Chapter 495

### Chapter 495 – Room 207, The Gate Room – Second Trial ‘The Witch’ (3)

– Elena

The first person to accuse a witch was Bruno, the sausage maker from the outskirts of Ernhheim.

As if waiting for this moment, several others began listing the ominous events happening in the city.

“Everyone knows! Three months ago, seven pigs from the Hort farm suddenly died, spewing blood…”

Livestock dropping dead for no reason.

“Even Investigator Cherny knows this! Surely, his nephew Lowen does too. Just last year, he was a healthy young man!”

People suffering from an unknown disease.

“Just a week ago, I heard strange noises early in the morning, and the town’s stray cats were gathered, speaking human language!”

Even cats that talked like humans.

In this grimy age where sanitary conditions were horrendous, it could very well be an epidemic causing livestock and people to drop like flies. But talking cats? Now, that’s magic even a modern person could see!

All these accusations reached similar conclusions.

“Without a doubt, it’s an evil sorceress from the East! That woman! She lured the pious Simon into the city and caused all this chaos!”

Simon, referred to here, is Eunsol’s husband who supposedly died eleven years ago. The townspeople think my sister bewitched Simon to come to the city and practice her wicked sorcery.


Most of the citizens’ testimonies were, to some degree, truthful. To be precise, they believed what they were saying to be true.

The atmosphere in the courtroom grew increasingly heated, with some even casting curses toward Eunsol.

Eunsol remained just seated, her expression unfazed by the accusations.

Meanwhile, the Inquisitor silently observed her.

A moment later, Thomas pulled a thick book from a hefty leather pouch.

— Thud!

“What’s that…?”

“Malleus Maleficarum. The Hammer of Witches. A directive from the Papacy.”

A guidebook for witch hunts? I let out a long sigh, wondering what kind of madness this was.

Soon, Thomas began expounding on the Papacy’s “academic opinions” about witches to the crowd.

Witches tend to roam rather than settle in one place long-term. Fueled by innate, strong powers, they are impulsive and arrogant, unable to endure being cornered by insignificant humans. Many of them are cruel and have no qualms about killing.

As I listened to his lengthy explanation, I couldn’t help but feel bewildered.

“Wait, Thomas!”


“Most of what you’re saying has nothing to do with—Lee Eunsol, right?”

Let’s compare the guidebook’s content with Eunsol’s situation.

Eunsol has lived in this city for at least ten years, so she’s not the type to keep moving about.

Can’t endure being cornered? She’s sitting there calmly while dozens are hurling insults at her!

Cruel and having no qualms about murder?

There’s no tale of a mass death among people, at least!

“If the guidebook’s content is true, there’s no evidence that Eunsol is a witch—”

“Lady Elena.”

Thomas, having listened to me quietly, calmly replied with an unexpected statement.

“That’s precisely what I was getting at.”

The entire courtroom fell silent.

Thomas began to painstakingly explain the content of the guidebook.

“The guidebook’s contents don’t always fit the mark. There are various types of witches in the world, and individual differences do exist. However, mistakes are infrequent.”


“Witches don’t stay long in one city. The risk of being discovered increases, and witch hunters or inquisitors will come after them.”

People listened to Thomas’s words with a somewhat dazed expression.

“No patience, witches. They could kill ten people with just a flick of their finger. Most are violent and cruel, having endured the surrounding prejudice all their lives.”


“Of course, I’m not declaring that woman is a witch. I’m saying that further investigation is necessary. We don’t know who is a witch, but the traces of dark forces are undeniably clear!”

— Thud!

The Inquisitor struck the table with his wooden hammer, declaring, “The Witch Court will reconvene in two days’ time, at the same hour!”


Sitting in the carriage heading to the mansion, I pondered.

How terrifying prejudice can be.


The Inquisitor, who seemed most eager to burn my sister, decided, “Eunsol shows none of the common traits of witches. More investigation is needed; she doesn’t seem to be a witch.”


Historically, witches didn’t actually exist, and those who hunted witches were often con artists after the victims’ properties.

In this world, it’s different. Witches do exist, and the Inquisitors aren’t just con men.

That doesn’t mean the Inquisitor is a good person either.

This is just a different view of humans than my initial thoughts.

Whether or not there’s evidence to classify someone as a witch, if one has enough wealth, that’s enough to easily get burned; here, witch hunts resemble the mantra of ‘kill everyone even slightly suspicious.’

If Eunsol had matched any ‘criteria’ from the Malleus Maleficarum, they wouldn’t have hesitated to set her on fire.

But since none of it matched, they had let her go—for now.

“Got it.”

A specific type of person came to mind.

The agents of the Administration Bureau.

The Inquisitor’s behavior patterns are interestingly similar to those of the Administration Bureau agents from the future…

Let go of prejudice and think.

A world where witches exist and witch hunts are necessary.

So, who is the witch?

It makes sense to consult expert opinions.

— Flutter!

I opened the Malleus Maleficarum, borrowed from Thomas.


Once the Inquisitor declared Eunsol not to be a witch, the townspeople reluctantly backed off.

But that was merely due to the authority of the Inquisitor and me.

The hostility the townspeople harbored toward my sister was astonishing.

What if they were to threaten her openly?

What if she tried to use some kind of dream device to save herself?

That’d birth a true witch!

I need to send someone to ensure the townsfolk don’t treat her recklessly.

As soon as we arrived at the Gray family mansion, I called my maid, Valentina.

“Valentina, I have a favor to ask.”

“Oh! Please, go ahead.”

“That ethnic group I sent a letter to—”

“Lee Eunsol?”

“You remember! Can you stay at her place for a few days?”


“I heard her late husband was rich. I bet there’s a room suitable for you. I’ll pay generously.”

Upon hearing my words, Valentina wore a peculiar expression.

“… Miss, can I ask, what do you know about my relationship with Eunsol?”


Was there such a thing?

Aren’t you just my maid?

Now that I think about it, what had she said about Eunsol on the first day?

“How do you know such a strange woman?”

If we flip it over, it implies that she already knew!

“… Sophia.”


“You’re talking about Eunsol’s daughter.”

“Oh, right.”

And then, I received a story I never expected, twice in one day.

“That child is my niece.”


– Lee Eunsol

“Thomas must have misunderstood something!”

“Hey, mind your words! Have you never heard the phrase, ‘owner of the pyre’?”

“There’s no reason for me to be afraid of him if I’m not a witch! If I had just burnt Eunsol, this would all be over—”


This is starting to feel awkward the more I hear it.

From my previous outings, I can tell that the people of Ernhheim are divided into two groups.

Those who believe Eunsol is a witch that needs to be executed.

And those who don’t know if she’s a witch but want her out of the city.

They might all seem the same, but through experience, I noticed the differences.

In any case, the second group has shared enough in common that if I offered them money, they’d sell me bread.

When society is in turmoil, those who feel a disconnect tend to become targets.

Just like how in the past, when an earthquake shook Japan, rumors spread that Koreans had poisoned the wells.

At least it’s been a little more bearable since last night.

“Sophia, tonight we’re having paella!”

“Wow! Auntie, that sounds great!”

This is because my husband’s sister, whom I’ve never even seen, is starting to stay at my place.

Unlike me, Valentina is from a prominent family in Ernhheim and is the trusted maid of Elena, chosen by God.

There’s no way a mere serf or city dweller could even dare to mistreat her.

She cherishes Sophia almost like her own daughter.

“Wow~! It looks delicious! I can’t wait!”

“You’re to stay in your room.”

“Aw~! How could you be so mean about that?”


The tiny issue is that this woman doesn’t like me much either.

However, Valentina doesn’t dislike me for the same reason the townsfolk do.

She thinks of me as a terrible woman who “devoured” my brother.

Since Simon supposedly died two years or three years after marrying me.

“Now I’m going to cook, so don’t disturb me. Also, don’t wander outside too much!”

— Bang!

I was promptly expelled from the kitchen with a loud noise.

This is just ridiculous.

I’ve never even seen that husband of mine, and I’ve never seen a witch either.

I don’t think I’m mentally weak, but the baseless hatred is starting to get on my nerves.


Sudden words from the Inquisitor come to mind.

Witches have no patience.

They could kill ten humans with just a flick of their finger!

I get what he means.

Having patience against ‘insignificant’ people while wielding a dream device isn’t as easy as it seems.

“… Enough of these pointless thoughts.”

Taking a sip of water, I calmed my unnecessary emotions.

As always, anger doesn’t help in a hotel situation.

More importantly, it’s time to get down to business.

— Clunk!

I opened the window, peering outside.

I found myself growing accustomed to controlling the peculiar things in this situation.


I could see a dark blue line filling the air.

Something resembling a giant earthworm, continually wriggling through the void.

It has no solid form, so I can’t touch it; it is invisible to the Inquisitor and even Elena.

That’s why it’s clear evidence of the ‘mystique.’

Should I follow this trace to find the witch?

As I hesitated, gripping the doorknob, I felt a soft touch from behind.



“Are you going out again today?”


“People hate you, Mom… Can’t you just stay home?”

Every time I look at Sophia, a strange feeling arises.

A cute girl wanting to sleep with me every night, calling me Mom.

If you ask me if I feel like her real daughter, honestly, not at all.

Not that only those born after ten months of labor are children; I’ve no memories of raising this girl.

“Mom’s busy.”

“But Auntie told me to stay home!”

“Sophia, go to your room.”

“… Okay.”

Sorry, Sophia, this is a hotel.

If you just sit quietly in your room, nothing will happen.


Later that night, inhaling the cold outside air, I mused.

What could this substance I see be?

Traces of magic?

I’ve never seen such strange remnants just from using my inheritance in the hotel…

While I was unsure, I searched for a location where threads of this substance floated.


After tracking for about an hour, I caught a whiff of an awful stench in a sinister alley.

A smell nobody would encounter in their lifetime, one I’d never experienced in my 30-plus years.

The stench of decaying corpses.

Being able to distinguish such scents confirms that the hotel has broadened my horizons quite a bit.

Not that I’m grateful for that.


Holding my breath, I became conscious of the dream device.

Soon, my entire body shivered, and the substance disappeared.

This is one of the badge’s powers I got from a souvenir shop, and now it’s the power of the dream device: invisibility.


Surrounded by scattered flesh and blood, and bones.

Sadly, it seems it wasn’t a comfortable death after all.

Seeing the mangled face startled me a bit.

It was someone I knew.

“… Bruno.”

Bruno, the sausage maker who lives on the outskirts of Ernhheim.

The one who accused me to the Inquisitor.

At that moment, I heard a strange voice.



“Hey, even if you’re invisible, they can still smell you! Hurry up and run. Others are coming!”

The words were indeed helpful, but the fact that the one speaking was a cat was problematic.