Chapter 534

00534 Dark Heaven Village

After recruiting the Zhuge Sect, I decided to move my base from Jinrang Valley to Jangryeong Valley. While Mangnyang had developed his own intelligence organization and forces in Jinrang Valley, they were nowhere near what the Zhuge Sect had established in Jangryeong Valley. So I set out immediately to gather the remaining fortuitous encounters.

First, I went to the empty Yangdong Cave in Longmen Grottoes, a secret place that Han Jin-seong from the Fire Spirit Techniques had informed me about. I already remembered the coordinates of the inside, so there was no need to break through the wall behind the fifteenth Buddha statue. Indeed, there was an enormous stash of platinum hidden here, which was sure to be of great help to me.

Additionally, I packed up the halberd and five secret technique books I found stored away in the cave. The most important thing I could obtain here was the platinum, which I could use to expand my financial power.

‘I want to rescue the immortals on Mount Penglai, but it’s probably too dangerous right now?’

I could forcibly seek out the Seven Stars Altar on Tamra Island with the help of Cheon Woo-jin, but currently, that area was ruled by the Sea God, and the Sea God Clan members there were bound to be quite powerful since the Sea God was still alive. Furthermore, even if I managed to rescue the immortals, I couldn’t avoid attracting the Sea God’s attention. Clearly, it was something I couldn’t attempt until I had sufficient strength.

I immediately headed to the heart of Aokigahara Life Sea, where Cheongwol was. Before long, I discovered Cheongwol in a dying state and put him into a wooden armor.

“Is that guy missing?”

I quickly scanned the surroundings for the hat-wearing warrior I had seen before, but there were no signs of someone fighting or moving, just the cries of demon beasts echoing from the abyss. Thinking it would be dangerous to stay any longer, I exited using the Golden Lamp technique.

I briefly visited the coastal area of Tamra Island to enjoy the clear sea and recalled the words of the Zhuge Sect.

[First, obtain the relics from Yangdong Cave, then rescue Cheongwol. After that, work on gathering strength until I can simultaneously acquire the National Seal and the Nameless Ritual Book.]

[What about the Fire Spirit and Fire Dragon Sword?]

[Based on my experiences so far, rushing is not advisable. We’re poking at the White Lotus Sect, Fire Spirit Techniques, and the Three Sovereigns all at once, which itself would create a turbulent situation. The moment we acquire the Fire Spirit, it’s obvious that the celestial realm will be keeping a close watch on us. Holding two Seven Luminaries is quite the deal.]

[True enough.]

[Since nobody will snatch those artifacts right away, it’s best to wait a bit. The National Seal is similar. The important thing is for you to grow stronger. We can discuss the next steps when you return.]

It seemed that Zhuge Sa shared a similar outlook with Mangnyang that it was better to be cautious in this lifetime. Indeed, as Zhuge Sa pointed out, if I pursued high-level treasures like the Fire Spirit, Fire Dragon Sword, and the National Seal without being adequately prepared, the enemies would undoubtedly become more formidable.

‘Hmm… But going on like this feels kinda boring.’

I want to do as much as I can. The more I move, the quicker time will pass. I contemplated what I could do without being a nuisance when a good idea struck me.

“Okay. Let’s give that a shot!”

I arrived at Qingzhang Plateau. The reason I came here wasn’t to search for the Neoro Temple again, but because if I traveled a bit more to the southwest, I’d arrive at the geographical border of Tianzhu (天竺) continent.


It’s the continent known to be located to the west of China and is the birthplace of Buddhism. I heard that there were large civilizations distinctly different from China and that unique religions like those worshiping Brahma and other western deities thrived there. Moreover, Zhuge Sa also mentioned that the Demon Path there was highly developed, which meant I shouldn’t underestimate the place.

‘Let’s go check it out.’

Besides, since I would end up chasing after the traces of the Three Zang, I would eventually head to Tianzhu. Miho had hinted that the Three Zang had mentioned something in Tianzhu. I resolved to clear the path from Qingzhang Plateau to Tianzhu to expedite my search later on.

I began to run. Having already made a trip to the west once, I wasn’t afraid of reaching Tianzhu. Running at my speed, I figured I’d soon arrive. I started dashing through the treacherous snowy mountains and ridges of the plateau.

After roughly a day of running, I stumbled upon a quiet mountain village where some foreigners were tending to sheep. Their clothing was significantly different from the people of Qingzhang, indicating I had likely entered the entrance to Tianzhu.

It was then that I heard,

[Baek Woong. Where the heck are you?]

Zhuge Sa called out via a suspicious fishhook. I responded through it,

[I’m currently heading to Tianzhu.]


Zhuge Sa fell silent for a moment before chuckling.

[Hehe… It’s pointless to talk at this point. I get what you’re thinking so just keep going. Contact me again when you reach the big city in Tianzhu.]

[Got it.]

I was relieved that I wasn’t going to get scolded. I continued to run.

After running for a while, I drifted off-track a bit, so I cast the Heavenly Secret Technique. While searching for a strong spirit, I summoned the spirit of an ancient warrior.

[Did you call for me?]

“Who are you?”

[I am the commander of the Mamluk who served Sultan Salah ad-Din!]

“Do you not have a name?”

[I’m a slave, so I don’t have one!]

Salah ad-Din?


Hearing the strange language from Tianzhu left me dumbfounded. Of course, this wasn’t my first time receiving foreign information, so I nodded and said,

“Anyway, I’m on my way to the major city of Tianzhu. Please help me reach the biggest city there.”

[The biggest city? That would be Cairo!]

“Cairo? Show me some memories.”


The self-appointed commander of the Mamluks transmitted memories to me. In doing so, I was able to get a rough map of Tianzhu and locate Cairo, which left me puzzled.

“… Isn’t this location too far west to be Tianzhu? It seems like it’s positioned in the northern part of the Black Continent.”

The ‘Black Continent’ was a place I had only heard about from Zhuge Sa—a very hot, uncivilized continent. Since it was much farther west than Tianzhu, I quickly realized that the Mamluk commander wasn’t actually a local of Tianzhu.

[Is that so? I wouldn’t know! I died in the eastern battlefield after coming here from where I lived.]

“What on earth made you come and die in the distant eastern battlefield?”

[I took part in a major war against invading sorcerers and beasts from the west, where I followed my lord Salah ad-Din in driving back the enemies, but I regrettably died in the second eastern expansion war!]


It seemed like some complicated history of Tianzhu was involved, which made my head spin. Honestly, I didn’t have to know this history; it was too difficult to grasp with my current state. Sighing, I said,

“Since you were summoned using the Heavenly Secret Technique, you must have been a powerful warrior in your lifetime. Just lend me your body for a bit and take me to the nearest city.”


Suddenly, the Mamluk commander possessed me and began to run.

[What an incredible chakra! Are you a demigod? This isn’t the chakra of a human!]

The Mamluk commander was marveling loudly as he took off, easily leaping several dozen times. It impressed me, seeing how he adeptly used his techniques considering he was also accustomed to handling qi.

[Does martial arts exist in Tianzhu?]

[Martial arts?]

[Powers expressed through qi…]

As I explained the concept of martial arts to him, he quickly understood.

[Are you talking about utilizing chakra through yoga? Chakra and yoga are foundational practices taught to elite warriors since the ancient times! I’m not a Brahmin or yogi, but I practiced martial arts diligently in my life. So I can amplify my combat power by unleashing my chakra.]


[Even among the Mamluks under Sultan Salah ad-Din, I was the strongest!]

Hearing his words, I realized something profound.

‘It seems humans across the world understand qi.’

In the West, it’s Kraft.

In Tianzhu, it’s chakra.

Though the names differ, they all seemed to know about and utilize the ‘qi’ power. Qi isn’t a privilege solely belonging to the Central Plains.

The Mamluk commander must have fiercely honed his martial arts in his lifetime, enabling him to become a powerful spirit, summoned by the Heavenly Secret Technique. He likely reached a pinnacle level equivalent to a high expert in the Central Plains. Intrigued, I asked him a question about what he mentioned earlier.

[You said you participated in the war against the invading sorcerers from the west. What kind of war was that?]

[A vast army of countless knights and sorcerers from the west invaded our land. We fought back bravely, successfully protecting it after a long war. They were a wicked group that worshipped evil gods, but invaded saying they wanted to reclaim their holy land.]

He seemed a bit regretful as he continued,

[Had I not received a strike from the Lionheart King in that war, I wouldn’t have died in this distant land! Regardless, it was a battle to protect the holy land!]

[A holy land?]

[I don’t know the details. I was just a soldier at war, so ask someone else.]

After running for about five time references, we arrived at a vast city. From a distant hill, I gazed at the city and he said,

[We’ve arrived. That is Benares. It’s not as grand as Cairo, but it’s the most prosperous city in this area!]

[Benares? What’s that place about?]

[It’s a historical place filled with worshippers of Hinduism.]


The Mamluk commander started to slowly withdraw from my body. Before completely separating, he cautiously said to me, even looking a bit anxious,

[… Hey, you’re really going to save me, right?]


I was left flabbergasted by his sudden question.

“What do you mean save?”

[Isn’t this technique a promise of salvation? I’ve been anxiously waiting, refusing to go to the afterlife because of that.]


[I thought a Brahmin or yogi would come to save me, but unexpectedly, it’s a foreigner who’s doing it.]

As he muttered absurdly, the Mamluk commander let out a bright laugh and waved at me.

[Hahaha. Anyway, I’m off to paradise!]


His spirit vanished into thin air. This phenomenon commonly occurred whenever I used the Heavenly Secret Technique; the spirit returns as soon as it completes its task. Strangely, the technique doesn’t record where, why, or how these souls go, so I was left puzzled.



What does the Heavenly Secret Technique have to do with salvation?

What exactly am I being saved from? And when he mentioned Brahmins or yogis, he referred to the upper classes or sorcerers in Tianzhu society. Did they know of techniques similar to the Heavenly Secret Technique exclusive to the Great Immortal?

Despite my head swirling with questions, I shook them off.

“Tch. If I can’t figure it out, it’s not worth thinking about!”

For now, I should head into the city!

I walked into Benares and explored the city. Unlike the West, the civilization here didn’t seem as developed, and the people wore outfits that were quite different compared to the Central Plains. In the center of the city stood a royal palace, similar to that of the Central Plains.

As I approached and looked around the palace, nothing seemed particularly special. Just that the guards were equipped with firearms resembling matchlocks, which caught my attention.

‘Is everyone outside the Central Plains using firearms?’

Could it be that the Central Plains was lagging in the global advancement of civilization?

Feeling a bit anxious, I shook my head and activated the Golden Lamp technique.

Upon returning to Jangryeong Valley, Zhuge Sa looked at me with a pitiful expression.

“Is it necessary to waste time on things that don’t need to be done right now?”

I scratched my head.

“Sorry. But I feel more at ease if I can take care of things in advance…”

“Well, it’s fine. Regardless, if you’ve established a bridgehead to Tianzhu, that’s what matters. Where did you end up?”


“Oh, you made it there. There should be some Vedas around…”

Muttering something, Zhuge Sa continued,

“You don’t need to worry about Tianzhu for now. More importantly, take Miho to Dongyoung.”


“We need to dig for obsidian. There’s bound to be a lot of need for obsidian in the future, so we should locate and take control of an obsidian mine.”


“To do that, we need some money, so give Miho the platinum from Yangdong Cave that you’ve brought. No matter how skilled you are in illusions, it’s better to have some funds when negotiating with the shogun of the shogunate. Buying the obsidian mine with that platinum would be the most reasonable option.”

“Sounds good.”

Now that I thought about it, Miho was the powerholder of Dongyoung. If Miho used her political influence, she could provide ample amounts of obsidian needed for the future. Zhuge Sa added,

“After delivering Miho, return to Jangryeong Valley and start your training. Once your training is underway, only then will we keep an eye on the Imperial Palace and make moves for the Nameless Ritual Book and the National Seal.”


He grinned.

“I’ll do my best to help you. So in this lifetime, whether you end up as porridge or rice, train to your heart’s content!”