Chapter 520

Chapter 520. The Demon Race’s Conclusion

【Last Time on the Summary】

In preparation for invading the Dwarf Kingdom, a strategy meeting is held by the joint army of the Sauroe Tribe and Korvto Tribe.

Red Rice: “So, what’s the movement from the allied forces?”

Night Elf: “Our intelligence network has been wiped out, so we have no new information coming in…”


“Is there… anything we know?”

Sekihankus pressed on with his question, struggling to choose his words carefully to avoid offending anyone.

In other words, he didn’t want to sound too accusatory. Considering how the Night Elf intelligence network was destroyed, that was only natural.

—The madness of Nephradia, the ‘Poison Mother’ of the Izanis Tribe, and the incident of the distributed flyers. Since the expulsion of the Demon Lord’s Prince No. 7 Zilbagias was widely exposed, even the spies hiding in the allied territory faced attacks from dark forces.

It’s said that less than 10% of those who escaped made it out safely. For the Night Elves, it was a disaster. Not only was their intelligence network obliterated, but a vast number of their best also disappeared. If they had at least engaged in a major operation concerning the existence of the Night Elves or the Demon Lord Kingdom, it might have been different, but to die in a dispute among the Demon Race…

(Should I scold them now, they’ll probably curse me for generations to come.)

As Spinethia bit into a donut, she observed the ever-expressionless Night Elf. One could only wonder how much resentment was swirling behind that stony face.

The Night Elves hold grudges deeply. The clan that incurred their wrath will suffer a slow-acting poison-type revenge.

Specifically, even if they try to hire servants or officials, Night Elves will completely evaporate from their availability.

(We Demon Races, no matter how strong, can’t match the Night Elves when it comes to average intelligence. Managing territory or handling paperwork without the Night Elves would be really tough…)

Spinethia herself employed several Night Elf servants. Even during this expedition, the arrangements and transportation of food—which is Spinethia’s lifeline—are handled directly by Night Elves.

Smart, cooperative, and bound by a magic oath of confidentiality, the subtle rumors and information flowing from the Night Elf community are nothing to scoff at.

From minor chores to supporting military operations, the Night Elves exhibit high-level abilities across various fields, and they are indispensable assets for upper Demon Races.

If they are completely unavailable, the problems that will arise are far from trivial.

(We could hire Hobgoblins or demons instead of Night Elves, but Hobgoblins can be unreliable at times, and demons lack cooperation…)

Hobgoblins are surprisingly smart species, despite their looks. However, they can be a bit clumsy, making many mistakes while being fast workers.

Demons, on the other hand, vary greatly in abilities due to their powers, making prior evaluation challenging. The higher the rank of the demon, the greater the abilities, but their individuality also grows stronger, complicating coordination with others.

Conversely, lesser demons are obedient and easy to handle, making them perfect for menial tasks, but they lack significant abilities, making it hard to entrust them with big roles.

In any case, they have their quirks, so when compared to the Night Elves’ reliability, they fall short.

Well, it’s a matter unrelated to the general Demon Race, Spinethia thought as she took a big bite of cherry pie.

(My father, Stegnos, is undeniably skilled—I’m a little envious.)

Only a few high demons, like the Demon Lord’s butler, the Demon of Desire, Stegnos, are actually capable and considerate.

Back to the topic of the Night Elves—

Because they were treated carelessly, they became unable to hire new Night Elves, and the ones under contract only did the bare minimum of work. Their territory management and various operations spiraled into chaos, with information leaking out from servants of other races, and they slowly descended into decline (and are currently in the process of doing so).

(What’s no laughing matter is that the Izanis Tribe might end up this way too…)

The Izanis Tribe, known for their vibrant exchanges in the field of intelligence and their good relationship with the Night Elves, naturally saw their relations deteriorate massively due to the Nephradia incident.

Thanks to their prior connections, they had not fallen into a situation where Night Elves were leaving en masse, but they were gradually distancing themselves, with some exceptions among the Izanis faction.

If it were with other tribes, they’d be able to laugh it off saying, “What foolishness,” but since they’re part of the same faction as Demon Lord’s Prince Aiogias, the weakening of the Izanis Tribe is no joking matter.

(Especially now that my foolish older brother is dead and we’ve lost a Demon Lord’s Prince…)

On top of that, the anomaly of the Dark Portal. It’s truly a headache.

“—Regarding information from the past month where the intelligence network was operating fine, I have it,”

the Night Elf responded to Sekihankus’s inquiry. Perhaps he had also been an intelligence officer. His flat voice carried an unnameable loneliness.

“First, we have confirmed that at least two battalions of Holy Great Tree Alliance’s Forest Elf Archers have moved into the Dwarf Kingdom’s territory. It appears they are deployed as flankers within the forested regions of Human and Beastman territories inside the Kingdom.”


A battalion is approximately 500 individuals, so that’s quite a number. Moreover, Forest Elf Archers not only excel in archery but also possess some magic. If troops were sent rashly into the surrounding forests, it wouldn’t take long before they started producing countless pin-cushioned OBJECTS from arrows.

Therefore, there’s a need to gather those skilled in fire magic to burn down the woods or to send in elite troops with strong defenses to crush them.

“Next, concerning the Holy Church, for about six months now, forces from various locations have been gradually gathering, and we have confirmed about 2000 high-level combatants, including heroes, priests, and magicians. Notably, at least 400 swordsmen from the ‘Sword Monk Guild’, which includes many Sword Saints, have been reported to have arrived… but—”

The Night Elf intelligence officer paused his words for a moment.

“After that, there was news that the esteemed Prince Zilbagias engaged in combat with the Kaizaan Empire forces. It’s likely in pursuit of Prince Zilbagias that there have been heavy fluctuations in troop movement… coupled with the collapse of our intelligence network, the reality is that we currently cannot ascertain how much force is stationed as reinforcements in the Dwarf United Kingdom.”

A palpable awareness spread through the assembly.

Rumors of the banished Zilbagias charging headfirst into Human troops and seizing the Emperor’s head despite sustaining injuries had spread throughout the Demon Kingdom.

There are those who dream of saying, “I want to try that too!” and those who are skeptical, asking, “Did he really do that?” but generally, if it’s true, most tend to perceive it positively.

(Still, it’s a complex feeling for the Night Elves…)

Though the expulsion of Zilbagias brought catastrophic consequences for their kin, the man himself is out there causing chaos against Human forces. One can only imagine their frustration…

“Hmm. True, the information at this point is uncertain, but it seems wise to assume that at the very least, Holy Church forces number around 2000, and the group of swordsmen, including Sword Saints, is 400.”

“Yes. Additionally, it wouldn’t be surprising if there are about 3000 militia from Human and Beastman territories.”

“Well, it doesn’t change much how many miscreants there are… Certainly. Hmm.”

Sekihankus glowered at the miniature fortress and bastion with a difficult expression.

Based on prior trends, the Holy Church’s reinforcements often infiltrated areas that the Dwarves’ Blacksmith Warriors had not reached, rather than directly into Dwarven fortresses.

“At the moment, we have not yet executed any sabotage by the Night Elves, so it’s likely that the accumulation of supplies is sufficient.”

The intelligence officer added that with a bitter tone, and Sekihankus solemnly nodded, “I see.”

“In essence, we will clash with the allied forces that have fully amassed their strength, unlike before. This is becoming quite interesting; [I gladly accept this challenge].”

Sekihankus let out a sly chuckle, his presence subtly intensifying.

“By the way, speaking of ‘sabotage by Night Elves’, aren’t there supposedly Vampires infiltrating the area?”

Pannmoarus interjected while stroking his goatee.

“I heard the Vampires would disrupt and gather intelligence in place of the Night Elves.”

“However… the return rate has been low, so we haven’t received much information.”

The intelligence officer, with half-open eyes, answered flatly.

“Low return rate? Are they being defeated?”

“No… That’s the thing… Unlike in the Demon Lord’s territory where blood is not in surplus, many have gotten comfortable here with unlimited blood supplies…”


Pannmoarus, usually gentle, wore an expression that clearly said, “Useless…” at this moment.

“Shall we call the person in charge of the Vampires? Those who mix personal feelings into their duties can’t be trusted, but they might have the latest information.”

“No, it’s fine.”

Completely indifferent, Pannmoarus leaned back in his chair, surrendering to the backrest.

Spinethia felt exasperated internally, but still thought that the collapse of their intelligence network was indeed painful.

In previous meetings like this one, the usual pattern was to listen to the Night Elf reports and ridicule the inefficiencies of the allied forces—

However, the Demon Army’s combat power itself was plenty. In fact, it was probably excessive.

No matter what came at them, they were confident they could crush it head-on.

But… to not see what had previously been visible?

How inconvenient that felt…

Yes, inconvenient.

Spinethia reassured herself that it was certainly not anxiety or fear.

Considering they were going against the Dwarves, she was prepared for the corresponding losses, but she had no intention of losing.

Still… what is this unsettling feeling coursing through me—

“Then, what should we do in the end?”

Pannmoarus propped his chin up, observing the miniature battlefield.

“It’s probably quicker not to count the Vampires among our forces. The well-stocked Dwarven fortress is surrounded by Forest Elf Archers in the mountains and forests, and in the Human and Beastman territories supporting the Dwarf Kingdom—if we follow the pattern of past battles against the Dwarves, it would be safest to first conquer the Human and Beastman territories. What do you think?”

Pannmoarus’s policy was sound and practical. The Dwarven fortresses are incredibly robust, so attacking head-on would be sheer foolishness. Moving to seize the surrounding areas first to cut off supplies and then transitioning to a siege would certainly be the safest route.

In simpler terms, a siege starvation tactic to make the enemy somewhat hungry before launching an attack is the strategy.

Having considered this, the Dwarven Blacksmith Warriors would no doubt assign corresponding forces; however, it’s still probably easier than directly assaulting a fortress.

“Well, that sounds right…”

“That’s safe indeed.”

“We can start with the easier targets.”

It seemed everyone shared the consensus, creating that kind of atmosphere.

“—I have an opinion,”

Spinethia interjected, fastening her own stomach zip and suppressing her appetite while raising her hand.

“I think we should actually focus on taking down one fortress first.”

Oh? Pannmoarus’s interest piqued as he looked at her, and Sekihankus blinked in surprise. Knowing that Spinethia wasn’t typically one to voice her dissent so actively—

—Pannmoarus’s strategy was tactically sound, and Spinethia recognized that.

However, as a Demon Lord’s Prince, Spinethia felt the need to voice her disagreement.

“What’s the reasoning?”

“There are words from my father.”

The air in the room instantly heated with Spinethia’s response.

The words of the Demon Lord! What could he possibly have for us?

“‘—Drive a wedge into the northern front. Crush the stronghold of the Dwarf Alliance.’”

Spinethia recalled that day when she dined with her father, the Demon Lord, Goldgias.

To be precise, it was not an encouragement directed specifically at Spinethia but a statement concerning the future of their Demon Race.

“Surely, everyone is aware of the [Dark Portal] anomaly.”

Standing up, and surveying the room, Spinethia stated.

A murmuring arose of a different quality—an atmosphere that seemed to convey “Why bring this up now?”

“With Odigos gone, it’s no longer guaranteed that anyone can contract an ideal demon.”

Silence. The implications and weight of that reality were not lost on anyone who could rise to the rank of viscount.

This was a matter that everyone wished didn’t need to be addressed. They themselves were fine. Contracting ideal demons was still possible for them.

Yet what about the children? The grandchildren? What about our descendants—? They might not ever meet an ideal demon, and the disparity in abilities could be unimaginable—

“All races within the Demon Lord’s territory are watching our every move.”

Spinethia’s gaze fixed on the Night Elf intelligence officer standing at the wall.

—He averted his eyes.

“Right now, we cannot afford to display any weakness. We, the Demon Race, need to demonstrate our power. A resolute military force. Our capabilities as warriors.”

The fact that the Dwarven strongholds are impregnable is an undeniable truth.

For other races, no matter how much force is deployed, it’s unlikely they would succumb.

But the Demon Race could do it.

“—We need to show it.”

That they possess enough strength to conquer the impregnable Dwarven fortress head-on.

“…I see. Very well.”

Sekihankus grinned fiercely.

“Indeed, it seems we’ve been ‘too safe’. I accept your proposal, [and thereby, I will join]. However, our princess here is quite brave. I wonder if the warriors of the Sauroe Tribe will voice any objections?”

As Sekihankus cast a glance, those from the Sauroe Tribe smiled slyly.

“Hohoho. Well now, if that’s the case!”

Pannmoarus laughed heartily.

“As warriors of the Demon Race, it’s impossible to say otherwise. No,”

His expression shifted to carry a feral intensity.

“—I’m in. This will be interesting. Watch closely the might of our Korvto Tribe.”

To those from other tribes.

—To every race within the Demon Lord’s realm.

And so, resulting from various political motives, the joint army of the Sauroe Tribe and Korvto Tribe settled on their initial directive: “Once preparations are complete, a full-scale assault on the nearest fortress.”

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