Chapter 6-31: “A Suggestion for Co-living in the Tower”
In the end, the conclusion of the meeting to strategize for the second layer “Electra” was postponed.
While there were no concrete breakthrough ideas flowing during the discussion, the main reason for postponing the conclusion—was Subaru’s stomach growling.
“Now that I think about it, I revived after two days of being unconscious and immediately started the tower’s攻略… no wonder my stomach is growling.”
Once the conversation stagnated, a loud growl from his stomach echoed, and only then did Subaru realize how hungry he actually was.
It’s not like “You can’t fight on an empty stomach,” but hunger affects your ability to think. As a result, triggered by his belly’s complaints, the meeting was temporarily adjourned.
“To be honest, my stomach growling was a bit of a relief…”
Regardless of any strategies for the second layer, the testing trends at the watchtower began to emerge. With the malice of the questioner becoming visible, simultaneously, Shaula’s danger level became vaguely clear—originally, her combat ability was something to be wary of, but her empty-headed demeanor and her familiar attitude towards Subaru had diminished that tension.
“—If you have fun with me here, it’ll be great!”
Whether it’s for days, years, or even hundreds of years—Shaula confidently declared this, which made Subaru finally remember her previously forgotten danger level. Should I really be considering it like that?
“I’m not planning on doing anything, but if it comes to a situation where we have to suspend our攻略 and escape, it’s a given that she’ll turn on us…”
Thinking back to the multiple rules Shaula had mentioned regarding the攻略 of Pleiades Watchtower, Subaru recalled:
Breaking the rules during the “exam,” disrespecting the office, and damaging the tower. If any of those are violated, Shaula would transform back into an enemy just like when she initially blocked entry to the tower.
That’s something he wanted to avoid, both in terms of combat ability and emotionally.
“That said… as Shaula mentioned, spending years here doesn’t sound realistic, so I’m not inclined towards it…”
Every time Subaru turned his attention to the攻略 of the tower, an innate sense of unease crept up from various aspects.
He and his friends had already dedicated over a month to this journey to Pleiades Watchtower. Even if they managed to resolve the “exam” smoothly and complete the攻略, considering the same amount of time for their return to Pristella, it meant at least three months of travel.
Of course, he didn’t want to pull out midway because of the prolonged duration, especially considering the potential conflict with Shaula, but the Royal Selection involving Emilia and Anastasia had a deadline.
In total, there were three years—over a year had already passed, leaving them with less than two years left.
The time available, as well as the time that must be accumulated, was certainly not infinite.
“But if we keep worrying about tomorrow’s tomorrow, we won’t get anywhere. First and foremost, we need to think about tomorrow based on today. For that…”
“Eat plenty of food right now?”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
Beatrice raised her finger sharply at Subaru’s words.
With the discussions wrapping up thanks to his stomach’s protests, Subaru spent the time until meal preparation exploring the tower—particularly patrolling the fourth layer, designated as the residential area.
Walking alongside him was none other than Beatrice, holding his hand tightly.
Regularly holding hands was for Beatrice, the contracted spirit, to directly collect mana from Subaru since he was experiencing some issues with his gate. However, even aside from that stipulation, Subaru wanted to hold hands with Beatrice, and she had no objections.
“And during those two days when I was bedridden, you were uneasy, right? So today, feel free to cling to me without worry.”
“Are you joking? I am simply collecting extra mana for the time I slacked off while you were bedridden. Especially in this tower, I want to be absolutely well-prepared.”
“Then why were you still holding my hand while I was sleeping?”
“That’s unrelated to mana; it’s for the fulfillment of my heart, so it doesn’t matter.”
Beatrice, proudly asserting it had nothing to do with mana, only made Subaru feel even more embarrassed and amused, yet he chose to keep that thought to himself.
Regardless, Subaru was completely on board with Beatrice’s plans.
Given the previous “exam,” there was no way he could dismiss that the exam’s content on the upper layer might also require combat skills, but that possibility couldn’t be ruled out. Furthermore, the strengths of Subaru and Beatrice’s duo extended beyond just combat. He wanted Beatrice to be at her best for any strategizing and manipulation they had to do beyond fighting.
“Alright, Bea. Enough about me. Keep draining my mana and get chubby…!”
“Just because you leech mana doesn’t mean I’ll get all fat! Besides, you’re well aware that Subaru’s base mana quantity is limited. It’d be a tad troublesome if I drained you and you collapsed!”
“Hey, hey, so what am I supposed to do?”
“So at least, make sure you eat until you’re full, rest well to recover your strength and mana, and also try to spend time with me. That’s your mission!”
“Seems like you’ve mixed in a bit of your loneliness from being left behind while I was bedridden, huh?”
Balancing impatience with endearing sentiments, Subaru observed the sudden presence of footsteps coming from the hallway.
As the sound grew louder, Emilia appeared from the direction, noticing Subaru and Beatrice and exclaimed with wide eyes before rushing over.
In her hands was a metallic container shining in silver—a bucket.
“A bucket? Emilia-tan, are you this diligent even at times like these? Vocal practice?”
“Hehe, what are you saying, Subaru? Sure, I do get helped by Bucket-sensei for singing practice, but this isn’t the time for that.”
“True enough. So why the bucket?”
“That’s so Bucket-sensei can get back to her original job.”
With a smile, Emilia thrust the bucket forward, revealing it was filled to the brim with water. So, indeed, it was a return to Bucket-sensei’s practicality.
However, the very fact that she had managed to fulfill that role raised a question.
“Where did this water even come from? Isn’t the only thing around here the sand sea?”
“Oh, that’s a misunderstanding, Subaru. If you go way beyond the tower, there should be a great waterfall. There’s tons of water there…”
“You went that far just to bring back a measly bucket of water for me. For me!”
“I wouldn’t mind that much for you, but that’s not the case. Actually, the spirit in that green room provides the beautiful water.”
“Isn’t that amazing?” Emilia burst out with a slightly competitive yet proud tone. But what pleased Subaru was her previous statement, implying she wouldn’t hesitate to fetch water from the great waterfall for him.
“Oh, while savoring that joy… but wow, that spirit in that room is really incredible. They can heal injuries and even do things like this?”
“If it’s only to produce water, both I and Beatrice can manage with magic…”
“But due to the intense miasma surrounding the sand dunes and the watchtower, it’s best to avoid using mana that has been tainted by miasma for drinking.”
“That’s what it means.”
“I get it.”
Beatrice supplemented Emilia’s explanation, and Subaru accepted the contents.
Throughout the journey so far, had it not been for relying on magic to ensure crucial drinking water, it would have been challenging to manage under ordinary circumstances. As long as they had mana, they wouldn’t have to transport large amounts of heavy water; simply preparing a container would give them free access to it. That ease of magic was unparalleled.
“Not that it’s environmental pollution, but is it possible that miasma could lead to mana pollution? After all, is it harmful to the body if you ingest it through drinking water?”
“I can’t say if it results in drastic changes to the body. However, consuming a lot means accumulating miasma internally. If that happens, you could ultimately end up like Subaru, who attracts beasts. That’s chilling.”
“I know for a fact that this body type is quite hard to live with…”
Though Subaru often leveraged this body type effectively at key moments, it rarely served him outside of emergencies. In fact, while casually hiking, he was at risk of accidentally being surrounded by beasts.
Having a body that attracted beasts was something far better off not possessing.
“That’s why we use the water provided by the spirits in the green room as much as possible. We’ve been getting by like this while you slept for two days.”
“Ah, I see.”
Subaru was quite impressed by the unknown living conditions within Pleiades Watchtower.
In hearing about the spring water, a natural question bubbled up within Subaru, related to his caution regarding Shaula.
“Alright, the water situation’s fine, but what about food? We had stocked up on supplies for crossing the sand sea, but there were some troubles.”
“Don’t worry. Even after all that, food hasn’t just disappeared from anywhere. Everything remained, right in the dragon cart. But…”
“No matter how well we distribute it, it’s only enough for about a month at best.”
Excluding drinking water, there was a weight limit to what could be loaded onto the dragon cart. Plus, the need for food wasn’t limited to Subaru and their companions; their dragon mounts, Patrasche and the Giant, needed food too. Taking that into account, the food they had packed would only last about a month.
It wasn’t enough just to escape the tower; they needed to攻略 Pleiades Watchtower properly and return safely to the nearest city within that month.
That was the time limit Subaru and the others had to work within to攻略 Pleiades Watchtower.
“That said, I don’t intend to stay here for a month.”
Subaru smiled at Emilia, who briefly looked uneasy.
There were deadlines and plenty of challenges ahead, but backing down wouldn’t get them anywhere.
“After all, within just one day… well, technically, I missed the start, so it’s the third day since arriving at the tower, and I cleared the first ‘exam,’ while Emilia-tan cleared the second ‘exam’ with ease.”
“It wasn’t as easy as it sounds…”
“This is a moment where you use bravado, so let’s stick with ‘easy.’”
With a haughty expression, he pointed his finger at a serious Emilia, then he took Beatrice’s hand, placing his chin on the head of the girl standing in front of him.
Thus, both Subaru and Beatrice looked up at Emilia.
“Even if the opponent is the strongest ‘Sword Saint’ in history, it doesn’t matter. That eyepatch-wearing harasser will be crushed by my tricks and Bea’s power, and we’ll break through quickly!”
“Is that so? That seems rather overconfident to me.”
“That word isn’t used much anymore.”
“Hey! That’s unfair! YOU can’t say that. It was Subaru and Beatrice who said that!”
Emilia flustered, her cheeks reddening, responded to the combined tease from Subaru and Beatrice.
With the familiar exchanges mixed in with a new pattern, Emilia seemed to let out a sigh, as if to say there was no option.
“Alright, fine. I understand. Somehow, when you say it, Subaru, it sounds like that’s a simple thing. But it feels reassuring.”
“Yeah, go ahead, believe in me, rely on me, and love me. I’m your knight for that very reason.”
“That’s right. I’m counting on you, my knight.”
“Right now, the part where you said ‘love me’ has me flustered…”
Her weariness was casually brushed off, leaving Subaru feeling slightly taken aback. That’s what happens when banter becomes so smooth that it avoids causing any real shock.
At any rate—
“Even now, allowing Emilia-tan to fetch water is strange. This is supposed to be a knight’s job… though it doesn’t really feel like it, it should be the servant’s job.”
“It’s fine. Subaru is my knight, but I don’t necessarily want us to be in a master-servant relationship. I just want you to be by my side. That’s enough; you can just stay quiet and sweet while you recover.”
“What are you saying, Emilia-tan? If you pamper me like that, I might just die of happiness!?”
“And since I’m in charge of dinner duty today, I want to do everything myself from start to finish!”
“It’s ambiguous how both are genuinely expressed, which makes Emilia hard to decipher.”
Inflated with motivation, Emilia proclaimed confidently, prompting Beatrice to let out a sigh. Subsequently, Beatrice waved her hand while still having Subaru’s chin resting on her head.
“Now, Emilia. Regarding that, since you’re here, Subaru won’t calm down. Preparing food will take longer, so it might be best if you head out first.”
“Really? I see. Then, I’ll head out for now. So be ready.”
“Make it something to look forward to.”
While Subaru was left utterly disarmed, Beatrice ushered Emilia away. In doing so, Beatrice’s response to Emilia reflected their subtle differences in perception.
“I’ll call you when dinner is prepared, so don’t wander too far.”
“I might be in the fourth layer, but I wonder if you’ll hear me…”
“I’ll call out loudly.”
“…I got it.”
The charming exchange completed, Emilia waved while holding the bucket and faded into the corridor. Watching her go, Beatrice looked up at Subaru, still perched atop her.
“It would help if you could settle down soon.”
“…Yeah, I’m good. I don’t quite get it, but Emilia-tan seems incredibly dear to me. It’s as if I crossed through a world where everything else faded, only to reunite with the real Emilia-tan’s smile.”
“I can’t even fathom what you mean, really! And…”
“And what?”
Subaru dramatized his feelings for Emilia to Beatrice. Still, Beatrice threw her back against him, fitting snugly within his chest.
“Honestly, it’s so unfair that it’s only Emilia. You’re supposed to be Beatie’s partner. I want you to behave with that awareness.”
“You really are cute.”
“Stop it already!”
Subaru, overwhelmed by her adorableness, picked up Beatrice and rubbed his cheek against her while spinning around the corridor.
“Don’t worry, relax! You’re precious to me. It’s just that right now, everything looks magnificent, but among them, you shine exceptionally. Bea, I love you!”
“W-Wait, okay?! I got it, I got it! Just put me down! I get it! I really do! Just put me down already!”
Beatrice blushed, shouting frantically, but Subaru wouldn’t let her go.
Still spinning around in delight, Subaru continued to gleefully roam the fourth layer.
Their joyful voices echoed until Emilia called out loudly, “Dinner’s ready!”
※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Now, that said, they didn’t spend all the time just spinning around until the meal.
Beatrice’s presentation of the fourth layer’s tour and guide was reasonably thorough under her position as a two-day resident compared to Subaru, who had no consciousness.
That being said, the place was still labeled as a watchtower.
It was improbable that anyone had given any thought to the living conditions, and in reality, even the fourth layer treated as the living area had no comforts at all. The only unique features were the treatment facility called the green room and a large room connecting to the stairs leading to the third and second layers.
Apart from the grand staircase to the lower levels, there were simply various small rooms haphazardly placed.
“I don’t have a map, but it’s a layout that would definitely feel unsettling if I did. I really dislike buildings that seem poorly designed in their foundational stages…”
“What are you talking about…? When the nature of the ‘exam’ is that cruel, it’s pointless to care about the human nature of the creators. It’s way too late to care.”
“Ah! Right there—you’re talking bad about the creator! This little one just insulted the master who built the tower! Is this okay, master?! If we let this slide, they’ll just get cocky! This is the moment to scold them like an adult! And any leftover indulgence can come my way! Bring it on!”
“Shut up…”
Shaula, who seemed to be taking gleeful delight in playing the role of a devilish advocate, grabbed onto Beatrice’s words. To be fair, Beatrice’s remark hadn’t really been an insult, but it was bothersome.
To explain the difference among Subaru, the creator, and the “sage” each time wasn’t practical, especially taking advantage of that misunderstanding.
“Hey! Stop playing around and making noise forever! Shaula, calm down.”
“Aww, I don’t agree! This is discrimination against little ones!”
“Honestly, if Subaru had really done something wrong, he wouldn’t have spoiled Beatrice and would have properly scolded her. The very fact that he hasn’t means that you evidently haven’t done anything bad. Furthermore, it’s natural for little kids to be cherished. Both me and Shaula are just going to have to suck it up.”
“I’m not okay with being treated like a kid just because I’m younger than Betty…”
“Well, well, show us a bigger person here.”
Subaru chuckled as he soothed the sulky Beatrice.
When Emilia called that the meal was prepared, the group gathered in the large room on the fourth floor—the place where supplies were offloaded from the dragon cart.
In the dining area, everyone except for Rem and Anastasia, who were absent due to unconsciousness, was present, making it a full gathering.
Everyone around except for those two meant—
“—Before we eat, may I say just one thing, Emilia-sama?”
That was Juliuss, who had entered the room last.
He had been focused on recuperating in the green room, but there were ulterior motives to why he chose to join the meal here rather than return it to the green room.
With Emilia presiding over the area, she nodded in agreement and replied,
“Of course, go ahead. But there’s really no need to ask for permission from me.”
“Since Anastasia-sama is absent, the person who ought to be most respected in this room is Emilia-sama. Moreover, I’ve already caused trouble out of my own accord. In this scenario, I hope to avoid being disrespectful.”
Emilia’s affirmation had Juliuss shake his head slightly.
His polite demeanor, meticulous reasoning, and thoroughness were very much characteristic of him. However, that did not mean that everyone here received his words positively.
“You’re commendable for your mindset. I just wish I’d known this long ago,” said Ram, her expression cold and unyielding.
Her eyes and tone remained as perfunctory as ever, but her expression seemed harder than usual. It felt as if the warmth of her usual care had diminished.
“Only Balus is recklessly stubborn and foolish. Especially when someone you hoped would be reasonable jumps ahead, it’s only natural to feel disheartened. I want you to refrain from putting me in that position again.”
Ram’s harsh remarks toward Juliuss carried a certain ice-cold demeanor.
While her voice and eyes remained unchangingly chilly, it seemed like the usual care she had exhibited was noticeably diminished.
“Ram, that was excessive.”
“I… apologize, Emilia-sama. I will be more mindful in the future.”
As Ram quickly apologized after Emilia had called her out for being harsh and acknowledged Juliuss with a nod, there would be no further pursuit of reconciliation after.
It also seemed wrong to blame Ram, who visibly had less composure than usual. She didn’t despise Juliuss, nor did she harbor any ill will. She simply wished desperately to save Rem and was intent on devoting her heart and soul to achieving that goal.
“I caused great trouble to Lady Ram and everyone else.”
Understanding this truth, Juliuss saw Ram’s chilly demeanor as a rightful consequence of his actions and refrained from retorting in acceptance.
Taking time before the meal, Juliuss wished to discuss this matter with clarity.
Although Juliuss’s motivations behind his reckless independent actions had an inkling that Subaru vaguely understood, whether Juliuss could forgive his transgressions was an entirely different matter.
For that initial step, this was a necessary ritual.
“Yes! Juliuss, you’ve apologized. I will accept the sincerity behind that apology. Thus, I have nothing further to say about that matter.”
With a clap of her hands, Emilia accepted Juliuss’s apology. Both Subaru and Beatrice nodded at the same time.
“I already expressed everything I wanted to say, so it’s only fair out of courtesy that I refrain any further.”
“Beatie too is going to show you courtesy. You can make up for this with your contributions in the future.”
“—I’m sorry.”
At two prompted responses, Juliuss only managed to mutter as he closed his eyes.
Following Subaru and Beatrice’s responses, it was Meily who reacted to Juliuss’s apology next. Sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, she absentmindedly fiddled with her braided hair.
“Well, you survived, so things should be fine, right? I’m not even concerned about the knight guy.”
“The master said to let it go, so I’ll let it go too. Let it go uh-huh!”
“No, that’s not how it works…”
Seemingly bulked up on indifference to Juliuss’s plight, Meily’s statement was more of a signifying direct connection than anything intended out of concern. Following her lead, Shaula appeared scarcely regarding the matter.
While Shaula, a member related to the tower, gave off the vibe that she wouldn’t exhibit any friendliness toward anyone other than Subaru and slightly Meily, Meily’s position was also an entangled one.
Notably, it was Ram, who had remained discreet, neither fully accepting nor denying forgiveness, who lacked a phrase of acknowledgment.
She merely smoothed out the front of her white robe, gazing down at the meal.
And Juliuss quietly received and accepted that. Aside from him, Subaru and others did too, as this was solely a concern between the two parties, where others shouldn’t interfere.
“—Then, let us properly eat. Today, Ram and I prepared it.”
“We didn’t use any fire, so aside from a bit less manly, it should be decent.”
“Yes, very much so. …It seems odd to say it’s decent, doesn’t it?”
Regaining her composure, Emilia led with that introduction. Her subsequent clarification led her to tilt her head in confusion, but Ram provided no follow-up.
With that, a precious meal was prepared around the watchtower.
Much of the food loaded on the dragon cart consisted of preserved items like jerked meat or smoked goods. Naturally, they avoided low-quality dining experiences and a lack of balance—however, magic came into play again.
With Emilia’s mastery of ice magic, it was possible to establish simple refrigeration arrangements in conjunction with the dragon cart, ensuring that fresh ingredients could also be included.
Thanks to that, they maintained a solid degree of stability in their dining circumstances, thus being able to store some fruits and fresh foods as well.
“Nevertheless, I need to use any perishable items up quickly.”
“Complaining over such matters is a sign of luxury. Truly, E.M.S (Emilia as a Cooking Goddess)! Thanks to the journey, Emilia’s culinary skills have really improved, and if possible, I’d want you to cook miso soup for me for a lifetime.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow you…”
That was the playful exchange Subaru had concerning Emilia, who had visibly improved her cooking skills throughout the journey.
Wishing for Emilia’s culinary help during their current journey, they adopted a shared duty roster for meal preparations. Of course, it was organized with careful consideration, ensuring no one would be left to cook alone.
Because henceforth, a girl who would burn their ‘Daisukiyaki’ into oblivion wasn’t around any longer.
This was because she had primarily been responsible for cooking without the use of fire.
Incidentally, among the travel members capable of preparing proper meals were Subaru, who learned cooking skills from a year of being a servant, Julius, who was competent at anything he did, and surprisingly, even Ram, who could cook decently upon putting in the effort.
Notably, during their expedition to Pristella, the three men—Subaru, Otto, and Garfiel—had decided on their cooking duties through rock-paper-scissors.
“—So what? Are you upset because I’m looking at you?”
“…Well, I mean, after traveling for a month, I still can’t quite get used to the fact that Ram can cook.”
“What are you talking about…”
Ram, having heard the undercurrent of Subaru’s comment, sighed deeply.
“Just because I don’t cook in the household doesn’t mean I can’t. I simply choose not to. There’s no reason to think beyond making steamed sweet potatoes, and I don’t plan on making regular recipes. That’s work best suited for Frederica and Petra.”
“I see… well, that’s fair.”
“Yeah, it is. But, why’s steamed sweet potatoes so special?”
Contemplating her own words, Ram displayed a furrowed brow of doubt, while Subaru let out a slight sigh.
In every aspect of domestic skills, Ram had always lagged behind Rem.
However, upon the dislodging of Rem’s memories from her world, Subaru grasped that their relationship wasn’t as it had appeared on the surface.
Indeed, while Ram certainly was capable of managing all types of tasks, doing so had nothing to do with Rem’s absence.
In other words, it would have been possible for Ram to do the same work she did now, back when Rem was still alive. The reason she didn’t do so was likely linked to her inherent laziness—or so one could conclude.
Subaru preferred not to dig too deep into that aspect.
Currently, Ram wouldn’t be able to understand the full meaning behind such sentiments. And, regardless of the results that followed Rem’s return, it would be something that needn’t be spoken of, he concluded.
Despite everything—
“I can imagine, but your eating style lacks even a sliver of sophistication.”
“Munch Munch… Huh? Master, did you just say something?”
Turning with a furrowed brow, Subaru eyed Shaula, who was stuffing her cheeks with food to the brim.
In this world, characters who squander their beautiful girl elements were not uncommon, but Shaula was clearly among the top class in that regard, comparable to Liliana.
With her hand stuffed full, she resumed her lively chatter.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full! Either eat or speak, pick one!”
“In that case, I’ll chat with Master! I could talk with you forever!”
This was an unusual deviation from the expected response of merely continuing to eat, as a buzzing loyalty seemed to compel her spirit while remaining compliant with his directions, effectively reducing her danger level significantly.
What a curious odd mix of her nature, abilities, and riskiness that simply didn’t match who she was.
“Naked ladies are all about great eating habits, huh? Were you that hungry?”
“I don’t think it was so much hungry as this tastes incredible! I thought I didn’t care much about food, but if this is the flavor, I’ll willingly become a half-demon’s apprentice just for this taste!”
“Eh? Apprenticeship, with me? For cooking?”
Without stopping her eating, Shaula confidently chugged down her mouthful and then jabbed her finger at Emilia. Surprised, Emilia nodded several times in response to Shaula.
“This cuisine is pretty good, after all. My eyes can’t be fooled. I’m going to raise my cooking skill and wrap around your stomach, keeping you awake tonight!”
“Your ambitions are so transparent…”
“Shaula, I understand your feelings. However, becoming a chef is genuinely challenging and treacherous. If you’re willing to face that, I might just genuinely consider you as my apprentice.”
“Emilia-tan sometimes comes off as boldly presumptuous at odd moments.”
For the most part, today’s meal was mainly Ram’s handiwork. It was amusing watching Emilia, under the impression she had the knowledge of culinary mastery, and Shaula, who overly admired such amateur cooking.
“What to say, the world still has plenty of delectable choices available. Emilia-tan’s cooking is—while filled with love—is still rather ordinary otherwise. How are we living otherwise?”
“I’m grateful you asked that, Master. I lead an utterly extraordinary eating life! Most of the time, we just roast the beasts we hunt and eat them!”
“Hunting beasts, like… outside amongst the magical creatures?”
Upon Subaru’s inquiry, Shaula crossed her arms, puffing up her chest proudly.
Her consumption choices are somewhat hazardous. Though he refrained from voicing his thoughts immediately, Subaru took a quick glance back at Beatrice and queried directly.
“This evening, we just talked about how it was mentioned that water created with miasma pollution shouldn’t be consumed.”
“It’s hard to say if the meat of magical creatures is good or bad for you. However, it’s generally said that you must avoid careless decisions. There’s a chance it can still have adverse effects, though it won’t be outright dangerous.”
“It seems records mention researchers aimed at consuming magical beasts in the past.”
While Subaru smoothed out Ram’s furrowed brows with a finger, Juliuss presented an intriguing—yet somewhat unsettling—tale.
He smiled silently, but seeing Subaru inquire, Juliuss responded.
“Understandably, magical beasts typically exhibit aggressive tendencies towards humans. There may be instances during marches or travels where food becomes scarce. Still, magical beasts that dominate a territory make their presence known without hesitation. They always charge forth to attack. Consequently, it wasn’t unusual for anyone to believe they could obtain consistent rations by defeating them.”
“So, did it pan out?”
“It appears there was endless trial and error alongside a variety of challenges while improving the provisions. However, they didn’t deliver stable results. Although it won’t lead to immediate harm…”
“But what about the taste?”
“Reportedly quality posed significant issues.”
At the mention of taste, Subaru gave a bewildered face.
If the taste was terrible, using spices or other enhancements should minimize it any easier. While it did stand to reason that the meat from omnivorous creatures would be somewhat gamey, as long as it wasn’t poisoned, surely it could have been dealt with differently.
“Everything I mentioned is merely what I gathered from the literature. But, Shaula, what did you discover from your experiences?”
“It tastes like filthy water that’s been dirtied with sand.”
“Ah, that’s the taste you can’t easily cover with seasoning.”
“If you want to taste it, I’ll gladly make you the roasted Famine Horse! It’ll be horrendously terrible, but addictive. Just kidding!”
Now, owing to her inability to imagine anything disconcerting, Subaru couldn’t exactly chastise Shaula for her enthusiasm when it came to meals.
Politely declining the opportunity to try a roasted Famine Horse? He’d gladly do that. By all means, that disgusting beast was already burning bright and falling apart before even getting to the roaster.
“Still, food matters were quite the dilemma…”
Letting out a sigh, Subaru rubbed his forehead.
Before him, there was a beaming Shaula stuffing her cheeks full of food, while Emilia, evidently inspired by Shaula’s enjoyment, appeared dangerously close to adding more food.
They had a strict time limit of about one month, encompassing the remaining rations and more.
But if Shaula kept up this pace with eating, Subaru realized the quantities could dwindle even faster.
※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
After finishing their meal and taking a moment to wash up with spring water (mainly wiping off their bodies), they dispersed as sleeping hours approached.
Considering the situation, holding a round-the-clock攻略 conference at the tower would seem like the right approach for a serious攻略 team. However, honestly, it was hard to come up with a solution given their current state.
Leaving tomorrow’s matters to tomorrow’s self—even in saying that, it felt a bit too carefree.
“In reality, it’s not a problem that will just suddenly resolve itself. I’ve got some time.”
The intricate nature of the “exam” hinted at a greater depth of difficulty. The possibility remained that they could end up facing the second layer unprepared tomorrow.
Rather than hypothesizing, the idea of simply throwing caution to the wind should they actually hit a wall—it was worryingly possible, yet at least he figured that the exam proctor, the first “Sword Saint,” likely wouldn’t carry out a kill order on them just yet.
Perhaps through conversations, the direction for攻略 could become clearer. Emilia had previously managed to draw compromises through her discussions.
“To do that, I need to keep my mind clear. So I’ve got to eat well, rest well, and be fully prepared.”
With both palms pressing against his cheeks, Subaru shook away all the concerns running wild in his mind.
In general, Emilia and others nodded along to the sentiment—as in, they were left with no other choice at the moment.
And thus, they decided to disband for the night. Each one would return to their respective quarters of the dragon cart, where they’d prepare for the following day’s events, resting for now.
“Subaru, Beatrice will be in the dragon cart with Emilia and the others.”
“Oh, got it. Thanks, Bea. Don’t stay up too late. If you grow too much taller, you might end up small… but that would be cute. Okay, be sure to stay up late, Bea.”
“I don’t need to worry. Beatrice won’t get any bigger from here on out. I’ll stay cute from here on out. So, it’s perfectly fine for me to sleep early.”
Yawning, Beatrice waved goodbye, and they parted ways. Just before leaving, Beatrice took Emilia’s hand and said goodnight to Subaru as she moved away.
“Emilia-tan, take care of Bea. Until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, until tomorrow. …Just don’t stay up too late, Subaru.”
Emilia didn’t chastise him for staying up late, merely advising him not to do so too excessively. With her departing up the grand staircase toward the lower floor, Subaru stood with a light stretch and made his way down the fourth layer’s corridor in measured steps.
His destination was obvious, the green room—home to the ivy-laden door.
Once there—
“Is it you, Subaru?”
“…And you!”
Just outside the door, he ran into Juliuss, who seemed momentarily surprised at Subaru’s appearance.
He had just been about to enter the green room himself, and upon spotting Subaru, his bewildered demeanor transitioned into a knowing nod.
“Ah, I see. Apparently, you’ve arrived here for the same purpose as I did.”
“Though our purposes might differ… If you’re willing, I might step aside for you tonight?”
As Subaru made his offer, Juliuss slowly shook his head, looking toward the closed door. After a moment of silence, his amber eyes returned to Subaru’s.
Then, Juliuss took a step backward, like he was yielding the entrance.
“In this situation, I’ll yield to you. After all, you have just awakened from two days of unconsciousness. While I can report that you’re safe, she has likely been longing for the night.”
“…Well, if you’re yielding, I guess I can let you yield.”
Subaru scratched his head at the formal phrasing, giving Juliuss a quick glance. While his demeanor suggested he was composed, Subaru struggled to perceive the subtle nuances hidden behind his expressions.
“Are you really okay with this? You want to be by her side.”
Thus, Subaru felt compelled to utter his concerns aloud.
Juliuss smiled lightly in response to that.
“It’s true, I would prefer to watch over Lady Anastasia when she awakens… However, when she finally stirs, what voice should I greet her with? Additionally, I harbor uncertainties, which is wretched of me.”
“The first words should be, ‘I worried about you. I’m relieved you’re awake.’ The second words… well, that depends on you.”
“Why did you laugh? I thought I was giving a serious answer.”
Regardless, Juliuss seemed unimpressed by his honest approach, and the reaction stirred inside Subaru a sense of surprise as Juliuss turned away and began to walk off.
“I’m yielding this occasion. I’m heading back to the dragon cart to rest. I’m feeling a tad worn out tonight.”
As Juliuss raised a hand in parting while walking away, he casually voiced his feelings. Whether it meant he was indeed recovering enough to discuss the “exam” or that he was just trying to be stoic was beyond Subaru’s understanding.
He didn’t get the impression it was just a struggling front, but—
“—Juliuss, it would be better if you waited for Anastasia to wake up. I’ll wake you after my business is done, so do that.”
“I’ll tell you this, but I’ve got to say I’ve regretted more times than you. Since that’s my advice, take it seriously.”
The last shout drifted back to Juliuss as he disappeared down the hallway. Subaru couldn’t say how Juliuss took that, but he assumed he would handle it correctly. At least enough trust existed from Subaru’s side to warrant that.
“…I’m coming in.”
Brushing away thoughts of Juliuss, Subaru pressed open the door and stepped into the green room. The dim light enveloped the space, brightly highlighting the interior inhabited by a significant amount of lush greenery. On the woven bed, two girls lay sleeping.
Anastasia on the nearer bed, and Rem on the back bed—the two of them.
“And on the very last one, it’s you.”
As Subaru entered, Paトラッシュ raised his head from where he lay, throttling a soft sound of greeting. The dark-scaled Earth Dragon looked at him with the ease of someone who seems to know that Subaru was coming.
Recognizing the bond, it seemed that perceptive Patrasche had sensed Subaru’s arrival, as he shifted his body, leaving a half-open space for Subaru to sit by him.
“You’re doing well—thankfully, your wound has healed well.”
With a chuckle, Subaru traced his fingers across Patrasche’s glossy scales.
After battling the Famine Horse underground, the evidence of the injuries he received had improved greatly over three days of healing. Naturally, Patrasche often kept his ailments under wraps, and this time it seems he genuinely was alright.
“Indeed, that spirit in this room is really beneficial. There is nothing I can express how grateful I am. This would have turned into a disaster had this place not been here.”
There was no way to say that Patrasche was injured, but to mitigate the damages in crossing the Augria Sand Dunes had been done with relatively small repercussions.
The only injured were Subaru and Patrasche. Thanks to the green room’s properties, both were able to recover quite well—a success to be noted.
In the aftermath of the second layer’s “exam,” where Juliuss and Anastasia had been harmed, the green room’s presence had continuously saved them all. It felt as if it had been specifically prepared just for them.
“Well then…”
Having verified the signs of affection with Patrasche, Subaru took a brief, refreshing breath before stepping toward the back of the bed—toward Rem.
As he approached the end of the bed, the vines rustling with sounds filled the air, forming a chair beside him.
“Truly, this is care beyond comparison.”
Just moments before expressing the gratitude he had felt, the green room’s spirit was demonstrating exquisite hospitality. Thus it felt almost like he had been currying favor for treating him so well.
Feeling contradictory, Subaru settled by the bed.
“Juliuss said Rem might be anxious to wake up, but…”
That was a misconception.
Because it wasn’t about Rem waiting in solitude; it was undoubtedly Subaru harboring the longing for the moment when they could chat undisturbed.
※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
—Subaru noticed an unusual occurrence when he felt a light shake on his shoulder.
Lifting his downcast face, Subaru blinked several times in confusion. Reflexively, his body reacted before his consciousness could catch up.
Gradually, his awareness slowly resurfaced and caught up with reality.
“Did I… fall asleep?”
With a hand resting on his chin, surprise washed over Subaru as he realized his consciousness had drifted into slumber.
The location was still within the green room, apparently, as he had fallen asleep sitting in a chair next to Rem’s bed. However, the sensation in the chair felt entirely different from what he had previously remembered.
The impromptu chair without a backrest in his recollection had transformed into a shape equipped with a padded backrest to support his slumbering body, forming an accommodating, egg-like shape. The spirit’s intention showed too much hospitable thought.
Thanks to it being excessively comfortable, he had inadvertently turned a light nap into an actual sleep.
“I guess I’ve been a bit out of it… wait, Patrasche?”
Murmuring about the weariness he hadn’t acknowledged, Subaru suddenly turned, discovering the origin of his waking, with Patrasche’s long tail just brushing against him.
His beloved dragon rested comfortably atop a grassy spot, curling his body as they peacefully shared the space. Patrasche seemed to urge Subaru awake by brushing his tail against his shoulder, which was the very moment.
“—No way…”
Following Patrasche’s gaze, Subaru dashed toward the back of the room—the side of the bed previously occupied by Anastasia.
Past tense was used as the bed showed no occupant, a discovery that sent a jolt of panic coursing through Subaru as the significance hit him.
“After acting so high-and-mighty in front of Juliuss…”
It turned out he had fallen asleep and deprived Juliuss of the chance to meet with Anastasia upon her awakening. That realization set in by merely reading the atmosphere.
—No, the issue spread beyond that.
“What shall I say when she awakens? Where did she go? The bathroom? Did she not call for me?”
He didn’t mean to question whether or not she asked for him to accompany her to the toilet. The truth was that Anastasia—more accurately, Echidna—had simply disappeared from the green room while he had been off in slumber.
After the second layer “exam,” how could she simply vanish without a trace? He didn’t want to consider the scenario that she had decided to challenge Raid for another round.
“Wait, the bed’s still warm… I need to search.”
The warmth lingering on the vines from where Anastasia had lain implied she hadn’t been gone long. Fueled by Patrasche awakening him, Subaru began to analyze.
“Patrasche! Keep an eye on Rem! And thanks for waking me up!”
Hastily waving a hand to acknowledge, Subaru hurried out of the green room.
In his frantic mindset, he felt utterly at a loss regarding where Anastasia had headed. If it were him, he would have preferred checking on Emilia and Beatrice’s safety first, leading him to think she was likely going to join Juliuss.
“No, even now, she’s supposed to be inhabited by Echidna! That’d make it too straightforward. So then…”
There weren’t enough bodies in the vicinity. Exposing his own shame for dozing off was a necessary route, but he aimed to solicit help from others to probe into both Anastasia’s absence and the inexplicable bird encounter.
As he attempted to call for help, he froze.
It was an involuntary reaction, one birthed from shock and astonishment at witnessing something out of place—what was, in fact, an impossible sight.
Before the stunned Subaru, something drifted languidly across the view before him.
It was a bird with white wings, gracefully soaring through the corridor that wasn’t particularly spacious.
“Why… Is there a bird inside the tower?”
In disbelief over spied features, Subaru panted out his astonishment.
In processing his surroundings, the walls of Pleiades Watchtower had no openings to let anything outside in. An entirely closed structure, the only link from inside to outside existed via the large door located on the fifth floor.
As far as Subaru understood, there certainly weren’t any windows, either, nor did Beatrice hint that a passageway existed as she led him about the fourth layer.
“Hey! Wait up!”
Confronted with the imposing sense of deviation, Subaru hurriedly chased the bird, now appearing distant.
He felt a moment of hesitation pass through his mind. Should he pursue this bird alone or whether he should share about his discovery regarding Anastasia’s disappearance and this mysterious bird with others to seek assistance?
However, in the instant that passed, Subaru chose to follow the bird’s path. He felt that losing sight of it bore higher risks than the latter course of action, driven solely by an instinct he couldn’t articulate.
Naturally, the unsuspecting bird held nothing back, soaring off elegantly, leaving Subaru behind, ever more distant as it flew further away.
Following close, he gave pursuit relentlessly until finally—
“—!? Did it vanish? There’s no way…”
He reached the far end of the corridor, gasping from the surprise surrounding the scene before him.
The pathway of the fourth layer formed into a circular design, looping partway through and cutting off at the wall.
At a clock’s face, it felt like a wall had blocked at the twelve o’clock mark, and either exit led back to this stopping point.
That contextual realization allowed Subaru to deduce that unless the bird could open a door, it would inevitably remain captured.
What was even more troubling was—
“The bird must have bumped into a wall or simply fell somewhere—unless that’s what’s happening…?”
His speculation gained traction, and Subaru stood scanning around uncertainly.
To his disappointment, there weren’t any rooms the bird could retreat into after its sudden appearance. Just as spontaneously as it had come forth, it flickered away into the air. He felt as if, in a dream like daze, it had played us all like marionettes.
But even as denial started to creep in, there was undeniable proof.
“—This must be a feather…”
After multiple steps had forwarded, observing the ground, Subaru spotted a single white feather laid before him on the stone floor. Though uncertain for certain, under the circumstances, this was most likely from the bird he had pursued.
That feather became irrefutable evidence of the bird’s existence. It could serve as information to share with Emilia and the others to assert, “A bird was inside the tower!”
However, it wouldn’t yield any solutions.
This feather would make no progress in situating legendary Anastasia who had gone missing—nothing else was here.
“…Wait, hold on… I see a feather dropped here, which means…”
Something must be present.
With that thought, Subaru began examining the surroundings, scanning the ground and the wall. He earnestly checked each nook and cranny nearby, pulling at stone surfaces and assessing different angles in hopes of uncovering any hidden mechanisms.
But no traps revealed their presence, only the promise of time slipping away left him to feel anxious. He figured he’d best call out to someone else–
In resolving to search again, his palm brushed against an oddly conspicuous section of wall.
The sensation turned his perception upside down—startled, he stumbled, glancing back at the wall in confusion—a moment removed from his initial position led to breakthrough.
“No way, did I just pass through the wall…?”
He cautiously touched the surface once more, feeling the kiss of reality. It happened when touching that particular section; the wall from his waist up appeared to vanish, revealing a pocket or segment of reality behind the structure.
That wall had deceptively appeared solid as though blocking bypass, mimicking the one crafted during Petelgeuse’s external shelter.
“—To cross the threshold without intruding upon its domain. That’s how this works.”
Crouching low, Subaru made his way through the illusory façade, creeping forward beyond it. Most likely, the bird had passed above and through here moments prior.
Whether this secret passage led to the outdoors or further depths within the tower, Subaru realized how crucial it was to discover.
The unknown darkness behind the illusion unfolded faster than expected.
Subaru emerged on the opposite side, driven by a surge of air. He realized he had instinctively held his breath as he skulked through the ethereal obscurity.
Once his eyes adjusted amidst the roots, he was met by cool winds against his face, buoying his senses.
He opened his eyes slowly as they adjusted from the shadows to the sight beyond.
What lay unveiled was an inconceivably breathtaking panorama of the nighttime sand dunes observed from an elevated position. Spanning the sky twinkling with stars hung above him.
And amongst this—
The very setting he had entered appeared to be a balcony of the watchtower, where the wind tousled the purple hair of Anastasia, who was present, surrounded by countless birds that fluttered around her.