Volume 7 Chapter 32: “The Path We Should Take”
“How much time do you think it takes to bring back just one simple fool? Do you think the value of time for you and me is the same?”
“No, I mean, I’m sorry for that… I really am…”
Welcoming the cold glare of my master, Al lowered his head with a somewhat resigned attitude.
As soon as he returned to the conference room with Subaru in tow, he was greeted with the aforementioned reprimand.
Because the primary goal was to bring Subaru back into the meeting, it was understandable that he would be scolded for chatting unexpectedly. Understandable, but—
“Priscilla, please don’t blame Al too much. It’s my fault, not his.”
“Hmph. You were most likely wallowing in useless worries, comforting each other as fools do. Is your forehead red because you knocked it against the wall or something?”
“Hey, do you have ‘clairvoyance’ or something? Your accuracy is downright scary.”
Priscilla harshly countered Subaru, who had come to Al’s defense, with an almost knowing remark.
It was a scene that shouldn’t have been too ordinary, but I couldn’t help but shiver at Priscilla’s perceptiveness.
In any case—
“Our absence shouldn’t be making the discussion stall…”
“Conclusions can’t easily be drawn. You are, after all, Abel’s strategist.”
“That doesn’t…”
Pierced by Priscilla’s narrowed gaze, Subaru shot a glance at Abel. In response, Abel, seated with arms crossed, ignored Subaru’s probing.
It seemed Abel was reluctant to treat Subaru as a strategist, but having said so directly to Priscilla, he probably couldn’t take it back.
As a result, it turned out they couldn’t wrap up the meeting without Subaru.
“You, don’t you sometimes act recklessly, putting your own neck on the line?”
“You should be more careful about the quality of your statements. Even the best strategies can be deemed wise or foolish depending on the way you express them.”
“For someone regretting treating me as a strategist, you’re pretty cocky…”
Frowning at Abel’s audacious response, Subaru let out a deep sigh.
Then, he glanced back at the conference attendees—Abel, Priscilla, Ziqru, and the newly appointed chief, Talitta—looking around.
The discussion, deemed unable to reach a conclusion without Subaru and Al, was—
“Is the conclusion we can’t reach about the cooperation with Priscilla? Earlier, you said Priscilla has allies.”
“It seems you have enough wits to keep up. Of course, that’s the topic. —You remember that the one who captures more of the Nine Divine Generals wins?”
“Yeah. Despite ‘One’ being useless, it’s still a hindrance.”
If left unchecked, those who had yet to be recovered could become assassins, and recovering them wouldn’t significantly change the situation. If this were a simulation game, they’d be a troubling unit.
Even if they joined your side, they offer little benefit, and if left as enemies, they become a deadly poison.
“That said, that’s merely the ultimate victory scenario. We’re not just talking about getting the support of Priscilla and her allies. Right?”
As Subaru skillfully summarized the conversation, Priscilla let out a small sound in her throat.
For a brief moment, the curious gaze that passed through Priscilla’s crimson eyes made Subaru feel she was showing interest in him—something he found rare.
He thought he wasn’t doing anything particularly special.
“What is it?”
“Oh, it’s just that you returned, changing from a droopy expression, with a different look in your eyes and blood circulation somewhat improved, so it’s only natural your appearance would change a bit.”
“Am I… being complimented?”
“You can jump for joy if you like.”
“Not that much.”
The lack of denial meant it was a compliment of sorts from Priscilla.
While snorting in response, Subaru accepted the praise regarding the shift in his feelings with a bit of sincerity.
Upon rejection of the words that had supported Natsuki Subaru from Rem, he was reminded that it was not the time to kneel to such a sentiment. It was a push to be encouraged.
“Well, if that’s the case, my tardiness to the meeting paid off.”
“I see, so this is the result of the chatter between fools. You’ve inexplicably become quite caring, Al.”
“Hey, hey! Saying I’m a nice guy for being kind to people is downright ridiculous, Princess.”
Al responded while shrugging off Priscilla’s teasing.
Whether Priscilla or Al was right, Subaru couldn’t decide.
For him, Al was the only person from his hometown who had pushed him from a dead-end alley surrounded on all sides. Indeed, he’d said harsh things at times, and some matters had come across as indifferent, but he held a sense of understanding.
“Thinking about it, it’s probably the aftereffects of spending time in this bloody unrealistic world.”
“Am I being told something offensive? Is it just my imagination?”
Al tilted his head with a puzzled appearance, but Subaru let that slide.
What mattered wasn’t whether Priscilla had reevaluated him or the fact that Al contributed to that change.
“What’s necessary is the resolution of the debate… How is Priscilla planning to engage with us moving forward? Let’s limit this wandering off too much.”
“Ah, my bad. It seems I’m an easy target for tangents to lead, given I’m a strategist.”
Having received the sarcasm in return, Subaru ignored Abel, who narrowed his eyes in displeasure, then turned back to Priscilla, urging her to continue the prior discussion.
“So, what’s the plan? Regardless of whether we have support from Priscilla and her allies, Abel intends to storm the Imperial Capital, right?”
“If we have the Princess’s backing or not, the extent of the assault changes entirely.”
“Well we’re getting along well as fools. That said, you’re spot on with your assessment. Thus, I condition our support to you… to show us enough worth to reciprocate.”
“Simply put. —Bring one of the Nine Divine Generals to our side.”
Upon hearing this casually laid down condition, Subaru muttered “One of the Nine Divine Generals…” to himself.
It isn’t a foolish condition.
If one intends to challenge the fight to reclaim the throne, the first prerequisite is to gather as many ‘Nine Divine Generals’ as possible. Priscilla is merely asking for that very first step.
In fact, it seems awfully tasty in terms of the conditions necessary for victory; simply fulfilling the requirement could make Priscilla our ally…
“What a condition that seems to make one want to jump with joy.”
“Of course. As long as the fate of Goz remains unknown, no Divine General will heed my call willingly. Also, one wouldn’t find many fools eager to step into a losing battle.”
“…If there’s not even a glimmer of hope, no one will join.”
While describing the sad current situation, Subaru furrowed his brow.
If the Emperor’s authority isn’t effective against the Nine Divine Generals, the aid of Priscilla and her allies would be more dearly needed than ever.
If only the mere existence of those allies could have served as negotiation leverage for enticing the Nine Divine Generals.
At this moment, the only leverage Abel had was: “The real Emperor is me,” and the forces of “the People of Shudrak” and Castle City Gwararu.
“The issue is if merely the strength of a village and one tribe can hold against the Empire.”
“To ally with Priscilla… if we can find someone of the rank of a Duke or higher, their name would serve as powerful bargaining leverage.”
“Let me make it clear; don’t expect any mercy from me. I can exhibit generosity, but not for mere beggars.”
Resting her chin on her hand, Priscilla easily crushed our faint hopes.
As expected, she would never rethink her stance. All that’s left is to confront the conditions laid upon us.
“With all due respect, sir, shouldn’t we rely on General Cecilis after all?”
“Ziqru, do you have some sort of plan?”
Just as a heavy silence was about to fall, Ziqru’s proposal shifted expectations toward him. But upon a look from Subaru, Ziqru shook his head.
“As the sir mentioned earlier, considering the current distribution of strengths, anyone thinking of helping us is likely to be a reasonable person. Therefore…”
“It seems our only option may lie with someone who isn’t reasonable, like General Cecilis…”
“Ah, so even you think that person’s a bit crazy.”
There was nothing but horrible evaluations coming out about Cecilis, but Ziqru was making sense considering through that thought process.
However, if we genuinely had no other options, we might have to seek counsel from a problematic unit first.
“The question is where he even is. Where does he usually stay?”
“He typically resides in Arakia, located in the Imperial Capital.”
“I see, Arakia… why’s that?”
Clearly stated, it took a few seconds for Subaru to comprehend Abel’s words.
Due to the startling nature of that information, even Priscilla, usually unshaken, frowned in displeasure.
From what I’ve heard, ‘One’ is Cecilis and ‘Two’ is Arakia, but—
“So, you’re saying Cecilis and Arakia are lovers or something? If that’s the case, our impression of Arakia, whom we repelled, would be more than dreadful.”
They would remarkably wind up antagonizing both ‘One’ and ‘Two’. Yet, as for Subaru’s question, Abel shook his head.
“Not at all. Arakia is on the lookout for a chance to kill Cecilis. However, if they don’t create collateral damage while hunting him down, we can’t have that. Thus, he ordered Cecilis…”
“To do what?”
“To stay in a place that makes it easier for Arakia to target him.”
“…I see?”
Despite receiving such concrete information, Subaru found the relationship between the two hard to grasp.
He didn’t understand the mentality of ignoring a murder scenario between their generals, nor did he grasp the idea of living with someone who intends to kill him.
To begin with—
“How can you live with someone who’s trying to kill you?”
After saying that, a feeling began to bloom within him that he’d said something absurd, but Subaru couldn’t identify the discomfort and quickly forgot his confusion.
In any case, it became clear that Cecilis lived in the Imperial Capital.
“So, then, to recruit Cecilis as an ally, we have no choice but to head to the Capital… wait, is it really alright for you to just prance into the Capital like that?”
“Of course not. At this point, approaching the Capital would be akin to walking into a fire. Even then, it’s uncertain if Cecilis is even there.”
“Then we’re out of options…”
When it came to matters concerning the Volakia Empire, particularly military affairs, Subaru’s knowledge may as well have been non-existent.
However, since Ziqru, also one of the officers first proposed this, it can be assumed it was among the best options available.
If that option was rejected, Abel’s path would be grim.
“…It’s not the time to be standing around here.”
A dark, heavy weight began to assert itself on Subaru’s chest.
Like the bitter sediment, it manifested as a clump of helplessness that wouldn’t fade away, an aftereffect of Rem giving up on Subaru.
This weight caused Subaru to lose Rem’s trust.
Determined to shake off this sediment and recover her faith quickly, every second wasted in limbo felt precious.
“—There is a way.”
Yet, as he was gnashing his teeth, Abel’s single statement stopped Subaru in his tracks.
Lifted by surprise, Subaru looked up, and Abel turned his face toward him, keeping one eye closed.
“Stop that familiar, wretched expression. There is a way.”
“Sorry, but my face can only reach its limits without some premium edits. It doesn’t matter about the disparity of such wretched faces. What’s the way?”
“It’s based on Ziqru’s proposal. We’ll adopt part of it.”
“Part of my proposal? That’s an honor, but…?”
With a furrowed brow, Ziqru was puzzled to hear (that part of his opinion would actually be used).
Subaru shared the confusion with Ziqru, as the proposal he had was to recruit the general, Cecilis.
Since they couldn’t head to the Capital, that proposal should have been off the table, and it seemed like there was nothing else usable.
However, as Subaru entertained this line of thought, Abel snorted lightly.
“I won’t have the chance to speak with that Cecilis. However, Ziqru mentioned, if they are not of sound mind, there’s still a possibility.”
“—Wait, what?! Sir, that’s dangerous! Please reconsider!!”
“Huh? Huh? Huh?”
Ziqru turned pale as he strongly contested Abel’s outright statement.
As Ziqru’s intensity caught him off guard, Subaru could only watch in amazement.
While Ziqru seemed to have some clues, Subaru felt completely lost. From the flow of discussion, it seemed they were about to make a pitch to someone who was a bit off-kilter.
“Is there someone more untrustworthy than the classless Cecilis?”
“I’m not saying they’re unreasonable! But that person is extremely dangerous…!”
“Well, I get the whole ‘Afroman’ thing, but given the context, he’s one of the Nine Divine Generals, right? If you leave him out, we’re out of candidates to choose from. We can’t afford to be picky!”
“That’s true, but…”
While being pelted by both sides with questions, Ziqru fell silent with a grim expression.
Seeing the normally kindhearted Ziqru suffer like this made Subaru feel guilty.
Rather, the bigger issue lay with Abel, who appointed such a troubling individual to a high-ranking position.
Promoting talent solely based on ability is a recipe for such tragedies.
“That said, Lugnica seemed to have been running much smoother… Generally, I didn’t encounter many unpleasant people in high office… well, aside from that old man badmouthing Emilia.”
That, upon reflection, was probably one component of excessive fear directed at the “Witch of Envy.”
Back then, Subaru, equipped only with rashness, was a foolish hero who ventured into such circumstances without understanding the complexities involved. If faced with similar conditions now, he would certainly approach it with far better preparation.
Of course, there was no option to stand down when Emilia’s honor was at stake.
“So, who’s the source of Ziqru’s distress?”
“What’s with that ridiculous phrasing?”
In response to Subaru’s probing, Abel appeared annoyed as he replied.
“To mirror your way of speaking, it is Yorna Mishigure, the one based in the Magic City Chaos Frame.”
“Yorna Mishigure…”
Despite hearing the unfamiliar city name, he recognized the person.
Yorna Mishigure was one of the Nine Divine Generals mentioned earlier, and their alias was undoubtedly—
“‘Prism,’ or something like that?”
“Impressive, brother. You remembered it in one go.”
“I like to keep track of major character nicknames in manga. But wait, this Yorna person is Ziqru’s…”
As he spoke, he glanced at Ziqru, losing his words.
Ziqru’s face had gone pale, covered with his own hands.
“One of the Nine Divine Generals, ‘Seven,’ Yorna Mishigure…”
“Is she really that formidable? I figured from the name she’d be a bit feminine, but…”
If that impression held, it would make Ziqru’s fear and his gentlemanly demeanor toward Subaru seem downright terrifying.
What kind of outrageous machinations could be expected from her—?
“She’s a beautiful person. That’s something I believe everyone would agree on. However, General Yorna has some slightly… no, significantly more troubling issues.”
“So, what’s this issue of yours?”
The single word that slipped from Ziqru’s lips was echoed by Subaru and Al simultaneously.
Stunned, Subaru doubted he’d misheard, looking at Ziqru for confirmation as he continued, his hands still shielding his face, trembling voice and all.
“Yorna Mishigure has committed multiple acts of treason, posing a threat to Emperor Vincent Volakia’s reign.”
“How can someone like that hold a General’s position!?”
Then, Subaru’s voice, filled with rage, reverberated within the conference hall.
“Looks like we’ve come to some sort of conclusion.”
After the disturbing revelation regarding one of the ‘Nine Divine Generals’ and Subaru’s angry outburst, Priscilla opened her fan with a snap, assuming they had settled things.
To be honest, Subaru thought it was quite a decision he’d like to contest, but—
“There’s no other option. At present, the only Divine General with the potential to join us is Yorna Mishigure.”
“Isn’t it that you found yourself disliked, which led to your rebellion…?”
“Not exactly. Reality is more complicated than one might think. Understanding that woman’s mindset is something I cannot grasp—at least, not from my perspective.”
“Well, if Ziqru says it is so, then it must hold true…”
With trust in Ziqru’s words, Subaru had no choice but to set aside his doubts.
As Ziqru heard this, Abel, apparently displeased, snorted wetly.
“Why is it that you seem so eager to take Ziqru’s advice while dismissing anything I say?”
“Even shared opinions hinge on who is stating them. Do you think you hold more credibility with me than Ziqru?”
“I see. But what happens if Ziqru dies?”
“I’d obliterate him even in thought experiments!”
Spitting back Abel’s ominous notion, Subaru couldn’t contain his anger.
Given Ziqru’s loyalty to Abel, he might genuinely consider self-harm if it was to be instructed that way. To prevent a potential situation of this sort from unfolding, Subaru had to put in all his efforts.
In any case—
“Setting aside outrageous comments, how about that Chaos Frame you mentioned…? Where could it possibly be? Is it far from Gwararu?”
“Geographically speaking, not really. It serves as one of the suitable reasons to head next, positioned to the southeast from here… just south of the Badheim Forest.”
“I see, so that’s the case…”
Pointing to the map laid out atop the table, Subaru understood Abel’s explanation.
The location of Chaos Frame is just south of the forest where the People of Shudrak reside—while it’s further away than both the densely wooded area and Gwararu, it’s significantly more viable than the Imperial Capital or anywhere to the west.
“Next, why is it called the Magic City?”
“Rest assured, fool. It isn’t due to a reason that might shatter your frail heart. That place has long been a city where many races coexist chaotically. Hence, Volakia has a variety of races cohabiting even more compared to Lugnica, but Chaos Frame has an exceptionally diverse mix.”
“Chaos… that’s the explanation for a Magic City.”
Once they began discussing it, the fact that a city referred to as ‘chaotic’ had ‘chaos’ in its name was loaded with meaning.
Given that this is another world, it’s mere coincidence, I suppose.
“—Within that Magic City, if we could add General Yorna Mishigure to our ranks, then perhaps you too can open your heart… isn’t that right, Priscilla?”
“That’s perfectly fine. I’m generous after all. I won’t impose additional conditions afterwards.”
“I could’ve sworn I heard you say your generosity was out of stock earlier… well, never mind.”
Casting a sideways glance at Priscilla’s glare, Subaru quickly retracted his unnecessary remarks.
And thus, with a clear stance from their side outlined—
“—Abel, can you please let me come along?”
Unexpectedly, Talitta stood up, earnestly pleading to Abel.
During the meeting, she had taken a seat in place of Kuna but hadn’t spoken a word up until now.
Perhaps she was overwhelmed by the sudden burden of becoming the chieftain, but her face was now marked by a pressing concern as she stared at Abel.
Having received her plea, Abel narrowed his dark eyes.
“What are you thinking? You received the chieftain position from your sister. Regardless of your self-doubt, that role isn’t going to waver.”
“I understand that. The position you’ve entrusted to me from my sister… I can’t refuse it. However, right now, I lack the strength to lead my tribe, to steer Shudrak…”
Lowering her gaze, Talitta tightly bit her lip and stared at her hands.
In her empty hands, what she gripped tightly was likely the same sediment held within Subaru’s heart—an embodiment of his own feeling of powerlessness.
“I need this… I need something to give me the chance to carry the pride of a chieftain.”
“—So you desire that opportunity on the journey to Chaos Frame?”
“Yes, that is correct… Is that unacceptable?”
Having just spoken the words, Talitta seemed to lose her confidence, her voice losing strength.
Yet, Subaru grasped the anxiety Talitta held; he recognized its true nature.
The unexpected lineage swap had thrust her into an imposing role, and she was deeply doubtful whether she possessed the power required for such a position.
In essence, what she sought was a successful experience. An achievement that would convince her of her own capability—an experience that would validate her.
—It was the same need that dwelled deeply within Subaru.
“Abel, I’m in favor of this. If she steps into the role of succeeding Mizelda while bearing that mindset, Talitta might not be able to show her true strength… I think.”
“And anyway, we’ll need protection or allies along the way. We’ve all witnessed Talitta’s abilities together in the ‘dress-up’ escapade.”
He swapped words halfway, but he meant it as such.
Seeing Subaru supported him in this way, Talitta looked sincerely moved. He understood her distress all too well, wanting to help her.
“What would happen to Shudrak if you left?”
“For a while, I’ll have my sister take over. Kuna and Holly will assist well. To protect Gwararu, I can’t afford to mobilize too much.”
“Between silences, did you manage to think that far ahead?”
As he heard Talitta’s steadfast reply, Abel regarded her thoughts with appreciation.
Then, he lightly tapped his temple with his finger.
“As we head toward Chaos Frame, we’ll be a small party. Of course, it is vital for my presence when meeting Yorna Mishigure. However, we won’t be attacking.”
“I’m afraid it’ll only be possible to take an escort along…”
“Then Talitta, you will be included as well. And beyond that—”
“—I’ve heard your conversation!!”
Just as Abel began his talk, the door burst open, with a spirited figure striding in boldly.
Showing no respect for interrupting the Emperor, the good-natured merchant Flopp O’Connell boldly announced himself.
Taking deep breaths, Flopp captured everyone’s attention inside the room as he exclaimed,
“Talitta, I’m truly impressed by your bold spirit to volunteer for such a significant role! To suddenly assume such a huge task, I think it’s wonderful how you’ve found your own way to tackle it!”
“T-thank you… Flopp…”
“In order to protect you and village chief’s safety on your journey, I want to propose something: why not take my sister, Medium, along?”
With a snap of his finger, Flopp declared assertively.
One might be inclined to nod at his enthusiasm, yet given the implications, it was a rather abrupt proposal.
“Wh-what’s the rationale behind that?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re curious about that! So, let me lay out my reasons for recommending Medium! First off, she’s quite skilled, and she’s charming. Furthermore, she has a silver tongue!”
“A silver tongue…?”
“She communicates in a pleasant, clear manner, so the journey won’t feel dull! Plus, she’s friendly and can get along with anyone—how about that? A true gem!”
Flopp grinned widely as he praised his sister. Yet, upon a second glance at his bombastic sales pitch, two-thirds of it was based on Medium’s endearing traits, but the only solid selling point was her “skill.”
In practice, Subaru had also confirmed her ability, yet—
“Did you even consult Medium about this?”
“Nope! But I’ll be sure to tell her all about it shortly, so it’s okay!”
“…Is that truly alright?”
This is not simply about planning a trip or making plans for leisure.
If they’re being thrust into a deadly mission, is it really enough to discuss it afterward? If this causes even a slight rift in their sibling relationship, it would weigh heavily on Subaru’s conscience.
That said, the image of them likely accepting things with ease was a bit frightening.
“But, if Medium agrees, what will you do, Abel?”
“—If her skills are sufficient, I won’t object to her fulfilling her role.”
“In that case, it’s nothing but reassuring! By nature, my sister tackles everything without hesitation! However, do keep in mind she may overlook some things unless specified!”
Flopp placed his hands on his hips and laughed heartily.
Based on his demeanor and Abel’s reaction, it was fairly evident Flopp would not be included among the allies heading to Chaos Frame.
“…Medium could go, but she’s not obligated to tag along.”
“Don’t say such foolish things, my good man. I have my own goals. Vengeance I must fulfill.”
Flopp’s alarming terminology rolled off his tongue, but knowing that these violent intentions pointed at injustices and absurdities even this optimistic Flopp couldn’t endure illuminated things for Subaru.
It was this innate goodness, one that Subaru could not articulate, but it was why he eventually placed his trust in Flopp, spending these days together.
“My sister shares the same sentiment. Our goals and paths align. If I were to abandon you, my wife, or the village chief here, I could never hold my head up high again.”
“—It’s making me teary-eyed. I think I’m falling for you.”
“Haha, hearing that from you, dressed as you are, makes me waver! However, I can’t betray my wife, so let’s not take it there. But, I will definitely keep that feeling in mind!”
Even the style of his delivery was nothing short of impressive, leaving Subaru only to deeply admire.
Most likely, Medium would kindly comply with Flopp’s words. Thus, it seemed one companion accompanying them to Chaos Frame would be settled on Medium.
“Talitta, please get along well with my sister. If you could get along with me like that, I’m sure you’ll manage splendidly with Medium as well.”
“Y-yes… and please take care of yourself…”
“Sure! I’ll do my best with Ziqru and everyone from Shudrak!”
Mumbling and mumbling toward the shyly looking Talitta, Flopp clapped his chest proudly.
Seeing that delightful scene, Subaru cleared his throat lightly,
“By the way, I—”
“You will be left behind.”
“Did you think I was going to say otherwise?”
As Subaru attempted to confirm, Abel launched a malicious feint.
Even if he were to blow up in anger, it would only seem like he was desperate to join the group, so with all his strength, he bit back and maintained his silence.
As Abel chuckled softly at Subaru, he began with, “Unfortunately, however…,”
“You are already one of the negotiation materials. Because acquiring Yorna Mishigure on our side is essential, we cannot discuss this without including you.”
“When this is all over, I’ll definitely slap you across the face… But wait, I’m a negotiation material?”
“The downfall of Gwararu is on your advisory. Before long, that truth will spread like wildfire. Suffice to say, I’ll make it so.”
Subaru’s confusion reflected in his eyes as he processed Abel’s statement.
That his plan led to the fall of the fortress city was without question, but he couldn’t comprehend why it was necessary for that information to be made known.
At the very least, being underestimated is the starting line for Natsuki Subaru.
“—There are other allies to utilize. It must create that kind of impression.”
The one who succinctly answered Subaru’s confusion was Priscilla.
With her words, Subaru slowly began to understand the reasoning behind it.
“Of course, not only you. The ‘People of Shudrak’ from the Badheim Forest, the defenders of Castle City Gwararu, and General Ziqru Osman will also be negotiation materials. However, the most important is…”
“The strategist who contributed to the fall of the city… I’ve said it before. In the Empire, the powerful are respected. This is true not just for physical strength but also for wisdom.”
Thus, it was confirmed that Natsuki Subaru held some value, guaranteed by Abel and Priscilla.
To be honest, this was a complicated evaluation for Subaru.
It felt good but also absurdly excessive.
Fact is, despite receiving such prominent recognition, Subaru had lost Rem’s trust and experienced the sensation of crumbling beneath him.
As much as he might be esteemed in the Empire, it paled in comparison to Rem’s trust.
Because of that, Subaru remained unmoved by Abel and Priscilla’s evaluations.
“If I’m useful, then perfect. Use me wisely. But in return…”
“In return?”
“Make sure you absolutely regain the Imperial throne. Then, let us return safely.”
That was the one condition he would not back down from, Subaru proclaimed fiercely.
Upon hearing this, Abel’s eyes widened slightly, followed by a long exhale.
“No need to say it. —That’s what I’m meant to do.”
He answered as such.