Chapter 444

‘……Completely read me.’

DieHard was most incredulous about Outlaw’s vision play that lurked in the faint shadows even though he had a clear view with his spear.

If Nidalee had secured vision with a trap instead of a spear, it would have been a clear failure of a play.

One could say it was a ridiculous gamble.

Yet, despite this, DieHard threw his spear as if drawn by something and was ambushed by the hiding Outlaw.

It was certainly a highly risky play, so why did it feel so convincing?

‘……Is that ridiculous vision play really possible in a real match?’

In fact, this question was rather meaningless.

Regardless, what mattered was the undeniable fact that he had fallen perfectly into Outlaw’s vision play.

[“Where did Kha’Zix go?”]

[“What? When did he get there?”]

The cover from the allied bot lane came rushing in but was to no avail.

Not knowing whether he had soared to the skies or sunk into the earth, Kha’Zix smoothly slipped away.

It goes without saying that during that cover, the already struggling allied bot lane turret was further exploited.

[“Ah… This can’t be happening.”]

[“Guess we have to give up bot.”]

After the failure of the cover, the balance of bot lane was completely shattered.

It was beyond the point of recovery.

[“It’s okay, it’s okay! Let’s try again. It’s not unfair yet.”]

Top laner Kim Mang-ki said that while encouraging his teammates.

Of course, if asked whether he genuinely meant it, DieHard would say no.

The incident that started in mid, coupled with the enemy bot lane’s quick join, had also spread to the jungle, completely wrecking the already struggling jungle.

Now, DieHard had reached a point where he couldn’t even enter his own jungle.

He had no idea when or where Outlaw’s Kha’Zix might be hiding.

‘Ah, those bot lane bastards…’

DieHard briefly thought that, but quickly shook his head.

While team members might mess up, blaming them would lead to the worst outcomes as a pro.

Thus, DieHard gritted his teeth and set out to somehow recover the wrecked game.

Well, that’s what he intended to do.


When did he even come?

Just as he threw the spear at the Blade Beak and, thankful it was still there, dashed in with W to nab it—

Out of the bush, Outlaw’s Kha’Zix reappeared.

Had Nidalee checked the bush first instead of throwing the spear at the Blade Beak, she would have spotted him, but it seemed Outlaw read even that.


It was infuriating.

So infuriating that he wanted to do something about it, but sadly, right now all DieHard could do was struggle and be hunted down.

[“I’m coming!”]

Mid laner GogoSing was on his way to cover, but DieHard instinctively knew.

It was hopeless for survival.

Now, DieHard’s Nidalee, no longer a cougar, was thoroughly hunted down like a mere cat by the predator.

After desperate writhing, he barely managed to flee to the turret, but Outlaw did not hesitate to chase while hitting the turret.

– The allied has been slain!

– The enemy is on a rampage!

Just one hit from the turret.

Kha’Zix took that hit and smoothly slipped away with Nidalee’s bounty.

[“Where did he go?”]

Again, despite the allies coming to cover, Kha’Zix slipped through them.

Meanwhile, the fairly decent control of mid lane had also surrendered to the opponent.

Solo kills in the jungle were hard to come by, and if they occurred, they had the power to disrupt the balance of the game.


DieHard stared blankly at the gray screen.

After being killed in quick succession, he noticed something strange.

‘Could Kha’Zix really be in this position at this time?’

The first time he died to Kha’Zix was in the enemy jungle.

So, if Kha’Zix had shown up at the allied Blade Beak now, it meant he had come straight here after killing Nidalee without returning.

Otherwise, there simply wouldn’t be enough absolute time.

But the problem lay with the initial question.

How on earth could Kha’Zix be waiting here?

‘Could it be… he planned this from the start? Since the moment he killed me?’

It was absurd.

He already knew Outlaw was a skilled player, but this felt like he was facing a god of the jungle.

Especially for DieHard, since he had practiced with Outlaw back when he was in YSG, this feeling felt even more foreign.

‘Has he… grown?’

After Outlaw left the team, YSG had become stronger than before.

But it wasn’t just YSG that had changed.

Outlaw too had distinctly transformed from the time he was with YSG.

It was as if the heavy atmosphere of LCKR was making Outlaw grow even further.


On the other side of the arena, a silver-haired girl, possessing beauty that surpassed elegance, had now appeared in DieHard’s eyes as a monster.


Back-to-back solo kills.

In the jungle, a solo kill could only occur when there was a clear skill gap, meaning the impact on the game was colossal.

Soon, it was not an exaggeration to say that the game had completely flipped.

[“Nice! What’s up with Kha’Zix!”]

[“Good job, Yujin.”]

Having fully seized control in the fight between junglers, I was now free to do anything I wanted.

It could be said that I had seized complete freedom.

If I wanted to take the dragon, I would take it; if I wanted to take the Rift Herald, I would take that too.

Additionally, if I wanted to gank the enemy laner, I was free to do so.

To say I had completely won the fight in the jungle meant that.

No matter what I did, the enemy would simply be thankful that they could only farm jungle camps in response.

“I’m gonna take the dragon. Keep bot as is.”

[“Roger that.”]


With bot gaining control and mid lane also not falling behind on wave clear, the dragon naturally fell to us.

– The red team has slain the Wind Dragon!

“Let’s rush it. We’ll check the Rift Herald in two minutes. Can Ji-hoon come along?”



At that moment.

– Enemy slain!

Victory echoed from the top lane.

Renekton in a duel with K’Sante, Honor’s K’Sante had slain Mang-ki’s Renekton.

[“Oh, what the! Nice!”]


Because it was an unexpected solo kill, the power of that moment was even greater.

In a normal matchup, while K’Sante would naturally have the upper hand in terms of value, at least in lane, Renekton was considered superior.

While it would still be uncomfortable for Renekton to farm against K’Sante, known for his ability to oscillate pressure, it was still a clear advantage.

However, following the successful first top gank, Mang-ki’s Renekton was caught by Honor’s K’Sante and fell.

This meant that the setup that YSG should have had was broken.

At that point, support was no longer necessary to take the Rift Herald.

The game had not just gone well; it had gone exceptionally well.

“Ji-hoon, just pressure bot.”


Since the enemy Nidalee was definitely too scared to come near the river, the Rift Herald would soon belong to us as well.

– The red team has slain the Rift Herald!

In professional games, the value of the first Rift Herald was so crucial that it could be said to determine the victory or defeat of the game.

The first Herald was a core of snowballing and a vital object that secured the advantageous team.

It was the same now.

Using the first Rift Herald, we took down the mid tier one turret while significantly damaging its health, and soon after, our allied bot lane, who had broken the bottom turret, began to siege mid, forcing the opposing mid tier one turret to not hold for long.

It was hard to say the enemy composition was excellent at defending the mid tier one turret.

[“Let’s go!”]

Perhaps it was due to the setup already being laid out.

The young Kai’Sa went completely unhinged, using her ultimate right in the middle of the enemy territory without hesitation.

In regular circumstances, such an act would be a hard throw, but having grown so well, she slaughtered the enemy with just a single use of Stopwatch.

– Finish!

The allied champions surged toward the opponent’s Nexus, and the game ended.


An overwhelming win in the first set.


“You all did great.”

“Young one did well at the end.”


“Alright then, let’s do well in the next match.”

Soon after, the second set began.

It seemed like YSG’s mental was severely shaken after the overwhelming first set, as they couldn’t even bring forth half of their original skill.

But then again, mental is also skill, and this is the merciless world of pros.

[“Let’s finish this.”]

[“Route it!”]

For this moment, we focused purely on the game, without any concern for our connections or rivalries with YSG.




2:0 OLZ overwhelming victory.