Volume 7 Chapter 41: “Tea Talk”
“—- Strategy Meeting!”
The room fell silent as if water had been poured on it, and Subaru raised his short hand to suggest this.
No one objected to those words. Everyone felt the necessity of discussion.
The topic, of course, was the issue of ‘Appearing at Crimson Lapis Castle.’
“It’s essential that the one who wrote the letter, Abel, and those of us who went to the castle yesterday, are there…”
Subaru reflected on the demands left by Yorna through the messenger, Tanzar, while looking down at the clothes he had tightened at the sleeves and hem, furrowing his brows into a frown.
Ignoring the risk of directly sending Abel to the castle, the biggest concern was the condition of ‘the company of yesterday’s messenger.’
Would Yorna really be impressed by Subaru, Al, and Medium, who had shrunk in size? There was a significant risk they could be viewed as a joke.
Alternatively, the option to fully disclose their circumstances to Yorna and sincerely plead with her from the heart also existed…
“In a situation where we don’t know the opponent’s moves, showing our hand is the height of insanity.”
“Right… I can’t say with certainty that Yorna will listen to us, considering what happened yesterday…”
Subaru agreed with Abel’s refusal to reveal all their cards.
Though he avoided clear statements yesterday, if Subaru were to describe the impression Yorna left him, the term ‘evil woman’ would be most accurate. Her manner of speaking and behavior resembled that of a knowing seductress, skilled at manipulating men.
Not to mention, as the ruler of the Magic City and someone possessing the title of ‘Nine Divine Generals,’ Yorna’s dangerousness was self-evident.
Initially aiming to seduce one of the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ as a potential ally, Subaru understood Abel’s concerns about how easily they could reveal their circumstances.
“If we lay out all our cards and get cornered about our brother’s situation, we’d be in deep trouble. What if she accused me of lying about cross-dressing?”
“I don’t want to think she’d throw such accusations at us, but should we at least pretend it’s Natsumi Schwarz’s little girl form…?”
“W-wait a moment! That could really end up confusing me as well…”
The dilemma of layering lies to cover up a lie is a well-known tale, but the prospect of having to dress up as a child to evade the lie of cross-dressing seems rare.
Unlike Al’s helmet, the wig’s size can be adjusted for cross-dressing. However, the necessity to go that far depends on how the upcoming events unfold.
“So, what are we going to do? The bell for the hour of fire is in about three hours, right?”
“…We definitely have to go to Crimson Lapis Castle.”
Medium, tilting her head while cradling Rui in her arms, posed the question.
The two, matching in size, were now both tilting their heads further as Subaru had to consult his inner balance.
“First off, skipping Yorna’s invitation isn’t an option, right?”
“Well, we did go through a lot of trouble to read her letter. Otherwise, the meaning behind our efforts yesterday would vanish too.”
“To be honest, all that would remain are the losses…”
Nodding to Al and Talitta’s words, Subaru considered that withdrawal might not be such a bad option.
The mindset of not being able to leave until the wager is recovered is a classic for those who end up losing badly in gambling. Sometimes, adopting a stance of loss-cutting is crucial.
Yet, the ‘loss’ in this case was their height.
“Should this be viewed as heavy or light…?”
“If we were aging, I could get it, but we’re getting younger. Doesn’t this feel like some kind of secret to eternal youth?”
“Yeah, indeed—”
In a sense, ‘youth’ signifies an increase in chances similar to ‘returning from death.’
Returning to childhood while retaining adult knowledge and experience might allow suitable training for the growth of that body and a chance to retry goals once abandoned.
In the right situation, there might be ways to turn it into a plus. However—
“—-Or so you might think? But it’s not that simple, is it? It’s not that handy, is it?”
At that moment, a third voice interrupted the discussion, causing Subaru’s breath to stop.
–No, it wasn’t just Subaru who stopped. Everyone in the room froze, unable to move in response to the presence of the voice’s owner.
But the figure was remarkably unconcerned by the rising tension in the room.
“I’m pouring myself a cup of tea, but is there anyone else who wants some?”
With that, he raised a steaming teacup and casually asked.
Instantly, as if activated by a spring, Talitta sprang into action.
In an instant, she nocked an arrow to her drawn bow and aimed it directly at the newly arrived figure—Roswaal Dunkelken.
The target was impossibly close, making it impossible to miss, and there was no distance to dodge.
However, Roswaal shrugged and calmly said, “Come on, come on. I really don’t like sharp objects pointed at me. It’s bad enough that old folks have to visit the bathroom frequently; are you trying to scare me into peeing my pants? I’m already on edge, you know?”
“How dare you…! You said…”
“—- Roswaal Dunkelken.”
Faced with hostility, but not flustered, the short old man Roswaal made Talitta blush. Nevertheless, it was the man in the demon mask who answered her question.
The only one who had not moved was Abel, quietly seated on a sofa, exchanging glances with the demon-masked man while Roswaal squinted, his thick brows hiding his eyes.
“Well, I already knew I was famous since yesterday, so I’m not shocked, but you do have an impression that lingers, don’t you? Where exactly did that face come from?”
“Quit toying with me, old tree. What business do you have here?”
“These young whippersnappers today don’t indulge the old in idle chatter, it’s quite lonely, you see. Even the folks in the village are getting better at ignoring me by the day… kakkaka!”
While talking about the sad situation of the elderly, Roswaal laughed heartily.
The confusion of Subaru and the others watching from the sidelines gradually melted, though their vigilance would never fully disappear.
“But how did you get in, old man? We certainly weren’t blind or anything…”
“Oh, you’re the little girl who looked like yesterday’s dancer. I went through that deer-girl, you know? Came in together, that’s how it is.”
“Together? With Tanzar?”
“Kakkaka! How I got in is a secret. The shinobi arts are like my business tools, you know.”
Roswaal laughed, throwing Midium’s simple inquiry into the air.
No matter how serious he sounded, he showed no intention of hiding the fact that he called himself a ‘shinobi.’
In that case, it would be faster to directly ask about the true intent of his lone invasion into their camp.
“What exactly did you come here for?”
Roswaal glanced briefly at Subaru, who was asking about his purpose, then appeared to ponder as he furrowed his brow for a while.
“Ah, you must be talking about that red-dressed girl from yesterday, right? It was impossible to mistake you for the dancer and the one-armed person, so I had quite the dilemma.”
He confessed that he had struggled to grasp Subaru’s identity.
Hearing that, Subaru’s eyes widened, and Al, who was subtly adjusting his position, suppressed a chuckle. Through his mask, he deliberately lowered his voice slightly and said,
“…As expected, brother. Even the leader of the shinobi didn’t realize your identity.”
“Oh, that’s quite impressive, quite impressive! If I could pull off your disguise, I’d want to present it to the folks in my village. How about a teaching position? You’d be welcomed, you know.”
“Unfortunately, Natsumi Schwarz’s schedule is pretty packed… Well, it might be possible to create some time.”
“Oh? What do you mean by maybe?”
Subaru moistened his lips at Roswaal’s surprising interest in cross-dressing, feeling a slight thirst.
How much of his words should be believed is uncertain, but he had to make the most of this opportunity to converse with Roswaal. For now, they faced the abnormal situation after being attacked.
If Abel’s guesses were right, the perpetrator behind this phenomenon was none other than the old man before them.
“If you actually have any clues as to why we ended up like this, be honest…”
“Ah, that? Well, that was me. It’s amusing, the shinobi arts.”
Without any game of cat and mouse, Roswaal readily acknowledged his involvement.
His words overshadowed any further declarations from Subaru, who let out a faint gasp. Meanwhile, watching the frozen Subaru, the old man grinned wickedly and said,
“Accidentally killing someone makes it a hassle to ask questions—so I have various ways to squeeze the information out without killing. Isn’t that interesting?”
And with that declaration, he sipped his warm tea.
—- Subaru, Al, and Medium were hit by the ‘youthification.’
From Abel’s testimony, who understood the Nine Divine Generals, it was almost definitive that Roswaal was the culprit.
However, to hear it confirmed directly from the person’s mouth brought yet another type of shock. Especially when that person showed no sign of regret, behaving quite boldly.
“Hey now, you guys shouldn’t all be so scared. Isn’t it something you learn to treat the elderly with care, not to torture them?”
Tension escalated again in the room, particularly with Talitta keeping her bow drawn from the start, while Al and Medium shifted their stances cautiously.
Al stood ready to block Roswaal’s escape route at the entrance.
But with their shrunken bodies, wielding their swords was a challenge, and it was doubtful they could halt this elusive shinobi leader.
“That girl over there, she’s not a little kid with nothing to do with me, right? If so, those looks hurt me. Don’t you enjoy the sweet stench the old is known for?”
“Enough of your jesting, Roswaal. I ask again, why did you come here?”
Al attempted to placate Rui while Roswaal directed his face towards him. Roswaal, who usually remained unconcerned, was now finding amusement in Al’s actions, replying:
“You know the Magic City’s ruler, Yorna Mishigure? She’s the one who stated that these lads are to be treated as messengers. She clearly stated not to touch them.”
“Yes! No interference. That’s exactly why we fought yesterday! We risked our lives! This treatment is unacceptable!”
“Come on, you’re getting all stirred up.”
Riding on Abel’s attacks, Subaru reiterated Yorna’s earlier statement. True to Roswaal’s point, the emotions had indeed resurfaced from yesterday; however, that did not alter the facts.
Yorna recognized them as messengers, and Tanzar also declared they were left untouched.
To disregard that would outright signal their intention to oppose Yorna.
“Of course, if you plan to destroy the Magic City, you wouldn’t care one bit.”
“……That’s true…”
Subaru’s heated blood ran cold at Abel’s additional words.
Indeed, Roswaal’s crew, who included the fake emperor, had effectively transferred negotiation rights with Yorna over to them. There was little doubt they could immediately reverse this disastrous move.
In such a scenario, facing Yorna, a figure held in high regard among the Nine Divine Generals, would inevitably lead them to a direct collision.
“Should you challenge recklessly, destruction will inevitably follow. Naturally, appropriate damages will occur.”
“…That fox girl is quite a handful. However, it’s amusing that a masked young one perceives it so clearly.”
“Masked, young one…”
Roswaal rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and Subaru stole a glance at Abel.
Although he appeared unperturbed, Subaru’s anxiousness about this exchange was palpable. After all, Roswaal was one of the Nine Divine Generals.
Naturally, Abel, pretending to be Vincent Volakia, had met Roswaal many times before.
It wasn’t unusual for Roswaal, despite the mask, to discover that Abel was not just disguised and had his unchanged voice.
Despite the presence of the imposing, confident Abel, that anxiety did not wane.
Roswaal displayed no hint of having uncovered Abel’s identity. In that case, Subaru could not claim it himself, only hiding his growing fear beneath a mask.
“I still can’t hear your answer, Mr. Roswaal.”
“—- Well, I do feel strangely valued rather than just being called an old man. Therefore, I’ll overlook the fact that you disguised yourself as a girl.”
Losing his patience, Subaru fixed a sharp gaze on the dodging elder. Seeing this, Roswaal raised both hands and said, “Alright, alright.”
“In truth, you’re right. The fox girl and the lord have ordered me not to interfere.”
“But, well, because I poked at you before the deal yesterday, if you can die from wounds received while fighting, why am I not allowed to use a shrinking jutsu during the battle? Seems a bit unfair, right?”
“That’s just sophistry…!”
“Well, yeah, it is sophistry? —- But can you overturn it?”
Raising a brow, Roswaal chuckled wickedly, leaving Subaru at a loss for words.
Indeed, Roswaal’s argument was recognized as such, just as he himself admitted. Yet at the same time, it also had a critical logic.
Even if one were to die from wounds suffered during a fight, if those injuries occurred prior to ceasefire negotiations, holding responsibility for tragedies after the ceasefire would be unreasonable.
Certainly, the contrast between injuries and ‘youthification’ felt significantly different.
“So, I see your discussion about whether to revert back or leave things as they are, and I consider them separate matters.”
“Kakkaka! That’s no time to frown, you know. A cute face like yours should stay cheerful. Although that cute face might just be makeup!”
Wisely wiggling his hands, Roswaal continued to toy with his teacup, filling the air with an impossible-to-counter wisdom.
And yet, with Talitta’s increasing seriousness and Al’s attempts to seal off escaping routes, the vision of compelling Roswaal through brute force didn’t appear promising.
If there were any possibility to overcome this deviousness, it would—
“Take it easy, Roswaal.”
Yes, that would be a figure who could slice through the guile with overwhelming presence.
Abel remained still, shooting Roswaal a sharp glare that increased in intensity, stopping the old man’s playful play with the teacup.
“I recall asking you what you intended here. How many times must I inquire before you answer?”
“When an uncomprehending young lad is around, seeing the furrow in your brow is a curiosity I can’t resist. You’ll have to forgive me.”
One eye closed, Roswaal responded to Abel’s pressure with a playful tone. Yet, the penetrating gaze did not soften as he scratched his head, saying,
“Well, I’ve been told not to touch the fox girl, and the lord also forbids me from laying hands on you, so I didn’t come here to mess with you. Still, if you’re going to be enemies, I can weaken you a bit without punishment, right?”
“…That’s a good reason to shrink us, but it doesn’t explain why you came for tea.”
“I had trouble with my helmet fitting, so that’s not surprising for you. Anyway, it’s quite a simple thing: to be blunt, I actually came to hear what you have to say.”
While fiddling with the nonexistent teacup, Roswaal nodded at Subaru’s question.
He then directed the finger that had been toying with his ear toward the window, saying,
“Yesterday’s bravado at the castle impressed me. However, many have tried to impress the lord and all have failed up till now. So, I’m curious about why you might traverse such dangerous bridges.”
“…So, where is that leading? What do you plan to do with that information?”
“Huh? Obviously, I’ll see what to do after hearing it. I’ll throw some tricks in to make sure you don’t lie. Kakkaka!”
As Roswaal laughed heartily, Subaru frowned, feeling a touch of anxiety.
His attitude, while spoken humorously, was evidently someone with far more complexity.
For overcoming the ‘youthification’ spell, or perhaps orchestrating help for Abel’s reclaiming of the throne, he demonstrated he was among the Nine Divine Generals.
On the other hand—
“…A chance, huh?”
It was difficult to make contact with such a figure, as Roswaal sat at the center.
However, for whatever crazy reason, within the chaos frame, apart from Yorna, there was Roswaal and likely Chisha impersonating the fake emperor, present here together.
Naturally, it would be impossible to coax the antagonistic Chisha, but perhaps—
“If Abel’s deduction from yesterday holds true, it doesn’t make Roswaal an enemy just yet.”
Effectively being used as a piece in the game alongside the Nine Divine Generals, Abel’s stand pointed out that there might be some hope for Roswaal. Together with reaching a point of negotiation with Yorna, it couldn’t be denied that Abel’s choice was accurate.
Regarding Roswaal’s alignment, there should be negotiation possibilities trusting his assumptions.
However, to align Roswaal to their side—
Over the silence, Subaru eyed Abel’s profile cautiously.
This would mean it was crucial to unveil the truth about Abel’s identity to Roswaal. Revealing such fundamental information would serve as an absolute necessity to win him over.
Honestly, it was hard to imagine there was any other information that would resonate with Roswaal as strongly as this.
Receiving Subaru’s glance, the masked Abel remained motionless.
His profile obscured by the mask concealed all traces of his emotions. Yet, it wasn’t likely that such a knowledgeable being as Abel overlooked Subaru’s thoughts.
How much to reveal to Roswaal became the focal point. However, Abel’s stillness suggested this notion was perhaps either premature or he was considering his own timing.
Regardless, successfully winning over Roswaal could shine a light on their ‘youthification’ issues, power shortages, and even the struggle for the Nine Divine Generals’ position.
Therefore, this seemed to be a moment to decide—
“—- Interestingly, human expressions can be surprisingly chatty, you know?”
“Eye movements, tension in the face, a hint of muscle tightness… you don’t even need to open your mouth, tons of things can be read from body movement, honestly.”
Tapping his two fingers on his eye, Roswaal declared this. His gaze fell upon Subaru, who was taking a breath.
“For example, the dancer girl seems to rely on the archer girl. The wrapped young lad and the little ones are you. And as for you and the archer… the masked young lad.”
“Just by following where everyone else looks, you can see significant things. And the most evident during the weak moments, right?”
With that, Roswaal exposed a bright grin, his words sank into Subaru’s mind.
And as he looked before the seemingly amicable Roswaal, Subaru realized he had grossly misjudged the essence of this individual.
Roswaal had made it clear he had initiated the ‘youthification’ process, and he affirmed it was all to discuss with them.
—- He never once said he came to “negotiate” with Subaru and the rest.
“So, you came here to talk…”
“Now, the difference between ‘talking to’ and ‘coming to hear’ is slight but important, you know? I enjoy chatting like this. But…”
“I may be the shinobi leader, but I’m also representing the people of my village. Thus… I can’t really trust words spoken by someone I haven’t tortured.”
Despite maintaining the demeanor of a reasonable old man until just now, Roswaal laid bare his thoughts in line with the shinobi’s— their unspoken yet stringent code of conduct.
That grim inflexibility bore striking similarities to what Subaru had learned of the ‘ninja’ universe.
Yet, experiencing that brutality firsthand instead of just as a piece of fiction felt significantly more sobering.
And then—
“So, in that case, you carry a considerable attitude; even if you don’t trust others, why have you come to persuade the fox girl?”
“——- If that can’t be clarified, what then?”
“In that case, I’ll simply take other measures, right? However, since my hands are tied from interfering, my options are limited.”
Roswaal shrugged, and his focus shifted squarely to Abel. Naturally, it was hard to believe someone who leads the shinobi could neglect careful observation.
Like this, a flickering glance was thrown toward Al and Talitta.
While he was aimed at, it certainly didn’t make sense that Subaru’s group showed intent to attack Roswaal.
Under Yorna’s directive, they had been welcomed to Chaos Frame as messengers.
In this unpredictable position after causing a disturbance in Chaos Frame, how Yorna would handle a poorly behaved visitor was uncertain.
Thus, this situation presented a stalemate between Subaru’s group and Roswaal.
Both declared they prepared to inflict harm but could only stare each other down.
In this paradoxically precarious state—
“…But where else can you succeed in that state?”
Reflecting on their situation, Subaru began pondering again.
Once more, the thought emerged: “Isn’t this a chance?”
With Yorna and the fake emperor binding Roswaal, restricting him from further violent actions was an opportunity.
Evaluating Roswaal’s sentiment should uncover which side he leaned toward, and even if he were opposed, the chances that he’d face limitations became evident.
Time flowed slowly, each second passing.
Amidst the tense atmosphere and the recognition that Yorna’s fire bell would be ringing soon, scarce time remained.
Those hours were precious. — Spending them wasted would erode their very lives.
In this silence, Talitta’s fingers trembled around her bow. Al and Medium held their breaths. Even Rui, miracle of life stirring an audible lap, seemed to instinctively perceive Roswaal’s inherent danger.
Presumably, they had no choice but to remain still. If anything, they could—
“—- Abel.”
Quietly, Subaru called out Abel’s name.
Noticing that, Roswaal’s attention shifted towards him, even through the demon mask, his focus on Subaru could be felt.
His feelings were hidden— but the intentions bore clarity as if he had seen Subaru’s past course of actions.
“Vincent Volakia, Emperor.”
Subaru’s statement prompted Roswaal to raise his eyebrows at the mention of Abel’s gaze.
Covered by his long, bushy brow, his eyes were opened wide, perplexed by Subaru’s declaration. This reaction was entirely warranted yet still failed to seek what he genuinely needed.
So to draw that sought reaction, Subaru pressed deeper.
“You want to know the identity hidden beneath the masked youth and our goals. Specifically, why we wished to meet with Yorna, and the answer is…”
“Come on now, that’s not too humorous, is it?”
“I have no intention of making it a laughing matter. — Abel.”
For a moment, Roswaal faltered, a small surprise breaking through his tone.
Clearly noticing it, Subaru turned to acknowledge Abel, who had become quiet in this moment, refraining from opposing Subaru’s words.
Then, gently, Abel’s graceful fingers stretched toward his face. And then—
“—- This is quite a deal, you know.”
The old man’s surprise broke Roswaal’s focus as he revealed his concealed face.
Before him stood the dark-haired, handsome visage— none other than Vincent Volakia, Emperor.
“Your Excellency?! No way, that’s too weird! If so, I should be with you—”
“Use your aging wits, Roswaal Dunkelken. You must have the answer. The rest is simply waiting for you to release it.”
“You speak like a true muscled lord. …But it seems so.”
Once swallowed by astonishment, the aged shinobi swiftly regained his calm.
Exposing his face and issuing commands as Emperor, Abel seemed to weave through the surrounding circumstances as Roswaal began to piece them together.
Roswaal held his chin in thought, saying, “So it’s Chisha after all. Quite a piece of work… but is that how it will be? It would be uncharacteristic for you to be so accepting.”
“Do you think you can see through my depths with those eyes?”
“Oh, how frightening, how frightening.”
Roswaal waved his hands lightly as he responded to Abel’s words lingeringly. In fact, Roswaal was correct—the condition of Abel had left him in a state of disarray, still failing to show any sign of concern.
Yet that impenetrable bravado was thinned out as Roswaal’s expression of understanding emerged.
Abel was clearly understood.
Roswaal comprehended that Abel had been ousted from the imperial throne and that the Vincent accompanying them was a false emperor.
“I’ve had quite a jumble of thoughts in my brain. And I certainly wondered why he would pay a sudden visit to that fox girl.”
“Well… it was all to restrain our movements.”
“Hmm, it appears I can’t keep up and need to change my approach. The desire for a young attractive man full of wisdom is far too greedy. Don’t you think so? You too are young. Oh, no wait! I caused your age drop! Kakkaka!”
The old man chuckled loudly, attempting to reconcile absurdity with humor.
Subaru felt his cheeks tighten at the sight, letting a long sigh escape as he turned to Talitta.
The Shudrak warrior still aimed her alert bow at Roswaal, unwilling to lower her guard. He needed to ease her warrior stance— to try and stabilize the outcome of their discussions.
“Talitta, you can put the bow down now. Roswaal is…”
“Huh? Nah, it’s alright if I don’t lower it, you know? Besides, it’s hard to lower one’s guard around someone I haven’t defined as an enemy yet.”
As Roswaal’s words halted the path of Subaru seeking to calm the situation, he acknowledged Talitta taking such defensive actions instead of dismissing them completely— meaning his danger hadn’t lessened.
Yet that meant—
“What I plan to say…”
“I heard it, didn’t I? I said I’d decide after hearing, and then I just turned to you before making a call.”
Subaru’s throat constricted tightly at that moment. Roswaal maintained his unchanging demeanor.
A quiet click echoed as he quietly spoke, “It was a card whose outcome I couldn’t determine, but you chose the way you did.”
“That doesn’t fit your usual style, Your Excellency. The truth is the way you’ve playfully spun yours is quite deadly. …Furthermore, being caught up in this mess at this very moment just isn’t lucky— my forever wish was to test this once.”
“Oh, what for?”
Roswaal’s resolve had solidified, causing a laughable effect as he faced Abel, the ousted emperor.
“You’re all big and important there, thinking that one day I’d like to try committing regicide against the highest-ranking emperor, you know?”
No sooner had Roswaal expressed his malignant desire than the tense atmosphere ignited with movement.
In this instant, breaking the rule of ‘no fighting,’ Talitta, Al, and Medium surged forward attempting to thwart Roswaal’s scheme.
“See, you have no idea when things come at you unexpectedly with circumstances! But, once we shrink down, things become tough.”
“Those skills learned too late can hardly be made good use of when young.”
As he spoke, Roswaal twisted his neck with both hands raised.
Blood erupted from his fingertips, unfolding bloody chaos as Subaru’s vision widened in disbelief.
As he lunged toward Roswaal, Al, and Medium fell limp, blood gushing from their necks. How was there enough blood in the tiny child bodies to spout freely, spilling like a fountain throughout the room?
“From what I see, it seems hard to rely on you. But whatever, I pulled the trigger before unveiling the truth ain’t that a failure— a mistake, a mistake.”
Holding his bleeding wound, Al crumpled to the floor. Medium passed out, her eyes rolled back as she collapsed, rendering her lifeless.
Those two bore fatal wounds, beyond recovery.
Meanwhile, Talitta, who had been ready against Roswaal, found herself—
“—- Why won’t the bow release?”
It wasn’t a thought born from questioning whether the arrow could act.
Yet doubt became apparent as she failed to launch what should have been retaliation directed toward Roswaal.
Instead, she had been pinned to the wall.
An unusually tall woman like Talitta was now leaning against the wall, fixed limply. Pierced directly at the center of her breasts was a shuriken— her own throwing star.
For an absurd curse, that star-shaped weapon had penetrated her chest and directly pinned her to the wall, destroying her heart— an instant death.
“—- Breaking holds of ‘no fighting’ isn’t a command I would extend to you.”
Suddenly, the man’s voice broke through the death-riddled room.
Standing amidst the scattered bodies, a furious Abel loomed down at Roswaal, who had crafted their fate.
“You know what? I want to throw up some fantastic fireworks before I kick the bucket. If killing the emperor hailed the highest praise, I’d feel fulfilled, you know.”
“Your ruinous tastes turned out to be misleading. Consider it my misstep.”
“Kakkaka! Not at all! If I earned fame through a dream of dying quietly, I’d be too ashamed to stick around.”
Al’s motionless form at their feet and Medium’s and Talitta’s fading breaths echoed the surreal distance between the former emperor and his subservient shinobi.
Yet, even in that deadly state, the exchange between them seemed like an exchange of ghosts.
This was not a different world. The harsh reality played out in overwhelming clarity.
The reality that Subaru stumbled upon following a mistaken decision.
“IfYourExcellency perishes, I’ll head directly back to Chisha’s place. Should he manage my death splendidly, that’d suit my exit well.”
“Oh? It seems you made it here after all.”
At the delayed exclamation issued by Subaru, Roswaal, who had been about to seal the conversation as he faced his minions, turned sharply.
With his face garishly grim, he gestured toward the fallen trio.
“They deserved a beating for coming at us, but you don’t need to die at my hands. I’m completely ready to let you go without any slip, you know.”
“Oh, right, my misfortune to have revealed too much too quickly. You ought to think before speaking— you do understand there’s no waiting for a decrepit old man, right?”
Flowing smoothly with self-composed expressions, Roswaal’s words were more troublesome than Subaru could describe. — No, his thoughts were indeed bathed in crimson. He couldn’t tell if it was his growing anger or the fact that the trio’s blood was spilling from them.
Yet even amid that disparaging atmosphere, the fact was undeniable— he couldn’t be allowed to—
“—- You fool.”
The scornful words emerged from Abel.
His gaze, coldly rooted in Subaru’s neck, imbued the air with an intense pressure as Subaru felt the razor-sharp nature of that statement’s truth.
It meant nothing now, standing in front of Abel.
Had he acted before Al… and the others had fallen, perhaps he could have altered their fate—
“Come now, are we moving away from even a girl like that? Didn’t the way your Excellency does things include making enemies of women and children?”
Roswaal’s eyes turned to the wrinkled surface of his palm as Rui stood boldly before him, bold enough to draw attention.
But Rui hadn’t stood before Roswaal; she had stood to shield Subaru—
The three formed a wall for one another, a fool’s act as meat shields.
“I outright believed your Excellency would die alone, see?”
“——- No one dwells so easily within the limits of your perspective.”
Roswaal’s crisp laughter echoed throughout the room as he continued to jeer at Abel’s quick-witted retorts.
The ordeal within that theatre of carnage finally surfaced in Subaru’s regard. Berating the rising tide of loss encroaching against them— the summons that took everyone had finally reached its ominous high.
The ardor transformed into an ultimatum with each pounding heartbeat, subsiding momentarily into sorrow.
“It may be evident, yet I shall never forgive you.”
The wicked laughter pouring from Roswaal standing bold, eyes rich with ambition, would sear deeply into Natsuki Subaru’s consciousness as the youthful body collapsed into a pool of cold blood.
And then—
—- Blood flowed, warm sensations surged forth from the wounds.
Unrestrained heat erupted from his body at once, but it quickly evaporated into chilling despair.
The warmth flowed out rapidly, engulfing him, sinking deeper and deeper into that pool until everything became utterly and unbearably dark.
Instantly, the expunged blood coursed within, thrumming through his senses, pulsating echoes of his rapid heartbeats.
All acute sound sharpened until he could hear even the softest whoosh of the blood pulsing through him. While submerged in this strange remnant of awareness, Subaru breathed heavily.
He held that breath while gritting his teeth against the dissolution of pain and the force of loss flickering before his eyes.
Where had he returned? Awakening for the truth—
“I’m pouring myself a cup of tea, but is there any other brave soul who wants some?”