Chapter 56

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 56: Boss of the 20th Floor

“Ah, I feel refreshed!”

After tidying up the trash, I stepped out of the Monster House with a clear mind.

The air in the dungeon felt delicious for some reason, and it seemed like all my mental fatigue had vanished.

I stowed away the gem, Siren’s Tear, I obtained from the Monster House into my bag and walked lightly through the dungeon.


“What’s wrong, Fiera?”

However, Fiera had not said a word since leaving the room and was just quietly following me, staring my way.



“What kind of experiences have you had up until now?”

At first, I couldn’t grasp the intent of her question and couldn’t answer right away, but I understood that witnessing my earlier self must have evoked something in her.

“Who knows? Anyway, this is irrelevant to you.”

When I said that, Fiera’s expression turned sad and she looked away for a moment.

However, I had no intention of sharing the topics surrounding my returns from death with anyone, and it was indeed a fact that she had nothing to do with my past life, so there was little I could do about her expression.

“Do you think I’m a terrible person? Cruel? Have I gone too far?”

“…No. I sort of understand what you were saying. I don’t have the experience, but if I did, I would undoubtedly do the same thing you did, El.”

“I see.”

Fiera’s words felt like an acceptance of my past self, and for some reason, I was a little pleased.

“Well then. Now that we’re free of distractions, let’s push on to the 20th floor.”

“Okay, got it.”

After that, not much changed, as the monsters we encountered were the same lowly Sirens and Merfolk as before, and we arrived at the 20th floor in about two hours.

Fortunately, there were no other adventurers in front of the boss room on the 20th floor, so we could enter immediately.


The room was the same as before, with glowing walls, and in the center, there was a large body of water.

“Something’s in there.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty big.”

As we readied our weapons, ripples spread across the water, gradually foaming and kicking up a huge splash, revealing the boss of this room.


“It’s a Kraken, isn’t it?”

The Kraken was a gigantic squid monster that lived in the sea and was notorious for sinking ships.

Its strength rated as S-rank, but due to the difficult environment of battle under the sea and its size, the hunting requests often had an SS-rank designation.

However, what stood before us was a smaller version of the Kraken, possibly a young one.

“Looks like its strength is about A-rank. The water area isn’t that wide, so it should be way better than fighting in the ocean.”

“Right. But it could be troublesome if it dives underwater.”

“True enough. For now, let’s just go as we always do.”


To start with, as usual, Fiera would attack while I provided magical support.


“On it!”

Just as Fiera requested, I created a foothold in mid-air for her to dash towards the Kraken.

The Kraken tried to knock her down with its numerous tentacles as she approached, but Fiera cleverly leaped and crouched to avoid them, making it a bit challenging for me to keep up with her movements.

“That thing really isn’t holding back.”

She soared through the air, almost as if she trusted me completely, skillfully dodging all the Kraken’s tentacles, closing in to deliver a punch.


However, Fiera’s strikes were absorbed by the Kraken’s squishy surface, barely dealing any damage.

After striking the Kraken, Fiera landed softly and used the foothold I created to leap back toward me.

“It’s too soft to do any real damage.”

“Seems like it. In that case, slashing might be…”

As I pondered how to take down the Kraken, it snapped, angry from being hit by Fiera, and slammed multiple tentacles down toward us.

I swiftly used Ignido to cut these attacking limbs, while Fiera surrounded her hands in fighting spirit and cut them as well.

“Is it regenerating?”

Yet no matter how many tentacles we severed, it seemed the Kraken had a regeneration ability, as the limbs quickly returned.

Frustrated by its inability to take us down, the Kraken suddenly splattered ink all over the surrounding walls.

(This is bad. Now we can’t see anything!)

Our eyes, now used to the previous brightness of the room, were plunged into darkness.

I hastily attempted to cast light magic, but for some reason, I couldn’t properly channel my magic power and couldn’t activate the spell.

Then, as if it could see us, the Kraken targeted me with its tentacles.

I sensed its movement and quickly dodged, a loud thud resounding from where I had just been.

“Fiera, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Since Fiera had a heightened sense of danger compared to me, I felt reassured and focused on my own situation.

After several failed attempts to cast light magic yet again, my power still wouldn’t channel properly, and whenever I tried to activate it, my magic broke apart into mist.

(Is the ink I splattered earlier imbued with some kind of magic power inhibition?)

I had never heard of a regular Kraken having such a trait, but the creature here was a monster created by the dungeon’s own magic.

It wouldn’t be surprising if it possessed abilities different from the usual ones.

Moreover, it seemed to have a magic detection ability, attacking me the moment I attempted to cast magic.

“In that case, I have no choice but to finish it quickly!”

I hastily devised a plan in my head and called out loudly to wherever Fiera was.

“Fiera! I’ll light the area with Ignido’s flames to draw its attention, so you take the chance to finish it off!”

“Got it!”

After hearing her confirm, I poured magic into Ignido and surrounded it with flames.

(All right. Turns out channeling magic into the magic sword is no problem at all.)

It seemed the magic inhibition of the Kraken only triggered when I tried to release energy from within my body to cast spells, but flowing my power into the magic sword posed no issue.

As I increased the flames enveloping Ignido, the Kraken sensed the magic energy and charged at me.

“You underestimated me.”

With that, I swung Ignido sideways, incinerating the Kraken’s legs with a crimson flame slash.


Seizing the chance while the Kraken was momentarily incapacitated with its lost limbs, Fiera quickly scaled its remaining legs, closing the distance, and coated her clawed hand in fighting spirit for a powerful downward strike.

This time, unable to do anything to absorb the damage, the Kraken cleanly split in two, vanishing except for a magic stone that remained.

I used wind magic to carry both Fiera and the magic stone to the rocky area as she returned with it in hand.

“That was a great attack at the end.”


After receiving the magic stone from Fiera, I stored it in my magic bag and decided to end today’s exploration here, teleporting back outside the dungeon.