Chapter 514

Chapter 514. Continuation: The Genus of Extraordinary Talents

Due to the rapid resolution, as expected, I was asked about the specifics of how it all happened.

“I apologize, but I utilized secret techniques, so I can’t go into details…”

If that were enough to satisfy anyone with a simple “Oh, that makes sense,” we wouldn’t be in such a situation. I paused for a moment and gazed intently at Mofuskin.

“Mr. Mofuskin, you possess fire attribute magic, correct?”

“Eh? Yes, that’s correct.”

He blinked repeatedly in the bewildered expression typical of a beastman, questioning the connection.

“If, by any chance, you were to fall under the thrall of a vampire or summoned by a necromancer after death to be used as an undead servant, if you could pledge to self-destruct promptly using your fire attribute magic, I could disclose some information.”

“Oh… I see. So that’s necessary, huh?”

Mofuskin tapped his fingers on the dining table, pondering for a moment.

“In that case, I don’t need the information.”

He replied with an intelligent gleam in his eyes.

“I am prepared to self-destruct to protect another’s secret technique, but… being prepared and actually doing it are two very different things.”

With that, Mofuskin shrugged lightly.

This rationality felt distinctly dwarven. He held a great pride in his own skills, thus refraining from encroaching on others’ secrets.

“Quite different from that certain priest…”

That guy is human… and doesn’t seem to possess any genuine secret techniques… probably.

Well, his deductive reasoning is almost like a secret technique in itself.

“I’m sorry. You may find it hard to believe at first, but the vampiress lurking around here has indeed been exterminated. Please continue to remain vigilant for a few more days.”

“True. Given what happened, for a while, I plan to deploy golems. There’s a possibility that new ones could arrive from somewhere else…”

Perhaps the reason Mofuskin wasn’t pursuing the matter further was that the damage had been mitigated by the golems.

From his perspective, it’s entirely unbelievable that we were truly poised to annihilate every vampire in the kingdom, so it’s natural for him to remain cautious.

“Even if we were to wipe them all out, that would take some time. In the meantime, it’s uncertain whether vampires that fled in fear will slip back into this village.”

That’s true. Even just one victim—if there’s any chance to decrease that number, I must do everything I can.

“Heh… If not for dwarves, I doubt anyone could orchestrate the deployment of multiple golems…”

While I steeled my resolve, Mofuskin again wore a sardonic grin.

“Darling… everyone is saved thanks to you! Plus, you’re you, so don’t worry about it!”

“…Thank you, Wainfu. That’s true; if I had been born as an ordinary beastman, I might never have met someone as wonderful as you. When I think about it, maybe this is divine guidance.”

“Stop it, Darling!”



…They’re practically licking each other’s faces, right? I mean, isn’t this essentially a kiss?

“That’s a tongue kiss, isn’t it?”

The expression is accurate, but…

“You’d better learn from them.”

Learn what!?

“These two are trying to love each other fully with what’s left of their time together.”

As I sensed what Antedeixis was implying, it felt like a cold shower.

Honestly, I was aware of it even without being told. Beastmen typically have lifespans of around 60 years, while dwarves can live for about 500.

I don’t know how old Mofuskin and Wainfu are, but for them…

“It’s akin to humans keeping dogs.”

That description is pretty awful though!

“You can’t talk; while it’s the exact opposite for you, just consider Leila; dragons live around 500 years, but you…”

…Demons can manage a maximum of 300, huh? Well, that’s assuming I can even live out my full life. And the chances of me peacefully reaching my limit? Yeah, not very high.

“If anything, that makes it even more so. Besides, the other day, a particularly long-living canine joined the party, huh. It’s like a show I can’t wait to see…”

Hee hee… The demon god chuckled ominously. I couldn’t help but glance at the Forest Elf group.

All three of them were staring at the rare dwarven-beastman couple.

Orderju wore his usual calm expression, his gaze warm and watchful.

Helena’s face, however, bore a hint of impermanence. It was almost melancholic.



With a serious look on her face, yet her eyes emanated a desperate yet fervent—

Her captivating blue eyes suddenly met mine.

As our gazes locked, we both smiled awkwardly before looking away.

“Oh, I’m sorry in front of our guests.”

But Mofuskin and the others seemed to snap out of their moment, not showing much remorse as they distanced themselves.

“No! Not at all!”

Reila huffed, replying with surprising breathlessness.

“Your love that transcends species is—absolutely wonderful!”

Her eyes sparkled brightly…!

“I’m rooting for you!!”

Deliberately, Reila was trying to avoid looking at us, but… wow! I could feel an electrifying, burning awareness directed our way!

A whirlwind of force—no wait, more like a gravitational pull akin to a tornado!

“Thank you…?”

Even Mofuskin seemed somewhat overwhelmed by Reila’s intense spirit.

“I hope both of you will find long-lasting happiness. We should take our leave here…”

“Alexar. We can’t offer much, but at least let us provide a meal? The villagers would…”

As I began to take my leave, Mofuskin stopped for a moment, realizing it was tough to extend the village’s hospitality, as we couldn’t provide conclusive evidence of our accomplishments.

“No, no, you needn’t bother.”

“Then, at the very least, some skewered grill. Wainfu has hunted a deer for us.”


Wolf beastmen are superb hunters by birth. To be honest! During my tussle with the poison, I couldn’t eat anything at all, and after that, I only ate the gentle foods and fruits the Forest Elves collected. I was starving for meat!

“Thank you. I’ll indulge myself then.”

“No, no, thank you so much!”

“Alex, everyone wishes you good luck!”

Off they went, and we left Kemopara Village behind.


“Yes! Let’s go, go, go!”

“Innocent people await us!”

“We’ll hunt!”


Yet, there wasn’t much time to leisurely eat skewers. Vampires were still abounding. As regrettable as it was to let that delicious, freshly grilled meal go cold, I decided to sprint forward, driven by Odigos’s guidance.

After about an hour, we arrived not at a village, but a small cave hidden within the valley. Arthur deployed the “Absolute Defense Zone,” while Bishop Lexar and the others began burrowing deep into the earth one after another.

“Got it, all set.”


Immediately off to the next scene. Perhaps it was because we were closing in on the border, but it felt like the vampire population density was rising.

“The Vampire Hunters have come! So grateful!”

“We were considering a mass evacuation to town, aware of the danger. Thank you so much!”

“My daughter was taken! Please… please save her!”

At every stop, we were met with gratitude, reliance, and—desperation.

We could annihilate them. However… rescuing those who’d been taken was impossible, even for Liliana. In most cases, victims had already been drained and, if turned, were beyond salvaging.

We were set to face the same bitter reality that seasoned Vampire Hunters had tasted repeatedly—

“Curse those vampires!”

“We’ll exterminate them all!”

Fueled by anger and a sense of duty, the vampire hunters rallied, driving us all to sprint across the dwarven kingdom’s land.

…That high pace I set during the night elf hunt right after my banishment was impressive, but this was on another level.

With Odigos leading the way, combined with Liliana’s miraculous ability to alleviate physical fatigue, we were achieving remarkable efficiency.

“Hahaha! I’ve already surpassed the number I hunted in my lifetime!”

A young hunter laughed, somewhat recklessly.

Before long, the sun completely set, and as we pressed on along a path through the dark forest, we stumbled upon a tiny settlement that hardly seemed worthy of the name village.

At the foot of a rocky mountain, only a few houses stood in a row. Most of them were quiet, without a flicker of light, but from one, a grand stone house, I could see light spilling from the windows.

“It appears they are gathering in one place to fortify their defenses.”

Orderju whispered, scanning the surroundings cautiously.

“Odigos, are there vampires hiding in that settlement?”

Liliana released her grip on the staff, standing upright but motionless.

“Seems they aren’t there.”

With a playful spin, Odigos replied.

Wow… really strong. That’s practically cheating. Whether they’re hiding beneath the floor or cloaking themselves with concealment magic, it doesn’t matter at all.

Even when staying alert, we only had to keep an eye on the surroundings. With Liliana casting several orbs of light that illuminated the area brightly, vampires couldn’t approach us. However, it was effectively screaming, “Look at us!” so it wouldn’t be surprising if a particularly powerful vampire hurled rocks at us from afar.

“If it comes to it, I’ll deploy the ‘Absolute Defense Zone.'”

Arthur, the familiar bearing a small shield for me, declared confidently. A solid defense, it’s quite reassuring.

“Now then… what should we do? We’ve been rushing around chasing vampires, but perhaps it’s time for a break…”

In a calm tone, Orderju scanned our faces.

“Even if miraculous powers can alleviate fatigue, unlike us spiritual beings, we living bodies still need sleep.”

Barbara’s voice echoed from the sword sheathed at my belt.

“Well… yes, we definitely need rest. However, this is precisely when vampires tend to be the most active…!”

Bishop Lexar looked particularly frustrated.

Indeed, the cloak of night is the hunting ground for vampires. Just because this settlement appears secure doesn’t guarantee that nearby villages haven’t been attacked.

For Bishop Lexar, who lost his home village to an unexpected event on a night just like this, the sentiment would be: If we aren’t going to act now, then when!?

“Maybe Leila and… Helena can rest at that settlement?”

I suggested modestly. With Liliana’s support, this hardly seemed like a burden compared to battling the Demon Lord’s Army all night.


Leila’s gaze was empty. This was probably the first time she’d moved so much in human form, and her lagging reaction made clear how drained she was.


Helena too looked somewhat worn. She tended to project a standoffish demeanor, but apparently, she had a deep sense of compassion, seemingly suffering as she witnessed the despair of those affected by vampires wherever we went.

“I wonder if Lexar and the others can carry out their activities even if separated from Alex?”

“It is possible, in theory.”

“Oh. There was a time I fought a kraken at the bottom of a lake and got separated. Feels like ages ago.”

Bishop Lexar answered seriously to Liliana’s inquiry while Arthur added in a carefree tone.

“If that’s the case, I’ll go with Lexar and the others. How about you guys take a rest at that settlement?”

Liliana seemed like a source of vitality that wouldn’t waver with this degree of exertion. …Wait, was she this tough back then? Come to think of it, she had run three days and nights nearly nonstop to find me, hadn’t she? Her stamina is insane, right?

“Odigos’s powers probably altered him a bit, this dog…”

While I felt confident,

“I’m still fine. While it’s indeed true that Lexar and the others could act independently, if we were attacked unexpectedly and severely depleted or overextended magic, I’d need to supply my dark magic.”

“I’ll go too if Alex is!”

“This is hardly anything at all.”

Oh, looks like Reila and Helena stiffened up…

“Whoa-ho-ho! There’s a saying, ‘Being still okay means you’re already in danger,’ you know?”

Orderju laughed while patting my shoulder.

“Even if you had the princess’s healing, you’re still recovering. It would be best not to overdo it.”

Stealing a glance at Reila and the others, Orderju urged something into the conversation.

“Besides, should that dark magic become necessary—luckily I happen to have magic gems on hand.”

Orderju produced a large gem from his chest. It seemed to be filled with ample wind magic and, by waving it, a refreshing breeze washed over us.

…If a human mage saw this, they’d likely burst into tears lamenting, “What a waste!”

“That’s all spent. Please fill it with your magic, Alex.”

“Oh… That’s reassuring for emergencies.”

Resigned, I began to replenish my dark magic. Given the nature of this scenario, it would be expected for Orderju to accompany Liliana as an escort. Speaking of which, it does lead to Helena…

“Helena, I’m assigning you to keep an eye on Alex…”

As Orderju said those serious words, Helena seemed to unintentionally grin.

Thus, it was decided that I, Reila, and Helena would take a rest early at that settlement while Liliana accompanied by Orderju set off to hunt nearby vampires.

“To be honest, Odigos and Liliana are pretty much running the show here.”

True enough. I’m just fraudulently claiming to be a Vampire Hunter.

By the way, Orderju mentioned, “Being an old man, a mere two to three hours of sleep is more than enough for me,” so he accompanied Liliana.

“Good evening, we’re the Vampire Hunters from the Holy Church…”

As we neared the well-lit house in the settlement, I deliberately made loud footsteps (to indicate there’s no malicious intent, even though there’s no escaping suspicion) and called out to the dwelling.

As we approached, it became evident that the house exuded an unusual ambiance. This wasn’t just a regular home; it appeared more like… a workshop? Smoke billowed from the chimney. Though it was a summer night, it wasn’t exactly pleasant, but perhaps they intentionally lit the fireplace to thwart vampire intrusions.

All window shutters were firmly shut, but closely observing revealed all windows were fitted with crystal glass. Quite wealthy… or perhaps a craftsman. Either way, the homeowner was no ordinary person.


Even after calling out, there was no response.

However, I sensed the presence of someone. During a night when vampires roamed freely, it was natural to be cautious, and as I stood at the door pondering what to do—

With a clang, the area before me suddenly flooded with blinding light.

“Whoa, that’s bright!”

The intensity of the light was shocking. Having adjusted to the night’s darkness, my eyes…!

Helena instinctively flinched, exclaiming “Kya!” while Reila appeared puzzled, asking, “…Huh?”

“…Hmm. It appears they’re not dark beings.”

A low voice from beyond the door slurred.

Whether it was magical gear or magic itself, it seemed they had facilities that projected light. No wonder they were holed up in this house.

With a heavy sound, the door creaked slightly, and the front door slid open.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed the door was fitted with crystal glass. Was it a kind of peephole? It was a structure I’d never seen before.

Glaring through the peephole were bulging green eyes, staring at me.

“What do you want on such a night? You called yourself a Vampire Hunter?”

“That’s right. I’m Alexar.”

I lit my fingertips with holy silver magic to show.

“This is Rerleine, a light magic user.”

Reila gestured to her mouth and pretended to mumble something, unleashing light. To those nearby, it likely looked as if her prayer-like joined hands shone brightly.

“And this is Helena, the Forest Elf.”

Without hesitation, I introduced Helena. As a conventional magic user, she sent shimmering orbs of light into the air.

“…Hahaha! With that show, you’re hardly suspicious anymore. Chasing vampires, and you end up in this remote area just as the day fades away, is that right?”

“Exactly. If it’s alright, we’d like to rest for the night…”

“Right now, we’re a bit cramped with acquaintances all packed in, but if you’re okay with that, come on in.”

“Thank you!”

I sighed with relief. I wanted Reila and the others to have a roof over their heads.

“Check the surroundings. We can’t allow ourselves to be ambushed when we open the door.”

“I’ll light it up. ~~~~♪”

Helena sang softly, sending a massive orb of light into the air. It flooded the entrance brightly as we slid in through the slight opening of the door.

“That was a relief. Truly…!”

As I began to express my gratitude, I suddenly fell silent.

The homeowner who welcomed us appeared—truly bizarre.

That peephole. I noted it was positioned somewhat low, but it turned out the homeowner was a dwarf.

A muscular short body, a splendid bushy golden beard, and bulging green eyes in a furrowed brow.

Well… a typical dwarf, indeed.

But he was not ‘normal’ in one, or rather two respects.

“You… what happened to your arms…?”

Helena asked, startled.

“Huh? This?”

He grinned mischievously before raising his arms to show.

For an instant, I thought there were no arms from the elbows down—but no, they were sparkling as the lantern light caught them.

“I’m a craftsman. These too are my prized creations…!”

They made a clattering sound, showcasing surprisingly delicate fingers for a dwarf.

His arms were made of shimmering transparent crystal.