that sentiment.

There’s nothing as tempting as a sweet dessert to soothe a tongue shocked by intense flavors.

“Still, after eating that much, you want more?”

“Listen, kid. What’ve I always told you?”

“The stomach for snacks is separate.”

This phrase was something Karem heard all the time, so he couldn’t possibly forget it.

But the idea that such a tiny body could fit in so much food alongside dessert was impossible to adjust to.

Well, gluttony could be one matter, but eating this much and not gaining weight made no sense. Magic? Is it really magic?

“Kitty. You may have lost your temper, but you certainly haven’t lost your stubbornness. Youngster, I advise you to simply give her what she wants.”


“Oops. I really don’t require any dessert.”

“Well, I have things to do! Olivier seemed satisfied as he bolted from the dining hall. Catherine, infuriated but holding it in, stomped around.

Just then, Mary approached, having finished clearing the table.

“Contractor, it seems dessert will have to be postponed.”

“Hmm? Ah, I suppose I need to see my lord. Tsk, oh well.”

Catherine clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

They say one curses even royalty in their absence, and that was nothing to complain about.

There was no one to rebuke her either.

“Well then, Sir Atanitas. As for dessert—”

“I’ll have it when I return!”

“Of course you will. I’ll prepare whipped cream and pound cake.”

Though Karem was particularly unskilled in baking, there were a few things he could confidently handle.

Neither castella nor tart was easy to make.

But pound cake was particularly simple.

After all, there’s nothing much easier than a pound cake.

Mixing flour, butter, eggs, and sugar at the same ratios and baking was all there was to it.

Unlike other batters, it didn’t even require fermentation time.

Catherine seemed sufficiently satisfied, nodding, before suddenly turning her head.

“I trust there’s still plenty of honey?”

“Of course.”

Only then did Catherine stand up proudly as if satisfied.

“Karem, junior. While I’m away, I don’t expect you to do the dishes.”

“No wonder I was thinking, why was she saying that.”




And during the time Catherine went to her nature, Karem, awaiting what had now turned into a snack rather than dessert—the pound cake—heard Catherine’s voice.

“Since we’ll be heading out in a few days, prepare accordingly. It will take three days at the earliest, and at least a week at the latest.”

“You’re suddenly telling me this?”

“I thought things were easing up, but here we are.”

Catherine sighed.