Chapter 439
Chapter 439. The Footsteps of Taboo
The Demon Lord’s Prince, huh.
Ah, I get it.
I’ve been thinking about that for a while.
—To be honest, it’s a really clever plan.
If I take the Emperor’s head, the morale and command structure of the Imperial Army will crumble. If I can also take out high-ranking commanders, royal knights, and the imperial nobility along with him, it’s a bonus.
‘Oh? How rare it is for you to straightforwardly say “they’re fair game.” Usually, you would start talking about the strength and preparations of the Demon Lord’s army…’
When it comes to fighting the Demon Lord’s army, surprisingly, we don’t actually need that many high-ranking commanders.
Why? Because in battles against humanity’s enemies, the Holy Church has command authority.
‘…Ah, I see. So the hero and priests act as high-ranking commanders.’
The national army, especially the nobility, hate to relinquish command authority and cause all sorts of trouble, so sometimes it feels better for them to not be involved at all.
However, nobles are usually mages, so we definitely need them as a fight force. Also, we can never have enough field commanders to actually move the small units of soldiers, like squad leaders and such.
Back to the topic, if we’re going to go for a beheading operation… using a demon’s title won’t raise any eyebrows. No matter how brutally we kill them, the Empire’s wrath will be directed solely at the demon race. The duchy won’t face retaliation.
Plus, if I rampage and shower blood, I can also weaken the Empire’s ability to re-invade the duchy, while letting the complacent folks in the rear realize the grim reality.
—However, this seemingly perfect plan to storm the Demon Lord’s Prince has a major issue.
‘Oh? What is it?’
The hero.
The Holy Church indeed doesn’t meddle in politics. They’ll just watch this war unfold.
But even in such a scenario, if a Demon Lord’s Prince appears, that changes everything. Whether it’s a battlefield or a wedding venue, they’ll come crashing in without question.
And it’s not just Arthur… It’s every hero and priest in this town who can move!
In the worst-case scenario… I might end up fighting against Arthur and the others…!
While I pondered such dangerous thoughts, I glanced at Arthur next to me.
“What’s wrong, Alex?”
“Uh… it’s nothing.”
Arthur tilted his head slightly.
I don’t want to fight. That would be a major hassle.
‘Hmmm? What is it?’
Suddenly, Antendeixis, who had manifested, entwined around me and gently caressed my cheek with a hand only I could see.
‘You should just fight to your heart’s content… and use it as nourishment for yourself.’
A chill ran down my spine. So seductive… and poisonous was this whisper.
This is his true nature.
I… want to avoid killing Arthur as much as possible.
‘That’s precisely why that feeling gives rise to power, you know?’
That’s not what I’m getting at.
Killing him for some meager gain isn’t worth it.
This mysterious, handsome guy walking next to me with a bewildered look—there’s no doubt he’s a hero of humanity. A person who can confidently be called a savior.
He’s stronger than any hero I’ve seen in my previous life. A top-tier existence.
Not only is he strong, but with those combined techniques with the【Avalon】, he can uniquely bestow exceptional and extensive physical and magical resistances to fragile bases and personnel.
An indispensable strength in humanity’s fight against demons. An absolutely necessary hero.
It’s not just about me getting stronger; he’s an irreplaceable asset…!
He’s not someone who should be wasted just to beat up a bunch of rabble masquerading as an army!!
I can avoid killing Arthur while committing some taboo to earn power sufficient to compensate for not killing him.
But the reverse is impossible. No matter what I do, it’s unattainable!
No matter how many people I save, it won’t replace the ‘savior’ role!!
I can’t drag him into this petty battle, much less Arthur.
‘I see.’
Antendeixis chuckled.
‘Since you think that way, the outcome when you take action will likely be quite significant…’
I believe all lives are equally precious.
But I know the weight of death differs… especially on the battlefield.
“What then? If you can’t crash in as the hero, what else is there besides crashing in as the Demon Lord’s Prince? Or—”
Clearing his throat, Antendeixis once again let out a sneaky grin.
‘—Will you set Leila loose as a dragon? The Imperial Army surely won’t be prepared for a shower of light from the sky, will they?’
Are you serious?!
Tactically, it would be incredible…
The rumors of the White Dragon among allied territories would become scandalous! Sure, she’d be a savior for the duchy, but… the fact that a White Dragon suddenly descended and roasted humans would remain.
And if the rumor about the Demon Lord’s Prince gets involved, that would be a nightmare, right? It’s not just Leila in danger; other White Dragons that escaped to the allied territories would also face quite the hassle…
That’s… bad.
‘Hmph. That badness pertains to Leila and the White Dragon’s public perception, I suppose?’
Antendeixis scoffed.
‘Is their public perception more important than humanity’s future?’
…No, calm down. Let’s sort this out.
What options do I have?
【1. Crash in as the hero】
【2. Crash in as the Demon Lord’s Prince】
【3. Get Leila to roast things for me】
‘1 is out due to the Holy Church’s restrictions. 2 would mean I could massacre anyone I encounter. 3 is out since it would ruin the White Dragon’s reputation… Now, look! Only 2 is left!’
I told you, it’s bad if I end up fighting Arthur!! It’s not just Arthur; I don’t want to lose the folks from the Holy Church in this silly battle—
While I was thinking that, we arrived at the Holy Church branch in Kaemuran.
“…Hey, it’s been a while, you two.”
There, I unexpectedly laid eyes on a face I never anticipated.
I blinked in disbelief.
Why are you here?
Raising a hand covered in leather gloves in greeting was—
“Bishop Lexar…”
An experienced priest clad in a dark red coat.
“It seems the duchy is in quite a predicament.”
Bishop Lexar sighed with a look of concern, surrounded by lightly armed heroes.
The reliable members of the Vampire Hunters were inexplicably gathered in Kaemuran.
Why… please don’t… just having Arthur around is already giving me a headache.
If Lexar and the others stay here at this timing.
It’s going to turn into a fight… risking me along with—
The Demon Lord’s Prince Zilbagias…!