Chapter 49

Honestly speaking, lately, Jui’s tier isn’t that high.

Still, the reason I banned Jui is that Jui is one of Rainbow’s signature picks.

It was kind of a provocation.


Carry Well has joined the lobby.

MobyDick1111 has joined the lobby.

SCV BlackDog has joined the lobby.

ChanSikChanSikChanSik has joined the lobby.

Prisoner has joined the lobby.


Familiar IDs, as always.

Among them, Carry Well and MobyDick stood out the most.


They say speak of the devil and he shall appear.

I received a 1:1 message.

[Carry Well: Oh hey]

Carry Well.

One of the countless top laners on my friend list.

I hadn’t checked because I was focused on Rainbow, but it seems we were in the same queue.

Carry Well’s play style could easily be considered the complete opposite of 3 Min Top School Honorary Member.

In short, when 3 Min Top School Honorary Member leads in lane, going for a dive to finish off the enemy top, Carry Well tends to roam mid or invade the enemy jungle for vision.

There’s no definitive answer to what’s right, but anyway, Carry Well had a higher win rate than 3 Min Top School Honorary Member, who is a high-return, high-risk player.

[Me: Hey]

[Carry Well: You’ve been playing insane lately… I’ll catch a ride ㅎㅎ]

[Me: ㅎㅎ;]

Looking at it this way, it feels like a shot at me.

“And the remaining teammates… are MobyDick and BlackDog?”

The positions were a bit tangled, as there were two ADCs.

“However… the good thing is that the ADCs are anything but ordinary.”

GRS MobyDick.

When naming the best laners in the world, it’s common to mention the laners from the Red Cup winning team that year.

But when asked who the best ADC is, MobyDick is definitely one of the three names mentioned alongside SY Longbow and SCV BlackDog.

In fact, his career, as a Red Cup runner-up, allows him to be considered a rival to the SCV ADC, BlackDog, who has a similar team color.

For now, MobyDick is assigned to mid, and BlackDog is ADC.

“Well, for now, I guess I’ll just have to see.”

The bans were completed.

[Bans List]

Saku / Ezreal

⛝ / Lee Sin

Ezreal / Gwen

⛝ / Rakan

Jui / ⛝

Our team’s faction is the Red team.

Upper side, and we’re the last pick.


They picked Sylas without a hint of hesitation.

He is a champion that can swap roles between top and mid, and given his inherent champion value, it’s not a bad choice.


Our first pick Carry Well chose Sett.

Like Sylas, he can fulfill multiple positions and is a safer first pick than Sylas.

“Is it MobyDick’s turn now?”

I was secretly worried he might throw a tantrum to get his ADC, but surprisingly, MobyDick picked without a word.


That’s a good choice.

Lucian is a ranged DPS champion whose performance is paradoxically better in top and mid lanes.

Also, Lucian can be used as a counter-pick to Sylas, thus leveraging the advantages of being the last pick.

“Besides, it’s not a bad pick as a first pick either.”

As mentioned before, Lucian is a champion that can fulfill multiple positions.

So naturally, a strange thought crossed my mind.

“…He can’t possibly think he’s ADC, can he?”

After all, playing on the Korean server isn’t something new, so he should at least recognize the Hangul indicating positions…

“Then again, he could have played it mid.”

Yeah, that’s probably it.

I wanted to hope this wasn’t a sign of a dodge.

And then…

Finally, the ban/pick process was completed.

[Our Team / Enemy Team]

Top: Sett / Viego

Jungle: Rumble / Diana

Mid: Lucian / Sylas

ADC: Kalista / Aphelios

Support: Rill / Nautilus

As it turned out, my initial worry was just that—worry—because MobyDick seemed to know that his position was mid.

“Or he might think Kalista mid… but no way that’s likely.”

Overall, the lane matchups looked quite favorable.

Sett, Lucian, and Kalista are all champions with significant strengths during laning.

Of course, the consensus is that in bottom lane, the supporter is more important than the ADC, so we won’t know until we actually play the game.

[Please select a skin!]

The game has begun.


Jungler’s Slave – Viego

SY YunGi – Diana

SY Rainbow – Sylas

MAX KingGodEmperor – Aphelios

dwqkopkwrkty – Nautilus


As expected, familiar IDs showed up in the enemy’s mid jungle.

Rainbow and YunGi.

The world’s best mid jungle duo.

No need to be unnecessarily scared.

They are, after all, those I will need to overcome one day.

It just happens that today is that day.

The invade position was smooth.

Sett was checking vision near the top tri-brush, and Lucian was waiting mid.

I went to check vision in the river bush leading down, while our bottom duo checked vision as they moved out from the blue side.

I didn’t want to stir unnecessary variables at the start since Rumble had to manage his heat with his W skill.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

Sure enough, right at the 1-minute mark, Nautilus and Sylas led the enemy into our blue.

Fortunately, our bottom duo fled quickly, so there was no major damage, but unfortunately, we lost vision on the blue side.

This made it impossible to know where the enemy jungle was starting from.

That is, unless we had help from our team.

A moment ago, noticing that the enemy’s 4 players ventured to our blue, our Sett placed a ward in the enemy blue bush.

I did encounter the enemy Viego in the process, but as strong as Viego is in a fight, he wouldn’t be foolish enough to trade blows with a level 1 Sett.


The enemy Diana’s jungle starting point could be either our blue or their red.

Given the sight situation, it was likely that both of them would take a path that splits evenly.

“As long as we’re assuming an ordinary scenario.”

After all, we’re talking about YunGi.

With Rainbow too.

Judging recklessly and making decisions would be foolish.

Quickly angling for the upper three camps, instead of heading to our blue, I made my way straight to the river after spotting Diana moving from our blue side to the river via ward.

This meant that, as I initially thought, we were both on an evenly split path.

“The bottom has to hold on well.”

There’s a chance they could get ganked or dived by the enemy jungler if they don’t.

Of course, with the diagonal law, this means our side will have a bit of looseness up top, but…


I took a quick glance at the top laning situation.

The enemy top, Jungler’s Slave, was doing a good job of controlling the lane, as a smart top laner would.

He wasn’t letting me gank, nor was he allowing me to dive.

Naturally, I couldn’t help but feel a bit frustrated since I had to create an advantage for our top side early on.


Just as I was about to jungle through the river toward the enemy blue, a fierce exchange happened mid.

[MobyDick1111 (Lucian): Sylas used flash!]

Both mids flashed.

Having watched that exchange, I couldn’t help but admire what I saw.


Rainbow and MobyDick.

When naming the superstars of the world in the Legends of League, they are among the top three names in mind.

What is a superstar, you might ask?

There are several conditions, but personally, I think the most important one is the dazzling super plays.

When everyone else gives up, and they feel it’s impossible, the so-called superstars turn the impossible into the possible.

And Rainbow and MobyDick were both such superstars.

If left as is, that exchange will likely become a GIF and spark significant conversation later.

But still…

“I plan to win.”

Let them brawl in mid, for all I care.

I headed straight to mid.

Typically, Rainbow wouldn’t have been this aggressive in a trade, especially against a strong Lucian in lane.

However, MobyDick’s ferocious aggression pulled Rainbow out of his comfort zone, forcing him to trade blows or risk losing mid control for the rest of the game.

Naturally, such aggressive trading calls for a jungle presence.

Now we have entered the jungler’s domain.

Once the fierce exchanges settled down, as if waiting for the right moment, YunGi’s Diana emerged from the lower river bush.

YunGi had the same idea as me.

“2:2 skirmishes aren’t bad.”


Due to YunGi taking the lower path, the enemy support had also appeared, giving them the advantage.

What was supposed to be a 2:2 skirmish had now turned into a 2:3.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

Ping for retreat was pinged repeatedly, but it was already too deep for Lucian to escape.

“Should I just give it up?”

In that moment of hesitation.


A teleport flared up from the mid minions.