Volume 7 Chapter 9: “The Empire’s Ways”
A creeping threat engulfed Natsuki Subaru, as if his very existence was being peeled away, layer by layer. The blood flowing through him felt like magma, bringing forth an agony that exposed the bare reality of his being.
It was akin to tearing off an unhealed scab, exposing raw wounds to the cold air—a brutal act, indeed. His soul brushed against a reality he could not defend.
Was it pain that arrived, or lament, or sorrow?
Or was it something entirely different? Subaru couldn’t tell.
The only thing he knew, if salvation existed, was the feeling he grasped might be there.
That sense of despair was interrupted before it could reach an answer; an absurd sense of liberation washed over him—
“——Geez, you’re noisy!”
Just as he was freed from the recent torment, he opened his mouth wide, about to unleash a blood-curdling scream.
His body, feeling as if it had a hole in the lungs, craved oxygen, eagerly trying to savor the tasteless air when something was forcibly shoved into his mouth.
Stunned by the unexpected shock, he instinctively recoiled, choking on the intrusion.
But what was happening? He couldn’t quite see. The tightening sensation on his face was unmistakably proof that something was wrapped around his eyes. He was bound, not just his face but his hands and feet as well.
In such a state, someone forced something into his mouth again.
“Gah! Why am I bound… gauh!?”
“What are you resisting for? Do you not understand your position?”
Just as he expelled whatever was in his mouth, a rough opponent kicked him in the pit of his stomach. The impact stole the breath from him, and as he collapsed, saliva was spat upon him.
The humiliation of being doused in spit faded in the face of the stabbing pain in his chest. The pain erupted into a vibrant red haze as Subaru’s mind was consumed by chaos.
—The events of mere seconds prior were swirling chaotically in Subaru’s head.
He recalled being roused by Todd, dragged outside the tent, where a vast forest was engulfed in flames. Realizing it was a consequence of his careless words, he was struck with an arrow in the back, collapsing as it sapped his strength. The assailant had been a girl who looked far too young, and in mere moments, he felt life ebbing away from him, his body twitching as he succumbed to the pain.
While gasping and spewing blood, he heard Rem’s voice rushing to his side, desperately urging him not to die—
“Stay here…”
“What?! You think you can keep messing around like this—”
“Come on, calm down! You don’t know what’s going on! It can’t be helped! More importantly, hey! I’ll take off that blindfold for you!”
Subaru’s muddled thoughts were dragged back to reality by the conversation taking place above him.
It was the voices of two men. One spoke in a rough, brutish voice, while the other had a soft tone that attempted to mediate.
—Subaru could almost see their faces in his mind.
A click of the tongue was followed by the retreating footsteps of the man who had kicked him. Just moments later, an exasperated sigh mixed with a hint of amusement was heard.
“Apologies for the abruptness. I imagine you feel lost right now, but for the time being, I’ll take off your blindfold. I can’t untie your limbs, though, so bear with me.”
As he spoke, the man approached and lifted the blindfold that covered Subaru’s eyes.
With a hint of pain, liberation followed. Just before he could enjoy that sensation, Subaru took a deep breath, repeating the action a couple of times before he lightly held his breath.
Then, he waited for his vision to return slowly, opening his eyelids carefully.
“…As I thought.”
As his blurred vision sharpened, he found himself surrounded by a tent and a campfire, with Imperial soldiers bustling about, their presence stirring with intensity.
It wasn’t a sight he was entirely unfamiliar with—this was the Imperial camp where he had gone back and forth on menial tasks.
There was nothing particularly strange about the scene itself.
After all, Subaru had fallen here after being injured by an arrow. It was no surprise that he woke up after being treated here.
However, to reconcile that with the earlier shock—having a shoe forced into his mouth and now being bound hand and foot—remained beyond his understanding.
Even if Subaru was actually oblivious to Imperial customs, it was ridiculous to think one would restrain their patient while treating them. Such a nation ought to face ruin for its absurdity.
In other words, this meant—
“I… died.”
—It was most natural to conclude he had ‘returned by death.’
Ironically, the way to confirm this was simple: he needed only to tilt his head and gaze across the camp to see the green woods in the distance.
The woods where, due to his own slip of the tongue, he had allowed the Imperial soldiers to burn it down.
It should have burned and spewed black smoke, yet strangely enough, it remained as it had always been—lush and green, stretching endlessly across the horizon.
Having confirmed this, vivid images flooded Subaru’s mind.
Rem’s voice, urging him not to die as she crawled towards him, close to tears; her desperate pleas melted into his consciousness.
Yet Subaru had betrayed that. He had died brutally before her.
In this unfamiliar land, even if he had despised it, the very idea of someone who knew him dying—and the fear and anxiety that memory loss inflicted on Rem—it shattered his heart entirely.
And simultaneously, he thought—he never wanted her to face such feelings again.
“Just when I was out to fetch water, I find you! Sorry, but you’ve become our prisoner.”
As Subaru held onto those strong emotions, a man crouched down before him.
The one who wore a soft smile and narrowed eyes was instantly recognizable—Todd.
He was the only one among the Imperial soldiers to treat Subaru and Rem kindly. The man who had patiently accompanied him, despite Subaru’s ignorance regarding the Empire, had been instrumental when Todd first took him in.
Until he had pushed for the choice to set the forest ablaze for Subaru’s careless remarks.
Although it hadn’t felt like more than ten minutes had passed, a chill ran down Subaru’s spine as Todd’s words revealed the intention behind the mission.
The people of Shudrak were known as ‘the target of this operation,’ and after determining that entering the woods was difficult, the Imperial soldiers mercilessly torched it. Todd had praised Subaru’s contribution, as if his own slip-ups had led to this catastrophic decision.
In the Holy Volakia Empire, the strong were adored, while the weak were oppressed.
A great nation that taught the only rightful existence belonged to ‘the sword-wolf’ with a wolf pierced by swords as its symbol; perhaps a mentality like Todd’s was not uncommon in the Empire.
Hearing of beasts in the forest had justified the order to set it aflame.
However, certainly, neither Subaru nor anyone from the Lugnica Kingdom would ever get along with such reasoning. With only Roswaal, the rational, perhaps.
Regardless, whatever the situation was, they could not allow the forest to become a wasteland again.
Subaru swallowed hard, seeing the previous events as failure.
Not just that he had been killed, but even if the Imperial soldiers were acting to secure their own safety, setting the forest ablaze was excessive.
Had it not been for Subaru’s slip of the tongue, perhaps Todd and the people of Shudrak could have peacefully negotiated without bloodshed.
That possibility was snatched away, exposing the people living in the forest to danger—no, let’s stop avoiding responsibility. It was unthinkable that there were no victims from that great fire.
Natsuki Subaru had caused the lives of those in the forest to be lost with his thoughtless words.
Even though he could no longer influence matters in that timeline due to ‘return by death,’ he could never escape that fact—Subaru would never forget.
Thus, Subaru steeled himself to avoid making the same mistake again.
‘Death’ was heavy, and the lives of both himself and others could never be allowed to repeat in vain. To think he could have a reset at his first meeting with Todd and Jamal would be a blessing in disguise.
With the ‘return by death’ restart point altered, he had come back to just after he had collapsed in the grassy fields, fleeing from the hunters and beasts in the forests only to be rescued by the Empire.
From here, he would build a friendly relationship with Todd and, if possible, with Jamal—to approach negotiations without alienating them from the people of Shudrak.
To that end—
“Listen, are you still there? I understand that being called a prisoner is confusing, but… ”
“—Yes. I mean, I am confused. I am confused, but uh…”
Crouching before the silent Subaru, Todd seemed to take his feelings into consideration. Accepting his demeanor, Subaru pondered his next words.
Last time, the relationship with Todd had been good. It would be prudent to maintain that while seeking favors for himself and Rem.
At the same time, he must carefully select his words to temper Todd’s extreme behavior.
“I was surprised, but I understand I’ve become a prisoner. I remember jumping into the river. If you saved me, you are my saviors—”
“—Hold it.”
Subaru tried to assess the situation and maintain an attitude that aligned with someone who had just been pulled from the river.
However, as he attempted to express his gratitude, Todd thrust his hand in front of Subaru’s face.
Subaru’s view was blocked by the flat palm and outstretched fingers, causing him to instinctively hold his breath.
And then—
“—Why are you looking at me like that?”
Todd’s cold, hard voice rang out just as Subaru felt a sharp sensation pierce his right shoulder.
As his view was obstructed, he delayed in reacting to the movement—only to realize what had happened as he looked toward the strange sensation acquiring form on his shoulder.
—A knife was stuck in his right shoulder.
The moment he recognized what was happening, Subaru’s throat emitted a guttural sound.
An overwhelming scorching feeling burst forth centered around his shoulder, causing sharp pain to shoot through his entire body. If he didn’t distribute that pain, his brain, unable to cope with such misfortune, could very well break.
The shock of that unintentional stabbing pain was nothing short of devastating.
Following the unintelligible sound came a clear scream of agony.
Desperately writhing, he attempted to rub or push down on the gouged shoulder, yearning to perform some action that might alleviate the suffering. However, with both arms constrained, he couldn’t even reach the knife embedded in him. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt.
“Hey! What was that scream just now?!”
In torment, Subaru’s cries drew the attention of Jamal, a rough-looking man with an eyepatch, who rushed into the scene.
Just a moment ago, Jamal had been the one kicking and beating Subaru; now he wore an expression of pure shock as he beheld Subaru, a knife protruding from the shoulder, spewing blood like a berserk creature.
And then—
“Todd! This is different from what you said! You told us not to touch the guy who had the noble’s knife! What’s going on?!”
“Yeah, I was going to leave them alone until we figured out their intentions. I get why you’re angry about that; it was a screw-up.”
“Wait, does that mean you know who this guy is?!”
Jamal’s furious voice calmed slightly as he awaited Todd’s answer. However, Todd simply shrugged.
“I don’t know who he is, not one clue. However, he likely poses a significant threat to us. Therefore, preemptive measures are in order.”
“Gah, it hurts!”
“Oh, that looks painful. I shouldn’t be making you suffer too much, but how strong are you against pain? What does your self-assessment say?”
With his foot atop Subaru’s body for emphasis, Todd questioned imperially, as if the anguish were mere curiosity.
Subaru, of course, could offer no response; as soon as Todd put weight on him, the knife sunk deeper into the wound in his shoulder, creating a resurgence of unbearable agony.
As his vision flickered, his throat burned, his mouth filled with the metallic taste of blood that erupted repeatedly from his lips.
No matter how many times he screamed, the pain showed no signs of letting up. Instead, it rolled on, fresh despair crashing into him like a wave.
“You’re not answering. So you’re rebellious, huh? You must be an enemy then.”
“—If you keep doing this, you won’t get any answers.”
“Hmm? Is that so? What a blunder. If someone is less sensitive to pain, they can easily mess up in a situation like this. Failure upon failure.”
Finally, Todd lifted his foot from Subaru’s body.
While the additional pain subsided, the intermittent agony continued to stab into Subaru, blood trickling from his clenched mouth.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, but he wasn’t even allowed the dignity of wiping them away.
“You’re quite bold to complain about my behavior while in such a state, huh?”
“—? You’re doing this to let loose your frustrations on a captive, right? Don’t try to act noble. I’m just doing what needs doing.”
Meanwhile, ignoring Subaru’s pitiful state, the two men continued their conversation overhead.
A sight like this, where Todd was held in check by Jamal’s ire, was far from what Subaru could have conceived.
What was happening here?
Even through the pain, there was something that felt amiss.
To discover that the man who had helped him code was now speaking of an execution counter to any goodwill he had shown, the situation reeked of absurdity.
For that moment—
“I have no care about what happens to me!”
Subaru’s thoughts were brought back into focus as Jamal found the power to convince Todd otherwise.
Knowing that he no longer possessed control over outcomes, he ultimately lamented his own incompetence.
That was truly profound; enough to crush the feel of despair in the air.
“What is it you want to reveal your plan?”
The intense emotions within him surged as he prepared to retaliate.
There was no assurance that the path he had walked was but the beginning of something else for them.
The implications rippled through, as did the tenuous bonds that connected them, intertwining over negativity.
“—Yes, I’m here to sell out my tribe for my life.”
Drawing on those emotions from deep within, he declared that he, too, was of the Shudrak people.
It felt outright ludicrous, revealing that he could do so while blackening his own honor. That sacrifice was utterly unthinkable. He was no longer aware of self-respect; the weight weighing down on him twisted and turned mercilessly.
The burdens were monumental, and yet he plowed on.
“Ahh, yes, I do… sell out my own kin.”
“Please, I’ll do anything. If necessary, I can lead you to them. Whatever, whatever it takes!”
Stammering under pressure, sweat pouring from his brow, Subaru made his plea, spiraling into a self-centered existence, throwing the lives of others away for his own sake.
Nothing so grand.
If there was a model for such a human figure, it would be the sins of the Archbishop. Imagine the absurdity of becoming like those who had spewed poison for self-serving desires—he could hardly fathom that this was ever possible.
“So despicable. You have such disgraceful eyes.”
Jamal’s voice held contempt, regardless of the surface.
Subaru’s actions had only further deteriorated his relationship with Jamal; every link twisted toward these grim outcomes, all stemming from self-centered cowardice.
Ultimately, it was Todd who would determine the situation.
Here, one’s true role, position, and self were rendered meaningless. It reduced to the cruel negation of an absolute force—the cycle of might, tyranny.
“…Your desperation seems sincere enough.”
Then, still feigning contempt, Todd finally spoke.
Upon receiving those words, Subaru, though afraid of those echoing praises, sensed that he had clung to life by a thread. With that revelation, Jamal mocked the very essence of that statement.
“Hey, Todd! You seriously intend to believe this jerk? Just look at him—selling out his tribe for his own survival!”
“Wait, what are you saying, Jamal? A coward writing off his people will bear the greatest weight. That’s why he’ll earnestly do what it takes, or he else wouldn’t survive.”
Jamal was stifled at Todd’s reasoning.
That remark was precisely what Subaru had aimed to extract—validating the values behind such overwhelming cowardice.
A man who’d sell his companions’ lives, who sacrificed others to secure his own, must be depicted as a vile creature for ordinary men to actually listen.
Outwardly, impotently, crying, struggling in pain, every tear he shed had inadvertently fed into the fabric of his plan as both an exploration of his weaknesses and a perpetration of malice.
Though clearly a matter of self-deceit, the toll it took felt too steep for mere effort.
“I can’t know what will happen moving forward, and I don’t want debate today.”
Then, with fortuitous realization, he grasped he had grounds for an escape.
“—You see, that feat of yours proves your worth.”
The only truthful implication revealed itself just as much, the futility of sharing identities was at play.
“However… the stakes grow too high.”
As he was quick to dismiss it, that transpired, yet the decision-making process took a sharp turn.
With that, Jamal’s anger ebbed on, allowing Todd’s steady grip to tighten.
“Your incentive remains unbroken—none of this changes the fates stemming from what fearful, self-serving creatures you are.”
Now, neither creature nor character would waver in conviction.
An unimaginable battle would no doubt strike forth, too, breaking the chains of dread swirling.
“Now, once this mission concludes, make certain you multiple remain tethered.”
Sheer ire walloped outside him, whirling desperately provided the unseen reeds in wild abandon within the looming shadows of a predator.
Yet, no matter how rigid his convictions felt, the chains clamped down; rooted fear and compulsion stirring the air behind.
“Right. It’s to that end.”
Fair warning sung in haunting chorus, that set could induce a shriek of fury born of raw realization, bereft of light.
Then, sharply colliding in flash, pulled toward the maw of chaos—the prophecy of despair thrumming toward the potential upon strange earths danced evermore.
The writhing tension rolled until, finally—
“Hold still, idiot! You!”
The looming silhouettes grew dim and obscure, concealed in a dark template barely visible through rage.
All spun into motion—while somewhere, echoing in the chasms of memory, someone cried out against the approaching darkness.
Despite no plane nor burden nor body acquiescing; despite pain aching to elude its dominion.
Clarity muddled through consciousness, leaving little to trace—
Grasped just beyond Subaru’s realization, the profound nature returned—suddenly echoing, jarring shifts within tree foliage shifted rapidly, spiraling between paths he feared he might never trace.
Great shadows moved, coiling and conserving as freedom shot ahead— would they seize yet tighter the portal inside?
“Maybe a little softer this time around?”
Yet all that remained was exhaustion. Could he dare invite thought after thought past gravitational bindings lurking prohibitory, experienced truths rescued?
“About to take on what?”
In surprises echoed, wild rhythms chanted through the sepulcher of forest foliage, spreading thin among creatures and woodland echoes.
All wildly converged flame towards, melding the fray, swirling toward heaven only to dart back—
Fresh agony seized Subaru’s figure as he collapsed, shattering the outlook and prosperity only darkness dared indulge.
Yet, a plaintive wail quelled soundlessly across the ether, lost before buoyancy surged to sublime appeal.
Relax, child—it echoed afar. In the shadows, to the cosmic chime of scattered voices. An irretrievable maze dispersed ahead, twinkling beneath the deceptively luxurious veil of eternity, uncertain anew.
Groaning under weight and pain, sinking into oblivion—that lost grasp that dwindled away just as the creaking scent gained altitude—reeking circles that unfurled forever more. How could he possibly grasp it?
A curious fate lay ahead—a tenuous descent cut forth through thrashes toward desire.
That aspiration but laughter lost before gripping souls remained boundlessly reaching in air.
Just like that, gutting sobs twisted circles round ideas once restricted, blossoming like wildflowers amongst grit and remains.
Staring headlong into the gloom, threads fading with whispers curling loudly—grasping between compassion encased beyond flame.
Fated unfurling began swiftly, reaching distance stretching through preserved unknowns.
In the distance, among extended boughs long cast—the last call of life rippled flags cresting branches nearly blissfully.
Crushed under fatal weight to keep him from awakening. No safety followed the flickers that spurred him forward through earth-cracking, sorrows drawn too clear now lost in dust.
“The time of thorns…”
That seamless treason grew relentless. Shadows flitted past familiar wishes off-taunt with armatures about your delicate frame.
Then, and yet?
“It wasn’t—the end.”
But no fleeting state within pulled housing sorrow would turn twist anything softer from repression now burning returns into noise, thrust beneath bramble thickets much higher.
Before resolution diminished, Subaru drew at heavy stakes to burn free. Once more—the gaze swayed pouring forth—treasuring that once rife with aims ahead toward—
—A cost wrought in obligations lost within the fray; a traversed truth he’d find, sealed deeply, branded within.
Give into forward stride; foreboding yet no more—tremors of shattered intentions rolled true into dark before infinitely cast.
“Awake; I demand__”
Desires that came fresh, wild and unshackled coursed into refuge, from direction once lost…a place to breach wisdom toward give beckoning light its trace held truly.
The blazing light beckoned freely ‘til every casting embraced a return forthwith.
Broke over whirling shadows endlessly; crashing against weary hearts, volleying thrust buoyancies unending…
Unshackled ahead—
Shuddering storms bounded at the edge of mind; prophetic seeds born from tumult streamed illuminating forth onward and gem-like to reach.
Glimmer erupts amidst every hurt thin promise lace brandished openly led anew; guiding again the borrowed life assumed visiting toward rebirth beyond shadows held back.
“Relieve—I come home!”
Conceiving joy—swaddled within warmth tumbling into unburdened grace as solace reclaimed its star.
Endless drift unbound—
Forever echo belonged to vow just beyond all reach still, unfurling whispered purpose unknown.
And upon touched sighfolded mists sheer closed up, the darkness fell released anew—a gilded place to fantasize those breaths unadorned.