Chapter 5

While Margaret was crying in a fit of rage toward Jeongjae, Walter Hellhound was engaged in a heated debate with nobles of the Empire who might be three times his age at the Imperial Assembly.

“So, Hero, I understand the urgency, but there are already plenty of soldiers drawn from the Regional Territory! Soldiers aren’t meant to be raised for nobles to wage war or pillage like bandits! The Imperial Army can’t manage all the regions, so it is the local lords’ responsibility to protect their territories with their own soldiers, yet you’re just taking them all away!”

Inside the Imperial Assembly building, a circular platform loomed over hundreds of seats, resembling an ancient amphitheater.

Standing at the podium was Walter Hellhound, the proposal’s author, while the voice raised in opposition belonged to the regional noble, Baron Koesernis.

Walter looked up at Koesernis, who had sharply criticized him, and replied, “Well said, Baron Koesernis. I understand the effort involved in managing a vast territory, but why does a Baron in a region with no threat from the demon race need five thousand troops? Is my request for three thousand troops so unreasonable?”

“Those people are making their homes in my territory! They volunteered to join the army to protect their homeland during these hard times! How can you speak so lightly, even if you are a Hero?”

“Protecting the Empire’s borders is the way to protect everyone’s homeland!”

This time, Walter wasn’t directly targeting Koesernis but shouting at everyone present. His golden-framed glasses trembled with excitement.

“Do I strike you as someone who values human life lightly? Ah, I see you’ve all heard about the tragedy at Nomember Castle. But let me be perfectly clear — if my friend hadn’t set that castle ablaze, this Imperial Assembly would now be filled not with noble lords but skeletons and orcs!”

“No one is blaming you for that incident, Hero.”

The voice that stood up this time belonged to Count Harker, the leader of the regional nobles. Approaching eighty yet holding a straight back and noble air, he was a prominent figure opposing the imperial faction.

“I see. I may have gotten ahead of myself. My apologies, Count Harker.”

Walter exaggeratedly bowed, and the Count looked down at him with an impassive face before asking,

“The local soldiers have been mustered as needed, and the soldiers from the territories have been drawn away too. Hero, is the situation truly as dire as that?”

“It’s glaringly obvious. We lost Nomember. That territory might never recover as it was before.”

Rose Caprice, seated in the designated seat for the imperial faction, sighed softly, drawing the attention of many toward her. Flustered, she quickly covered her mouth and waved her hand, signaling that it was nothing.

Walter glanced up at Rose briefly before turning his gaze back to Count Harker.

“However, I heard the enemy’s attacks have slowed, and the Imperial Army is holding its ground. If we can keep this up, the enemy will tire, and an opportunity for a counterattack will present itself, won’t it?”

“Count, the truth is the enemy’s offensive has already peaked. With Nomember laid waste and failing to seize the castle, they’ve already lost the strength to continue their sustained supplies and advance. That is why I am here fervently speaking in this noble assembly.”

“Is that so? Then it means the enemy can no longer maintain their offensive, yet we still lack the strength to launch a counterattack, isn’t that it?”

“Indeed, Count, you grasp things quickly.”

Count Harker then fell silent, returning to his seat. Walter emphatically gestured to everyone and shouted, “Now, I believe I’ve sufficiently explained the proposed bill. I demand an immediate vote on this matter!”

“What do you mean an immediate vote? That should be done after discussion!”

A noble from the regional faction shouted in protest. Walter shot a glare at him and retaliated, “Oh, you who kept silent during our vigorous discussion! I’m a busy man; we’ve discussed enough already. I repeat, I demand an immediate vote!”

Once again, there was an uproar from the regional noble faction. Even the imperial nobles joined in the shouting, turning the Imperial Assembly into chaos.

Due to the sacred regulations of the Imperial Assembly that forbade anyone from leaving their seat unless speaking from the podium, there were no physical confrontations, but the raucous atmosphere was enough to give everyone there a headache.

“Besides, the imperial faction will surely push through with their numbers! We need to abolish the Emperor’s fixed nomination power!”

“Then why don’t you submit that as a bill and get it passed yourself!”

“Because of that shoddy law, we’re already lacking numbers, so what kind of nonsense is that!”

Rose covered her forehead with her hand, shaking her head in disbelief. Walter continued to shout for an immediate vote, essentially staging a one-man protest from the podium.

At that moment, Count Harker, who had been quietly observing the situation, stood up and softly said, “Let’s proceed with the vote. It’s a necessary step for the nation, isn’t it?”

The assembly quieted down. The regional faction nobles, who had been actively opposing the vote, awkwardly began to return to their seats. Walter bowed his head to Count Harker with genuine gratitude, nearly losing his glasses that were perched precariously on his nose from his straight posture.

“Thank you, Count! I’m saved because of you! Truly, thank you!”

Thus, the commotion settled, and Walter’s proposal to mobilize noble soldiers passed. As a result, the Hero would bear the added responsibility for the lives of the newly enlisted soldiers of the Imperial Army, who had come from distant northern regions.

The assembly was dissolved, and Walter, with a drained expression, removed his glasses and tucked them into his pocket. Rose Caprice, dressed in her elegant uniform, walked over to Walter.

“You did well, Walter.”

“Dealing with old men is exhausting.”

Walter grumbled. Rose gave him a strict look and admonished the Hero.

“Show a bit more respect in your tone.”

“Engaging with the elderly is always worth the sweat.”

“Alright, good job.”

The two exchanged silly banter and chuckled together. Just then, Rose suddenly made a worried face, prompting Walter to inquire with concern.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Why the face?”

“Well, it’s just that I received some strange news.”

“News? When did you hear that? What is it?”

“Earlier, while you were making all that noise, a messenger came. Bernard might be in urgent need, as he sent a message saying to relay it to either you or me quickly, but it came to me while you were speaking from the podium.”

“I see.”

The Imperial Assembly is a sacred place, and leaving one’s seat while not speaking is illegal, but it is generally fine to step out for a toilet break or to receive messages during a lengthy discussion.

In the midst of nodding, Walter realized the conversation had stalled and turned to Rose in curiosity.

“So? What’s the content? That must be the issue, right?”

“Ah, uh, it’s a bit strange…”

“Just say it! Don’t beat around the bush!”

“Apparently, Bernard witnessed something. He saw Margaret crying.”

Walter chuckled at her words.

“What? What’s the big deal about seeing her cry… Huh?”

Walter suddenly wore a blank expression and turned to Rose. Moments later, he hastily fumbled for his glasses and put them on. With a serious expression while wearing the glasses, Walter glared at Rose again.

“Now, say that again. Who cried?”


“Margaret. The Margaret we both know. The princess of Eramenia, the Elf warrior. Right?”

“I think so.”

“What do you mean by that! Margaret crying is a huge deal!”

“Exactly what I’m saying!”

The two shouted at each other. After a brief moment of awkwardness, they cleared their throats and lowered their voices again. Walter thought that not many events could make someone as tough as Margaret cry. Perhaps if her father passed away, or if the Kingdom of Eramenia fell to enemy invasion.

If something truly significant had happened to the Elf Kingdom, it could indeed become a problem, so the fact that he heard that Margaret cried was not something to take lightly.

“So, any reason why she cried? Did Bernard write that in the message?”

“Well, that’s a bit odd too…”

“Just spill it! Stop stalling!”

“After Margaret ran out crying… Jeongjae rushed after her.”


The situation indeed grew stranger. Regardless of why Margaret ran out crying, the fact that Jeongjae was the one to pursue her raised questions. What exactly happened between those two?

“Could it be that Margaret rejected him and ran off crying?”

Walter said absently. Rose chuckled softly.

“What nonsense is that?”

“What do you mean nonsense? You didn’t know Margaret liked Jeongjae?”

“Of course I didn’t. Wait, are you joking? Is that really true?”

“Is it? You really didn’t know? It was so obvious!”

Walter and Rose exchanged wide-eyed glances. Rose slowly opened her mouth to ask again.

“So, Margaret likes Jeongjae. In what way? I mean, as in romantic feelings?”

“Probably in the same way you like me.”

“Then that’s romantic feelings.”

“I guess it is.”


Rose Caprice gazed vacantly into space. Although she was quite clever, at that moment, she seemed as foolish as could be, and the couple looked lost for words, staring blankly into the assembly hall before finally concluding together.

“We need to find out more about this, right? I can certainly sense Margaret has feelings for him, but would she really run out crying after a confession?”

“When it comes to love matters, girls can change 180 degrees.”

“Well, if it’s just a silly matter, that’s good…”

Walter grinned slightly and put his glasses back in his pocket.

“Let’s look into this further before jumping to conclusions. I doubt anything serious will come of it, but…”

“To be honest, I find the very fact that Margaret liked Jeongjae so shocking that I wouldn’t be surprised by any other news.”

A few hours later, Rose Caprice would certainly come across a plan by Jeongjae that would shock her even more.