Chapter 53

Chapter 53. Unleashing True Power

When the suspicious figure with horns transformed into a dragon…

Garunya instinctively leaped forward, trying to become a shield for her beloved master, Zilbagias.

But she couldn’t. She was weighed down by the burden, unable to move as she wished.

Then she was mercilessly mowed down by the breath of the silver dragon—

(It’s hot—It hurts—)

Her whole body felt like it was burning. She could barely move. How pathetic it was that she needed to be a shield but couldn’t even manage that. She didn’t even understand her own condition. If she let her guard down, her consciousness would quickly sink into darkness.

“Ku-uhn, ku-uhn!”

Something wet licked her cheek.


The High Elf Saint. Because of her, the chances for Zilbagias to pet her had decreased, leaving Garunya feeling complicated for a while—but…

With her innocent, fluffy face, Liliana quickly showed her belly in a submissive pose, making it feel ridiculous to hold any grudges.

Originally, as a beastman, Garunya had no particular grievances against the forest elves. They were merely enemies due to different affiliations. So now—she felt more like a troublesome little sister. It still didn’t change the fact that she envied how often Liliana got petted.

(You… you’re worried about me…)

With every lick from Liliana, the burning pain slowly began to subside.

(I’m fine… my master…)

With great effort, Garunya gently pushed Liliana away. Liliana barked, “Wow-woo, wow-woo!” as she retreated.

This was good. First and foremost, Zilbagias before herself.

(Still, it’s a bit… easier now…)

She had to focus on recovering, and once Zilbagias could move, she needed to help him escape. At the very least, she had to buy time for a few seconds—now was the time to show the loyalty of the white tiger tribe—

Even as her consciousness began to fade, she held on with sheer willpower.

She repeatedly oscillated between a light fainting and awakening. But she wouldn’t let go of her consciousness completely.

That was Garunya’s loyalty, and her stubbornness.

You lizard. Let’s see what happens when you leave an injured beast alone.

—I’ll show you what’s what.


Both parties were unfortunate that this guy couldn’t fly.

Because Faravgi couldn’t fly, he had no choice but to hide within the Demon Lord’s domain.

I had to oppose him because he was lurking around.

No—if he hadn’t proposed a raid on the Demon Lord Castle, I wouldn’t exist as I do now.

Everything started from there.

The leader of the White Dragon, Faravgi of ‘Dawn.’

His knife-like sharp claws came charging at me.

It would’ve been easy if he just used his breath and finished me in one shot—yet he seemed intent on torturing me as proclaimed.

…Well, if I turned my back, I’d get breath fired at me without mercy.

All this was the Demon Lord’s fault. Both Faravgi and I lost our families because of the Demon Lord’s army. Driven by vengeance, we must now clash here by some twisted fate.

What a hassle, really.

“But if you get in my way—”

—I won’t hold back.


The magic power I entrusted to you, I’ll draw it out now.

『—Very well.』

Something within me popped.

From the depths of my body—not physical, but from a mystical source—power surged out like a geyser.

The forbidden power accrued as a hero, sacrificing dozens of humans. I coated it in a spear and drove it into the approaching arm of Faravgi.

The silver scales wrapped in light magic clashed against the obsidian tip saturated with dark magic, creating silver sparks that flew everywhere—stalemated.

Then the silver scales shattered.

“What the hell!?”

The demon boy stood up against a dragon tribe member whose size was dozens of times greater. Moreover, he even shattered its scales.

Faravgi, shocked, instinctively jumped back. More like a big cat than a lizard, the agility and grace were evident. Dragons can be powerful even without flight—such was the proof—

But I’m strong too.

Ah… what an exhilarating feeling of omnipotence.

It felt like I could reshape the world, twist things with just a single thought, enveloped in a trance.

But at the same time, within me—there was a bit of disappointment.

At this point, there was no turning back. The power I received from Antendeixis couldn’t be returned.

To me now, the laws of the world were far too fragile and delicate. Even without intention, I could twist it to suit my needs.

I would no longer become the ‘Sword Saint.’… My former longing had momentarily rekindled thanks to Virosa.

But that possibility had now completely vanished. The laws of the world did not love me—

“You bastard—what is that power!?”

As Faravgi moved in a widening arc around me, he questioned.

To him, it must seem like I suddenly transformed into a giant. Species that perceive magic power could sense it suddenly fluctuating—it was an absurdity that required no explanation.

“I’m a demon.”

I laughed, stating. The irony of it rang loudly in my ears.

“…Wretched demons’ sorcery—!”

Faravgi’s eyes reflected some sort of envy.

I know. Power, you want it, right? If you dragon kin were allowed entry to the Dark Portal and started making contracts with demons—what would happen to the world? I wouldn’t want to imagine it; it’s terrifying.

“If you’re going to run, now’s the time. We ought to avoid unnecessary exhaustion.”

I thought it’d be futile, but I asked anyway.

“Shut up, you demon brat!”

Faravgi flared up. A light flickered deep inside his throat. What happened to torturing me? A kettle boiling over with steam?


The dragon’s breath came at me.


“【—My name is Zilbagias】”

A sensation surged through my body, making me feel like I was swelling several sizes larger.

“【—In the name of Demon Lord’s Prince Zilbagias—】”

Everyone around would be caught in the backdraft, but it would only be for a moment, so bear with it.

“【—I prohibit the act of breathing】”

It was established.


Faravgi’s eyes widened. The scorching magic power, about to burst forth, began to rise as smoke from his throat.

I couldn’t breathe either, but I’d taken a deep breath beforehand. Closing in on the shocked Faravgi, I plunged the spear deeper into the wound Vilossa had inflicted.

Aiming for the heart. I had to finish this quickly so I could treat my subordinates. Those dark beings I must absolutely detest!!


In pain, Faravgi swung his arm. A chilling wind sliced through the air—his claws swung sideways. I rolled instinctively to avoid it, but most of my protective spell had been stripped away. And my spear’s strike was shallow! It didn’t even come close to being lethal—


With a sharp sound like a leather strap snapping,

“Damn it!”

Light invaded Faravgi’s throat.

He forcefully broke free from the binding—


A pillar of burning light rained down on me.

But within my grasp, the spear stirred—

Ah, this is reminding me of a fairy tale.

There was a story about a hero facing off against a bad dragon.

There were picture books at the Village Chief’s House.

The hero was blasted by the dragon’s breath, yet still—

A torrent of silver light shook the fortress.

Pure thermal energy shattered the stone tiles, turning the wall red-hot.

“—Ha ha! Ha ha ha!”

Realizing that the magical bindings had disappeared, Faravgi laughed.

Before him rose a cloud of dust, with stones burning, and smoke swirling—

“I was going to torture you, but you’ve turned to ash—…!? “

He was about to say that but was swept away by the rushing magic wind, scattering the smoke.

“…What a terrible story. A light dragon and dark demon. It’s like the composition is reversed.”

From a crouched position atop the burnt stone tiles, the demon boy slowly rose.

In his hand—

A ‘shield’ cloaked in thick dark magic made of bone.

“【—I prohibit the act of overheating】”

Swiftly, the surrounding space began to cool.

Even the heat in Faravgi’s mouth vanished, taking his burning fighting spirit with it.

“What a terrible story. You think so too, right?”

The Prince of Demons stood steadfast against the full-force breath attack.

In his right hand was an obsidian knife, and in his left hand a bone shield—

He smiled defiantly.