Volume 6 Chapter 75: “Louis Arnebe”


Volume 6: “Memory Corridor”

Volume 6 Chapter 75: “Louis Arnebe”

――I want to be happy.


――The quality of life is a gamble determined by birth and environment.

That was the philosophy that Louis Arnebe gained after devouring the lives of countless humans as the Archbishop of Gluttony.

Louis Arnebe is the youngest sister of the three siblings who bear the title of the Archbishop of Gluttony.

Originally, the Witch Cult remains astonishingly obscure despite the scale and loose control of its activities, especially when it comes to the Archbishops of Sin, who are shrouded in mystery.

The main reason is that most of those who met them have lost their lives, but among the Archbishops, the ones who were “known”—rather, who were known in the past—were Sloth and Greed.

Although it’s also known that there are Archbishops of Wrath, Lust, and Gluttony, what kind of individuals they are has remained a mystery for many years. Moreover, the existence of Louis Arnebe, the youngest sister of the three Archbishops of Gluttony, is known even by the other Archbishops only under exceptional circumstances.

The hidden Archbishop: that was Louis Arnebe’s status.

“Well, it’s not like this is what we wished for or anything.”

In the white space where she had been all her life, Louis murmured as she stretched her legs.

By circumstance, Louis could not leave this space, and she could meet no one. Even the authority of Gluttony could only be exercised in this very limited place, rendering it a waste.

However, thanks to her two brothers, she never lacked for meals.

The “memories” and “names” they consumed—essentially, the lives of others—were enough to satiate her hunger by nibbling on the side.

“Why are we like this, anyway?”

Satiated by the scraps left by her brothers, slowly consuming others’ lives, Louis soon realized that she was in a completely different circumstance from others.

Her body was not free, and only her consciousness could move.

She had “memories” of walking but had never experienced walking herself. That was her form of defect.

“Oh… how unfortunate we are.”

Louis was aware that she was in an “unfortunate” situation.

And no matter how much she lamented, she understood that her environment wouldn’t change.

To comfort their grieving sister, her brothers competed against each other in their meals. Thus, they offered her the same dish they had eaten.

The dishes brought by her brothers were overflowing with their respective personalities.

Rai, calling himself a “gourmet,” loved lives that were beautifully seasoned, both for better and worse.

Roy, the one who devoured anything, prioritized quantity and was obsessed with filling his hunger with miscellaneous flavors.

As for Louis, she often found more enjoyment in the dishes chosen by Rai, but she also gathered plenty from those chosen by Roy, who consumed indiscriminately.

Chewing through many lives, comparing flavors, and swirling them on her tongue and in her mind, Louis understood one thing. —That was the absolute difference in the quantity of “happiness.”

Possessing the power to compare others’ lives through her own values, Louis began scoring various aspects such as wealth disparity, the presence or absence of love, upbringing, family, friends, and romantic partners, marking and ranking each other’s lives in succession.

Because they were born rich. Because they were loved by their parents and siblings. Because they led smooth-sailing lives with no trials. Because they had many friends who would offer a helping hand in times of trouble. Because they were talented and surpassed others in their expertise.

Each and every reason, regardless of happiness or unhappiness, was abundant, a plethora to disregard.

It was a terribly arrogant and conceited line of thought, but Louis had the power to make it a reality.

In other words, it was like peering over someone else’s gaming screen, pointing fingers and mocking, saying “You should have done this” or “You should have done that.”

Throwing out mockery and disdain through the screen, critiquing someone else’s life as a bystander at will. It was easy to throw insults or share blunt opinions without distinguishing good from bad.

That was what Louis did. A self-centered grading and selfish slandering.

However, what initially brought her joy soon grew stale.

Of course. What Louis could do was critique the past “memories,” and nothing more. She could not comment on the present or the future.

Even if she berated someone’s gameplay or tried to correct them, the player wouldn’t listen, and that was boring at best.

Watching a clumsy player like that forever was nearly torture.

“If only we could do it, we could do it so much better, you know? Everyone around is just so bad at this!”

Even though she had the legs to walk through her own life, the arms to carve out difficulties, and the mind to envision her future, everyone around was incompetent.

That included Louis’s brothers, Rai and Roy. In fact, they could be said to be the embodiment of incompetence.

By peeking into their “memories,” Louis could clearly see what went wrong in their lives and where they couldn’t recover. Each failure was a grotesque accumulation of simple, minor mistakes.

Why on earth did they stumble at such places? Louis couldn’t comprehend it at all.

“You’re all so incompetent! If you want to live haphazardly, then deign to hand me that life! We could do so much better than you could ever dream of!”

As loathsome “lives” piled one after another on plates before her, Louis felt herself getting sick from sheer anger.

Annoyed with her brothers who, oblivious to her despair, continued to indulge their own desires, she loathed the foolishness of their endless supply of food, providing her with overflowing plates without a care.

“Oh, look at you eat so deliciously, big brother!”

“Oh, how much fun you seem to be having, brother!”

“—Ah, we’re about to throw up!”

That was the reason Louis Arnebe called herself “Gluttony.”

An endless hunger that could never be satiated.

She was not hungry in the body but in the soul.


――I want to be happy.

――I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy.


“—Ahaha! So this is what it feels like to walk outside! Big brother, brother! This is so unfair!”

In the forced freedom, her constrained self-awareness galloped wildly.

Just like how meals promote a human’s healthy growth, even while given unwanted plates, Louis grew vigorously.

That was true for her two brothers as well.

Her brothers, indulgently swelling their own egos, were becoming increasingly obsessed with their meals. Such insensitivity in their food choices only served to irritate Louis.

Such changes were the byproducts of Louis’s growth and the irritation it created.

“This is the air outside! This is the water outside! This is the soil outside! This is the blood outside! Oh, amazing, amazing, amazing! It’s real! It’s real!”

Lying flat on the ground, cherishing the taste of the dirt, a boy savored the world with all his being—no, the body was that of Rai Batenkaitos, but its essence was different.

Holding dominion over that body and moving it freely was not Rai.

Louis Arnebe, who was believed to be bound by her fate to the white world, had shattered her white cage for the first time.

It was a fluke.

Never had she imagined that such power would reside within her authority. Or did the longing spirit of Louis ignite this ability? The answer remained uncertain. It was not important.

What mattered was that this had become a reality. —She had walked outside.

“Ahahaha! Ahahaha!”

With her limited reality’s interference, Louis laughed heartily.

Borrowing her brothers’ bodies, she could now manipulate the flesh and the power freely.

And then—

“Hey? Rai, what’s the meaning of this? While you were all picky about being a “gourmet,” did you go insane from hunger?”

“Ahh, no, no, not at all! It’s not like that! Not at all! It’s not that! Not at all! It’s not that, that’s exactly the reason!”


“We are the Witch Cult’s Archbishop of Sin, responsible for Gluttony, Louis Arnebe.”

Louis greeted the bewildered Roy Alphard using Rai Batenkaitos’s body.

Because this was the first time she had ever conversed with her brothers.

“I’m the cute, cute triplet sister of big brother and brother! Please love me, cherish me, congratulate me, and ask nicely, okay?”


――I want to be happy.

――I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy.

――I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy.


Borrowing her brothers’ bodies, Louis gained a means to interfere with the outside world.

The supply of meals from her brothers continued, so she still suffered no hunger.

However, after having longed for this anticipated opportunity and leaped into the outside world, Louis Arnebe soon grew bored. —She grew bored.

“It’s more boring outside than I expected.”

In the end, a borrowed body was just a borrowed body.

Her true self remained imprisoned in the white world.

Instead, she had firmly grasped the shadows and choked herself.

“In the end, life isn’t about what you eat or how much you eat. It’s about who you eat with, yet…”

Her brothers were living their own lives. They surely didn’t yearn for anything.

Only Louis was deprived of her own life. That was why she longed for it so desperately.

“I want to be happy.”

While scattering countless “memories” in the white world, she wished for it fervently—perhaps this was Louis Arnebe’s greatest or perhaps her only desire.

“I want to be happy.”

An unfulfilled wish.

Even after borrowing her brothers’ bodies to trample on others, it never disappeared.

Savoring the rich “life” and intoxicated by fleeting pleasure, it soon turned into emptiness.

“I want to be happy.”

Boredom crept in. She had grown bored.

What she desired was her own life—one that belonged solely to her. A body, a soul, a destiny.

“I want to be happy.”

Louis was unhappy.

The beginning of her unhappiness lay in the fact that she had no life of her own.

“I want to be happy.”

But at the same time, Louis knew herself too.

Being fickle and easy to abandon, even if she unexpectedly gained a life, there was no way she could be satisfied. That’s because she knew.

In this world, there exist countless lives, and among them, there is a disparity in the absolute quantity of happiness, and fundamentally, they are determined at the end of an insurmountable gamble.

What happens to those born in a poor family in the harsh Gusteco Holy Kingdom?

What happens to the native weaklings born in the respected Volakia Empire?

What happens to the slow-witted fools born in the ever-progressive Kararagi City-State?

What about the half-demons with silver hair born in the old-fashioned Lugnica Kingdom?

Louis had experienced that they would not have a pleasant time.

However, just being blessed alone does not make one happy.

Whether born to a high priest of the Gusteco Holy Kingdom, to a general of the Volakia Empire, to a great merchant of the Kararagi City-State, or to any high noble of the Lugnica Kingdom, looking above is limitless.

Louis didn’t want to be inferior. She wanted to be blessed. She didn’t want to be looked down upon.

She had ranked the lives of others.

Among the lives rated poorly—not to mention the highly rated ones—there were never all aspects with the highest scores. Even the highest rated lives fell short of her expectations.

“Ah, I want to be happy.”

It was then that Rai and Roy discovered the change of a new potential: “Erosion.”

The power of the archbishop of Gluttony allows for the devouring of “memories” and “names.” By applying this, it enables the recreation of those who have been devoured using the powers “Solar Eclipse” and “Lunar Eclipse.”

“Lunar Eclipse” draws out skills and knowledge from others’ memories and utilizes them as though they are one’s own—however, it only extracts techniques, so there is little benefit towards body strength, thus not fully controlling its power.

In contrast, “Solar Eclipse” can completely replicate techniques polished in the incorporated body and maximize power, based on the “name” absorbed.

It goes without saying that as a skill, “Solar Eclipse” is overwhelmingly superior, yet for some reason, her brothers preferred to use “Lunar Eclipse.” —No, it would be more accurate to say they feared and detested using “Solar Eclipse.”

According to Rai and Roy, it appears the thought is drawn to the altered body.

They find that sensation intolerable, as if it degrades their own self—the latter being the brothers’ reasoning. Listening to their discussion, Louis found it utterly ridiculous.

To have one’s own body and establish one’s self, yet to be unable to maintain that solid self… what a flimsy and weak self-awareness!

To want to bask in misery when you haven’t had your existence known even to your brothers for over a decade, and have grown tired of both the bitter and sweet of life, it’s not a joke!

The power of “Solar Eclipse”—excellent indeed. For Louis, it was rather advantageous.

This was indeed the very power Louis Arnebe had been waiting for.

—Louis Arnebe wanted a life of her own, one that was the best.

That was different from simply consuming others’ lives to be satisfied with “memories.” It was a higher and more universal right — Louis wanted to live.

You cannot choose your birth.

That is the root of all the misfortune borne by humanity. But Louis was different.

Louis had attained the power to choose her birth, her life. If she could claim the “memories” of others and recreate them through “Solar Eclipse,” that would be sufficient.

She could choose her own life. —She could choose everything anew.

She sought the best “memories” and “names” she had yet to see.

Among all the things that Rai and Roy had consumed, there was something good in them, but they had lacked perfection. There were shortcomings in creativity and novelty.

Happy families, kind parents, rich living environments, wonderful friends, fateful partners—everything was merely “happiness seen somewhere before.”

She sought a life that was not that— the best life.

To have unlimited choices, the abundance of options does not equate to a lack of boredom. If she grew tired of all the countless dishes laid before her, how could she enjoy anything?

Louis Arnebe sought the best life. —She was searching.



――Thus, when she met Natsuki Subaru, Louis’s heart raced.

“Hey? Big brother… uh, that’s right, Natsuki Subaru, right?”

To be precise, she didn’t get thrilled the moment they met.

At first sight, Natsuki Subaru’s looks were not to her liking.

Originally, she had none such preference when it came to looks, but following her nurtured values, the face that most people found beautiful would be the one Louis desired.

In that sense, there was no factor in Natsuki Subaru’s appearance that made her heart race.

Moreover, although Louis recognized Natsuki Subaru, it was merely because he had appeared in “memories” of others, without being someone she had meticulously observed.

It should have been evident if thought over. The “memories” inside Louis were overwhelming in number. Extracting the desired “memories” from among them was not an easy task.

Especially not for someone who held no interest.

Yet the reason Louis could recall that name instantly was not because of herself but because one of her brothers—Rai Batenkaitos—had been somewhat attached to that name.

Surely, within the dishes gobbled up by Rai, there was something that strongly fixated on Natsuki Subaru.


“This place? This is the cradle of Odo Laguna… “Memory Corridor.” A place where the souls of the dead are filtered. It’s rare for someone to arrive here with their ego intact, so welcome, big brother. We’re a little bored here, after all!”

Smiling malevolently, Louis welcomed the visit of this unique guest.

In fact, there was no deceit in this feeling of welcome. She was a bit lonely.

The birthplace of Louis Arnebe, the “Memory Corridor,” was her white world that she couldn’t leave.

It was a vast working space of an unknown immense existence that Louis learned to be called by such a name as a result of the knowledge gleaned from the “memories” that Rai and Roy devoured.

Among the beings that became prey to “Gluttony,” there were many wise individuals who had made significant discoveries or achieved monumental research destined to leave a mark on posterity. Those were swallowed whole, disappearing into the bowels of the three Archbishops of Gluttony, yet they had contributed immensely to Louis.

Honestly, Louis had no interest in the reason for her birth or why she was confined here.

There was likely no way to understand it, nor did she feel it held any meaning. She simply accepted it. If somehow she were brusquely thrust out into the outside world now, it would merely pose a problem for her.

The time for departing would only come when Louis had found the best life.


“Oh, pardon me! I hadn’t introduced myself yet! But please forgive me! You see, I normally don’t get to introduce myself like this in a sober state!”


“Well then, let’s reintroduce ourselves! —We are the Witch Cult’s Archbishop of Sin responsible for Gluttony, Louis Arnebe.”


“Whether it’s long or short, I don’t know, but please treat me well, big brother?”

At this declaration, the other party appeared quite surprised and startled.

This was completely understandable, for usually the beings who step into this place did not do so with any intention of being there. Occasionally, something like this might sneak in, but Louis regarded them as souls that had lost their way— in other words, resulting from near-death experiences.

A situation in which one’s “soul” was set to easily separate from their body, or in which it had peeled away.

Such a circumstance was close to that sensation of being suddenly summoned to Odo Laguna from their perspective.

Thus, considering this, Louis’s role was to calm the distress of the dying and to serve as an explanation of what this place really is.

If that was all within the invisible palm of Odo Laguna, it was even more infuriating.

Louis hated being looked down upon and hated being ordered.

That was true even with the otherworldly existence that was Odo Laguna. The life that had yet to even begin would not tolerate interference from anyone besides Louis.


“Eh? Of course I know! Rai and Roy… big brother and brother, right? Oh, don’t get so excited, big brother! Those two are only thoughtful towards their little sister!”


“The fact that those two are foraging everywhere is partly for our sake. They might not have enough brains or properly grasp our tastes, but they do care for us. Probably. But that can’t be helped. After all, we’ve never all been together, have we?”


“Using big brother and brother’s bodies, I get to go outside a little sometimes! But when that happens, the one borrowing the body falls asleep, so we can’t meet! Therefore, we’ve never been all together at once. Ah, I spilled it!”

While speaking rapidly with excitement, Louis carefully observed the other party’s reaction.

A bit of fright there, a little bit of confusion. Anger was quite plentiful, and a strong sense of duty was evident. Initially, they had been utterly confused, but now they seemed to be calming down, trying hard to remain composed.


Not bad, Louis licked her lips inwardly.

One must say they were familiar with the rough waters; their adaptability to the situation was quite impressive. Compared to the initial impression, this was an exceedingly incongruous nature.

That divergence from their natural disposition was a quality honed through external coercion.

Louis’s curiosity was piqued—what really was the root of this?


While speaking, Louis pulled out a certain “memory.”

It was one of the dishes feasted upon by Rai, the primary reason for his intense fixation on the boy before her. —She pulled at the vehemently drawing “memory,” syncing with it.


In an instant, a tenderness overflowed from deep within her chest, choking her breath.

A love for the boy at hand welled up boundlessly. She felt love for him that was overwhelming and uncontrollable. Louis’s small chest tightened, her entire body ached with sweet anticipation.

Her eyes glistened, her breath became sweet and hot, and her lips tilted into a smile.

And then—

“Please don’t look so uneasy. —Natsuki-kun.”

In that moment, a strong, forceful rejection emerged.


Natsuki Subaru leaped at her with sharpened eyes filled with anger.

A desire to embrace his violent form surged within her, but Louis managed to suppress it, deftly slipping under with his “memory” in mind.

With a smooth motion, she grasped the boy’s arm and pulled him in, twisting sharply. With the sensation of bones creaking in a body made of non-physical substance, she pinned the boy to the white floor, making him groan.


“Stop that! If you pounce on me like that, I might just get shy. —Just kidding.”

Using the pleading “memories” of endearment toward the boy, she wrestled him down.

Satiating her sadistic cravings, the corners of her mouth curled up. To satisfy such a craving was the voice of Natsuki Subaru that continued to cry desperately while twisting.

In the struggle, he fought for someone else’s sake, and for a mere moment, Louis cocked her head in wonder.


That was an unnatural response.

Only noticing this after pinning him down, Louis scratched her head in curious consideration.

The “memories” devoured by Gluttony would never remain in the subjects of them; the “names” they devoured wouldn’t remain in others, either. That’s because the power strips them from the “soul,” affirming their existence in the world.

The “cleansing of the soul” process carried out by Odo Laguna in the “Memory Corridor”—that was the power of “Gluttony” to sneakily conduct it while hungrily snatching such away.

Thus, “memories” and “names” devoured by Gluttony would not remain within anyone. There were cases of those who had only partially lost their “memories” or “names,” but the respective repercussions would still apply.

With “memories” abducted, the individual would have no recollection of their counterpart; with “names” taken, others would forget them too. That was the nature of the “soul,” and as long as it remained under Odo Laguna’s protection, it could not be altered.

Yet for some reason, Natsuki Subaru remembered.

Both “memories” and “names” had been stripped away, yet the food he should have been served remained stripped down to his naked existence at that moment.

This was illogical.

Why, why, why—


“The interest in big brother is rising, I think. Rai is going to curse me though.”

Licking her lips, Louis felt her cheeks flush with arousal.

He had been fixated on this being. If she were to sneak a bite on this, even Rai would surely be greatly displeased. Despite being incredibly kind to his little sister, Rai held the mutual understanding that such swaying of their appetites was contingent upon their mutual satisfaction.

Appetite was the essence of “Gluttony” — the essence of living for Louis, Rai, and Roy.

To have it recklessly ravaged would make her inner self uneasy.

“Should you pilfer a dish that you’re looking forward to, even if it’s your own brother, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to be murdered. —Oh but, this is simply delightful, big brother!”

Kneeling over, she pressed her lips against the nape of the boy pinned firmly against the floor.

It was a heady existence, a non-physical experience. As he was only in a state of “soul,” he wouldn’t taste of sweat. Truly, pain was just an illusion, yet she had no intention of imparting that knowledge.

The affection she felt to be intertwined simply burst forth. —It appeared that the owner of this “memory” had an immensely firm fixation on this boy. A palpable sense arose.

“Well, now that applies to us anyway.”

No matter if it is a “memory” from someone else, it is hers now, gained afresh.

Louis began to understand why Rai and Roy feared “Erosion.” While she did not share their fears, she knew their premonition was right — surely, if this continued—

“We will surely fall in love with you, big brother.”


“…Huh? That’s disgusting! How horrible of you! We’re girls too, you know? It’s cruel to confess like that! Ah, you’re squirming again. Stop it, big brother! Stay calm; it won’t hurt, okay?”


“We would never hurt big brother. After all, you’re just too adorable. So relax, okay?”

Regardless of how tenderly she spoke to placate him, he continued to resist fiercely with desperate writhing.

Countless times being called by the name of “memory,” Louis was finely trembling in euphoric sensations. Such ecstasy could only be tasted by someone who retained precious memories of the party whose “name” had been snatched away.

In a sense, it was a taste Louis had never savored before.

—An unknown, sweet, luscious fruit.

“Natsuki Subaru.”

—What flavor do you carry?


In search of the answer to this sweet curiosity, Louis gently licked the nape of the boy. Calling his name, she savored the sensation of his soft hair against her tongue, caressing it sweetly.

In the sense of wishing to be filled, appetite shared similarities with sexual desire.

At such a point, as the affection toward the boy soared to such heights, the fact that she could sate this unending appetite made it akin to a sticky mating ritual.

Those who cared for one another intermingled within the essence that was Louis.

Just how profoundly divine that taste was—

“—Thank you for the meal!”

Having thoroughly enjoyed it, Louis offered her gratitude in adornment.

That was the procedure of the meal for “Gluttony” — calling the name of those she wished to consume, peeling a piece of “soul” from the body encompassing it, and indulging herself with it.

—“Memories” were like sediment accumulated within the “soul.”

They could be served upon a white plate and garnished with beautiful words.

However, when everything is stripped bare and exposed, the futility of beautifully dressing everything is displayed. That was Louis’s perception of the power of “Gluttony,” this very privilege to lust after and consume “souls.”

Thus, everything tied to the “soul” of the boy before her would become thoroughly unveiled.

All that remained was to mingle it with the memories of a girl that was already within Louis and savor the chemical reaction that would ensue—


A voice echoed that should not have been heard, and for the very first time, Louis found herself facing Natsuki Subaru.

Until that moment, it felt as if they had been conversing without genuine communication, as if they faced one another yet didn’t truly meet. It had only been a vague encounter, reminiscent of a dream.

At this, Louis was thrust into a wholly new scenario, abruptly receiving some hue.

“What did you just say?”

“…Did you just call me ‘your memory’?”

A fierce gaze laden with antagonism met Louis’s inquiry.


In that instant, a distinct, strong vibration echoed within Louis’s frail little chest.


Why, despite having ingested “memories,” was he so unfazed?

Why did he continue to glare at Louis with those eyes?

Why was Louis’s heart pounding so intensely, filled with dread?

Why, why, why—so many whys?

Perhaps this was an impulse that could be referred to as a premonition.

“Why do you remember us, big brother?”

With her gaze fixed on the back of Natsuki Subaru’s head, she first suspected a potential mishap in her meal.

For there were essential procedures that Louis and the power of “Gluttony” could never forgo.

The foremost one was knowing the name of the target to be consumed—it was an indispensable element for interfacing with the “soul.”

Consequently, should she come to possess a false name, the power would become ineffectual.

There had been several cases where her meals went awry before.

In such cases, it was always either Rai or Roy who had faced the consequences, whereas Louis herself had never experienced any downfall—

“Big brother and brother, they were gnashing in distress…”

What if she experienced her own backlash?

Yet, as she waited for a response, none of the envisioned consequences seemed to fall upon Louis.


However, within her, she could indeed feel new “memories” flowing in.

“In the ‘Sage’s’ watchtower, with companions, there were ‘tests’…”

Delving through it, Louis was engrossed as if reading a book that born from her own mind, tracing the revived “memories.”

Not only had she encountered no repercussions, but she had also successfully carried out the theft of “memories.”

Through that “memory,” she understood what Natsuki Subaru and his companions had been up to, along with how they had strayed into this “Memory Corridor.”

What else remained was recognizing the exceptional characteristics of Natsuki Subaru—


At that instant, the magnitude of the shock that rocked Louis couldn’t be articulated.


She became flabbergasted and stood aghast, feeling her strength drain as her eyes widened.

In the split second of weakness, Natsuki Subaru took advantage of this and extricated himself from Louis’s grasp, maintaining an undignified fighting stance.

It was nearly laughable in its ridiculousness, but Louis couldn’t find the capacity to laugh.

She had no time to waste on such frivolities.

The sheer impact of facing something inconceivable pierced through Louis’s small body.

It was—

“Why do you have memories of your death?”


“Not just that. It’s more than that. There’s something off here, big brother. You have the memory of death. How strange! So very strange! But odd—because…”


“Because within the ‘memories’ we devoured, there was no ‘memory’ of you having been killed, but you have the memory of having been killed!”

This was truly abnormal.

A paradox blossomed, an occurrence that shouldn’t have existed.

Oh, could this be the effects of Natsuki Subaru’s “memories”? The range of words ought not to have been known to her; however, the paradox had emerged. —A paradox, a paradox, through which emerged Schrodinger’s Maxwell’s Einstein, rising like a phoenix—!

“What does this mean!? What the heck are you talking about!? ‘Memories’ are not the same as delusions! The sediment attached to a ‘soul’ cannot be twisted at will! Therefore! This is the world you’ve seen! This is history, this is your story, big brother!”

Raking her long golden hair with her fingers, Louis felt the storm within her flame.

Not even a second could she bear to keep such a storm bottled within. Should she do that, Louis Arnebe would explode, scattering into fragments.

“New… new new new new new new new new! A new perspective!”

That moment had arrived.

It was a meeting with something unimaginable, something she had never seen or considered before—a thing beyond imagination.

Lightning pierced through her whole being, rendering her incapable of thought. What else could this be but fate? What name could she assign to this feeling?

“Are you perhaps like us, big brother? Aren’t you one of the Archbishops of Sin?”


“We’ve never met directly, but Peterlgeuse did say! The factors must have reached us. The sin casual seats were filled, so all of us would be united eventually! Could it not be that the vacant seat was yours… my seat?”


“Ahahahaha! Don’t get angry, please! Don’t confuse us any more, big brother! My head is filled to the brim; my tiny chest feels as if it could burst with how hard itache. Oh, oh, oh! Amazing, amazing, amazing!”

With her fingers tapping rhythmically on her temples, Louis gorged herself on the “memories.”

Unbelievable. Unbelievable. There was no room to believe—none beyond “Gluttony.”

Because they could share the same “memories,” Louis trusted the strides Natsuki Subaru accumulated. —No, this was not merely about trust; she recognized it as an undeniable fact.

After all, this was also the path that Louis Arnebe had treaded.

“Oh how ‘Prideful’! How unfair, how unfair! So unfair, so unfair, so unfair, so unfair! —No, wonderful! Big brother, you can truly die. you can die over and over!”


“Wow! You really are dying! What a horrifying way to die, big brother! Over and over, without a shred of adequacy. How can this even happen, big brother!”

Applause erupts, a standing ovation, congratulations for your existence.

Gratitude for the miracle of meeting you, a train of fate heading towards the future we share.

“An overflowing inspiration! Innovation sparked through stimulation! Big brother, you didn’t come from here, did you!? Oh, I can hardly…”

With her feelings soaring, Louis inadvertently realized the opportunity before her. —No, she leaned closer to the voice inside her.

Knowing things she had never known, having been born into an unfamiliar world was clearly Louis’s exquisite course satisfying her curiosity.

However, what she focused on most was the aspect of Natsuki Subaru—

“—‘Death’ ‘memories.’”

Something that should not even exist—absolutely ought to not exist. A memory of the aftermath of “death.”

That was fundamentally unlike superficial near-death experiences. It was a truth where the “soul” shattered apart, life was severed, and breath ceased entirely.

It was the boundary between this world and the next, across the River Styx; instead of swimming or crossing, it was the “memories” that 다시 paint the life stripped away.

“—‘Return by Death.’”

This was the name Louis unconsciously bestowed to that most significant “memory” that arose within her.

Accumulated experiences of “death” were embedded as “memories,” and what shouldn’t have been imprinted even once was passed down into her very essence.

In that way, Natsuki Subaru had overcome all kinds of tribulations.

“Ah! How marvelous, big brother! Truly, that’s amazing! I’m so moved! I’m literally impressed. You really can do this. Overcoming ‘death’, what a freedom, what a freedom!”


“Stop with the modesty! We genuinely want and envy you! Because no one possesses ‘memories’ of death!”


“Why, why is that? How is it that we can ‘consume’ memories and not be harmed? What’s so special about you? Is it ‘Soul Save?’ Backup? Permanence? It’s all so confusing!”

Within Natsuki Subaru, there were as many “memories” of his “death” as there had been countless times.

That dazzling moment was something Louis could not attain any other way. More than that, the fact that one could continue to “die” was a power worth envying.

“—I want it!”

She desired the power of “Return by Death.”

Not because of the ability to repeat death, of course, that fresh thrill was a seductive factor that drew Louis in. More than that, the most important aspect was the ability to ‘begin anew.’

—Louis Arnebe sought the best life.

And from the lives consumed, Louis formed a conclusion drawn from her experience: the best life isn’t about being wealthy, being loved by many, or having a high position.

The best life is a life where “everything goes as one wishes.”

Where everything occurs as believed, as expected, and as wished.

No failures will occur, no discrepancies, and no injustices—an idyllic worldview.

Finding a way to make that a reality had been the pursuit of her life. That answer had been a haunting darkness that never materialized within Louis, but now she grasped it.

“—‘Return by Death.’”

If she could possess this, then she could reclaim unfavorable events or recover from making mistakes.

As long as she was aware of what was to come, she could respond to it. It wouldn’t matter what blunders awaited her, what injustices were in store, or what incompleteness she may encounter; as long as she knew.

“We could live the best life—!”


“How can we take it? How could we seize ‘Return by Death’? If it’s a power, it wouldn’t suffice to simply consume it. It’s distinct from the ‘memories’ or ‘names.’ The Witch Factor is opposed to Odo Laguna! It won’t be so easily relinquished! So…”

Thus, if they were to seize the power, they must necessarily take it alongside the Witch Factor.

However, Louis knew of no way to sequester the Witch Factor. Until then, she never sought the powers of the other Archbishops of Sin; those fools were simply too vile to touch.


“Hey, big brother, do you still have the powers of that idiot Petelgeuse you killed?”

The “Invisible Hand” within the “memories” housed there was slightly weakened, but it undeniably belonged to that madman. That was undeniable proof that a multitude of Witch Factors had been accumulated within Natsuki Subaru.

If the Witch Factor were stockpiled, supposently—

“I will certainly, by any means, seize ‘Return by Death.’ Your powers represent our hope. If we can acquire that, we will…”


“We shall finally be able to live our own lives!!”

I want to be happy.

I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy.

I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy.

The method for achieving it lay right before me… that method…!


“—Stop with your imprudent chatter! You think ‘Return by Death’ is anything special?! You can never grasp the feelings of those who don’t possess that power!!”

Such painted sayings and narratives were far too tedious to Louis.

The idiocy of someone who had thoroughly enjoyed that power would foolishly refrain from using it.

Therefore, she must seize it. Absolutely.

How could it—

“How can we take the power… No. It’s not right. It can’t be! It’s just wrong, it’s so wrong and so far away from what it should be! It’s because of Gluttony! Greed!”

Louis clapped her hands forcefully, her eyes snapping open.

With her sharp fangs bared, she applauded just how insightful she was.

Before long, the means and the purpose flipped entirely.

But not like that. No, it’s not like that.

What Louis truly desired was to “Return by Death,” and she wished to seize that power to live her best life farcically—seizing it wasn’t her ultimate goal.

Having been the Archbishop of “Gluttony” for as long as she had, it was quite easy to develop a twisted way of thinking, which was not good. It was troublesome. It would ensnare her in fixed ideas. That was the cause of her failure.

It was simple. Rather than stealing it—

“—we should just become you.”


“We will become you, big brother! If we, Louis Arnebe, become you, we can consume the power of “Gluttony,” allowing us to integrate the Witch Factor. Since you have the ability to store that.”

Saying so, Louis tugged at both her cheeks, yanking painfully.

This wasn’t an adorable gesture, nor was it done with goodwill; it was to slice through flesh and blood and separate herself.

“What do you know of the three great magical beasts? They are said to be the creatures born from the powers that those before us wielded. We can do something similar. While we’ve had no reason to pursue it… But, you see…”


“—If we truly want to, we can do anything!”

That was the essence of a monster of potential.

That was the purity of possibilities waiting to bloom before they were born.

That was the destiny of those who were meant to live the best life from this point onward.

—That was the fate of Louis Arnebe, the happiest being that existed.

“—That is who we are.”

The slowly crafted words of Louis overlapped, resonating forth.

This occurrence of identical sounds was neither an auditory hallucination nor a mishearing. It was the audible manifestation of events— the same voice, the same intonations, the same being who echoed together.

“Speaking of which, the ‘Arnebe’ constellation is the Lapine?! And that you big brothers are the ones who ultimately brought about the Great Rabbit’s downfall? Given that, wouldn’t it be less of a surprise? Choosing between why we popped up or why our adorable little Louis-chan came up would make big brother stagger from joy? Perhaps not, because it seems you’re not the type to have a crush on a little girl. Hmmm, is that right?”

Observing the other with wide eyes in horror, Louis linked arms with the indistinguishable presence beside her, which was indeed another Louis.

In this “Memory Corridor,” a place separate from reality, Louis had coalesced as a manifestation of the Witch Factor and the “soul”—all while seemingly the three siblings matched their names to the legendary three great magical beasts, but that was beside the point.

In any case, by fracturing the Witch Factors, Louis Arnebe multiplied into two.

Surely Rai and Roy, who feared losing themselves if they learned of their replicable selves, couldn’t pull off such a feat. Knowing that one could duplicate oneself would inevitably lead to letting go of one’s very essence.

However, it wouldn’t affect Louis, who had initially barely established her own identity.

There could be a single Louis and now two Louis—just like that.

Thus, Louis Arnebe would acquire the powers of Natsuki Subaru.


“Eh? What?”

Natsuki Subaru, the vessel of the Witch Factor, exclaimed something.

As she gazed upon him, not only did the allure of the “Return by Death” come into play, but also a deep-seated fondness surged forth. This was both abominable—thus, Louis abandoned the “memories” resurface in her consciousness.

She discarded the sense of sweetness, ripping it from her “soul” as one would throw away something no longer of use.

—No, not merely to cast the “memories” aside. The truth is there was truly no need for it.

All of the “memories” were merely a bridge until she unearthed the life she desired—a mere blog of trims.

However, Louis Arnebe had finally arrived at her full-course meal.

“—We can do anything if we want to.”

So let that be a reality.

From inside, she would infiltrate the identity of Natsuki Subaru—thoroughly sucking dry the Natsuki Subaru she had infected…

Louis Arnebe would take possession of Natsuki Subaru.


Throughout the last remnants, the vessel uttered something.

Yet whatever it had expressed mattered little now. She licked the sediment attached to the “soul,” inheriting the “memories.”

And within the vessel who remembered nothing at all, Louis would personally join the Witch Factor.

What remained was—

“All that’s left is to wait for it to finish.”

In the “Memory Corridor,” waiting was something she was greatly accustomed to.

The problem lay in managing the “memories.” To retrieve “memories” taken from a once-consumed target, innovative mechanisms were required. The gourmet qualities of the “Gluttony” power wouldn’t recognize a copy matching the same name or quality as a different dish.

Thus, the “soul” must be altered in taste.

She had to make it so that what once was tasted by Louis should be something entirely new and different.

The most exquisite— Louis Arnebe’s highly sought-after flavor would have to be born.

With counts of anticipation, she licked her lips, endlessly waiting—


“What is it? Did you see what you’ve been longing for? —Louis Arnebe.”


Caught off guard by the sudden address, Louis’s eyes widened in shock.

After blinking several times, she grasped her surroundings. Surrounded by a white expanse, a white floor, and an entirely blank white world, she stood there with a dazed expression.


She placed a hand upon her own face, feeling the textures.

There was no mirror here, so she had no way to see reflected back, but this sensation was indubitably her own face. In a place lacking appropriate forms of recreation, touching herself constituted her only entertainment.

Hence, she had grown bored of her own face. Therefore, having touched her over-familiar face ultimately allowed her to know how her own visage and body had fared.

As it turned out, it was restored. Yes, restored. —This is indeed the body of Louis herself.

“Did you see what you’ve been longing for?”

Observing cautiously, Louis felt a wave wash over her, wondering the meaning of the question once more. Her gaze lifted, and she found herself meeting the eyes of a figure standing right before her.

With short black hair and keen, penetrating white pupils, the unfortunate boy stood before her in ragged clothing.

His name was Natsuki Subaru. Just a moment ago, he was the existence Louis had synchronized with as a Witch Factor, and furthermore—


—And yet, his was a being suffused with the unfathomable insanity to possess the power of “Return by Death.”


Opening her mouth wide, Louis screamed.

With all her might, to the utmost of her ability, she poured every ounce of her being into that shout.

Without doing so, she feared being crushed entirely by the weight of despair, terror, and dread.

Endlessly drowning within the madness of a lunatic who persistently traversed unto death.

“I don’t want to die! We don’t want to die! No, no, NO! No! NO! NOOOOO!!”

Shaking her head, she collapsed to the ground, desperate to push herself away as she pleaded with all her might.

By merging with that existence, Louis had tasted “death.” She had savored it. She had experienced the reality of “returning by death” after partaking of a “soul.”

The “memories” of “death” that had tormented her were of no adequate comfort.

“Why must I bear that…?! I can’t endure such torment! The feelings of loss! I can’t take it! It’s impossible! Absolutely impossible! No!!”

Never once did she have an easy death.

Not once did “death” feel sweet to her.

Not ever had she wished for her own death.

“Enduring that is reserved for monsters! For beasts!”

It was impossible. It could not be done.

As Louis devoured the lives of numerous humans, desecrating countless “souls,” she had sought her own life.

Believing she possessed the right and privilege to that—she had lived until this day.

Yet—yet—the premise began to crumble.

“I wanted to be happy. But now, my desire is different.”

“I don’t want to die.”

“I don’t want to die.”

“I don’t want to die.”

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!”

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!”

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!”

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!”

“—Thus I said when you tried to devour me.”

Cradling her head, huddled down, Louis desperately attempted to shield herself.

While a voice towered from above, mocking her soft despair.

That was something she wished to avoid. The fear of hearing could not be underestimated. Although she feared the horrors lurking, she also dreaded that which awaited should she remain ignorant— the fear of dying.

Thus, she had no choice but to listen.

And as she cowered before that voice looking down upon her, it continued.

“I warned you, remember.”

“—You will absolutely regret this.”
